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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
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10/04/16New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
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Passus can now be bought for 3 years in advance at a discounted rate which works out to $0.80 per month.
Will this bring new blood to /vip/? Will we get back to 11 pages by the end of the year? Is Hiro really in need of some cash?
Tune in next time to /news4vip/ to hear some or none of the answers, same vipper news same vipper board.
is this a rugpull? will this site last 3 more years?
can (I) renew my regular 1 year pass with a 3 years payment
yes apparently i can. noice, thanks for the discount
Huh, the next time I'm up for renewal, I'll do that.
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Why was I only billed 20 USD for my three year pass? Is this a mistake or will I be billed another 25 dollars later?
I wonder why the sudden discount, have passes become unpopular in the recent year perhaps?
I submitted a request in the feedback form that pass owners shouldn't see ads. I wonder if it has something to do with that.
Already bought my pass for next year a few weeks ago. If there is gonna be a discount to 40 bux or whatever on black friday I shall extend.
lots of people found out that bans stack and it's easier to get permabanned when you have 100 previous bans over 10 years all tied to your passu.
It's gone on for some time now.
That's why you get a new pass instead of extending the one you already have.
wow 3 years of jannies being able to track my bans
But then you can't flex your old pass
it might be hiroshimoot is trying to boost yearly revenue numbers trying to sell the site
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Please sell it to someone who actually gives a shit about this site.
People are bringing up the possibility that the website may be in financial trouble which could be possible but I honestly don't put too much thought into because the site likely costs very little to run and maintain, but I'm significantly more worried about the website's declining user base. I think the website will be around for many more years to come, it just won't be as popular as it used to be. Imageboards, 4chan especially are already very dated and archaic.
Going to be honest and give a hot take but I think hiro was an incredibly wise pick to sell the site to. He's done next to nothing, changed next to nothing, and has allowed the site to function without his presence/interference. I am horrified thinking of how a new owner would change things, especially in the squeaky clean advertiser friendly corporate landscape that is the modern web.
Wait... does this mean f2p > p2w?
well behaved and quality posters do not have this problem
I would have thought the opposite now that you don't need to buy crypto for them and can just pay normally
Imagine getting banned
pretty easy to do if you post in any mildly interesting thread on /v/, or better yet just talk about hollywood celebrity gossip on /tv/, or dump femboy porn on [s4s].
This made me cave. I am hiro's slut now.
The reality is I got a job.
thank you hiro for letting me pay with real money
i've been waiting for like 15 years, but here we are: me supporting 4chin and not the other way around
>pass owners shouldn't see ads.
no one with a brain sees ads
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Despite making only 13% of my posts there, /v/ accounts for over 50% of my bans.
The jannies there definitely hate quality posters such as myself
I'm glad they came to their senses and didn't make you have to use memecoin to buy a pass. That was the only thing stopping me before when I thought about it a few months ago.
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Ah, it feels good to be back on /vip/ again. I haven't posted here since before COVID when my pass expired and they removed the option to pay with cards, only crypto. Just saw where cards were added back; how long have they been accepted?
Since March: https://archive.palanq.win/vip/thread/126959
They never once announced it outside the pass page for some reason.
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Thanks fren. I see they did a purge of all the old /vip/ threads too. We lost this is a slow board and rrrolllll your panties too from 2017.
Any of the /v/idya boards have the most easily upset jans
nah. hiroshimoot should keep on running this site. it's fine as is right now. why rock the boat with an unknown who might radically change this website.
>100 previous bans over 10 years
getting banned almost every month for 10 years must be a record somewhere
Luv me pass
simple as
Fucking finally the credit card option is back
The New York lawsuit against 4chan hasn't been going well, the law is ignoring Section 230 as it pertains to this website
It wasn't shut down back when you could find cp on the front page, it'll keep going.
Because it's not fine as it is right now. This site needs to either die or have some actual TLC.
Rugpull alert
Not gonna lie, I was about to buy 1 year when I saw cards were added back but literally the day I went to submit the payment was when they announced 3 year deals. I would've been pissed too if I paid for 1 year and then was told 3 years was available.
1 year passes are better for this reason >>129532
card option has been back like 6 months ago when I tried to renew via pass/get
That site has been down since then.
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This is the reason I opted back in. I don't give a fuck if there's a massive leak one day. I've been on this site for 16 years and I'm happy to pay up, but demanding crypto for years was full retard.
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Was it 4chins only wanting meme money or was it because virtually every payment processor blacklisted 4chan and it took a number of years to come up with a solution?
dumb, I would have mentioned that on all the pages
I would have paid good money to bypass the CAPTCHA but I didn't want to have to use internet funny money to do it
I'm back.
renewed my pass and then a week later we get this
fuck me
it actually sucks that i renewed my pass two weeks before they announced this crap. i wish they give us an option to just cover the different between the 1 year and 3 year so that i don't have to feel like a sucker retroactively.
Your fault for not getting a pass when they first became available. If you had, your renewal would've not come before this change.
no idea why it wouldn't.
4chan has ads?
Got me to pay. Funny enough I was just planning on getting the $20 one because I get too lazy for the captchas but this works out nicely so long as I don't get perma'd cause someone used the same VPN as me to post illegal shit
wait, is this real or did you just choose the wrong one?
No problem with niches
Do they allow prepaid cards?
can confirm i did purchase 3 years
me too
that shouldn't be an issue as long as they aren't using your pass
what was that one site where you can buy a gifted pass?
I tried looking for it since I used it when this was crypto scam only. Looks like they vanished.
That's was my thought as well.
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>current pass
>Valid Until: 08/04/25
What do?
Anime is stupid and gay.
4chan would be as popular as ever if not for the ridiculous bot infestation, Jesus Christ it’s fucking unbearable. Check out /smg/ on /bant/ it’s fucking 99% bots. /pol/ of course as been unusable for years, but it’s spread to most of the site now

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