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it is spooky day yes
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the darkness is among us
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the darkness went and unwent
thank goodness, all is well then.

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We need to start over.
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>And how would you like your steak cooked?
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medium prease
Medium or medium rare.
I almost always had the issue that when I ordered medium, they overcooked it, like on that pic somewhere between medium-well and well done. The one time I opted for medium-rare, it looked even more rare than rare on this pic. Even the one time I got my medium actually medium, steaks here tend to cost like twice of the other options on the menu, and the taste doesn't seem to justify it.
HARD medium. Any slightly towards medium rare or medium well and you're getting 0 stars.
brown and pink medium well

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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting et al. belong on >>>/vip/nah.

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
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Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: >>126662
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It's been added to /v/ and /vt/ as well.
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it's everywhere now
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happening i got my first ever public ban (I'm the second post)
boards are so much better now since the antispam measures started

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My thread disappeared ;_;
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I just ate 12 bun length hot dogs AMA

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What did Hiro mean by this?
Good. Fuck poorcels
3rd world retards that can't even afford $20 a year should go and stay go.

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Happy Halloween Anons!

>oh yeah /vip/ exists
I wanna talk about tentacles and magic sex powers but my thread is dead and staying dead. Looking for some articulate effortposters among you fags
fappin rn

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mfw trips
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
this is coming from someone dumb enough to think that saging on the slowest board of all time will accomplish something, so..
I love u
thx bb
check em

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ITT: Uninteresting and usual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit (occasionally aka as the blog thread)
Real happenings go on >>>/trash/happenings or >>>/vip/happenings.

Previous thread: >>122513
Many boards were NOT nuked.
i forgot we still had a /nah/ on here
i just rolled singles

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Another day at the mansion, master says I have to shave my legs and plug my bussy for special service later, my maid outfit is so soft and comfy and high quality!!! Oops gotta go, master wants a cup of my feminizing girl pee!
Absolutely based.
god I wish that were me

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Crack the Downey code

35.9244917, 14.4078431
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113 !!acDS4mFLDl4 !!acDS4mFLDl4 !!acDS4mFLDl4 !!acDS4mFLDl4
!!acDS4mFLDl4 !!acDS4mFLDl4
Do I get invited to the inauguration?

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please post a randomly selected image in this thread
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Now that 4chan has implemented more effective anti-spam / bot measures... can you reduce the ban for making an off topic thread from 3 DAYS to 1 day?
Once the ban is in and the thread is deleted, the threat's gone. There's no more harm in the catalog.

Getting B& three days for a funpost (that isn't porn or racism or similar) is non figuratively (aka not literally) genocide.
11 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
All bans need to be able to be challenged. Mods need to be held accountable for their bullshit. Especially since most of the content here is off topic bullshit to begin with
>glorious 2013 master race
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no, increase the ban

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