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When was the last time you got banned?

What board was it? Did you learn your lesson?
I honestly can't remember. The most recent one I can think of was when I got a 3-day for posting the ClintonxTrump hentai on an off-topic /v/ thread back in 2017 or so.
I did learn my lesson. I only post that stuff outside of peak hours now.
got a 3-month for posting in a p*do thread like 5 years ago, pretty sure that was the last time
i avoid those things like the plague now
>>131488 (OP)
I went into a political /v/ thread and stated the opposite political opinions.
I was banned for posting politics.
>>131488 (OP)
i got a 3 day all boards ban for posting a link to a music website that gives you an auto ban. the website doesnt exist anymore
lots of time in /vg/ for going "off topic" i did not learn my lesson i just stay away from the threads where people are anal about that bs
I get occasionally banned from /a/ because I post something lewd and they ban me for it.
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Probably about 6-8 months ago, I was on a masturbation-induced horny bender and was jerking off about 18-24 times a week and gay hornyposting on multiple boards, getting simultaneous bans on /g/, /a/, [s4s] and /o/ at the same time lole

I only stopped because the constant fapping was leading to my balls feeling uncomfortable and tender all the time, even my clothes rubbing against them would feel painful.
>>131488 (OP)
I got banned from /x/ for excessive racism. I was being raped by nigger ghosts and wouldn't stop using the word nigger in the post. I've learned my lesson, I must simply drop the n-bomb a little less, as that was an n-nuke and n-clusterbomb that I posted. Just... excessively too much "nigger" and "niggerrape" in the post.
>>131488 (OP)
I can't get banned, I'm too sexy.
>I only stopped because the constant fapping was leading to my balls feeling uncomfortable and tender all the time, even my clothes rubbing against them would feel painful.
You should also avoid drinking redbull.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSHdIp8JN88 [Embed]
>>131488 (OP)
Harassing someone for being a nerd in less important stuff and being a retard with academics
>>131488 (OP)
It wasn't the last time, but the only time I ever remember being banned was calling a lesbian (more likely a "lesbian" tranny but whatever) a dyke on /lgbt/. It only stuck with me because plenty of people say it there, including other non-lesbians calling lesbians that, with no issue. It was a one day ban I think.
I said nigger outside of /b/. I learned my lesson.
Uh oh...
>>131488 (OP)
/b/ for posting a sink thread about 3 years ago
this and "racism" on /v/ are the only times I ever get banned. Which is funny, because I only make 10% of my posts on that board
>>131488 (OP)
3 day ban on all boards for a "troll post" on /ck/. i made a thread describing limburger cheese as smelling like infected feet + man ass, and asking why europeans make it
/gif/ because some janny could not read.
>>131488 (OP)
/pol/ - and maybe.
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>>131488 (OP)
I get banned for "off-topic" a lot. But the people starting the threads do not.
I never learn my lesson because it's never fucking warranted. It's biased. The janitors are retarded rightwingers and anyone who eloquently trounces Trump is reported by losers who can't debate and banned by sympathetic janitors. The thread continues with no effective pushback; just retards posting single line posts sans punctuation.

I'm NOT racist, I always post clearly and thoughtfully, and I certainly always argue in good faith. They call me "bot" or "joo" or "glowie" depending on what I've posted and how they fail to shit on it.

I can argue back and forth for a couple hours and then get banned for "spamming". And the anon I was arguing with? Free to continue spreading bad ideas while I'm in the penalty box. Sometimes for 30 days from the entire fucking site.
And it's always vague. Nobody ever investigates or reviews my complaints. They just boot someone who's winning and making them look stupid. "Go back to redit"
NO! I don't fucking use it! I believe in absolute free speech. I don't want upvotes, I just want to represent the reasonable half of society in this fucking sewer. These assholes are empowered because they see many of themselves here, but they are not many IRL.

Fuck this place for shutting the dissenting voices down. It's just an ignorant circlejerk of low-information bitter incels competing to be as edgy and offensive as they can.
Idiots smearing their shit all over the walls because no respectable forum would ever admit them.
i didnt even do anything
The fact we don't have a report option that's 'politics outside of /pol/' is baffling.

Or why rapeape is so against word filters, word filters were always a great way to fuck with cancer.
I got banned from /v/ for posting "inb4 delete" on an off topic thread. I learned the lesson that /v/ jannies have their heads up their assess so far they can taste stomach acid.
/an/, the mods there have no chill, never going back there again
My last 2 were retarded.
>/v/ - Racism, for writing "soulsni**ers"
>/pol/ - Gibberish text, for posting "Bump."
I can't believe a mod signed off on either of these
I think it was months ago for posting loli (nothing too lewd, just bare ass)
Got warned last week for a mlp screenshot that had no actual p*ny in it
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>>131488 (OP)
Strangely I got banned for three days yesterday but it's already been removed and I didn't even contest it. Maybe they realized they screwed up.
It said banned "for posting in a session thread", which I don't understand anyway. I don't even understand what those threads are. They're nonsense. Just strings of random characters like codes. I was posting about something entirely different: this graphic design/art thing. I thought anything goes on /b/. Whatever they're doing with their secret messages, how come they're always doing it if it's against the rules?

