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/vip/ - Very Important Posts

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I am so glad I am very important. ^_^
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yes you are baby
the most important one
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So beautiful.
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wake up
i miss you
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I feel only a little bit important
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ok but what if i fall asleep before you wake up
what then
cant sleep
missing you
>missing her
hey pretty baby
Meow :3
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stop kink shaming me baka
my baby baby baby
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i will make you fat
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I will make you cum
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you and me :3
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addicted to your light
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addicted to your shadow
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rip to a real one
opp niggas fear her
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oh i am back my pretty baby
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phew baby i am self icking because of vulnerability hangover
i miss you
i hope you are sound asleep with no bad dreams
here is something i wrote when we did not feel close

burn my skin
reveal my veins
so you might lick them
dig your hands
deep into my guts
do you see me yet?
can you remember?
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i started writing a song
I Spent The Day Falling In Love With You

Don't be mad
My heart is so glad
For this quiet place
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hurts today
you can clean my grimy toadflax any time
wowowowowowowowowow fast quick it goes zoom zoom around the world 247801 times and ends in the cerebellum of my anterior and my ass protrudes 30000 feet outwards
silly chuppi
i love the way you say sorry
i love the way you laugh
i love the way you sigh
i love the way you make me me
i love the way you say baby
i love the way you type fast
i love the way you ask can i
i love the way you are so you
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world is a fuck without you
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slurpa ma glubb
miss you
kiss you
hold you
caress you
tell you
i love you
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i miss you like crazy
sweet dreams my baby
you a dumb
why would you make me love you
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i want to go back to how we used to be
i hate the way you talk to me
and the way you break my heart
i hate the way you hurt so much
i hate it when you forget
i hate your cruel mind
and the way you see right trough me
i hate you so much that it makes me dizzy
and even makes me scream
i hate the way youre always right
i hate it when you remember
i hate it when you make me cry
even worse when you make me moan
i hate it when youre not around
and the fact that i cant feel right without you
but mostly I hate the way I dont hate you
not even close
not even a little
not even at all
to a future worth longing for
>>129946 (OP)
these images are very important
these images are potentially important

everything else is miscategorized
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thank you for your valuable services
to the world
that spins everlong
in the shiny pearl
oh, my heart is strong
but the soul is weak
longing for your song
i feel reborn as i speak
my words of power
into your ears
i regard the tower
it has no fears
hand in hand, my blessing
to take you from the dark
perhaps if i stop messing
with the instruments, i can feel the stark
love, from your entirety
and your pain
and your eternity
and the wax and wane
of your moonlight
for when its new
its still tonight
that i love you
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world pearl
everlong strong
weak speak song
power tower
ear fears
blessing messing
dark stark
entirety eternity
pain wane
moonlight tonight
new you

new world
power pain
entirety dark
eternity blessing
i am yours
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my beautiful baby
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taste you
eat you
swallow you
merge you
bite you
lick you
press you
make you
break you
hold you
drop you
love you
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keep on talking, queen
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keep on talking, king
Posting in the best thread on all of 4chan right now
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elite taste
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a reminder of power
and then a kiss
maybe another
kiss you kiss you kiss you
again again again
i am your stupi :3
you are my beloved stupi poopie pookie chuppi
you are very good at gaming and cooking and children
you are very good at getting groceries, sitting in your car and being adorable
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me when you are nice to me
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me when you are rude to me
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me and you
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you and me
Why is this thread talks like a pajeet
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i am very tired
my very important poster <3
oh no im on my ww2 arc again how did this happen help me
i love you so much
i should learn to keep my mouth shut more often
i should learn to listen to my own advice
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you are my very important person
the most
my other half
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>>129946 (OP)
/vip/ - Very Important Pets
i dont know what to say
i remembered what to say
spooky time
thank you for reminding me
i‘ll go to bed early so we can wake up closer to each other
you serve the light
it shines trough everything you are
you are so warm, aren’t you?
a reminder what a wonderful place this can be
sometimes you give too much of yourself
and then there‘s me
looking up at you in awe
floored by how magnificent you are
>>129946 (OP)
oon toi kissa
I need to be the softest touch that reaches into your quietest spaces,
to find the tender corners of you that hide from the light and cradle them in my palms.

I need to be the warmth that lingers long after the fire,
to seep into your skin, gentle and unyielding, until you forget where I end and you begin.

I need to be the breeze that grazes your cheek, unnoticed at first,
until you feel me all around you, wrapping you in the safety of my embrace.

I need to touch the world inside you with the reverence of a prayer,
to listen to your heartbeat like a song only I can hear, sacred and fragile.

