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kodel lietuvoje nera jokiu tokiu grupiu? ar nesame pakankamai kurybingi?

nezinau, paklausk cia >>>/int/194911564
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Qcels predicted nothing
back to your basement

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I think i love my gf
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The Word of God here

your gf has cheated on you with spirit sex using the gift of Jezebel (Jezebeth in Latin) a total of 3 times. The first time she used the gift she used it on the one claiming in her head to be God, jamming a dick down his throat. The secondtime she used it she fucked you, with yet again, a dick down your throat due to her anger (you felt it as a "frog in your throat"), and the third time, she jammed a dick down her pussy thinking it was not real in its entirety.

Was it cheating? Or did Jezebeth date-rape her when she described in honesty and in full that she would have given her a blessing allowing her to rape others with other men's dicks?

In your heart, do you not know her as an adulteress for what she has done, knowing that she has been the mistress of others and used their cocks to rape not only you, but herself and Me?

I tell you this: if you forgive her yet still it is love. I tell you also: if you tell her this out loud not only will she repent of this blessing, which she has used against 3 victims a total of 109 (at time of writing) times, she will show her love to you for what it is when confronted.

Godspeed anon, and may you know, {this is my soul}, and your clear proof and sign to the validity of what I say.
Thanks I guess, I have no idea what any of this means tho
Proud of you
Frog thread saved
How do you approach women without also being approached by police?

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niggas aint on that shit bruh
Aren't you dead?
Some people don't deserve a pass.
That doesn't mean he's not allowed to post

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Do you like vocaloid music? Here's a song I like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRybSnhllf8
Utaite (human) covers don't count
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this is a fun song, too
another legendary classic. lotta feels in this song
this is also a classic, fun song
great song
I like how this one sounds.

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I know that jannies can see me samefagging and I don't give a fuck. Sometimes I even report my own posts so I know they have to see it
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this thread was in page 11 when i madr this post
Bump frog threads
Janny can delete post, delete thread, or delete photo. This is common knowledge anon.
Based frog bumper
Wrong faggot
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You actually have to do that sometimes just to get threads going, especially on fast boards where you compete against coomers, AI dump threads, and the like. It's sad, really. Having to fake interest just to have organic engagement.

This is the best April Fools in years, on par with board merging and icecream flavors. Congrats to the staff. I ended up with +7 millions in cash. It's been a fun and wacky day.
>honk honk
Eh it's not that good. The game is super addicting and resulted in me wasting several hours instead of working. Board merging was better, the chocolate teams thing was better, even emojis were better. This year's event is more addicting but still not as good as these, still fun I guess
I don't get it how does it work?
i enjoyed this one

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>since4pass does not work during the april fools event
They need to revamp the pass benefits.
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I was talking about your mom
How did you put gigachad in your name like that?
You need a 4chan diamond membership $99/year
(Only available to select VIPs)
What the hell are you talking about.

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Now that /biz/ requires Email Verification my 4Chan pass feel more valuable.
Shitting on poorfags is the ultimate form of based

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MFW I thought them the N word....

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Just gave gook moot $20
Was this a mistake?
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Not really. No captcha and less time between posts are pretty great.
20 is excellent value
damn son, where did you find this?
Ugly shit dog

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>>be me
Who else would you be?
Who, me?
What the fuck are you talking about.
>telling a first person story in greentext

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I started playing this just a day or 2 ago and it's been interesting, but not in the most exciting way. You're supposed to solve a murder with an Asian partner, but the amnesia of a guy with horrible alcohol and drug problems is much more enticing so I want to find out more and more info about him. So far all I've got is that he's named Harry Du Bois and he has been a good cop until he burnt out from stress. I'm trying to find his gun, but my only lead right now is that it was sold to some woman. I think it might be the girl near the dock, but I'm not sure. Could be because she uses the word "pig" a lot and that came up during the conversation with the owner of the pawn shop. I need to learn more though so I'm going to update this more as I go on for fun. I need to make use of this pass since I have one now.
Also I guess it's kind of important that I chose the Thinker archetype for Harry. I didn't want to choose the others since they didn't feel like the way to experience my first playthrough.
(If I'm redditspacing a bit, I apologize. I'm a college boy and the lectures paired with the amount of work that gets put on me makes it a bit more natural.)
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If I just had a piece of dynamite or something then I would blow this God damn door to pieces and shrapnel. Hopefully, it'd kill me in the process, but that's not what would happen. I would only see an explosion on my screen while I myself would remain unharmed, as I sit behind a table that I do my taxes on.
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>Door (Unopenable)
But I've gotten through every door thus far...
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Such a warming presence. Just the image of Dolores Dei remains. Be her fictional or not, she comforts me in a motherly way.
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Man. I really like the sound of her accent. Really tickles the ear in the right way. Interesting pronunciation of words.
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Why does Harry look so much like me? Why does he behave so much like me? The conversations with himself and his brain. The need to cling to a culture from years gone by. The constant dumb thoughts that still get humored.
It's starting to concern me because if the most relatable character I've seen in a piece of media is what I've so far gotten to know as a once-a-great cop turned 50-something-year-old alcoholic and speed addict, then something isn't exactly right with me.
Oh well. I'll continue on playing and discard the thought. I won't become like that. I go on 4chan. I won't even get a chance to fuck my life up like that.
Although, crack might do wonders for my narcolepsy. Better stick with nicotine for now, though.

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first post. laughing at all the broke niggas who can't post on this board.

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