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Complete and utter bullshit. I'm disgusted with how these moderators treat Pass users.
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I just renewed mine for a year but I should have done the 3 years but I didn’t want to spend so much money. Can’t afford groceries can barely afford a pass sad times
I hate jannies so much, they are like internet niggers
NTA, but they like to pull out your permanent record. I deserved some of them, but more than a few I didn't. Extrapolate that over 19 years.
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>make retarded shitpost
>37 previous bans
>they didn't even perma you
>still complain
You deserved it OP. Next!

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my 5+ year thread is gone
it's over
it's only just begun
licky tongue

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4chan should make having a pass mandatory in order to post. 4chan is a privilege, not a right.
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Oops talked too soon. Based mods.
so true so true
then the site would die

So, by proxy, free speech is a privilege, not a right?

see next post


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I should be allowed to have more than 5 active threads per board
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it is very big problem
I should be allowed to smoke weed all day and stay at home playing online computer games and receive $100k a year in untaxed salary.
Another thing that really grinds my gears

Why Am I no longer allowed to quote an entire thread? As soon as I quote more than 5 people it says the system thinks my post is spam. But I want to be able to quote everyone (20 or so) people in a thread if I want to.
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In the anime board I asked for where I could find Greek dubs of anime whether by paying for a service or warez and my thread got deleted and I got warned. I didn't think it was off-topic in /a/.

Can I get banned for innocuous stuff like that if it accumulates?
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Those are requests about women/porn though.
request threads on /a/ are always deleted, their special brand of autism is very consistent, if you want to talk about greek dubs, talk about greek dubs without looking like a tourist retard asking for links to nyaa
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if your thread is not about dragonball or isekai, it's going to be deleted, sorry
I've PM-ed moot and he said no fuck off

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Why is Hiroshimoot so retarded? 15 minute CD between posts, really? What does he think he'll accomplish? Actual discussion? 4chan has always been known as "the asshole of the internet" and a no-thoughts shitposting magnet. This website is cooked. Does he WANT everyone to use twitter and discord instead??
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I honestly don't mind the slower tempo, it feels more like early 2000's comfychan without all the permasummers and poltards shitting up every thread on the whole site.
like nobody gives a fuck what your opinion is on syrian economics on /co/ nigga we just wanna watch cartoons

The mobile data ban thing is pretty common since you usually share IP addresses with other people with mobile carriers
>it feels more like early 2000's comfychan without all the permasummers and poltards shitting up every thread on the whole site.
Where is this, because the boards I use are still full of normalfags and election tourists
I mean theyre still not perfect but /co/ /vr/ /vrpg/ /lit/ and /g/ are the ones i visit the most
and the horror genereal in /tv/. /g/ is def still the most infected board but its gotten slightly better again
What's worse is that this still doesn't solve the spamming issue which it supposedly claimed to be a solution of. Every single time a measure like this is taken (Pass, Captcha, CDs) it always makes the experience worse for the regular user instead of boiler rooms/spammers.

This site is as good as done. For real this time. The fact that other sites figured out making an anonymous imageboard better is proof that 4chan is just around for hierarchical reasons (the most influential and historically rich.) People will flock to better alternatives once it's gone, which is no longer a matter of if, but when at this point.

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Very Important Marisa Thread!
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It's almost Christmas!
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I had a good Christmas!
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What a nice January!
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balls deep in marisa
cumming inside her fertile womb
living a happy life together

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I logged in on KurobaEX using my WiFi. Now I'm outside and I'm using mobile data but it says it's currently in use by another IP (My home network). How do I post using mobile data?
You have to wait 30 minutes between posts on different IPs
Oh, and moving between different mobile IPs doesn't trigger the cooldown.

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bug i found in my shower
enjoy the lime disease
free limes!

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hi i just signed up for 4chan account and buy pass what do i do now
You post cats
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drink some water now
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please you have to or else
But I don't wanna
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if you drink water you will be rewarded very much
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Thnx but I dringg cobbee outsted
Organ watering come later

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Why does the first google search result of the pass have a literal Nazi reference in the URL?!
google bombing
I remember /g/ figured it out a while ago, someone censored their pass renewal email in an old /q/ thread and google scraped it
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not a drill
are you doing archeology?

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My jew doctor prescribed me this crap how do i detox?
go natty
reject the pharmaceutical jew
yeah, STOP being a pharmaceutical taking jew OP.
Axe your doctor

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