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12 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Mass destruction here.
Terrible actions

All that money for destruction instead of repair.
No. Not true. Absolutely retarded in fact.
This is implying Joe has the mental faculties to have any sort of plan or even know what country he is in at a given moment. The image should be talking about Bidens handlers, not Biden himself. He can't even take a fucking shower by himself.

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Is it possible for jannies/mods to identify you? Can they see your IP range, pass info, etc?
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jannies can't but mods can, how else would they ban you? not like everyone has to sign up with an email just to post oh, wait...
According to this post not even mods can see IPs.
>how else would they ban you?
They probably just click a button
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I'm convinced my pass is on some kind of blacklist and getting fucked with because I am constantly getting the "this pass is in use by another IP" literally within a couple minutes after posting. I know phone IPs are dynamic but they don’t change THIS frequently. It’s a bullshit error prompt in the reply window because when I log out and back into the pass, it gives me the “success your device is now authenticated” message 95% of the time instead of a real “in use by another IP” message with a specific amount of minutes left. It’s really costing me posts where timing is important at worst, and a nuisance that wastes my time at best.
That's because you're allowed to use another IP after a certain number of minutes. Even if it says "success" later it's still a different IP, you're just past the required cooldown time.

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Why is it that 4chan can remember my device for bans when my phone changes ip, but not for pass login when my phone changes ip
cookies are set in a funny way
Works on my machine

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Hey /vip/ bros, have you ever wished for a GPT that really gets the 4chan culture? Something that can sling memes, jokes, and even craft posts with the kind of edge and humor we appreciate here? Introducing ChanGPT - your go-to GPT for all things 4chan. Whether you're looking to debate, troll, or just shoot the shit in a way that feels right at home on our boards, ChanGPT has got you covered. It's like having a 4chan-in-a-box, ready to generate posts, responses, and even memes that feel like they were made by one of our own. And yes, it can generate images too, like this Pepe rocking a GPT shirt, just to show off its meme cred. Dive into the chaos and creativity that is ChanGPT. It's here to make our board experience even more legendary.


>tfw you realize GPTs can be one of us
Kek, welcome to the future, anons.
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>GPT that really gets the 4chan culture
Interesting. I will play around with it a bit and see how accurate it is.

I'm tired of paying money just to have my bans follow me around.
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same. That's really shitty. Just buy a new pass on a new email everytime
Female vagina panties should generate a lot of posts
mods are fucking retards the 4chan standards are low
I don't even remember how long it's been since I've been banned
two years? three years?
plenty of warnings though
Do they do shadow bans too? For the past couple weeks, only the text of 4chan loads (no links, no images, no textboxes or buttons), on any device or any browser, but just do fine away from the home network, so it's clearly an IP targeted denial. I keep procrastinating on resetting the router which is on me, but as a policy matter it's not mentioned anywhere. If it were an actual ban, I'd know where I stand. My pass is actually not affected, it also works away from the home network.

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>make embarrassing post in 4chan thread
>realize my mistake
>immediately close the tab
I used to experience this so often when I made up stories and people called me out on it, why does it sting so much, I still have flashbacks
Why would you get embarrassed when you're Anonymous? Imagine the embarrassment when you're a high-profile tripfag.

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I've had my pass for a while now and I still haven't posted here in all this time nor do I know how to show my pass on my posts
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in the options field. Idk why that's not written anywhere or how you're supposed to know that without somebody telling you
oh based thanks
Protip: other options work alongside since4pass, such as sagesince4pass and nokosince4pass
Let's see how this goes.

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19 september, yes
they might make an exception for pass-holders, but I once had the same IP address for 2 years and got like 20 bans in that time and they gave me a long ban (I think 30 days) because I had so many. Which it really wasn't that many, it was less than 1 ban per month and they were mostly for small things like replying to an off-topic thread. But apparently that's a thing where mods will eventually give you an extra long ban just because you had a bunch of small bans in your ban history
>10 years old
Am I allowed to UOOOOOH here?
Everything being slow as shit and boring in 2003 so I left until 2008.
So question can I renew a 4chan pass if the original email is no longer available? I have token and pin.

Let's get some dank maymays happening in this thread
I don't get it
Bears are scavengers and will eat the most disgusting things. Wolves are hunters.
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How many dislike having a little Pussy-Bitch as a President?

To me it is a big embarrassment.
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Lookin like they pulled him out of a casket.
Yes. Put that old creature back in it's casket and let it be buried in peace.
Wealthy elites are really evil.
he's gonna tank like a bitch if they don't replace him this year.
What's the next act of this circus clown?

You wouldn't a cat
Female in FF!1....
Cats are the devil
Cats are also niggers
i want to blast a fat nut on her face

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she fishe
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Probably just a blood smell
She's a clean girl and her big bot would be too
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she black
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Woh she still at it
based rei poster

I am in the U.S. being oppressed by the zionists.
Is there anyone out there?
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God punishes everyone who tries to harm the Jews.
It's them evil Jews again.
The internet is dead maybe.
You mean the Zionist genociders?
Fight and hide, then fight again.

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There's a fucking tranny janny that follows me around and bans me for the most inane, stupid shit possible, and he keeps getting away with it.

Come on faggot come and ban me again and YWNBAW

(lol ok)
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Based Jannies and modgods
This is why I pay
Ok zoomer. Bye.
>(lol ok)
The reddit frog should be a bannable offense too.

Can you guys connect to "normal" people and form friendships?

I don't seem able to make friends with anyone that hasn't been very online or a 4channer. Any coworkers I've tried befriending goes nowhere and interacting with them feels really restrained and slow in some way or like I'm reading from a script. The only one I did befriend in a job once ended up being a channer, like I smelt him out almost.

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