Why does the first google search result of the pass have a literal Nazi reference in the URL?!
google bombing
>>131166I remember /g/ figured it out a while ago, someone censored their pass renewal email in an old /q/ thread and google scraped ithttps://desuarchive.org/q/thread/783860
not a drill
>>131428>2013are you doing archeology?
My jew doctor prescribed me this crap how do i detox?
go nattyreject the pharmaceutical jew
>>131374yeah, STOP being a pharmaceutical taking jew OP.
>>131371Axe your doctor
Tom loves you and he says hello
>>132607Wrong board buddy
>>132607I guess Tom is like the Buffy of dogs.It makes sense if you think about it.
>>132612That makes no sense
Range ban mobile IPsOnly passholders should be able to phonepost
La creatura
>>132495as requested
Jannies have lost their minds.
>>131920based mods
>>131164Pepe was fine. But now all of these KHHV incel faggots identify as the squatty and deformed Pepe with uneven lips and angry eyes and big fat gut and stupid feet. It's like their faggotty badge of honor. >Women and men everywhere are revolted by my demeanor and appearance so I'm going to lean into it proudly and display my badly drawn resentful looking frog wherever I go. Many of us walking around Trump's feet like good little pawns. We're so proud to be on team retard!
>>130160Jannies gone WOKE?!
>>131920Based mod protecting the purity of asian women from evil western sex pests
>>131290I always state my case well, and I ALWAYS have a case. Why would I break rules if I knew about them? The rules usually don't make sense and it's just that you pissed someone off enough for them to want to ban you on a technicality. I think they should look more closely before banning. I'm all for bans when they are warranted. I've just never knowingly done anything to warrant one. It's almost always 'posting in off-topic thread', to which I suggest banning the OP. Or banning everyone in the thread. You can't just pick out the posts you don't like.
In some boards the same ragebait troll threads are posted every week, even multiple times a day. 1pbtid. These trolls are exploiting how 4chan works by flooding the zone with spam, then having their team bump it to the front page so others join in.Meanwhile many actual organic threads are carefully avoided by these bots, as they only want their botslop on the front page.This non stop circle of samespam is a blatant violation of rule 6.>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community.
>>132618>walkable cities>americans hate this>how do you reply without sounding mad>why do americans love big trucks>this confuses and enrages the american>over 6 million anti white woman threadsone only has to spend a month on this site to see the spam pattern
I assume joot is getting paid to not deal with the Israeli/US gov bot spam. It’s fucking ridiculous tho, you’re right.There’s also been a huge uptick in llm bots, those piss me the fuck off as they don’t stay in the “suppressed boards” (/pol/ etc) to the degree the dumbbots do. You’ll be arguing with what you think is a run-of-the-mill tourist faggot, but it turns out it’s a fucking bot! So fucking mad about those, have pretty much ruined /bant/Essentially the problem is the admins don’t appear interested in fixing the problem, so a fix will need to be crowdsourced. I don’t really know how or what would be effective, perhaps some type of blacklist for the ragebait spam could be offered for 4chanx? I don’t know if that already exists or not, but at least on /pol/ the bots use the same threads verbatim
I like that >>>/vip/ is the new >>>/qa/Anyway this is how you fix it >rangeban more countries, as well as all aws, azure, and google up ranges (this kills the bot)>bring back word filters on words that are often spammed (anything in >>132619)>shuffle the moderators (and give the mod of /an/ 40 lashes)>balkanise /pol/
Have you ever had THICK WATER?
>>130531This is amazing
is it more like a cream soup,honey or a jelly?
>>131724it's like honey
$DESU in peace
>>127362Desu in peaches, cookie queen.
a very important hololive thread.
I'm sorry for your loss
>>131723Lap hates you
bwok bwok I love Kiara
Post "Merry Christmas" in this thread to have a holiday filled with festive cheer.
>>131636Merry Christmas :3
We are closer to 2050 than 2000
>>131908Prove it
>>131636Merry Christmas!
4chan should make having a pass mandatory in order to post. 4chan is a privilege, not a right.
>>130722>4chan should abandon the entire reason 4chan was made in the first place (anonymity)Yeah, how about you go fuck yourself. Hiroshimoot is allowing the faggot mods to destroy this site.
>>130800Relax Mr Anonymoose email verification is gone now [Sad News]
>>130806Oops talked too soon. Based mods.
so true so truethen the site would dielogic?
>>130722So, by proxy, free speech is a privilege, not a right?
>Starting February 1st, 4chan Passes are increasing in price.Why are YOU not renewing for 3 years? You only have 1 week left!
>>132411To be fair, .webp should be fucking abolished.
>>132407>No physical bank credit card>Charges $20 into a virtual one to desperately renew pass before price change>Turns out renew isn't possible yet, still some days over the 6 month minimum >Can't take out the funds out the virtual credit card and not all business around here accept itAlways losing, anons
>buying three year passes>renewing passesYou guys know bans associated with passes are logged right? Mine expires at the end of this month but I bought a new 1-year one before the price hike with a different email and everything. Can't trust anybody.
>>132577No shit that's took you this long to find out anon. Buy two pass one for normal conversations and other to shit post.
>>132552>What is a giftcardApply yourself tripfag.
I should be allowed to have more than 5 active threads per board
>>131683It's never occurred to me this could be an issue. I can't carry that may conversations at once!
>>132265it is very big problem
I should be allowed to smoke weed all day and stay at home playing online computer games and receive $100k a year in untaxed salary.
Another thing that really grinds my gearsWhy Am I no longer allowed to quote an entire thread? As soon as I quote more than 5 people it says the system thinks my post is spam. But I want to be able to quote everyone (20 or so) people in a thread if I want to.
My thread disappeared ;_;
Happy new year :D
>>129380There's nothing more retardedly zoomer than calling weed "za-za". Fucking cringey nonsense.