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4chan should make having a pass mandatory in order to post. 4chan is a privilege, not a right.
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>4chan is a privilege, not a right.
That would basically be SomethingAwful. And given that 4chan came to exist because of SA users not being happy with the moderation there... God. It would be a full "circle of life" situation.
I mean, I'm pretty sure most 4chan users aren't happy with moderation these days either. There's too many shitposting tools around
I won't discuss moderation practices, not exactly the safest thing to do.

With regards to tools. unfortunately I have seen one of those places with the links and crap. Some people need to go outside more often.
>4chan should abandon the entire reason 4chan was made in the first place (anonymity)
Yeah, how about you go fuck yourself. Hiroshimoot is allowing the faggot mods to destroy this site.
Relax Mr Anonymoose email verification is gone now [Sad News]
Oops talked too soon. Based mods.
so true so true
then the site would die

So, by proxy, free speech is a privilege, not a right?

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