Do they just regularly all get three day bans? Those threads are usually always going. I won't stumble into one again. And I'll never figure out the mystery of what they're doing.

The main thing is, I'm the type of person who always follows the rules. I follow the rules of grammar and I obey the laws of the website. Every time I'm banned I have to plead ignorance; I'm simply unaware of the rules. And even when I understand them I'm never the one STARTING IT. I'm participating in a running thread with dozens of active users... Why is it happening in the first place if it's a bannable offense? And are they really banning everyone? Whenever it's a politics thing I notice the thread continues with the other side not banned. So it's biased at times. If you're going to ban people on technicality you really need to ban ALL of them, not just the ones you personally disagree with.
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you must have posted in a session thread I had to wait the full ban time
>>131488 (OP)
I went on /pol/ the day deepseek nuked the stock market and made a post in Chinese pretending to be a Chinese shill.
so the last time I was banned was like... 3 days ago lol
Like fifteen years ago a buddy got my ip banned for posting a guy shitting on a baby
But what does that mean? What are session threads and why are they always active if they're a bannable offense?
Weird rangeban specifically on /vg/ that allowed text posts but not files. I bought a pass to get around some tech issues (captcha not loading) and it magically went away.
This thread is a psyop to link your previous bans to your 4pass permanent record.
I saw it again recently. Afraid to save
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>>131488 (OP)
/tv/. Almost all my bans have been from /tv/. There are a lot of posters who want to start flame wars about political and cultural shit and post an image from a show or movie as a cover.
Best example is the fucktard who is constantly posting WW2 movie threads so he can go on rants about Nazis being cowardly cross dressers.
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>>131488 (OP)
Just now!! For "off-topic". I guess I didn't specify that it was "My 600 Lb Life", but as you can see, the janitor was abusing 'their' power here, because it was a still from a TELEVISION SHOW.

I've been banned for 3 days for posting a Television Show thread on the /tv/ Board!!!!!

Did I learn MY lesson? Yes; never trust faggot janitors to ban in good faith.

There are My600lbLife threads all day every day. WTF was wrong with MINE??
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Does this mean the janitor who did it was a humongous fat fuck? Seriously, there's no justification for this action. And I may not appeal it. I guess it's just /tv/, and /tv/ DOES fucking suck. I'll enjoy the break. But fuck this place.
>>131488 (OP)
I got banned for a month for lee posting. for some god damn fucking reason the janny thought I was "ban evading"...
Why the fuck would you defend the Nazis from anything? They are the bad guys forever no matter what. Contrarian pile of shit.
The point EXACTLY is that /tv/ is not the place to discuss shit that should be on /pol/ or /his/ you stupid bastard.
>>131488 (OP)
i got a 3 day ban for trying to post a link to the 4chan xt github page on /v/. the message said the text was banned or something, wish i took a screenshot.
I went off on a notorious troll who keeps fucking with a general I frequent and got banned for it. Was so pissed I went to the IRC and got it removed thankfully though.
The jannies on /v/ are the most ban-happy jannies on the site, rivaled only by /sp/
>>131488 (OP)
some nigger on /g/ made fun of me for making fun of jeets by banning me for three days
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>>131488 (OP)
Just now. Some weed-hating virgin was waiting to find a reason to ban me and the very first non-tv/movie picture I uploaded he reported me and the faggot janitor agreed I needed a 24 hour time out while I'm trying to run a thread.

Fucking pathetic cunts. This is the image I was banned for. LOL, on /tv/ I can't be sure if the faggot was more offended by the pot or the tits.
He doesn't know either. It's all meaningless bullshit.
My point was more that you seem to have a problem with Nazis being correctly denigrated in whatever fashion possible. Like you think that's NOT true and Nazis are not cowardly or faggots in ladies' clothing. You're right, it's not the place to discuss it, but you're awful for arguing for the Nazis. Don't even try to pretend that's not your issue here besides the ban. You do side with the enemy. Fuck yourself, retard.
Sometime last year on my home board /co/ shitposted about killing every pedophile on that board with my bare hands the whole internet barbarian schtick.
>>131488 (OP)
I bought the 3 year pass sale so I don't want to get it banned. So months

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