I've never played an Ultima game before. I don't care which is more accurate to the Apple II original, just which is the better game and more enjoyable to play
>>11574082Dumb zoomer shit. You're not cut out for retro games, find a new hobby.
>>11574652Early RPGs were mechanically pretty simple, so the gimped mass-market CPUs in consoles could run them reasonably well. The difference was in graphics and input, with consoles having better video capabilities and steamlined control schemes.
>>11573989>I've never played an Ultima game beforeAnd after youve played the nes version you still will have never played an Ultima game. If you want to play an Ultima game play the PC version if you want to play a good game on the NES pick a JRPG.
>>11576283You just blindly speak about things you don't know about. SMS version is the definitive version of the game
>>11573989Nes version has better graphics and music>>11573990You would be surprised, MS version looks way worse
Why would anyone be interested about 90's pixelated crap with gaudy colors?80's green characters on black screen games were much cooler. Graphics were composed basically from symbols on keyboard. Plus 5 1/2-inch floppy's felt just right.Pure ASCII aesthetics.t. twelve in 1988
>>11573883This right here. Green is its own kind of cool, of course, but amber just gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.
>>11573582IBM PC XT had ten function keys in two vertical row on the left. OP's image looks limilar, just with a few more keys over the numeric block.
>>11574283Look where F15 is in relation to the others.
>>11575208Lol, I did not even notice that there was an F15.
>>11572976Your dad worked for Stasi or what? Who the fuck had one back then?!
I've beaten the SNES trilogy dozens of times since I was a kid and I just recently finished X4. for the first time. It was fun and I always heard that it's the best in the series but I would put it above X3 only. It was really easy compared to the SNES games with the final phase of the last boss being the only thing that gave me trouble. What's your guys' favorite X game and are the later ones worth playing? My favorite is X2!
literally what the fuck happened between the X3 and X4? did they just go "you know what, we just made 3 of the greatest games ever, and now we're going to drive this fucking series into the ground and make it fucking worse each time. fuck them kids"
>>11577378X4 is not worse than X3
>>11577378less dev time and resources for each subsequent game
>>11577378>X3 > X4Here's your (You), Bucky.
are contrarians really that desesperate for yous?
What are some challenging parts of games that you'll never forget how to beat or progress through?In Mega Man 2 I played Heat Man's stage so many times to be able to get past the block sections with no items that at one point I could probably do them blindfolded. I haven't played the game in a couple years but I could get through it first try right now.
>>11576421>gifs you can hear
>>11576421Sonic 2 on Game Gear, the 1st boss... it filtered me as a kid, but eventually I came up with a strategy to the point where I've replayed this title and finished it multiple times. You stand in the middle of the screen, and as the bombs come you run down, when you're close to touching the boss and die... you jump to the right of the screen and then steer back to the middle, while avoiding the bomb in the process. It's pretty reliable to be fair.I'd still play the Master System over this one though, seeing ahead of you more easily makes it more fun.
I don't remember the Carnival Night Zone barrel being as bad as everyone says it was.
Believe it or not I can actually consistently get to the last dungeon of Zelda 2 without dying
>>11576421it's not challenging when you know what to do but this part of 2 stumped me for like 45 minutes until i looked it up. it really does seem like you can just barely do it with item 2, kinda like the barrel in sonic 3.
wtf were they thinking? This shit is absurdly hard, it's like Zelda II on steroids level of difficulty
>>11573327So you are going to complain when they have hard mode now? On a fucking NES game?"What were they thinking! Didnt they know it would offend me. Hey wveryone leys talk about how offended I am". Just fuck off and die.
>>11574029>cool indie phaseGolden age arcade design has nothing to do with being "indie", dumbass zoomer
>>11573327Games with arrange mode are cool and nothing will convince me otherwise. Almost like a proto-randomizer, only without a cancerous discord community built around to maintain it.I must have beaten 2nd Quest about three or four times, I also did the swordless challenge. The only thing that was hard to figure out was the flute opening so many hidden entrances on the overworld.
>>11573327You're too young to know what it's like to have iRL friends to discuss video games with on the playground and trade secrets until you discover everything through crowd intelligence.Zoomers truly are human waste.
>>11576276You never did this
Dungeon Dice Monsters is possibly getting netplay. This maybe a longshot, but hopefully it sparks some interest among yugioh fans to play this game
>>11574981isnt flying super broken
>Put at least 8 level 1 monsters in your deck>Keep summoning level 1 monsters to box the opponent in>Then summon a high level monster like Great Moth>Have it walk to the opponent and kill him>Repeat this every battle
>>11576462In DOTR, a box-in was an instant win. Seems to make more sense to me...
>>11576332Wtf. I had no idea they got Oblesik and Slifer were in the irl game.It's a shame they didn't put them in the gba game considering we literally have Strings in the game. We're also missing shit like Insect Queen and Harpie Pet Dragon
>>11576448You generally win a game of DDM by the positioning of your dice, not the movement of your monsters, but it's a good idea to keep a flying monster in your squad in case you run into a situation where it would be useful.
>unlimited continues >plenty of checkpoints >get to keep your weapon even after getting a game over >still called one of the hardest games ever made
>>115749601cc it if you're so great
>>11574960Being "called one of the hardest games ever" doesn't really require any objective difficulty, just the perception of it. People say Makaimura is hard because it's the meme hard game that xillennials played the shitty NES port of when they were 5. People say that Castlevania 1 is a hard game as well... just don't trust anything about what people say is hard.
