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Most overrated video game franchise ever. Even from gore aspect there were many other retro games that did it better, including fighting ones like Samurai Shodown. Even the graphics that were impressive for its time (at least for the first two games) haven't aged well, just like most video games with digitalized graphics. Not to mention that when you have all characters having same height and body time (except Goro and other bosses like him), it's anything but realistic. It really shows that the creators had no real talent at making games.
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it's normalfag city in japan only, it's always more popular there than any other part of the world
never understood MK2 wank, it's just slightly better feeling MK1
Why does the movement feel so shit. Are there ANY good western 2D games from the 20th century?
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>the underground indie gem known as SF, featuring characters no one knows like Ryu and Chun Li!
MK doesn't have any good songs

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Did you play arcade games at Chuck E. Cheese?
Are you old enough to remember playing arcade games at Showbiz Pizza?
All the ones near me had the TMNT arcade game which would get all my quarters for what seemed like years.
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I remember before they had a machine that you could feed tickets into, they used to have a scale. I remember kids bringing in garbage bags full of tickets to weigh. I don't think I ever got anything more than an eraser or a stick of gum.
I mainly focused on the slot machines. Won $300 once.
damn i remember this
>Did you play arcade games at Chuck E. Cheese?

>Are you old enough to remember playing arcade games at Showbiz Pizza?
Vaguely but I didn't have one near me.

>All the ones near me had the TMNT arcade game which would get all my quarters for what seemed like years.
Yeah I remember TMNT, Simpsons, and X-men being popular. Had a 6 player X-men near where I lived.
I liked going to Showbiz and later, Chuck E Cheese but I was fucking terrified of the animatronics and would just stay in the game room and even close my eyes to avoid looking at them.

I recently got the 30th anniversary fanbook for PSIV that detailed some info on ideas they had for Phantasy Star V.

Anyways feel free to talk about the Classic or the older PSO titles here.
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All right thanks anons, I'll go through I-IV blind this summer, missables be damned. (Unrelated but I miss late 1980s anime aesthetic so goddamn much).
I wish you luck anon. It's been said already, but the PSII text adventures are worth checking out too. They're all quite short, so beating one or two shouldn't take too long.
I like her horns!
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FYI the Switch port of Phantasy Star has an optoinal automapper and a built in reference guide, highly useful.

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Is it a work of art?
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Why aren't there more games like Pikmin? Like an RTS but you're on the ground with all your allies.
Overlord 1 & 2, Brutal Legend,
Your father is a faggot

Also correct>>11067542
>en then I don't think the first one is an amazing game or anything, it's extremely short, way too easy and has basically no depth at al
You should really play 4 then.

Olimar is probably Nintendo best written character. His diay logs are a great read.
I was going through some old games to sell, including Pikmin and I was testing them all out first. My six year old sees me testing this asks to try it and immediately became obsessed with it - though he struggled with it. I'd say it's pretty tough for the target audience.
Also I don't think there's anything wrong with a short, easier experience that leaves you wanting more. Most modern games do the opposite.

Any Ghouls n Ghosts fans here? Playing the Genesis version for the first time and I can't tell if this is a softlock or I'm missing something.
>reach boss with sword
>sword hitbox with down thrusts is just barely able to destroy the far left and right weak points, way too short to reach the rest
>magic attack only goes above Arthur
>fuck it, accept death and hope I'll respawn in a position to get a new sub weapon
>respawn next to the boss, no areas to get a new weapon
>maybe if I game over I'll restart at the start of the stage
>game over, select continue and I'm next to the boss again with my sword
I've tried googling but no one mentions anything about a softlock. Might just be because the Genesis version is less popular though.
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Yes it is and a pretty famous one too, console versions added checkpoints (not sure if they're there on the harder difficulties though) and didn't think this through
It's the version with retarded checkpoints on bosses? If so yes you are soft kocked.
The US arcade had those dumb checkpoints too iirc
you playing on practice mode?
git gud it doesnt actually change that much desu
normal mode, or whatever its called, doesnt have that problem iirc. frankly youre lucky you didnt get to the end of the entire game then realize you played on practice mode and literally cant beat the game
You're fucked son.

Anyway the game is like 30 minutes long, just restart it's no big deal.

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Good less-known/obscure horror games thread
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well the cover art is atrocious

it never had a chance desu
It looks good to me: hot librarian, dashing adventurer, and an appropriately creepy mummy.
Fucking control scheme is awful.
>hot librarian, dashing adventurer, and an appropriately creepy mummy.

that's great sadly the green stink cloud ruins it
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Rush, rush, got the yeyo?
Buzz, buzz, gimme yeyo
Rush, rush, got the yeyo? (Oh, oh)
Yo, yo, no, no, yeyo (Oh, oh)
I got the yeyo
I like how they stole their playlist from the GTAIII soundtrack

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What are some lesser known hidden gems of Gamecube? I'm trying to get more use out of my Nintendont loader.
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Slide thread.
F-Zero GX
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This one leser known and fun as fuck, if you have the money for it. Each character has unique finisher that actually feel like they rek your opponent.
I'll take n64 instead and I don't even care about Mario 64. I like X and PM64 over their sequels
You can play the PC port with a Gamecube controller. Did so a bit ago.

Same with RE4.

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it stands for Mmmboy are you fat
So you pronounce it the correct way, "Sa-Mu-Rai", not "Sam-Urai"
Its a really cool game with a nice atmosphere. Extremely short, but plenty of replay value.
That actually sounds neat but how do they balance this?

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Tranny lover logic, fag
>noooo this version is completely different enemies take 4 hits less to kill and there are 2 more enemies per encounter
Both are fucking garbage. Thank god they take up the Nioh formula, you negroes don't deserve anything good in life.
You are extremely retarded.
If you're going to say some inane shit like muh blood, it's only further proof that abandoning such a retarded fanbase was the right move.

