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do not
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I completely forgot how to draw kinda I have been extremely lethargic for several days
working out kinda alleviates it for maybe 30 mins and then I have to do it again
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he's literally me
but you draw well

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Shoe me your cool miku stuff!
Miku, Miku. You can call me Miku..
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Keeping stuff in the boxes, eh. I always tear those open the second I get back from a convention.
and I cut the black tie off mine cause that thing is so horribly scratchy. Makes sakura unfun to cuddle.
I wish it was easier to get these stupid plushes... I haven't found a single fucking site that sells them. Got my 2 from japs at weeb cons
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Ive gotten my plushies from cons during the timing when they're being re-released in japan + 3-6 months so they can hit cons in southern california, and then hobbylink japan because they open preorders for certain sega prize plushes now.

It doesn't cover everything, plushies get sold through different retail channels than figures, so you really have to look around.
Genuine fuwafuwa mikus are scalped to hell when they're not in their narrow re-release window and most listings are fakes.
Do NOT buy one unless the listing outright says genuine SEGA prize and has a good refund policy (amazon/ebay) because there's tons of fakes and the fakes are often horrific. (my fake miku isn't this bad)

In the past I tried mandarake but only 2 classic miku plushies have appeared on there since 2022, it really sucks.
You should also look into local resellers who preorder sega prize stuff, I don't recommend reseller for prize figs or scales, but for plushes it outweighs the negatives (markup) and it guarantees you'll get one.
Otaku Owlet in socal is one near me, they seem to have direct connections to the chinese domestic market, so they get official moeyu miku apparel stuff too.
For more niche mikus like the magical mirai mikus, you really have to dig around with local resellers, sometimes they show up at cons but they're niche, if they import anything they wont last long.
Of course, I can only speak for living in socal, it's probably not this easy anywhere else.
Also I forgot, miku plushies are something you really really want to buy at brick and mortars if possible, they're made in china and have enough manufacturing slop that they all look kinda different, some are simply more well put together than others.
I don't think a fake plush would bother me.. as long as the plush itself looks good and is sturdy enough for cuddling, I'm game.
Big thing is I don't put mine on shelves. They are in my bed, getting cuddled, rolled on, thrown around in my sleep.. and I really don't wanna have to repair those things every week.
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I've got this big migu flag from aliexpress. It's hanging a little loose and is obviously plastic garbage but I don't really care for "real" merch as long as it's good merch.
The flag is like 2m wide and cost me maybe 5 bucks.

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Passus can now be bought for 3 years in advance at a discounted rate which works out to $0.80 per month.
Will this bring new blood to /vip/? Will we get back to 11 pages by the end of the year? Is Hiro really in need of some cash?
Tune in next time to /news4vip/ to hear some or none of the answers, same vipper news same vipper board.
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Your fault for not getting a pass when they first became available. If you had, your renewal would've not come before this change.
no idea why it wouldn't.
4chan has ads?
Got me to pay. Funny enough I was just planning on getting the $20 one because I get too lazy for the captchas but this works out nicely so long as I don't get perma'd cause someone used the same VPN as me to post illegal shit
wait, is this real or did you just choose the wrong one?

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I'm the reason why your mom is chewing bubble gum again.
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can you fucking stop it

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Blue archive thread
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yejibros where is our thread
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yejibros walmart isn't open 24/7 anymore because of a certain group of people...
yejibros our mom bought something on facebook market place and it never came so she told us to give the seller a bad review and get a refund. but then we looked in the mailbox and the package was there.
yejibros we still havent filed our taxes and we only have 5 days left we hate crypto brothers fuck musk
yejibros we are big snoozers and need a new mattress
the futon is not working out anymore
any recommendations
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yejibros we filed our taxes it took 26 minutes we have been dreading that for 6 months brothers

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I'm not renewing my 4chan pass. Fuck this site.
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i just heard about this from a /b/ thread.
why is this happening? im not even racist and i dont like this.
whichever member of the staff is responsible for this needs to be fired ASAP
Huh, fag still goes through.
Why don't they just bring back word filters? Mods are very uncreative. This was already the worst year for 4chan after the purge, but they really just want to keep reminding us how little passion they have for the job on top of that. What makes me sad is that I know that this is just another ploy for more adbux. Dark times ahead.
nigger nigger nigger nigger

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please post a randomly selected image in this thread
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Have you ever had THICK WATER?
yeah i actually have because we had those for the tards that could not swallow liquids without choking

>oh yeah /vip/ exists
I wanna talk about tentacles and magic sex powers but my thread is dead and staying dead. Looking for some articulate effortposters among you fags

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I love the album's art, but my friends say they look like Klansmen. Dilemma?
>seeing the KKK where they are not
what did he mean by this, /vip/bros?
what the fuck are you talking about this is one of the greatest albums ever by the best band ever
Yes. Your friends are retarded, so you should probably get new ones.

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Playing videogame together.
this game sucks unwashed hobo ass
Oh, sure, it's seen much better days, like back in the last thread before /vip/ burnt to the ground, but it's still got replayable content.
no it doesn't, raidlogging until the next majorly delayed patch isn't replayability
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No it fucking isn't bitch.
so apparently if you login from a moblie browser and switch to wifi this shit happens. it's happening to me right now
fucking annoying
Lol, this has been a thing since forever

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What are your favorite boards?
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I don't really have one. I used to post /v/ a long time ago but soon realized it made me hate vidya more than enjoying it, so I moved to /x/ for a while. Was on /pol/ pre-Trump days mostly for how active it was but I kind of considered /vip/ my home until crypto only renewals happened. I've been off 4chan too long since then to really know how any of the boards are these days.
I mostly use /a/, /v/, and /vg/. But /ck/ is an underrated board, that place is hilarious.
/g/ /o/ /out/ /x/ /vr/ /b/ /r9k/ /bant/ /z/

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what do you think internet would look like if you couldnt make money off of it, fe. youtube was so much cooler when people werent trying to get as much money and views but just making funny shit or posting cool shit they done, i dont really like internet rn
it would be so much better. I miss those days. I used to feel that way on 4chan but it’s been off lately.
Strictly speaking, it would either just barely exist or not at all because no business related to it would operate, including even the service providers. It'd all have to be volunteering, so maybe some hobbyists and maybe some researchers.
Assuming that we mean just that the monetization of it didn't develop beyond like early youtube stage, I don't think it'd be that different from back then. Without the economic push, the developments would probably be much, much slower, especially on the frontend part. I think it'd still be useful enough to not just be treated as a fad and lose popularity completely, but it wouldn't be as dominant.

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