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10/04/16New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
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Welcome to /vip/, a board for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but only 4chan Pass users can post.

/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

/vip/ is an experimental board, so expect frequent changes to rules and features in the coming days.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.
3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Yep, walking outside, wind in your hair, birds flying, watching the sunset... That's when TRUE music happens.

Your autistic open-back non-ANC desktop-bound wired headphones could never.

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Stay away from /vip/, a board not meant for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but everyone except 4chan Pass users can post.

​/vip/ has a strict topic - talk only about unimportant subjects!

/vip/ is a permanent board, so don't expect any changes to rules or features anytime soon.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.
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.bɘɔɿoʇnɘ ɘɿɒ ƨɘluɿ lɒdolǫ llɒ ,ylƚnɘɿɿuƆ
.ƨyɒb ǫnimoɔ ɘʜƚ ni ƨɘɿuƚɒɘʇ bnɒ ƨɘluɿ oƚ ƨɘǫnɒʜɔ ƚnɘupɘɿʇ ƚɔɘqxɘ oƨ ,bɿɒod lɒƚnɘmiɿɘqxɘ nɒ ƨi /qiv/

!ƚnɒw uoy ɿɘvɘƚɒʜw ƚuodɒ ʞlɒƚ - ɔiqoƚ on ƨɒʜ /qiv/

.ƚƨoq nɒɔ ƨɿɘƨu ƨƨɒꟼ nɒʜɔ4 ylno ƚud ,wɘiv nɒɔ ɘnoynA .ƨɿɘƨu ƨƨɒꟼ nɒʜɔ4 ɿoʇ bɿɒod ɒ ,/qiv/ oƚ ɘmoɔlɘW
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because i'm a literal retrad

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to my elite friends its time to buy bitcoin
come back to thank me in January
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still not too late to dig in folks!
>falling for the Jewish crypto meme
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Oh, baby, give me one more chance (to show you that I love you)
Won't you please let me back in your heart
Oh, darlin', I was blind to let you go (let you go, baby)
But now since I see you in his arms (I want you back)
Yes, I do now (I want you back)
Ooh, ooh, baby (I want you back)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (I want you back)
Na, na, na, na

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>One year: $30, Three years: $60

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best I can do is sell it to Vivek
pretty sure you can't buy a pass if you're already subscribed with one. i'm also stuck with one year since i renewed before they announced the three year deal. slightly pissed me off ngl.
This is particularly grating. Especially considering that when updating you have two choices
>Credit Card
>Digital Currencies

And if you choose "credit card", the "link/stripe" checkout STILL has an option for crypto as well (next to CC and CashApp). Of course, what crypto and methods it allows varies too, and I found that even with WalletConnect I still couldn't just pay with DOGE or whatever, buy instead needed to shift it to something else like Polygon, which of course when I looked at one of the FOSS (Edge) wallet's exchange options it had a minimum of like 300 Doge which is over $100. I don't even want to get started on shit based on Etherium or its chain which requires asinine amounts of "gas" in ETH that makes it completely non viable for exchanging just enough to pay for a $45 pass etc. Now the issue with Coinbase, atop the
>Take a picture with your face holding your ID
garbage has a lot of other limitations as well, as far as what wallets theyll let you use among other issues.

The whole thing is a shitshow compared to how it used to be where you could previously just pick a ton of crypto options, it would splat up a QR of a wallet address to pay into, and that would be it. Crypto itself has become a lot more of a fucking cesspool of graft, transaction fees and garbage more than it ever was, but its sad that even with the supposed maturity of the platform that its harder to make purchases now than ever, especially "small" ones (ie under $100, which isn't really that small ) without jumping through hoops or paying transactions, minimums and other fucking around, is annoying.

Its even more annoying that one of the least shitty crypto that is actually good for using it as a currency, Monero, is not supported by the site. If anything, you'd think it would go in line with (hiro)Moot's original concept on anonymity and privacy, that it would be a preferred usage to directly purchase a Pass with Monero. Out of room, TBC
So with all this in mind (ideally fixing the crypto payment option plus supporting Monero), plus the price increase, it would be nice to add some new features and options for Pass users
>change related email address
If you want to keep the pass but change the address to which its bound, can you do that currently? I didn't see an option to do so but it would be nice. Yes, I know you can just buy a new one but almost everything lets you change your address. The Pass token parameters (that you login with) aren't already there. Also, this brings me to
>Privacy and anonymity features
Especially for paying users supporting the site, increasing privacy and anonymity is not only on brand, it encourages additional Pass subscriptions. Changing your email address should be an option and the site should purge records of previous addresses after a short period of time.

