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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
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10/04/16New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
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Is that a person?

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yejibros where is our thread
11 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
we actually did vote jeb
we like turtles
inshallah brothers
yejibros we thought it was sunday, but it's actually saturday. that means we don't have to work tomorrow.
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yejibros never forget what they took from us

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SBABE Listed on OKX WEB3 & Verified on CoinMarketCap/Coingecko/Phantom Wallet/Birdeye etc.

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'lig on the 'log
maya best girl
Coco is best girl
RIP Ongezellig you deserved better
They can 'lig on my 'log if you know what I'm saying
>Le waste all the content in the first episode cartoon show

Many such cases!

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Very important Essex
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consider this
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Essex is EXTREMELY important.
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How many active threads at a time am I allowed here?
probably 5 or something idk
That's a man

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How would you change 4channel for the better?
I'd bring back /asp/ and kill /xs/
8 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Delete /pol/. The amount of people who try to bring the bullshit from there into other boards is insane.
Why would you kill /xs/? If anything they should kill /soc/ and /pol/.
Delete /pol/. They can fuck off to infinitychan.

Move porn threads from /b/ to /s/. Make it clear /b/ is not a porn board, there are boards for that. Let /b/ be true random again.
Delete /pol/. It's bad enough with /v/ becoming /vpol/ and threads about dei and "that's woke" outnumbering the ones about actual videogames,
remove /qa/ from the board directory completely and actually delete it instead of just locking it.

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I can't check the banned page

it says my browser is """outdated"""
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yeah I'm a latinx

but why is this happening
Skill issue
Had to deactivate violentmonkey for cloudwork to work
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mwa :3
Thanks, I needed this :(
Aw thank you kitty

Taylor swift has literally been in multiple movies and is thus an actress you stupid tranny bitch
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I agree

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What would he think of the internet now if he were still around today?
He is still around, just old

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ITT we laugh at all the poorfags who can't afford the 20$ to shit up our threads
7 replies omitted. Click here to view.
i addressed your concerns
>Paid board
>SFW so no porn spam
>Slow so mods can usually ban spergs/dramafags
It's perfect isn't it?
I know. It's rather embarrassing.
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Its all a part of many of us being too attached to being mad and having to do a captcha is part of that

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Passus can now be bought for 3 years in advance at a discounted rate which works out to $0.80 per month.
Will this bring new blood to /vip/? Will we get back to 11 pages by the end of the year? Is Hiro really in need of some cash?
Tune in next time to /news4vip/ to hear some or none of the answers, same vipper news same vipper board.
52 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
it actually sucks that i renewed my pass two weeks before they announced this crap. i wish they give us an option to just cover the different between the 1 year and 3 year so that i don't have to feel like a sucker retroactively.
Your fault for not getting a pass when they first became available. If you had, your renewal would've not come before this change.
no idea why it wouldn't.
4chan has ads?
Got me to pay. Funny enough I was just planning on getting the $20 one because I get too lazy for the captchas but this works out nicely so long as I don't get perma'd cause someone used the same VPN as me to post illegal shit

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My thread disappeared ;_;
3 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
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You're thread was shit.
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