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yejibros where is our thread
this is clearly racism towards yejibros
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yejibros check out this cool moth we saw today
citheronia regalis brothers
ew it's pooping yellow stuff
very cool brother the yejibro of moths
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it is laying eggs
they will turn into horny devils if they are lucky
we don't think the gas station wall is the best place for them though
years of yejibro knowledge gone...
yejibros our sister laughed at us for watching naruto
yejibros we heard something falling in our room but we don't know what fell
that settles it brothers we are voting for jeb
we actually did vote jeb
we like turtles
inshallah brothers
yejibros we thought it was sunday, but it's actually saturday. that means we don't have to work tomorrow.
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yejibros never forget what they took from us
little do they know yejibros this will be the last haven for real brothers
we have been watching the jeetpt is powerful

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