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>Starting February 1st, 4chan Passes are increasing in price.
Why are YOU not renewing for 3 years? You only have 1 week left!
not sure if the site will still exist in 3 years.
it's been pretty quickly rolling downhill recently.
That's what people said 5 years ago and a decade before that
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646 KB GIF
>STILL have to convert .webp images to .jpg or .png
>STILL have to extract and remove audio tracks, upload them to catbox, and put the URL in the filename to share videos with audio (and only with people using the extension)
>locking cool features to specific boards for no reason (oekaki, sjis, fucking AUDIO, etc)
>moderation (lol)
This place is way behind the times, and not in a good way. The website 4chan ripped off has had these features and more for several years already.
I would but
>can't pay with credit card ("something wrong")
>can't pay with crypto (coinbase payments not available in your region)

are they trying to make it difficult for non-americans to renew?
that's really the worst part, even 2ch has bigger filesize limits than this site, and a much better way to deal with horrible boards without deleting them, they just make a new one and remove the link to the old one lmao.
Meh I was already paying $25 through the third party site.
My card worked fine for me (non-american)
didn't even get to the card part, the url it redirected me to was broken
I'll probably buy the 3-year plan but for fucks sake >>132411 it really is time to modernize this place. Also /b/ should be given the "no porn dumps" rule and all porn-dump threads should be redirected to /trash/ or whatever board it belongs on.
Anyone else having trouble with the coinbase purchase being stuck in a loop at the "confirming payment and redirecting you back to 4chan" part? It's been like this for atleast half an hour for me. Considering letting the pc run for the day while I'm at work to see if it catches itself.
Nevermind it finished the payment, it just took longer than usual today.
No audio is my biggest gripe. They're stifling content creation by suppression communication
I renewed for the first time in years just because it's the last time to pay less
>no more price hike notification at the top of the page
Is it still happening?
Oh fuck, what's the cost now?
Not that you aren't wrong, but is there any big alternative to 4chan right now?
$30/yr OR $60/3-yrs ($20/yr)
To be fair, .webp should be fucking abolished.
>No physical bank credit card
>Charges $20 into a virtual one to desperately renew pass before price change
>Turns out renew isn't possible yet, still some days over the 6 month minimum
>Can't take out the funds out the virtual credit card and not all business around here accept it
Always losing, anons
>buying three year passes
>renewing passes
You guys know bans associated with passes are logged right? Mine expires at the end of this month but I bought a new 1-year one before the price hike with a different email and everything. Can't trust anybody.
No shit that's took you this long to find out anon. Buy two pass one for normal conversations and other to shit post.
>What is a giftcard
Apply yourself tripfag.

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