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What is the best/definitive version of Final Fantasy I? The original NES version, the Pixel Remaster or something else?
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Best version of FFIII and, debatably, FFV.
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>Best version of FFIII

Is on Famicom
No, that would be the SNES version.

aw sweet it's steamgear mash for the sega saturn.
It's no Willy Wombat, but its still enjoyable.
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proto crash bandicoot exists? woah
Fun game. Felt like an underbaked Bomberman 64/Metroidvania.
I will forever miss the 90's obviously for kids, big feet, long line for eyes, random scratch lines aesthetic.

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Thoughts on the Bart VS series?
I wish they made a proper third one (Bartman is spinoff)
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that was such bullshit, I hated that shit
TMNT wasn't even that big when Konami acquired the license, which partially explains why the first NES game is so weird.
They also tried to make lightning strike again with a lot of weird unproven licensed titles - Zen, Bucky O Hair, Rollergames etc.
Also I believe Treasure was formed from Ex-Konami guys who were tired of their talents being used on licensed stuff.
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> for a console that lacks a good yellow

American world problems
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Spider-Man and Dragon Ball have both had and continue to receive great games. There's also never been a bad McDonald's game, literally. Most of the early Disney games are also excellent due to being developed by SEGA and Capcom (and Virgin for Aladdin). Terminator for SEGA CD remains one of the best games for the platform and you can't go wrong with either version of T2
>replying to australia-kun

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>Super Nintendo Sega Genesis
what did he mean by this?

also i guess this a thread to post references to retro console/games in music songs
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i guess it's kind of cheating since it was actually used in THPS
>Megaman Legends, but I had to buy a map for it
fucking lmao
I feel a little bit Hyundaity today
did YOU buy a map for it?
to be fair to del, the maps save a tonne of time.

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What's some games for women?
I picked up a PS3 for a really good price and want to put some PS1/PS2/Remastered games on it as a birthday present. The girl in question is a big fan of PS2 horror so I've already put the Silent Hills and Resident Evils and Haunting Ground on the HDD. She's a big GameCube fan too, so if there's any Nintendo-adjacent games that'd be sick
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There's a full 19 minute video, but it's not all Tifa. Tifa and Nami just have the longest parts in it.

Too bad goth chicks are rare as fuck nowadays, let alone any other hot chick with any sort of style to make her cooler (which almost always means she has a cool set of interests).
>Too bad goth chicks are rare as fuck nowadays
They're rare where I live. All there are are very basic and boring women instead. Doesn't really inspire one to actively chase after women tbqh.
they're not at all rare. you just need to go to goth things to find them.

you're not seeing them because you left high school and aren't tapped into the alt scene at all

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What are the best examples of games that are unapologetic when it comes to characters just calling each other expletives and being generally offensive for the hell of it? Team Buddies for example has each playable faction being a stereotype of a specific nationality that shittalks their enemies in combat.
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Didn't that get censored in the NTSC version? Wonder if there's a patch to restore the PAL content in the NTSC version or just convert the PAL version to NTSC.
Yeah the US version got censored
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In the 1st GTA if you change the characters name into certain words it activated cheats, such as THESHIT, BSTARD, etc.
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Cow and Cheekeen

Is even possible to upscale pixel art wihout having it look blocky?
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Only these shaders can make the mosaic effect closer to a curved drawing effect. Actual drawings are meant to have curves and the unfiltered mosaic looses the curved line effect that help to define the nose, egg and hat.
The raw sprite doesn't look like a drawing at all. It was only meant to look like a drawing through a CRT. The Hand drawing is the most accurate image from the actual character even though some posts are copping hard >>11366268 >>11366548. The second image is still closer to an actual drawing even while getting the boots wrong, at least it makes some features more appealing by making the nose, cheeks and eye shapes curved as the drawing is.
The smoothed sprite only changes the ugly mosaic representation of the drawing to a blurry image and fail to look like an actual CRT. The image gets ugly by loosing sharpness and color intensity. It's like loosing the glasses and having sight problems.
It's not coping to point out that the distinct banding in the shading is due to hardware limitations. A proper drawing should have much better blending, when you have those hard lines and distinct bands in a high resolution drawing it looks like shit. The shader in that image also looks like garbage, by the way.
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>A proper drawing should have much better blending, when you have those hard lines and distinct bands in a high resolution drawing it looks like shit.
Wrong. Hard lines in a drawing are meant to form shapes and separate colors. The lines are meant to be curved without any aliasing effect. Removing the aliasing effect with blending like this >>11366002 is the same as rubbing an eraser and destroying the drawing.
>The shader in that image also looks like garbage, by the way.
>It's shit because it's shit
Typical cope.
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>Hard lines in a drawing are meant to form shapes and separate colors.
And shading is meant to be a blended gradient, not distinct bands. The only reason it looks like that in the original pixel art is that the SNES only supports so many colors in one palette, so they have to compromise by choosing 3 distinct shades of the color to band successively to approximate a gradient. If someone were to hand draw that sprite, the shading would be a smooth gradient because that's how shading works in a drawing without digital palette limitations.

