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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

VIP Quality™ edition

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the existent /nah/ thread (>>129342)

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How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: https://archive.palanq.win/vip/thread/129340 >>129340
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I have been banned from /tv/ three times in the last six months for engaging in "off-topic" discussion. So why do a bunch of ignorant rightwing retards get to shit up the board with their post-election victory dance month after month and if I post anything negative against Trump I'm banned?

I don't start political threads. The liberal-bashing posts aren't flagged. The OP isn't banned. The thread isn't pruned.

It's like a honeypot to remove lefties from /tv/. And then I try to flag all the exact same kinds of posts as mine but of course I'm banned so I can't.

WTF? Why are the janitors all fucking MAGAfags? Why are they punishing the posters who can spell and attach images and have an expansive vocabulary? Why are they banning people with passes?
Contrarianism and irrationality shouldn't actually be the fucking 4chan business model.
Why is the bump limit on /vg/ 750 but on /trash/ it's 300?
Makes no sense since /trash/ is just a bunch of recurring generals and a fast board too. At least increase it to 500+ as constantly making new threads is tiresome.
bad thread containment boards all have lower limits
>The site is shitty on purpose!
Not an excuse, especially with pass prices increasing.
go talk to the mods about it then
I'm sure they'll take requests for raising limits on /trash/ and /bant/ seriously the 12000th time
Not specific to one board but https://arch.b4k.co/ is down and no one knows why (at least on /v/).
Someone reported them to their host, their jannies were probably too slow in removing illegal material that got archived.
who dis?

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