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/vip/ - Very Important Posts

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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
05/04/17New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
10/04/16New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
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You may know of /vip/, but very little know of /vip2/. This board is super secretive and directly navigating to it won't show anything besides a 404.
In order to access it, you need a 4chan Pass ULTRA. This is actually kind of hard to do, since you won't be able to find it on the normal 4chan website. Here's the necessities:
* Have at least 50 live posts on 4chan.org
* Have had a normal 4chan pass for at least 4 years (get it?)
* Must have good standing with the mods (no bans for the past 12 months).
* Must have posted on each board at least once.
Then afterwards, you must go to the website https://4chan.org/.passultra.php. This will still show a 403, but after refreshing the page 444 times in a row, then you will get to a purchase screen where you can purchase a 4chan Pass ULTRA for the low price of $200 a year, or $16.70 a month (less than the price of the average restaurant meal).

/vip2/ is a very secretive board, but actually has some advantages to the normal /vip/ board. It's very exclusive, so the posts there are of the best quality you have ever seen, and many high profile users have posted with tripcodes on /vip2/ (there's even one from moot from a few years ago!).
I'm sharing this knowing that it's very possible I'll get banned, but I think it's time I let the world know about this secret place.
Big if true
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>Must have good standing with the mods (no bans for the past 12 months).
I refuse to believe this is possible.

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