Other privacy/anonymity options that could be implemented for pass users could seek to minimize the tracking capability for other metrics related to the Pass (assuming it isn't already) such as IP history, email, etc..by purging what is not needed in as short a time as possible. There are avenues to have near zero knowledge while maintaining Pass functionality. These elements of course, in concert with other current and potential expanded Pass benefits would make users more likely to subscribe.
>Expecting the fag responsible for the price hike to save you.
Funny how the price of eggs have skyrocketed now too.

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Get rid of /gif/ and give all board mp4/webms with sound.
Get rid of blue board garbage.
Remove the janny system.
I agree with sound mp4's and webms

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Woah. More like this?

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Passus can now be bought for 3 years in advance at a discounted rate which works out to $0.80 per month.
Will this bring new blood to /vip/? Will we get back to 11 pages by the end of the year? Is Hiro really in need of some cash?
Tune in next time to /news4vip/ to hear some or none of the answers, same vipper news same vipper board.
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I tried looking for it since I used it when this was crypto scam only. Looks like they vanished.
That's was my thought as well.
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>current pass
>Valid Until: 08/04/25
What do?
Anime is stupid and gay.
4chan would be as popular as ever if not for the ridiculous bot infestation, Jesus Christ it’s fucking unbearable. Check out /smg/ on /bant/ it’s fucking 99% bots. /pol/ of course as been unusable for years, but it’s spread to most of the site now

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YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME, I am a paying customer dammit.
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They banned me for posting about cute actresses on their thread.
>NOOO, you have to only talk about her work, you can't talk about their looks
I demand justice for my $20 in bitcoins.
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Now I can't post an image here too. Money stolen.
/tv/ tranny is the absolute worst
There are really weird and vague "rules" like that which are designed to be open to interpretation so janitors can just ban people that annoy them. There needs to be more vetting when they choose. They seem to have no problem with biased people who will just ban people smarter than them with differing opinions.
I get banned quite a bit just for being insufferably correct. Destiny got banned a lot for the very same reason.

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I forgot the email I used for my day one 2012 Pass and I'm still mad about it.
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Never reply to my threads again.
I'm mad on your behalf
I used the same email from 2014 but it’s been a while since I renewed so it gave me a new one
Me too. I kept it going since 2012 and lost my password. I don't know what to do in that situation. It's not like I can roll up to the email headquarters and prove my identity and they just help me out. I'll NEVER get back in. 20 years of history and I'm locked out forever.
Imagine having social media up that you can NEVER remove. This is my nightmare.

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I thought a pass was meant to stop ads
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I think they just need to tell everyone what the words are. I was banned once for "banned text", but given no clue whatsoever as to what the offending word(s) was.
Impossible to code

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Hello Everyone!

I am your fellow anon who only really gives a shit about breathing and anything related to breathing.

We will discuss nothing else here but I will occasionally reference these posts from other boards.

The reason for that is due to the fact that Breathing is a fundamentally simple exercise that allows someone to explore new information or technology with something that is innately understood.

So for now, in order to remember everything and establish what breathing looks like to a computer, I will just show what COVID/PNA/ARDS cases in the ICU looked like from the view of the Lung Specialist.

And I am not referring to the Pulmonologist, those fuckers never know what they are looking at. They just think "pretty lines".

There is no identifying information in these pictures. Just like X-Rays that are deanonymized
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Mid Range Respiratory Rate Patient
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Data Exportation of Mechanical Ventilator Data

OBJECTIVE: Export the Raw Sensor Data From a Mechanical Ventilator that is Connected to a Human for Machine Learning and Automated Intelligence

DATASET: Exported Mechanical Ventilator


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RAW DATA GRAPHED - This graphed data represents the waveforms found on the previous pictures of the machines when they were running.

The dataset is valid and reflects real world conditions that can be utilizated in a Machine Learning Protocol.

Data 0 reflects the breath phase and is either 0 or 1. It cannot be seen here but reflects whether the inhalation or exhalation phase is in progress.

This is valuable for the machine learning model because it allows for the proper labeling of the breath sequence in real time.
I cant post links to the dataset but I can provide summary statistics that made up this dataset.

Program Time [s]
Count: 15,797
Min: 324.00
Max: 340.75

data 0 - Breath Phase, 0 is Exhalation, 1 is inhalation, 2 is sensor error for current reading

Count: 15,797
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37
Min: 0
Max: 2

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check em
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Impressive, very nice.

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Pass users should be allowed to post emojis to assert their dominance over freeloading scum!
no you fucking nigger faggot

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