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do you use ai chatbots?
yep i do
Why yes, as a matter of fact I do
too bad locusts can still read /vip/, would've been fun to make a vip only proxy
But they can't post their burners
dandy should give perma tokens to /vip/ gods
heres a gift to passGODS: if you open https://rentry.org/smol/edit you can find https://rentry.org/smolreward which apparently has a discount code for renewal

i didnt wanna share before but this is a good occasion. apparently no one noticed it before, its been up for a week
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FUCK I renewed for 2 weeks earlier
bwo they can still see this thread...
yeah i know >>129893 but keeping it private would've been stupid, someone was ought to find this anyway
Now the question is... should I renew for another 2 weeks in case he takes it down now...?
it probably has limited uses to protect it against being shared
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renew my balls
yes *starts licking your sweaty unwashed smelly balls*

erm what the scallop
thanks for the token Passbro. so it's just free opus for the time I still have my pass or until keys run out? cool.
How we doing on this fine evening lads?

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