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File: 1738005387797609.png (2.71 MB, 1344x1728)
2.71 MB
2.71 MB PNG
Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right. Example: ollama run deepseek-r1
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), copy paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

What, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

What, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right. Example: ollama run deepseek-r1
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), copy paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

What, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

What, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.

What, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model anme] example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character Setting]
>[Conversation Rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a model and ERP!
Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right. Example: ollama run deepseek-r1
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

What, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

What, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model anme] example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a model and ERP!

What, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right. Example: ollama run deepseek-r1
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

What, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

What, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model name] example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

What, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right. Example: ollama run deepseek-r1
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. What, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. What, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model name] example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. What, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. What, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. What, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model name] (Example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b)
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. What, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
File: 1738024961424111.png (1.55 MB, 1728x1248)
1.55 MB
1.55 MB PNG
Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model name] (Example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b)
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model name] (Example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b)
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.

5. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

>1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
Go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
Go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
Right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

>2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
Go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
Open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

>3. Wait, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
Open code editor
FROM [your current R1 model name] (Example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b)
PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
[Character setting]
[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

>4. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
Go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.

>5. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

Updated Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

>Download and use R1 in 3 steps
Go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
Go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
Right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

>Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
Go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
Open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

>Wait, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
Open code editor
FROM [your current R1 model name] (Example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b)
PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
[Character setting]
[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

>Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
Go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.

>Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model name] (Example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b)
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.

We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial since there're a lot of newfriends recently:

1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model name] (Example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b)
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a good computer with VRAM + RAM reaching 80GB? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic!

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model name] (Example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b)
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed] [Embed]
youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed] [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a good computer with VRAM + RAM reaching 80GB? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic!

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want to create a submodel for each character to ERP with?
>open code editor
>FROM [your current R1 model name] (Example: FROM deepseek -r1:14b)
>PARAMETER [0~1, 0 being most serious 1 being most creative]
>[Character setting]
>[Conversation rules]
Save file, open shell, type
>[folder location]>ollama create [desired model name] -f./[filename]
Type ollama list and see if it appears, and simply select model in Page Assit or type in shell
>ollama run [desired model name]
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a good computer with VRAM + RAM reaching 80GB? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic!

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
Please do not engage the resident schizo who keeps parroting the distilled versions are not R1 and directing you to /lmg/. Yes you can check out /lmg/ if you like, but this general was designed for a clean discussion without mentally ill obsessive people and their drama like this guy and what you see on /lmg/.

>Yes, we know the distilled versions are based on Llama and Qwen and enhanced by R1's reasoning architecture. We know it's not as powerful as the full model which can't be run on consumer hardware. I know explaining this won't really get to you because you're fucked up in the head but please leave us alone. OP is not your boogeyman. Your boogeyman lives entirely on /lmg/. Please go to /lmg/ and find him.
We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size (7b-14b recommended), copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1)
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want an easy way to ERP with characters?
Since posting diy code will trigger local schizo, just download SillyTavern.
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
>youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a good computer with VRAM + RAM reaching 80GB? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic!

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size, copy text on the right. (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1:14b) Mutiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably.
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want an easy way to ERP with characters?
Since posting diy code will trigger local schizo, just download SillyTavern.
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
>youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a good computer with VRAM + RAM reaching 80GB? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic!

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.
We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size and copy text on the right. (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1:14b) Mutiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably.
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want an easy way to ERP with characters?
Since posting diy code will trigger local schizo, just download SillyTavern.
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>[YouTube] How To Install DeepSeek R1 Locally In Under 5 minutes (embed)
>[YouTube] Master Local AI with DeepSeek-R1 In 10 Minutes (embed)

5. Wait, you actually have a good computer with VRAM + RAM reaching 80GB? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic! This is allegedly the most efficient distilled model but requires at least 20GB RAM.

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.

We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size and copy text on the right. (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1:14b) Mutiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably.
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want an easy way to ERP with characters?
Since posting diy code will trigger local schizo, just download SillyTavern.
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
>youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a good computer with VRAM + RAM reaching 80GB? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic! This is allegedly the most efficient distilled model but requires at least 20GB RAM.

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.

We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size and copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1:14b). Mutiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably.
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want an easy way to ERP with characters?
Since posting diy code will trigger local schizo, just download SillyTavern.
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
>youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a computer with good specs? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic! This is allegedly the most efficient distilled model but requires at least 20GB RAM.

