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Tom loves you and he says hello
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Welcome back Tom!
I'm so glad you are doing well.
I hope you can forgive the janny for deleting your previous thread because I cannot.
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Tom doesnt understand why they would delete it.
Thank you for recreating this thread.
We are thrilled to see Tom again and look forward to much more in the future!

btw, A newfag mod tried to delete a single thread on /co/ but instead accidentally several boards, including /vip/.
So Tom wasn't personally targeted for deletion it was simply a problem of overall mod incompetence.
Hi Tom
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Hello friend
Ah okay that makes sense. Sad though.
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Hi Tom!
What's your obsession with tomatoes?
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Amazing. Thanks for sharing these.
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Of course. Tom loves you
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Tom loves you all

tom is best dog
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He sure is
Are you serving Tom tea in this picture?
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No, Tom can't have tea, he is a dog. Hes sitting with me while I am enjoying it though.
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c u r l e d
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Throwback Tom (2019)
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Update: Tom is sleepy
Me too Tom
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Because he is.
Tom is a good boy
Tom is the best boy
Tom for president
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Would vote
Is that a Thinkpad? What made you purchase this? Is it your work laptop?
It is a P52, an older workstation. Extremely durable and great battery life even after all these years. Not sure how newer ones hold up but this sure was good buy.
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tom looks like a whopping 20g of protein
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Tom is actually 25 grams of protein I'll have you know
Hi Tom. How are you?
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Tom is good
hi tom
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Hi anon
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peak tom
fav so far
I love tom
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Tom loves you
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i love tom !!!!!
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New tom when?
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thanks i almost had withdrawal symptoms there for a little
he so squinty <3
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Its okay we all need an infusion of Tom once in awhile, I'm sorry I wasnt ready with fresh Tom when you needed him most
oh my gomfy tom
np i was able to hold on by going trough the pics you already posted
you will never be this comfy
why not?
I don't believe it's possible for any human to enjoy the level of comfort displayed by Tom in this picture.
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Tom is the king of comfy
gosh darn
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I would literally pet the shit out of this dog
I declare Tom king of /vip/
Based king declarer
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P e a n u t b u t t e r b o y
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damn i got b& and could not appreciate real amazing tom drops
sad times
:( glad your back tho
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what a lovely little face
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Erm, cheesed to meet you, tom.
Hi Tom
You are a good boy
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New tom just dropped


Browser: Opened
4chan: visited
Tom: Dropped
Tom: Dropped
Mood: Improved
Status: Profit
Based Tom enjoyers
Based Tom drop
Trips Checked

Based based post identifier
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Tom is in dreamland
sleep tight, pupper
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c o m f o r t
he looks so tiny here
like a lil baby puppy
baby man
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Tom got a haircut
oh my what a handsome young man
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>he has a halloween scarf
oh dear oh dear
hes the candy corn boy
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king comfy
imagine going to the parc and see tom going for a walk
Imagine kissing Tom on his little nose
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eepy tom best tom
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this is too much for MAH HEARTH
Each Tom pic is better than the last
too real
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s o c k h e a d
y did they do it to him
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Peanut butter and hugs
tom is a very /fa/ pupper
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He do a stand
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hidden tom omg
unbearably cute
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he got that MOUSTACHE rizz
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sleeper boy
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Who is the girl in the picture on the wall? Not asking in a creepy way just curious
Best Tom yet
Lookin snazzy
>Not asking in a creepy
>Who is the girl in the picture on the wall
my thoughts exactly
I was legitimately curious. Though I see on this website how it would seem a certain way. I withdraw the question.
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Best Tom ever
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i love tom
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Tom loves you
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Tom is reaching cuteness levels that shouldn't be possible
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Would getting a little Tom of my own bring meaning to my life?
If he was identical to Tom in every way, certainly.
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Good pics
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looking good tom
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s m i l e
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10/10 would pet
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adorable boy
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They call him peekaboo Tom on the streets.
Very nice
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best tom pic ever
Tom is honestly the king of /VIP/
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why is tom so adorable
Hes full of love
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We love you too Tom
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Welcome back Tom! Lookin good as always
For me, its Donald.
This is a Tom thread
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Even more adorable
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I will renew my 4chan pass for Tom.
best tom ever
Based Tom supporter
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why does tom looked troubled here?
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Hes not troubled dont worry. Hes just looking out the window attentively.
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Hi Tom. I hope you are having a great day.
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good angle
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Tom hopes you had a good Thanksgiving
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I did. Thank you Tom. Hope yours was good also.
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hi tom
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Mister s t a t i c
Hi Tom
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Hi anon
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Tom is a cute little dog
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I love Tom
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Aw shucks
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Hi Tom, how ya doin'?
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Merry Christmas Tom.
Hope Tom had a merry christmas.
i love tom too
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Thank you :)
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Tom is a good boy
He sure is
Happy new year Tom!
Hope you have a great 2025
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Happy new year :)
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King of comfy
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Total Tom Love.
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Hidden boy
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Tom is literally the perfect dog
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Casual Tuesday
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literally peak tom
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l a z y
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i love tom
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Tom loves you
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Wrong board buddy
I guess Tom is like the Buffy of dogs.
It makes sense if you think about it.
That makes no sense
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Nice pose Tom
Hi Tom how are you today?
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