>and there is now a /jo/ - Josou (a subgenre of shotacon involving crossdressing boys) board.
sometimes i forget there is an actual faggot board /lgtb/
tfw no gf
>>131793Based 2010 thread
immsorry this happeddn to u
have you tried just being yourself?
>>129325which one of these bitches is yeji
sirs link to original
>>129325>have asian gf>get bored of it>want to fuck blondes or latinas>asian gf breaks up with me>have blonde with big titties>see webm like this>want asian gf againthe fuck is wrong with me
>>132112asian girls slim are elegant whites are curvy/fat and trashyyou could want either depending on your mood
I don't think it's funny..
Just texted my dad. Now what?
Here lies /vip/Though threads may be goneTheir light burns eternal PLEASE PAY YOUR RESPECTS BELOW
Why did the board get nuked again?
Based mods
Cool Ranch Doritos
Is this the Mount Olympus of 4chan?
>>131927I thought that was chinese food for a sec
>>131931what is then?
Blue archive thread
sex with brats
What is this expression conveying?
I had a bad relationship with my Father
I eat shit
The pleasure of being cummed inside.
what if /qa/ were re-opened for pass users only?this one requirement can maintain the board's intended purpose of high quality meta discussion. it can still receive meta threads from other boards for the pass users to play with and discuss.it will be hard to turn it into the shithole spam fest it was before if you had to wager $20 on a pass just to post there.
dang /qa/ just lost againimagine paying 20$ for that
Pro-white thread.
shut down /vip/ aswell
>>132066actual winners don't get shut down
I lost my 2FA phone number so I can't log into my old email to get my 2010 4chan pass.
I am so glad I am very important. ^_^
>>132021easy how?
Easy to bring others happiness and settle things. It was a good feeling.
feels like it was very forced
Goodbye, be well. I'm sorry it ended, especially like this. I'll never forget you, what you gave me. I hope you can find your solace and your other half someday.
Has anyone here turned their life around?If so, at what age and what made it happen?
Why are these threads allowed on /v/?
>>131929AI containment board when?
>>131929nothing matters anymore on this site. moderation has fallen millions must appeal