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free.

We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size and copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1:14b). Mutiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably.
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required. Local means it's stored permanently on your PC and it's yours till the end of time.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want an easy way to ERP with characters?
Download SillyTavern. No more diy codes since it triggers resident schizo.
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
>youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a computer with good specs? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic! This is allegedly the most efficient distilled model but requires at least 20GB RAM.

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free. Choose this if you need the most smart.

We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size and copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1:14b). Mutiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably.
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required. Local means it's stored permanently in your PC and it's yours till the end of time.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want an easy way to ERP with characters?
Since posting diy code will trigger local schizo, just download SillyTavern.
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
>youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a computer with good specs? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic! This is allegedly the most efficient distilled model but requires at least 20GB RAM.

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free. Choose this if you want the most smart out of R1.

-You can still use it if civilization collapses in the far future.
-will be able to

I won't even maintain this general for much longer I just like taking notes in 4chan format
We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size and copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1:14b). Mutiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably.
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required. Local means it's stored permanently in your PC and it's yours till the end of time. You'll still be able to use it if civilization collapses in the far future.

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser!

3. Wait, you want an easy way to ERP with characters?
Since posting diy code will trigger resident schizo, just download SillyTavern.
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
>youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a high spec computer? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic! This is allegedly the most efficient distilled model but requires at least 20GB RAM.

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free. Choose this if you want the most smart out of R1.

is there a good setup for rp stuff?
We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. Download and use R1 in 3 steps
>go to https://ollama.com/ and install Ollama
>go to https://ollama.com/library/deepseek-r1, select size and copy text on the right (Example: ollama run deepseek-r1:14b). Multiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably.
>right click windows icon on bottom left, run powershell (admin), paste the text
You can now enjoy AGI in complete privacy with no internet required. Local means it's stored permanently in your PC and it's yours till the end of time. You'll still be able to use it if civilization collapses in the far future.
Attention! If you're using an AMD GPU, these are the cards Ollama supports

2. Wait, you want it to be even more convenient?
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser! Alternatively, use Chatbox

3. Wait, you want an easy way to ERP with characters?
Download SillyTavern.
Now you can easily choose a preset model and ERP!

4. Wait, you're a zoomer and is too dumb to read? We have video tutorials now
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
>youtu.be/CysTlwjx2vw [Embed]

5. Wait, you actually have a high spec computer? Try the new powerful DeepSeek R1 Dynamic! This is allegedly the most efficient distilled model but requires at least 20GB RAM.

6. Wait, you are a complete tech illiterate?
>go to https://chat.deepseek.com/
You can now use the most powerful model online for free. Choose this if you want the most smart out of R1.

7. Download Deepseek-chan compilation

We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. How to download R1 and make her yours permanently
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
Multiply your VRAM by 1.2 and if the file size is smaller than that, it means your hardware can run the model comfortably. Attention! If you're using an AMD GPU, these are the cards Ollama supports
Alternatively, use R1 Dynamic for best efficiency if you have a high-end PC

2. Convenient ways to interact with R1
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser! Alternatively, use Chatbox

3. Choose a preset character made by other users and ERP

4. Use the full model online for free if you need the most smart out of R1

5. Download Deepseek-chan compilation
We are a newbie friendly general! Ask any question you want.

Easy R1 Tutorial
1. How to download R1 and make her yours forever
>youtu.be/ihk0rsrjb-o [Embed]
If your VRAM is similar to or larger than the model's file size, it will run fast enough.
Attention! If you're using an AMD GPU, these are the cards Ollama supports
If your GPU is not supported, try downloading LM Studio and start from there.
You can also choose R1 Dynamic for best efficiency if you have a high-end PC.

2. Convenient ways to interact with R1
>go to chrome web store, install Page Assit https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/page-assist-a-web-ui-for/jfgfiigpkhlkbnfnbobbkinehhfdhndo
>open Page Assit, go to settings on the top right, select your Ollama model in RAG setting
Now you can talk to AGI locally on a web browser! Alternatively, use Chatbox

3. Choose a preset character made by other users and ERP

4. Use the full model online for free if you need the most smart out of R1

5. Download Deepseek-chan compilation


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