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I was going to preorder this Paul Heyman action figure, but I was waiting until a couple other wrestling figures I wanted went on preorder so I could add them all to my card and get free shipping. But unfortunately, I guess a lot of other people wanted this one, and now you can't even pre-order it. The only way to get it now is to pre-order a collection of all eight figures in the series for like $220, and I don't want to do that. So because I missed out on my Paul Heyman action figure, I decided to spend my money on a 4chan pass instead.

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rupert update
thanks for viewing this rupert update
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Shut up
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Me too
Here's another picture
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rupert update here he is biting me again in my garden
cute bites
Awww he's so cute.

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Lust after Madoka Kaname.
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An epidemic of starvation and disease in Gaza.
1.7 million people displaced.
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I want to know how Hamas keeps getting rockets. Where are they coming from? How are the parts getting into Gaza? Where are they assembled? How do they get away with launching them?

In America if I tried to by a large amount of fertilizer without being a farmer, I might get a knock from the FBI. But these fuckers are launching rocket after rocket, and no one (not even leftists)
give a shit
Now they can fix it themselves.
That was December, it's much worse now.
They murder children in Gaza for fun.

The satanic terrorist U.S. government is an organization of corrupt, deranged psychopaths who live only to serve their Lord and master the Devil.
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They're psychotic. They'll never stop till they are forcibly stopped.
Let's burn them off the planet.
They are ugly and greedy too.
Yup, and the end result is one dead planet.
The monsters ruin everything.

"Wrong Turn" the Country.
114 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.
It's terrible.
Oh shit, he's right.
Americans are some real creepy people. Try to ignore them.
Not just America though.
Burn it away.

The abuse of the Palestinians by evil oppressors must end.
How long will this continue?
118 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
Such horrors.
Everything destroyed.
Noted. It is good to bring awareness.
They enjoy to murder, what's the big deal?
More oppression

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What's the most openly racist board on 4chan that isn't /pol/?

I vote for /ck/, they don't even try to hide it, and they do it so often I don't think they're having a laugh when they complain about their local renaissance fairs >>>/ck/20444694
and costcos >>>/ck/20439040
increasingly being full of non-whites.
report the posts
Don't report the posts.
I would say /tv/.
lowkey /bant/

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Big news: 4chan will let (You) buy/renew with credit cards again
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yeah but i want to use coinbase, the problem now is i have to make a burner wallet to send shit to coinbase so i can't be tracked. Real pain in the dick
Does it allow prepaid cards? He'd have to manually disallow that w/ Stripe to not accept prepaid cards I bet.
Second this question
I paid 20 bucks to say that you can't draw for shit
one wrong click in the wrong file and its over for you

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I have seen many meme coins doing the rounds on 4 chan lately like DCASH so i incidentally happened to check in their presale! Looking investable so far! What are your thoughts?
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pajeet scam detected
Oh really, you've been seeing those coins DOING ROUNDS on 4 chan? WOW.
Totally not OP
Totally not OP
Same samefagging rajesh
How's Real Smurf Cat? I see it advertised on here and unsure if I wanna give it a whirl.
the market is full of retarded inorganic memes backed by a bunch of people that only want to dump to buy their lambo or something

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Can anyone eliminate accounts of online animal torturers who torture small animals to death for (not an inconsiderable) profit on social networks as FB, Instagram, TikTok and others - check info at "Feline Guardians" there or on their web. Thanks
Oh ok. We were ignoring animal torture until your brave, heroic soul finally spoke out against it. Finally animal torture will be put to rest for good all thanks to your fucking retarded thread.
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animals also have online rights!

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Did the owner dissapear or is he just scamming people now?
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What the hell is stripe I just bought it from 4chan.
stripe is the payment processor 4chan uses
it's irrelevant, really
>You can use a credit card again.
Am happy that I fucked him over and I got a free 4chan pass.
>$10 jew convenience fee

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I bought it because my IP range was permabanned and I couldn't post no matter what. I figured my only options were either to try to use a VPN, which costs money anyways, or buy the pass.

But for people who aren't range banned, I don't see the point in buying the pass, I mean there are lots of captcha solvers on the web. I honestly wish they made it harder to solve captchas to weed out the solvers.
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Captchas gay

because trannie jannies tongue my anus
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it lets me use VPNs and change my IP/post code to fuck with people on boards that have them

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I bought the pass again just to beg you, give us a religion board already.
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We can only do that by making a seperate board for religion.
test failed

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I miss the poop blog :(
I analysed it and am in the process of writing a 3000 word essay on OP's defecation habits.
Please post it when you're done, thank you
thanks for liking it unfortunately i have no plans to make another one
thank you i am looking forward to it
have you ever considered keeping a personal poop journal for your own health and enjoyment?
i have not

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