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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
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If you post once in any other thread: you must bump once in the Yots threads. It's just proper manners
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
No, I won't.
why not

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All right, who's not dead? Sound off.
25 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
what happened??
It's over
Just bought this pass. Had a pass back in 2018 before Jap Moot made it crypto only. I refuse to show my shame.
Checking to see if my pass age died from forgetting to renew.
I renewed the wrong one

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The mod's incompetence is actually a blessing. In the future, random board wipes should be a thing to clear out cancer.
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What if we try to keep /vip/ under 10 pages for as long as possible? We're probably never going to see an unfull catalog again.
I don't think random board wipes should be normal but it did break up the boredom with how little actually happens on this site.
I like it when a mod just decides to fuck with /b/ for shiggles every now and then.
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I miss the era of mod cat where mods actually communicated with the community to show there were attempts to fix things or they were listening, instead of this forced radio silence.
That's true, but I think the current era overall is one where people try - actively and unconsciously - to see or to insert ideology and goals and all that shit into every statement. That's a symptom of the wider internet's current attitudes.
Just ignore people who claim that because you like pancakes, it must mean you hate waffles.
Also people looking for meaning in everything because they have nothing else to gleam from.

Like why hide the IP counter? Or increase the boards that the anit spam requirements are used?
Or the logic behind having /pol/'s cooldown be twice as short as every other board?

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have you seen this pin?
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it is ok
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i feel bad now for my behavior
it is ok, don't worry about it.

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>click image
>it's the downgraded version with an "m" at the end
Why did hiromoot expand this to other boards? Used to be /pol/ and a few other boards but I don't remember /co/ for example doing this until recently. And besides, what good does it do when I'll just remove the "m" and get the full quality pic anyways.


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My thread disappeared ;_;
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You're thread was shit.
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Now that 4chan has implemented more effective anti-spam / bot measures... can you reduce the ban for making an off topic thread from 3 DAYS to 1 day?
Once the ban is in and the thread is deleted, the threat's gone. There's no more harm in the catalog.

Getting B& three days for a funpost (that isn't porn or racism or similar) is non figuratively (aka not literally) genocide.
Nah bro, faggots need punishment.
agreed anon. they ignore their own rules and moderate the fun.
When I was a mod on other chan we used to hand 12-24 hours bans more often than not. 3 day bans are too harsh specially if the poster has more than 100 posts on his post history which mods can check at any time. If a user is active he should recive lighter bans unless it's a serious offense. And yes mods are supposed to evaluate rules differently, you can't expect all rules to entail the same punishment. Imagine giving life sentence to someone who only stole a loaf of bread.
I can't believe all boards will turn into /vip/... no way.
imagine not having a pass in <current year>

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This is a slow board
4 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
2035. It's nice, slow and everything is very short here. Just like the bus I used to ride to school
Bump Limit +1
Slow and steady wins the race, am I right or m i rite?
>almost two months since the purge and no threads have 404'd
this is a slow board indeed

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Subject: Inquiry Regarding Message Monitoring
Dear sir/madam,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to inquire if there has been any monitoring of the communications within our department. If so, I trust that this will help management take any necessary actions to ensure proper protocol is followed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best regards,
A paying customer

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The problem with people these day is that they don't believe in Spirit.

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>I can smell burnt gupowder
>I haven't been shooting
Is this a stroke?

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hello hiro

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We need a /metal/ board. Like how /v/ideo games have all these dedicated boards.
Metal is too vast for one thread. And /mu/ would be flooded if we make dedicated metal threads, genres or band generals.
I am a paying customer.
Based metal enjoyer

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