4chan should make having a pass mandatory in order to post. 4chan is a privilege, not a right.
>>130722>4chan is a privilege, not a right.That would basically be SomethingAwful. And given that 4chan came to exist because of SA users not being happy with the moderation there... God. It would be a full "circle of life" situation.
>>130747I mean, I'm pretty sure most 4chan users aren't happy with moderation these days either. There's too many shitposting tools around
>>130756I won't discuss moderation practices, not exactly the safest thing to do.With regards to tools. unfortunately I have seen one of those places with the links and crap. Some people need to go outside more often.
>>130722>4chan should abandon the entire reason 4chan was made in the first place (anonymity)Yeah, how about you go fuck yourself. Hiroshimoot is allowing the faggot mods to destroy this site.
>>130800Relax Mr Anonymoose email verification is gone now [Sad News]
>>130806Oops talked too soon. Based mods.
so true so truethen the site would dielogic?
>>130722So, by proxy, free speech is a privilege, not a right?