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Call me a crusty old man if you want (I'm 57, FF1 came out in Japan when I was 20), but I don't believe that dungeons in RPGs ever should have begin featuring save points. FF4 fucked everything up. The lack of save points made the dungeons in NES RPGs feel scary and dangerous. It was great for immersion. Nowadays dungeons are about as dangerous as towns since you can just save every 30 seconds.
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NTA but doing that is a different feeling. When its a self imposed challenge, there's inherently less tension because you're the one making it harder for yourself.

When you're trying to hold on for just a bit longer for that next save point, not knowing when its going to appear, that's where the tension comes from. That's what makes random encounters interesting too. Because each battle between the save points matters more when the save points are further apart.

Besides, you shouldn't have to purposefully handicap yourself for a game to be fun.
what's stopping you to just limit yourself to not saving mid-dungeon? people already did "hardcore" jrpgs where they delete the save when they lost, it's basically the same idea.
>how does game design work
what a bunch of retards. the game has to be designed around the limitation.
Yeah I mostly agree. I really love FF1 for that, now I love FF4 for the overall experience, it's probably still my favorite "emotionally" so to speak, but I really love FF1 the most as a game. I like how you have to really carefully plan each outing. Maybe not so much once you're a pro at RPGs, but the feel is there. Limited spellcasts, semi-limited consumables. Battles have consequences, but they also don't take too long visually. "High quality" animations and UI fuckery killed RPG combat systems, FUCK the 3d FF remakes, seriously fuck them.

I really wish I could just play more mutations of games like FF1 over and over. FF2 ain't it- maybe FF3, I'm not too deep into that one, I'll have to give it another shot sometime. But past that most RPGs just do too much stuff I hate and not enough I like. Couldn't stand Golden Sun, hate the obnoxiously long dialogue and anime emotes. Lufia's alright but that "roguelike" system ruins it and it never quite feels as complex as other games. Tales series.. meh. I might try to make another stab at getting into SaGa but there's something there too that doesn't quite taste right. And on the CRPG front, the Ultima series was my childhood and I liked some of the other older niche titles like the Magic Candle and Demon's Winter, but they're really pretty brutal to play as an adult, and Phantasie... nostalgic, but fuuck that.
This poster is right. I was basically going to type the exact same thing so I don't have much unique to add to that. Meaning becomes inherent through limitation. It always deflates the tension knowing you COULD have a safety net if you chose.

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>start Sunshine
>moveset is bigger
>great camera
>holy shit those levels are huge
>wow there must be lots of secre-
>virtually every tree is empty
>jump on ropes—empty
>watering the flowers gives you shitty 3 coins (thanks Nintendo)
>find blue coins, but they're so annoying to connect since they vanish
>go back to town
>find a guy deserted on an island
>barely find anything in the town that isn't locked from me
>read up that there are 240 fucking blue coins that are required to get all shines
>shines can only be acquired in order too

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are you sure you can't crouch? thought you could because you can still backflip though it is a little weirder
also you can still sidehop at least
Well, you know what the crouch button is? No? Because there isn't one.
You can at least backflip apparently (pressing back+A). But spin jump is better anyway, and where's the lunge jump?
>It was just first impression
Your first impression was fucking stupid, because mine was that there are noticeably fewer movement options. And nowhere in the rest of your post did you correct this mistake.
In the end I think they took away some options and added others. You lose punch and lunge jump, but get far longer slide (also spray slide), spin jump, and also improved wall jump. Plus obviously there's all the FLUDD stuff, like hover etc.. So I think there's more moves, but they're not really better.
Agreed, Sunshine is the worst 3D Mario (so far)
Even Croc for the Saturn is more fun than this unfinshed garbage

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Castlevania edition
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Why is there such a hate boner on this board for playing handheld games on a CRT?
>IT. WAS. NOT. DESIGNED. THAT. WAY. !!!!!! (This is somehow important)
It doesn't
There’s not, it’s just one or two anti CRT trolls
Though I would recommend GBI over the official crap software
I agree with this Anon. The GBI software forces a 240p signal that really looks great! Also I wish I could do the same thing you're doing, but ever since I moved out of my parents home 4 years ago ALL of my GB/GBC/GBA games went missing T_T.

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The Duke or the Dukess?
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Yeah they're just there for a low key 6 button layout. They're fully functional though and have the analog pressure sensors. You could emulate n64 that way
What's the model name?
Had one of these too, but it had tons of lag, no joke, i hated it too
as an owner of this controller, they were pretty fucking bad on PC too

idk where tf people get off saying that xbox controllers make for good /vr/ controllers for emulation. the d-pad is terribad
no shit retards
it was literally THE microsoft PC controller for years

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what would you rate this game out of a 10
and you can also give a review.
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>why do reactionaries always do this? honest question
I suppose you should ask some "reactionaries", whatever those are in this context. Honest answer.
Guys... I'll be honest... I love the story, ost, texture work, tech, pretty much everything about MGS 1-3..... but
I don't think I ever genuinely had fun with any of them. I played them and beat them all the way through for everything BUT the gameplay. They just felt so tedious.

It's weird because I loved the Tenchu series.
it has cool aesthetics , as a game is shit. smw is 5x msg1
It's bascially a good interactive movie, with novel gameplay gimmicks.
The actual stealth game part of the game, aged poorly. It's not a good stealth game. Too simplistic. No real consequences for just killing a guy because the body evaporates.
If you're looking for a stealth-action game, it's the worst MGS, and it's worse than Thief, Deus Ex, and Hitman, to name just a few.
If you're looking for the "I'm really playing an action movie", experience, it's peak MGS, except for maybe 3.

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