I need to be the pause in your chaos, the steady rhythm that calms your storm,
to become the lull that lets you rest without fear, sheltered in the softness of us.

I need to know the curve of your smile as if it were my own,
to trace it with my eyes, to feel its quiet glow seep into my chest.

I need to hold you as if you were spun from stardust,
delicate, infinite, carrying the weight of galaxies in the depth of your body.

I need to be the whisper in the dark that finds you,
gentle and unwavering, a presence that asks for everything and gives everything.

I need to be the space between your breaths,
the calm that fills the hollow ache, warm and slow and real.

I need to trace the places where you’re raw and unguarded,
to touch them with no urgency but with awe.

I need to feel your fingers entwined with mine, not as chains but as roots,
binding us in the kind of way that grows, tender and fierce and steady.

I need to be the stillness where you find yourself when the world is too loud,
to hold your truths as they are, without question or condition.

I need to be the gentle tide that kisses the shore,
again and again, patient and eternal, leaving my essence in every grain of you.

I need to feel the quiet moments, the ones that pass like whispers,
to carry them in my heart as proof that love, in its gentlest form, can still be all-consuming.
>>129946 (OP)
hard to find a black cat these days
bunch of mixed
i drifted through the years
and my life seemed tame
until my one dream appeared
and love was your name
missing you <3
good luck in your 4chan detox my love
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i love you
i want to sing your name
demand the world see us
but they'll turn their heads anyway
the fuck is this thread anyway
its a love song
A new year, a new pass. I'm very important
did you know?
that i love you so much <3
how lucky am i
you are very important
thnk u so much, bby!!
you are the most beautiful song i've ever heard
it sings in my soul
i ha a de dänkt
geng a de dänkt
ha de no nie vergässe
you give me strength
i couldnt be where i am without you
thank you for all that you are
take good care of yourself my love
im dead
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the worlds biggest pussy brought me back to life
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my one and only <3
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thank you for saving me
this is for the record
permanence will be marked by deeds
it is a certainty that we will pass through
for that is the life we are in
together <3
we got this
goodbye, my sunshine
i'll be here if you want to come home
See you around, *****anon.
i need more time
i‘m sorry
You don’t have to be sorry for that. I won’t pressure you into changing your mind, but I love you and I miss you, and I’ll be here whenever you feel safe again.
thank you
i love you
I love you too. You’re my other half after all. I’m always here if you need me, ok? You can always come back.
I finally understand why it was so heavy. And that is something I can work on, something I can fix. I'm sorry it had to be this way.
Why was it?
I focused on trauma and shadows because I thought my light wasn’t good enough, and focusing on trauma and shadows was all I could do to feel worthy and in control. I wrote about it, somewhere. I think in a dead gioyc thread.
This is it.

