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u-uuuwaaaa~ OmO i-i wet my boifwendu do a cummy cum in my boipuccccwie~!!! and he didn't weaw a boicondom 0////0 a-a-am i gonna get fagpweggews now?? 3: i is a too young to be a boimothew >///< c-c-can i getsies a boibowtion? uwu c-can i pay my boinecowogist with my boipucccwie-wucie? 0////< p-ewhaps i c-couwd offew him my tasty boimiwk uwu o-ow m-maybe i'ww ask if he wiww accept a pint of my sticky boisywup instead UwU
>we are just like you
>we just want equal rights
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uwaaaa~ dangan boicummies >w<
Based and also quite possibly redpilled
'We' also used to put radium on our teeth.
The world would be a better place if more people dropped dead from radiation poisoning.

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Is it just me or did anyone else also noticed a increase in shills linking their discord or twitter profiles by quoting their own links to avoid getting banned for breaking Global Rule 11? You know like
I thought that it's just them misstipping it. But they're doing it intentionally, it can get annoying when a thread gets filled with only posts just linking to random Xitterposts without any context. Got banned one time for literally reporting a Twitter link that had nothing to do with the boards topic because it had that tiny > before the link to larp as a quotation.

Does that kind of bullshit count as intentionally evading post filters? Or am I missing something?
Jannies just arbitrarily enforce rules as long as it makes the CIA server host they use happy

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May Strelizia rest in peace.
We had a good run!
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/w/ thread still lives on even tho it's not strelitzia focused
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Should I start an obscure mecha thread in its memory? Another strelitzia thread would be sovlless.
We lost so much: slow board, strelizia, rrrolllll your panties, etc. How will we ever recover?

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what is your favorite snack food?
Top three might be Stax: Sour Cream & Onion, Cheddar Ruffles, and Hot Cheetos Limon
Cheese balls
based ruffles all addressed enjoyer
Pringles Pizza/BBQ for poor times
Snickers for middle times
Amazon ordered imports for ritzy times
Cha Cha sunflower seeds salt flavor baby

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The mod's incompetence is actually a blessing. In the future, random board wipes should be a thing to clear out cancer.
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What if we try to keep /vip/ under 10 pages for as long as possible? We're probably never going to see an unfull catalog again.
I don't think random board wipes should be normal but it did break up the boredom with how little actually happens on this site.
I like it when a mod just decides to fuck with /b/ for shiggles every now and then.
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I miss the era of mod cat where mods actually communicated with the community to show there were attempts to fix things or they were listening, instead of this forced radio silence.
That's true, but I think the current era overall is one where people try - actively and unconsciously - to see or to insert ideology and goals and all that shit into every statement. That's a symptom of the wider internet's current attitudes.

I had a pass from 2012 but I deleted the email account it was tied to
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whats special about a pass from 2012?
you can access the old dead boards
I regret not buying a pass the first year they came out.
there are dead boards?
We're not supposed to talk about them.

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Simple no bake caramel creme pudding recipe, serves 2.

caramel is 4 parts water to 1 parts sugar, stir over medium heat till gooey, pour it into your flan mold and let it cool

depending on how firm you want your pudding, take 2-4 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin and mix it with equal parts water until it turns into a gel

for the pudding, combine 1 cup whole milk, 1 cup evaporated milk, 1 cup sweetened condensed milk and 1tsp vanilla extract into a saucepan on medium heat until it reaches just below boiling, then mix in the gelatin and stir until it's gone

Then pour into the mold you prepared earlier and let refrigerate for 4 hours before serving.

squishe ^^

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Another day at the mansion, master says I have to shave my legs and plug my bussy for special service later, my maid outfit is so soft and comfy and high quality!!! Oops gotta go, master wants a cup of my feminizing girl pee!

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i love kot
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Whaddap cat?
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k o t i s k o t
t o k s i t o k

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These kinds of pics are so hot
Thank you, family. :3

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for me? it's anime and the philadelphia phillies, the comfiest sports club on this side of the atlantic

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Do any of you want to be friends?

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what happened to the boards
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50% of the threads were mine so jannie deleted all
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Mods fucked up. Stickies on the more popular boards full of HAPPENING posts. No additional explanations from mods.
based if not in a vm
>templeOS poster is a passchad

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you stupid faggots what are we paying you for?

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