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/vip/ - Very Important Posts

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10/04/16New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
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it is tomato tuesday
please consume tomat
Make me
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take it easy
eat some caprese
I don't take food from tripfags
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mama mia
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What percentage of users do you think buy passes?
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idk, testing testing.
1% at best.
Frog thread bumped

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We're playing videogame together.
40 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Let's see the artistic skill of /vip/er's! Use this thread to draw something, anything!
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been trying to draw every day..
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been kinda miserable tbdesu

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/vip/ should have a unique board culture
133 replies and 38 images omitted. Click here to view.
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We can draw stuff. Why don't more anons draw stuff? We should be able to draw stuff on any board too
nice penice
no culture
it's over
how do you do this font?
you need to buy the VIP keyboard

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what if no one thinks we're very important?
105 replies and 41 images omitted. Click here to view.
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The skeleton (INSIDE YOU) believes in you.
he is full of mirth and play
vip posts are top posts always
no way that's impossible

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Post how long you have had your pass for, earliest I have seen was from 2012.
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I would be surprised if you had seen one older than that
I bought it this year also
Pass newfag also
Just bought one on my birthday just a few moments ago.

Test desu
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hopapa mah beeeed turn mah swag on !!!
very important test
His people spent hundreds of years trying to get out of chains, he gets money, buys chains

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kot id
120 replies and 16 images omitted. Click here to view.

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I just spent my last fraction of a BTC on this pass, I hope it's worth it
did your test work?
testing again
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it logs me out and i have to sign in to my pass after nearly every fucking post, why is it like this?
Probably because you have something deleting cookies on your browser.

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Can we have an option to turn off the reduced post cooldown? I use the pass mostly to avoid the captcha and I hate when people recognize I am using a pass because my posts come out faster due to the reduced cooldown
3 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
Wait a minute in between posts you nit wit
i have autism, i can't
im jewish
no like, it's free
>I hate when people recognize I am using a pass because my posts come out faster due to the reduced cooldown
And you care about this.. why exactly?

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post what you are eating
i am eating macaroni and cheese
28 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
just ate an egg mcmuffin
i ate tacos today
ate dominos pizza
ate a cubano sandwich
chicken and corn chowder

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I can only post ascii art here and in /jp/.
                          ⌒\        プリプリ
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      |    |         ___>'7|    L7TT⌒>、     |     |

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Because it was often times used for shitposts and was generally just annoying
It shouldn't be allowed here either
I didn't pay $20 for this crap

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>express genuine opinion
>guy calls it bait
Stop being retarded and people will stop assuming you're deliberately trying to annoy them

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