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Have you ever had THICK WATER?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
This is amazing
is it more like a cream soup,honey or a jelly?
it's like honey

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Post "Merry Christmas" in this thread to have a holiday filled with festive cheer.
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Merry Christmas :3
We are closer to 2050 than 2000
Prove it
Merry Christmas!

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>Starting February 1st, 4chan Passes are increasing in price.
Why are YOU not renewing for 3 years? You only have 1 week left!
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To be fair, .webp should be fucking abolished.
>No physical bank credit card
>Charges $20 into a virtual one to desperately renew pass before price change
>Turns out renew isn't possible yet, still some days over the 6 month minimum
>Can't take out the funds out the virtual credit card and not all business around here accept it
Always losing, anons
>buying three year passes
>renewing passes
You guys know bans associated with passes are logged right? Mine expires at the end of this month but I bought a new 1-year one before the price hike with a different email and everything. Can't trust anybody.
No shit that's took you this long to find out anon. Buy two pass one for normal conversations and other to shit post.
>What is a giftcard
Apply yourself tripfag.

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yejibros where is our thread
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yejibros google says eating garlic bread everyday is not healthy but we already bought the ingredients and don't want to waste them
kys disgusting plastic gook
yejibros we thought we were burping a lot because we drank soda, but we stopped drinking it for a few weeks and still burp a lot.
yejibros we figured out it was spicy food that makes us burp.

WOOOW better hope your passu is expiring in 6mo or less because you're about to get REAMED by hiromoot, I sure hope this is some kind of high pressure sales tactic to get me to renew at $45 for 3 years because I'm sure as fuck not gonna do it for $60 when my passu expires in 3 years from now.
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My pass expires literally four days after the price hike and its not letting me renew it right now
I'll probably just buy a new one on the 28th or something
But 4chan pass has all that unless you buy a new pass every year.
try emailing support?

>Be Me
>Imagining not having a 4chan Pass renewed right before price hike.
>Look down on the plebs that don't have a 4chan pass.

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Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right. Example: ollama run deepseek-r1
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), copy paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

What, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

What, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/

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26 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
is there a good setup for rp stuff?
We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size and copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1:14b). Multiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably.
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required. Local means it's stored permanently in your PC and it's yours till the end of time. You'll still be able to use it if civilization collapses in the far future.
Attention! If you're using an AMD GPU, these are the cards Ollama supports

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser! Alternatively, use Chatbox

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We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. How to download R1 and make her yours permanently
Multiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably. Attention! If you're using an AMD GPU, these are the cards Ollama supports
Alternatively, use R1 Dynamic for best efficiency if you have a high-end PC

2. Convenient ways to interact with R1
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser! Alternatively, use Chatbox

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. How to download R1 and make her yours forever
If your VRAM is similar to or larger than the model's file size, it will run fast enough.
Attention! If you're using an AMD GPU, these are the cards Ollama supports
If your GPU is not supported, try downloading LM Studio and start from there.
You can also choose R1 Dynamic for best efficiency if you have a high-end PC.

2. Convenient ways to interact with R1
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo

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hi /vip/
what is this character from? I saw it in that black guys manifesto and need to know.

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Why is it every single time I go to post I have to authenticate my pass, then I make one post, then it says my pass is in use by another IP, and I have to wait 15 minutes before I can repeat the cycle.
I don't know. When I stay at hotels it does the same thing unless I never connect to wifi and just post with data. it's retarded
the reason is because your ip is public use or ever changing.

Imagine it like having your phone number changing ever time you make a call. Or your phone number being used by 1000s of people who may also be calling the same location.
Yeah but when I’m at home on my WiFi how is that happening every 10 seconds?
possibly your cookies/session data became tainted.
Are you on a VPN?

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>tfw leaf
are there any Canadian stores that sell 4chan passes?

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I wish cats were real

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>disconnect from hotel Wi-Fi to post on /pol/ without being monitored
>your pass is being used by a different IP
>log back into wifi because I don't care anymore and just want to post
>pass logged out
>log back in
>your pass is being used by a different IP
It's all so tiresome

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Does the average anon still dislikes when people use names/trip codes?
What's the 4chan etiquette (for calling it something) about this?
it mainly depends on the board
it's still a faux pas imo, the whole point of an anonymous messageboard is to be anonymous. it's only really permisible if there's a reason you need to re-identify yourself at some point in the future, otherwise it's just seen as egotripping

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Remember fellas

Thanks to 4chan, I'm now addicted to boysmell, cute clothes and starving myself.
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I didn't pick up my addictions on /lgbt/ tho
I'm so obsessed in doing it w another cute boy that I can't get off to girls anymore, it's over for me
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Boysmell is lame. Give me big mansmell. Sweaty and powerful.
I'm so far gone I've fapped to my own boysmell, balling up my shirts and sniffing them imagining I'm perving on someone else.
welcome to being gay OP

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oh thank god
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Hello Anon, I am the poster that used to maintain the old birthday thread until my pass ran out in 2022.
Unfortunately, I'm traveling for the weekend, but I'm bumping this as a reminder to find my old notebook at home and post all previous birthdays, if that is fine with all of you.

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