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Do you guys keep lists of what you played or watched? I tend to write down each game I've finished by year because I have autism, and felt amazing by how much I have achieved just in 2024, specially when it were such a busy year on work, college and climate conditions...
Anyways, for 2024 I've played:

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 - ps1
Resident evil survivor - ps1
Crash Bandicoot 2 - ps1
Elden Ring - PC
Spider-man - ps1
Spider-man 2 - ps1
Parasite Eve - ps1
Yakuza 7 - PC
Another Crab's Treasure - PC
Earthworm jim 2 - Genesis
Animal Well - PC
Earthworm Jim Special Edition - Sega CD
Balatro - PC
Braid - PC
Resident Evil 2 Remake - PC
Hades - PC
Resident Evil 3 Remake- PC
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - PC
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - PC
Lies of P - PC
Life is Strange Remastered - PC
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered - PC
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit - PC

Right now I'm playing for the first time the Life is Strange series, as I always had a very negative reaction to story-focused games such as these but for now I'm having a blast.
Damn, I should have written down the date too. Oh well, things to do next year! Write your list too!
idk I don't feel any sense of accomplishment by having played video games so I dont write them down, if something leaves a lasting impression on you, you won't need to write it down.
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Only for gaming, and not at the same level as 15 years ago when i would note start and end dates for each game.
I just have a list of games I won, so if its on there Ive played it
I use Anilist for anime (which can be automated pretty far with software) and go fill in my playtime on HowLongToBeat whenever I finish a game. Game achievements also give you a pretty good estimate of whenever you've started/beaten a game too, so I don't make a fuss to keep track of the dates.

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