Is it just me or did anyone else also noticed a increase in shills linking their discord or twitter profiles by quoting their own links to avoid getting banned for breaking Global Rule 11? You know like>Shitcord/Xitter.LinkI thought that it's just them misstipping it. But they're doing it intentionally, it can get annoying when a thread gets filled with only posts just linking to random Xitterposts without any context. Got banned one time for literally reporting a Twitter link that had nothing to do with the boards topic because it had that tiny > before the link to larp as a quotation.Does that kind of bullshit count as intentionally evading post filters? Or am I missing something?
>>129704Jannies just arbitrarily enforce rules as long as it makes the CIA server host they use happy
>>129704I've been noticing that too. Kinda absurd how that gets around more and more.
>>129704It's been somewhat annoying to see more threads doing only that.
We need to start over.
>>130968[s4s] never say die
doot doot
Is there anywhere to complain about unreasonable bans of my 4chan pass? They can literally just pocket $20 anytime they want. It's absolutely disgusting. This is where I socialize.
>>130254post screenshot or didnt happen
>>130223The real bullshit part is that bans against your pass compound, meanwhile non-pass users unplug their router for 10 seconds and get a fresh start. Pass users can't just get a little silly every now and then.
>>130254You don't need to tell /int/ that you stink, they can already see your american flag.
Might as well complain about something here since there's seemingly no where else to:What's the deal with 4chan straight up blocking VPNs from even loading the site? This started happening in late 2024 and it's the same across all devices and different browsers. It's extremely annoying because I can't even lurk anymore on VPN. I am forced to expose my wifi's IP address or use my phone's mobile data to load up threads, and after that updating threads works on VPN. Alternatively I can turn on my pass momentarily to force threads to load on VPN. Also 4chan X has been giving me a specific problem lately: "please unblock to proceed" and I know it's some bullshit to get me to turn off my adblocker.All the recent changes I've seen on certain boards to curtail "spammers" hasn't been very affective against them, it just makes it more inconvenient for regular posters that just give up because that 15 minute timer is so finicky and prone to resetting itself often.>>131264This is specifically why I never renewt. pass holder since 2021 but all my passes are less than a year old
do you use ai chatbots?
thanks for the token Passbro. so it's just free opus for the time I still have my pass or until keys run out? cool.
How we doing on this fine evening lads?
vip proxy wen?
>only ways to buy a pass is through a website that allows 4chan to see your billing details or through coinbase which allows feds to see the account linked to your walletHow hard was it to set up a proper crypto purchasing website and use a non-sketchy merchant?
>>131600Enjoy going to prison for fraud
>>131567crypto is supposed to be quick and easy, and an open networkforcing you to use one company's shitty implementation of it is annoyingmy crypto wallet that works everywhere else doesn't work with cuckbase
>>131527>Need to download Coinbase Wallet™ and make a Coinbase™ account for a simple purchaseThis shit is so retarded. What was wrong with just giving an address to send some BTC to? It's like these companies have made it their mission to turn everything into shit.
>>131813seriously. its the biggest bullshit thing they have. this coinbase shit is god awful
>>131503>non-sketchywell dont be sketchyworrying about merchantsbut you care not what god thinks
Are u ready for 2025? (^ω^)
>>131891sexo cat
As women become commodified, even confident men who would once have thrived in the dating market, are now stripped of their female privileges. Female affection, company and the opportunity to have a relationship are like gold dust compared to a generation ago and women will only settle for the highest bidder which nowadays is usually a nigger. This includes ugly white women as well who suddenly have exclusivity in this warped dating climate. This is hypergamy on steroids and the value of every woman is inflated (with the exception of masculine lesbians amd black women) so even single moms who were once repellents to most men, now have a host of suitors waiting to be exploited.As confident and conservative men can't get sex as easily as they could do a generation ago they turn to conspiracy theories and in some cases extremism (just look at the incel movement).For the true socially worthless outsider types such as myself it's a mixed blessing. The men I hate can't get sex as easily anymore and are being prosecuted for rape in some cases but it's making normal men more aggressive in general toward socially awkward white men like myself because even I'm construed as a competitor.
This post is very important
any new years plans anon?resolutions?
>>131873hopefully i will reach 90lbs by the end of the year. Maybe 80. I would also like to get a nose job and finally move. (have the money, just gotta pack up and make a few repairs )
>>131873I'm going to get out of work early, get absolutely crippled on edibles, play online computer games and pass out before 10:00pm. Oh yeah and I'm going to try to find a Twilight Zone marathon to watch.
post new years resolutions here and report back in a year if you met your goals or not. alternatively, post a goal you want to meet any time of the year and give an update a year later
my only goal is to fit into size xs clothing before summer
In the coming New Year, I will crush everyone who defies my will. Wish me good luck, bros!
>>131768cute twink goals
my goal is to be able to look back on 2025 and be proud of myself
Oh no, the Grinch is here to steal Christmas! If no one posts in this thread by midnight then 4chan will lose Christmas forever, and that's a bad thing!
christmas = saved
Shoe me your cool miku stuff!Miku, Miku. You can call me Miku..
>>130595Also I forgot, miku plushies are something you really really want to buy at brick and mortars if possible, they're made in china and have enough manufacturing slop that they all look kinda different, some are simply more well put together than others.
>>130595I don't think a fake plush would bother me.. as long as the plush itself looks good and is sturdy enough for cuddling, I'm game.Big thing is I don't put mine on shelves. They are in my bed, getting cuddled, rolled on, thrown around in my sleep.. and I really don't wanna have to repair those things every week.
>>130595I've got this big migu flag from aliexpress. It's hanging a little loose and is obviously plastic garbage but I don't really care for "real" merch as long as it's good merch.The flag is like 2m wide and cost me maybe 5 bucks.
I have received new Miku merch!
Only 2 left to complete my collection
I spent $40 on a 3 year pass. Here's to 2027
>>131696inb4 banned for ban evasion
>>131696have a bump, OP
>>131696this is my plan too in march
This is my blanket. I love my blanket.
>>130851dude that thing is sick
>>130851I love chunkachu.