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File: uwillpay4this.png (208 KB, 1836x647)
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YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME, I am a paying customer dammit.
Do a charge back
They banned me for posting about cute actresses on their thread.
>NOOO, you have to only talk about her work, you can't talk about their looks
I demand justice for my $20 in bitcoins.
File: 20231031_142224.jpg (974 KB, 1365x2048)
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Now I can't post an image here too. Money stolen.
/tv/ tranny is the absolute worst
There are really weird and vague "rules" like that which are designed to be open to interpretation so janitors can just ban people that annoy them. There needs to be more vetting when they choose. They seem to have no problem with biased people who will just ban people smarter than them with differing opinions.
I get banned quite a bit just for being insufferably correct. Destiny got banned a lot for the very same reason.

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