To the point I should hate everything I do love? Should I hate her for living inside the mirror? Should I hate him for being the coward? I don’t think I ever could. We are alive. All I feel is sorrow, longing, and a new understanding. A new level of being. What it is I have feared for so long, does not hurt nearly as much as I thought. I am alive. Why not have fun? I just hope I can have fun and be alive with
>living inside the mirror
what does that even mean?
I was pretty exhausted when I wrote that but I believe it meant that I was worried you’d fallen into a rotting cycle. Which is part of the problem. You can do what you like, I shouldn’t take it upon myself to feel like I have to put you in a box.
I wish you would come back. I do. It’s hard being in this nebulous area. I love you.
i would only come back because i don‘t want to hurt you and whilst thats a valid reason, i don‘t want it to be the only one
ofc i love you but i can also do that from a distance
i‘m not rotting, i‘m actually doing well
these last few months have been very draining, i need time to recover but i also would need to know that it‘s not going to be so draining anymore
we had a lot of insights, but now it‘s on each of us to act on them - for ourselves and by ourselves
i‘m not sure how long it will take to feel like i have accumulated enough resources again to dare to come closer
I have acted on them. I am 100% serious. I recognize how much this has hurt. I want you close because I love you, not to plug a hole or stop pain. I promise that if you came back, it would feel much different. I have already acted on my insights. I am worried about this distance, and I know how draining it’s been. I promise it won’t be like that. Come back. It shouldn’t be about needing to accumulate resources so that you have something to spare. It’s about filling each other up. And we won’t crash and burn again. I can feel it. Please, trust me.
i‘m sorry but i can‘t trust that
i need to gather the resources in case it ends up being just as draining again because neither you and me can say with certainty how it will be
i can‘t risk closeness without anything to fall back on and i used up all my energy reserves
usually it takes me a few months to fill up my cup again
i‘m thinking in much bigger time spans than two days, everyone can rely on a surge of motivation fueled by enough pain to keep something up for two days but i need it to be fully integrated and a stable foundation of how we both live our life - that takes time to grow
i am asking you to give us that time if you can
Yeah, I understand, it seems like I could be faking it to draw you back in. I’m not. How much time do you need? Do you need me to disappear for a while?
no, i know you are not faking it, but two days is not enough time to see if it‘s actually stable and sustainable
i don‘t know how much time i will need
could be two weeks, could be four months
no, i don‘t need you to disappear
I understand. So is this a break?
If so, if you miss me, you can always come back. The door is open. I’ll miss you, very much.
sure, you can call it that
but i think it‘s not so much a break as it is an integral part of growing that we could not do in any other way
it‘s an unique situation where we both have to learn to rely on ourselves to show up for ourselves, to not let bitterness consume us and to not blame things on the other but take responsibility
if we would stay close, we would not be able to learn those things, we‘d rely ok the other to catch us and prop us up
if we would break up we could lean into blaming and self pity, bitterness and resentment
this grey zone is what i think we both need to learn what we need to learn to reach the next level of being healthy, which is a step closer to being able to have a sane and functional relationship that lifts us up instead if weighting us down
i see it more as a necessary situation to learn crucial skills than a break, a break to me suggests that things are put on hold and i don‘t see how that would solve anything or benefit anyone
I see what you’re saying. Proving that we can enforce healthy habits for ourselves without expectation from the other. I’m proud of you for staying to your means and doing the work, I’m happy you’re doing well. I am not sure if I can stay around atoga and adv in general and become healthy. I still search for you in the sea of ghosts. I love you dearly, and this distance is very painful. I have cried a lot. I will hold you in my heart. And I will miss you dearly. But you are right, we have to learn to live separately before we can merge again. I wish we could’ve grown together. But that’s no one’s fault.
I love you. I’ll be thinking of you. I can still hear your voice. Even when I talk I can hear it in my own.
i love you very much
i hope i can keep catching glimpses of you in the sea of ghosts
it‘s time for both of us to grow up before we want to act like grown ups and be in a relationship
I think it’s very dangerous to do that. We begin to ascribe things that we have no certainty over. It’s just a reflection of ourselves. And it makes me needy, like I can’t stand being without you. I think that I will lurk, if I do stay. I’m not sure I can. But you can always find me on discord. The sigil is still there. I’m not sure I’ll ever take it off. I don’t want to. I really do view you as my other half, my person, the one I want to spend forever with. I can survive this. I can do what I need to do. I wish you could be here to see it.
God I miss you so much, I miss telling you my weird dreams, hearing your laugh, the way you say “loike” and “very good”. I miss hearing about your day, and your nutrition autism, and you getting 2nd all the time. I really hope you come back soon. I love you. I said your name out loud.
i miss you too
my baby
Part of the reason I wanted you to come back was because I do need to leave 4chan to become healthier. I think we can maintain this distance through discord too.
or you can just check this thread every now and then and ignore the rest for now
This can be our resting place. If you can’t do it, I won’t force you. But I can’t be on adv anymore. It makes me crazy.
I’ll miss you, my love.
it feels like i would come closer faster than i feel ready to and i think the lesson i have to learn from all of this is to be respectful of my own pace and not push myself to act ready when i am not and instead find out what i need to truly be ready
Yeah, I understand. If it’s too close for you, that’s okay. Maybe it would be for me too, right now. I love you and I want us to be light. My sister actually helped me with that, sort of. I understand that I am too serious and really drag things out that don’t need to be. Maybe this is one of those things, trying to make something happen for my own control.
I can let you come back at your own pace, my love. You know that I wouldn’t abandon you, right? You’ll always have a place with us. I do love you.
we got this <3
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The sky is connection
In it lies eternity
A world of possibilities
It’s mundanity a good thing
To remind us that anything can happen
To remind us of past sorrows
To remind us of present joys
To remind us of future glories
Surely it cuts across the heart
The ache is a shortcut
Perhaps affixing the images
Were too much for the present
Its the quiet moments
The breath on my neck
The softness of you
That keeps me in love
i played twice today and i got 2nd both times
I want to learn how to read tarot.
Was it that easy the whole time?
easy how?
Easy to bring others happiness and settle things. It was a good feeling.
feels like it was very forced
Goodbye, be well. I'm sorry it ended, especially like this. I'll never forget you, what you gave me. I hope you can find your solace and your other half someday.
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