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/vip/ - Very Important Posts

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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
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10/04/16New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
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The leadership at 4chan clearly have a strong distain for spam. There’s a constant war going on to eliminate bots and spam and incentivizing users to purchase a pass. There has been a strong focus on eliminating the spam but not to purchase a pass. Why don’t we expand more into the VIP boards? If users are guaranteed high quality discussion they may be more inclined to purchase a pass. What if there were more VIP “pass only” boards, whether they be new altogether or VIP versions of existing boards. What if the existing boards had VIP threads that can be chosen to be VIP only but on a regular board? Maybe just something cool like temporary monthly boards or user voted temporary boards. There has been more activity here recently but with no topic and nothing to talk about there is hardly a reason to check this board.

Ultimately the goal would be to have better discussion, more pass users, less spam, but with no negative impact toward regular free users.

I just had the idea and though I would throw it out there, not sure if it would work out though.
/vip/ is already incredibly slow, adding even more slow boards won't do anything
Probably because /vip/ isn't a topic board.
Bring back the textboards but as actual adjacent imageboards that every normalfag can see.

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