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Tom says hi
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Yeah he is
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Very nice
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Cozy boy

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>buy my pass last year with BTC
>go to coinbase portal
>generates a payment address which I can send the money to from my self custodial wallet
>wa la

>buy my pass this year
>go to coinbase
>there's no option for self custodial wallets anymore
>only wallets you can link are a bunch of web3 ethereum NFT garbage, or use crypto you bought on coinbase
>ok, I'll make a brave wallet and just convert the BTC to ETH
>there's fucking 10 DOLLARS in transaction fees
>I have to convert AGAIN from ethereum mainnet to ether on base to get reasonable fees
>barely have enough left from all the conversion fees

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
could've just used a credit card or bought some ltc

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This June I have walked 140 miles so far.

I need to reach 500miles by the end of the month.
What would you do if I tried to have sex with you while you were on a walk?
your small and dirty penis wouldn't be able to have sex.

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is it ok if i take a shit?
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in Ford Focus kaggern
yea lemme watch
Sure go ahead
Frog thread bumped
Fine with me

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I wasted $20
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We all did
It's not that much money
live and learn
I spent $20

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That moment when you buy a 4chan pass.
I will always be loyal to this site
Elon quietly caved to globohomo corporate advertisers after they started pulling their campaigns, demanding he comply with their social agenda. This site, for all its flaws, is the last place on the internet where you have free speech. For this reason alone you are compelled to purchase a pass if you have the means to.
I just bought a pass because I was tired of switching my vpn

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/vip/ is rightful Asukachad clay!
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1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
You forgot to rotate your Z for Zorro

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ITT: We laugh at poorfags who can see this thread but can't afford to post
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I like being better than other people
>being poor
Only a poor person would feel rich for spending $20 on a pass.
No one in this thread ever said having $20 makes you rich.
But not having $20 definitely makes you poor.

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Hey guys I'm gonna leave my wife in the bath please make sure she doesn't drown I'll be back in a bit.
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Maison Ikkoku is better
Sure I don't mind. Glad to help.
Ok guys it's my shift now. I'll watch her for another month.
My turn.
You guys aren't doing your job. She almost died again.

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What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?
I don't remember but probably something very small like my choice of pizza topping
My soul. Literally me and another kid from my street wrote our souls onto a piece of paper then flipped for it.

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It's time for Marisa
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Marisa is a sweet and cute girl
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posting an abababababa on the very important board.
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hey guys
>post limit isn't 150
scary stuff
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image limit here is 300?
so not only on other boards the image size is limited to 2.0 MB but also the image limit is halved?
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it ain't so ababababa anymore

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what board are you from?
what's your favourite board?
what do you think of the other boards?

I'm an /out/ist and /extraflag/ger
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/a/. Sometimes /mu/ and /jp/ but I hate them.
Looks like you don't have to be intelligent to be a mod on 7chan.
first time on /vip/ -- holy shit, this thread's really been around for nearly 3 years, huh...

started using 4chan for /d/, /aco/, and /b/ initially (/b/ was just 'cause it was the only board i had heard of as a newfag besides maybe /pol/),
i've since branched out to /lgbt/, /cm/, /trash/, /vg/, /wg/, and /w/ (in about that order).
these days i think i frequent /r9k/ more than the other boards for some reason.

hi /d/ bros
/k/ is unusable outside the generals, which are the only parts of the board that are on-topic anymore. It's all /int/shit.
I find x and pol to be the only intellectually challenging places in all of existence.

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my life sucks
Most do

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