>>11574960The arcade version IS hard, assuming you don't credit feed and go for a true 1CC (meaning you do a minimum of 2 loops). It requires a fair amount of precision and memorization for a platformer, with the hardest part being learning how to deal with the Red Arremers.
It's better than super mario 64 in every possible way.>Doraemon: Nobita to 3-tsu no Seireiseki
>>11577235holy retard
>>11577235lmao go home
they should have localised these as Garfield games
are there any fan translations?
You ask anyone back in the day, they would say Zelda 1, Zelda 2, LttP were all RPGs. But nowadays, everyone says they are adventure games and looks at you like you're crazy for considering them an RPG.
>>11577207>the asinine obsession with categorization is more of a 00s thingWell yeah. Once everybody started getting the internet at home, they started getting into pedantic internet arguments more.
>>11575679>>11575682miyamoto says its not an RPG, you can stop reviving this tired topic. People used to consider shmups and FPS the same genre we do not need to go back to a more archaic lexicon for unclear benefit. Is this to make zelda seeem cool to rpg fans? does it need that? idgi https://shmuplations.com/futureofrpgs/
>>11577509>but miyamoto saysDeath of the author.
>>11577509I should add that "Harvest Moon" had the RPG tag forever because the kind of game it was was new and wasn't recognized as its own category yet. Similar situation. Would it be useful to still call it an RPG even though we have different classifications now
>>11577110>Increasing statsWhich Zelda though?>items and progression, quests, exploration, dungeon crawling.So does Mega Man.
Licensed game KINO
>>11575628>>11575632Haven't seen much on these, adding to my list for Gameboy games
>>11577459>>11575628Hold the fuck up>Europe: Garfield Labyrinth>USA: Real Ghostbusters>Japan: Mickey Mouse IV: Mahō no Labyrinth
Do these count?
I had a lot of fun with Desert Demolition on Genesis.The soundtrack for the coyote was hilarious.
>>11577380>the games are shit but dont call them shitno
which one is better, Final Fight One Redux or Arcade Edition?
>>11573886What I said, combat and general feel is too inaccurate.
>>11573886It was One More Fighthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTQtBtafCMg
>>11577450>guy paywalls his updates>takes money from this project based on an IP which is a no-no>muh NO I AM NOT PROCRASTINATING, IMMA VERY BUSY, WAIT 2 MOAR YEARS!I fucking hate modern indie devs
You ARE prepared for the impending stickpocalypse, right anon? How many OEM N64 controllers do you have stockpiled right now?
>>11569849>it didn't have any great games for it other than the great games it hadMassive self own
>>11575774It doesn't have the original stick
>>11575940If there's anything we lack in 2025, it's quality control. If any country has cheap labor, then it's not thorough or discerning. If any country has a thorough and discerning workforce, then it's not cheap. It would be interesting to see the equipment and crew that made those original gears en masse.
>>115627273 i think, maybe more idk its all in storage. Hey, whats a good pc engine controller? Ive cleaned it but im still having issues with the atart button.
>>11575183Sounds like you're using way too much lubricant.>>11575334>>11575486>>11575940Kitsch bent gears are OK once you remove the excess plastic. Best way to do that I think is carefully with a razor blade
So this game started a phenomenon for PS2 onlys?
>>11577148I'm not even the same guy. I'm just pointing out that you made a claim you can't substantiate.
There is no good action rpg games like KH on the GameCube or Xbox. What the hell is the competition? Tales of Symphonia? Unless you try to argue Zelda is in the same genre which would be a tough argumf
>>11572890Kairi original design was great shame it got downgraded in the sequels
>>11577352>shame it got downgraded in the sequelsjust like her character LMAO
jungle opera surf kino
>>11570767Yuck. Rosie's voice or voice imitator is awful
>>11569565Based and crichtonpilled
>>11569556Pretty much every licensed kids game in the late 90s/early 00s was multiplat on everything. I think they were the first games (along with sports games) to consistently release on every platform.You even have the hilarious case of something like Donald Duck Goin Quackers, which released on N64, PS1, Dreamcast, PS2 AND GameCube.
>>11575074It's a shame this was the last time we got a proper standalone Donald Duck video game... you'd think with great titles like QuackShot, Lucky Dime Caper, Deep Duck Trouble, Maiu Mallard and Magical Hat, and at last Goin' Quackers/Quack Attack, that this would've kept going, but for some reason it just stopped... I blame Kingdom Hearts.
>>11577372Because duck stuff was big with Disney in the 90's and then the fad stopped. Sort of like how WB was big into Taz during the 90's. KH had nothing to do with it.
How do I get good at Wild Guns Reloaded? Really fun game but I'm getting destroyedIt's also annoying there's no stage select so I have to keep playing Carson City over and over
>>11577254Maybe I'm just playing it wrong then, because I find the original Ninja Warriors much easier.
>>11577279Are you playing both games the exact same way, without adapting? The remakes are easier, though more punitive if you fail.
>>11577271What's wrong with it?
>>11577271Hi there janny wannabe, the sticky literally says remakes of retro games are allowed, and considering this is fucking Natsume, the gods, it's fine