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>express genuine opinion
>guy calls it bait
Stop being retarded and people will stop assuming you're deliberately trying to annoy them

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im starting to realize he was right all along
Anyone who thinks he wasn't right about anything probably doesn't read a lot of history but the world revolution doesn't seem any closer than it was in the 1880s to me. And when it did come it came in the economic periphery and not the heavily industrialized fully capitalist core, which is the opposite of what should have happened if you take Marx seriously. And you can mock that or say it's a point that's been made a million times but I've never seen a good answer to it.
Marx predicted the Petite Bourgeoisie would die out but they only became more powerful and invented fascism. And that’s just one prediction that was proven wrong.

Outside the manifesto he also predicted that socialist revolutions would arise in the west. In reality they began in Russia and the only other countries that fell for that shit were 3rd world shitholes that were really just using socialism as an anti colonial tool.
Jew says we need to give absolute power to a small group of people so they can protect us capitalism. Ok bro.

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does anyone even use these?
10 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
You can use OneeChan on top of 4chanX.
Photon is the worst one, ossan
What's the point of photon, exactly?
This is the ugliest fucking thing I have ever seen jesus christ
I use Yotsuba B on every board

Usagi no baka!!!!! Bakamoron! Baka baka baka!!!!!!
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usagi kashikokutekawaiidamon~
test post
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test post 2

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they also block any VPN apparently, I was recently on a site with Google Captcha and it kept making me redo the captcha no matter how many times I did it until I turned off my VPN.
we need more activity desu, this should be a fun board. Go make a thread.
                   .  ――‐ 、
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let's make this thread live for 10 years!
47 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
Posting without a meaningful contribution just to take us one step closer to the bump limit
Where did you get this picture of my parents?
he is your parents
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pantsu bumpo

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my life sucks
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Someone who posts Pepe should have a shitty life.
ywnbaw troon shit
does your life still suck?

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>gookmoot mustache you a question
Not him but what would you like to ask?

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name one movie
22 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
Mysterious skin
Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country
How did you do that?
The Incredibles
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

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richard jeni blew his head off after a good life. i will do the same
no don't
kek theres nothing wrong with ending it after having a good time!
what if there are more good times to be had?
its been 6 years anon.. i cant get a gun in roblox in my country so im Fucked for now
Fire yourself out of a cannon and you can be a Steaming Pile of You

Can I use a visa vanilla gift card to buy a 4chan pass ? My pass is running out!!!
Prepaid cards are hit or miss
im white
Doesn't matter. The payment processor sees a prepaid card and assumes you're a pajeet scammer.

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Does anyone have the screencaps of moot talking about 4chan it being a "anime website"?
I remember one post where he pointed out that not everyone likes ALL anime.
Pic semi-reliated, it's what hiro said on the matter.
if you fuck

please ignore
26 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
ignoring as requested
Testing pass
sweet it worked. and rolled trips too!

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im smomking weed
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stop that right now it makes you sleepy and sleepy is shit but sleep is nice I guess I need sleep
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3 months
im still smomking weed
stob it
weed rots your brain

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What’s wrong with gookmoot?
nothing why?
He’s cool

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