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Have you ever noticed when you take an action that your environment becomes interrupted by a cluster or series of unrelated events?

For example: Your house is quiet and you go to the restroom. Perhaps someone arrives home at the exact same time you get up. You start to notice things like this consistently happen. Or you shift from watching TV to doing a chore outside, a wild animal appears, someone drops something and makes a mess, or perhaps you hear an emergency down the street. It’s as if everything you attempt is interrupted by an external event as soon as you decide to move, refocus, or act.

When you do nothing, sleep, or get lost in a book or movie, almost nothing happens except a regular day’s cycle on the clock.

It is as if things are spawning outside your environment and invade when you’re done with your current activity. It’s annoying. It’s very noticeable today with constant internet use. As soon as you unplug and go back to reality, maybe you notice leaves on the trees moving and the wind kicks up. Something happened in sequence.

I have very little knowledge of what causes this. It could involve a sequence we have no control over. These seemingly random interruptions are almost predictable. It is not known if we have any power over them except they will occur.
I suggest try noticing it for yourself.
We can try to categorize events.

1. Events which occur that you do not notice. (Sun stays in the sky, electricity keeps fridge running, unknown person doing a job in a different country)
2. Events that occur because you noticed them. (Things that occur because you switch viewpoint, change thought, or start a new action. An internet search which brings up unfamiliar but similar images. Or turning around and see a car approaching in the distance. Driving to the bookstore)
3. Events that occur seemingly because you noticed a previous event. (A cluster of events similar or unrelated happened close together)
4. Precognitive event. Your gut has a bad feeling before action and a chaotic, similar event to what’s predicted occurs. More occurrences could follow or not.

A 1st person view may be involved. If you record from an outside perspective in a fixed location, you end up recording mostly “dead air” and not many events. The time in between which is not noticed in 1st person, but it will fill a security tape. The viewer or person appears to matter in the phenomenon.
You mean like every time you step away to take a piss (a minute at most), that is when the person calls? You might laugh at the statistical likelihood of something like that happening, but then you realize it happens like that all the time. It appears that statically unlikely things happen quite a lot.
Upstream (future) events cause a resistance in the present. This makes events cluster. It wears us out. It is like a battery being used. Why does a battery wear down with use, but mostly not if left alone? Resistance. Resistance events are future happenings (ahead of the circuit) that causes the present to flow. The hill ahead of us causes resistance and our tank of gas, in the present, quickly disappears. If there was no resistance, no clustering events, the gas would stay and we would not age. Nothing much would occur in the present without the future events which appear to happen in sequence.
Yes like that. From our perspective it can seem to be not random because of the timing.
happens to me all the time, just happened now when I went to the restroom
It would be more statistically unlikely that no one would ever knock on the door when you take a piss
Yes I know exactly what you’re talking about. It seems whenever a main character tries to do something something (usually negative) will happen. For example no good deed goes unpunished. Like I helped these people move some stuff to new home and I ended up getting flat tire for my kind deed. Also noticed that in most jobs if you get your work done early bc you worked hard and fast you get rewarded with more work.
The reality we find ourselves in is the kind where phrases like "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" hold true. This shit reality can twist the purest of intentions to lead to the most horrific and malicious results.
What about when you spent a long stretch of doing nothing all by yourself. Then suddenly three different people call you at the same time wanting you to do something right at that moment?
it's the cultural Schumann resonance
Never help normalfags, they are children of satan.
Not good intentions but idealogically correct intentions.
I've noticed this, I think realistically I comes down to people thinking the same logic and having similar timing. I notice people trying to talk at the same time and reaching to scratch or drink at the same time after a moment sometimes longer. After I explained it to my drunk friend who couldn't muster the strength to get up, I said well get up together on 3 because it will be easier for us both, it genuinely seemed to help
but also >>38462128
I've noticed at my job (I work from home) that important things requiring my immediate attention typically are sent to me every day, with near military precision, at 4:47pm. This means I always end up working past 5:00pm. In 5 years, the amount of times I have seen an important message come in before 10AM is zero. The only times I ever need to work is after work.
whenever I try to start improving upon self, friends or family that I know will drag me into draining experiences through feelings of obligation and disrupt schedules I've struggled to set in motion, be it sleeping at a regular time, eating properly, or doing work I need to get done
I need to learn to say no
I've noticed something similar as well. If I'm waiting for a phone call, the person will call the exact moment I decide to go to the toilet. Or if I'm waiting for a package to be delivered, it'll come right as I'm taking a shower.
I dropped a bottle cap earlier and at the same moment a car alarm went off outside
You can verifiably hack this system by doing a simple test. When you are driving in a urban or suburban setting and there are a lot of red lights, act like you want to grab you phone and unlock it at the first available red light. Sounds funny, but I guarantee you will find that the lights will turn green faster. I don't know if this works for everyone, but I found that reality verifiably serve me up with more green light if I am consciously attempting to get a red light to unlock my phone.

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