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Jannies have lost their minds.
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Just replace the word Test with the word Bump.

All I'm saying.
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just replace the word test with an actual post
not hard
>Reddit frog
That's not the jannies, it's the elitist, scum, gate keeping audience of /a/. /a/ is the worst shit imaginable in here for casual talk and simply posting.
Unless you have watched all the new October series and know all characters and names by heart.
/tv/ has better anime threads than /a/, imagine.
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Frog-posting will stay forever and a day around here.
Why do trannies fear and hate pepe
You fags made your own site to circlejerk your dead stale meme on.
Back to theredditrally and stay there.
EVERY ban should be able to be appealed and Jeannie's abusing their power should be banned. This "off topic" thing is such bullshit. I could go to any board and find an off topic post or image on the front page
There was or is some tranny mod in /v/ and /tv/ who would give you a 3 day ban for posting in a tranny hate thread, even if you're defending trannies.
Tranny mod will let a tranny hate thread go for 200 replies, but fuck you for posting in the thread the jannies and mods leave up.
There's too many bans and not enough mods to make every one appealable. Only pass holders should be able to appeal.
>Only pass holders should be able to appeal.
I am fine with this
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bump :)
Honest question: in the history of 4chan, how many bans do you think were overturned on appeal? I guarantee it's way below 1%. Do you think there's a culture of intellectual honesty and scrutiny amongst mods when we've all seen the ridiculous shit people get banned for? Do you think one mod is going to upset the social balance in their circle and go over another's head? Pfffffffffttttt!
Got a one month ban for a totally bullshit reason. 1 post and banned for spamming/flooding (not spam btw). Last time I buy a pass. Fuck you mods.
>post shit
>get banned
simple really
found the faggot janny
Get fucked
i was banned for 3 days for trolling when i literally just said i had anorexia sorry that mnhy life is a joke i really do have anorexia tho
a brutal display of power
based mods
Pepe was fine. But now all of these KHHV incel faggots identify as the squatty and deformed Pepe with uneven lips and angry eyes and big fat gut and stupid feet. It's like their faggotty badge of honor.
>Women and men everywhere are revolted by my demeanor and appearance so I'm going to lean into it proudly and display my badly drawn resentful looking frog wherever I go. Many of us walking around Trump's feet like good little pawns. We're so proud to be on team retard!
Jannies gone WOKE?!
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Based mod protecting the purity of asian women from evil western sex pests
I always state my case well, and I ALWAYS have a case. Why would I break rules if I knew about them? The rules usually don't make sense and it's just that you pissed someone off enough for them to want to ban you on a technicality. I think they should look more closely before banning. I'm all for bans when they are warranted. I've just never knowingly done anything to warrant one. It's almost always 'posting in off-topic thread', to which I suggest banning the OP. Or banning everyone in the thread. You can't just pick out the posts you don't like.

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