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I hate it when my pinball table some how becomes an NTSC Mega Drive system.
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this happened to my $10k realdoll
fuck you! i heard that OH and that ahegao face/rolling eyes gave me a boner! i gotta relieve myself to this video again now you ass hole
No Nut November, chud.

The 4th generation was peak gaming and i'm tired of pretending ot's not!
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Because they can't afford it. I'd love to have one just for Splatterhouse alone.
I don't need to own one but I wish I could emulate it, same with CD-i and PCFX honestly
nigga. PCEngine loses every time. It was cooler to socially stunted autismos.
Crazy to think how much money Sony spent selling a DVD player to third worlders. A business partner from costa rica said almost his entire family had one or two in each room for music cds and dvd playing.
Sony donkey dicking Nintendo in two consecutive generations really broke you faggot console warriors didn't you. Ps2s weren't sold at a loss by 2003. 1.6 billion units of software sales also made it ... profitable.

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What are some retro games with gunplay? Besides Doom and FPSes. I mean pre N64/PS1 era

Some I can think of

Lethal Enforcers I and II
Rolling Thunder
Duck Hunt
Yoshi's Safari and other light gun games
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say hi to your bunny for me
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She died 6 years ago
Try Battle Clash and its sequel. It's mecha gunplay but really fuckin fun nonetheless, at least for me.
Fuck yeah, also Metal Combat.
And I love Super Scope 6 too, it has that same /m/ feel
They made such a big deal about this game being released on home consoles, I think that was when all the hysteria about toy guns started, at least what I remember of it

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There's such a fucking uncanny quality to the depiction of Raccoon in the early games. It's this weird dream scape fusion of Japanese back alleys and signs paired with American style streets and architecture remembered from memory, but all the little details are "wrong".
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holy sovl
Old ass cities and towns probably but it's certainly not popular, no. it's a very Japan style design
I wish I could put my finger on it but the way RE 1 through 3 fetishizes American gun culture really speaks to me
I can think of one place if you ignore the "must be an open market" aspect because the alley is connected to apartments.
New Orleans has plenty

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>get NiGHTS free on Steam
>can't stop thinking about it
What is it about this game, anons?
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>it's really fun actually and i like it a lot and consider it a core saturn game
First time I played i didn't really 'get' it and thought it was neat but overall meh. Awhile later after I heard about the 7th level and how you needed at least C's on all the stages to unlock it so I replayed it with getting a good score in mind. That changed everything. Once I started chaining together combos and trying for high scores it became a ton more fun not to mention sovlful.
Par for the course with most retro games, you see a cool dude with a whip on the cover but in the game it's some hunch back fucko jumping in arcs
that’s the ideal vampire killing posture, and the Belmont Strut is the ideal vampire killing walk.
But the game still has the cool dude with a whip though, especially the super one
I just can't stand the jester/circus aesthetic.


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They're kinda underrated now, yanno. I blame shmupfags but that's neither here nor there.
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Atari Infogrames > Midway > Acclaim
Total Carnage and Hydro Thunder are based. Snooz'n USA gets a no thanks from me
MID is the perfect name for them. Their heyday was during the mid-90s to mid-2000s when the MK niggas took over the studio.
only in PvP. Playing Midway games against the cpu isnt that fun
Pretty interesting list of games right here.

I played a lot of these and the others I haven't played, I wish to try eventually.


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What's your favorite retro shmup? What makes it your fave?
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Life Force
I've been playing Judgement Silversword a lot lately. It's v fun but the final boss is such a dick, especially on Hard.

And I don't even mean the secret final boss, who's probably an even bigger dick.
This genre is what made genesis beat snes for me back then

I still think the same now. Snes is overrated to me
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I have fondness for a pretty basic one called Vapor Trail because I had it as a kid. I never beat it, but the levels bring me back.
Besides that, I think either the Parodius or Twinbee games are my favorite shmups, specifically Gokujou and Yahho!
Not a huge shump guy(i like the genre but suck at it) but I really dig Thunderforce IV. Gorgeous game with a kick ass soundtrack. A top ten Genesis title for sure.

how do i git gud at platformers?
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You should be focus on the game and not thinking in anything else
Don't be afraid of dying. Play the game, get used to the controls and mechanics, memorize stages and have fun without worrying about getting a deathless run. The only platformer that I can think of that is a bit dickish with deaths is the Megaman Zero games, but other than that, go and enjoy them as you get used to what I mentioned before.
You need the right mindset
Discipline is key. You need to be playing at full awareness at all times. Don't stop playing well because suddenly you think this part is easier or because you know there is a health pack afterwards or a 1up or anything like that and telling you "it doesn't matter". This is how you start building bad practices like tanking and spamming against bosses hoping you'll get lucky enough to come out winner. Secondly when you hit a tough spot you need to be able to assess all the possibilities the game has to offer and try them out if you have a hard time, so many players claim a part is bullshit or they're banging their heads against the wall until they break through when in reality it's just they failed to realize there were better options available. Finally you need to learn not to repeat the same mistake twice: if you failed or something didn't work, then you shouldn't be doing that a second time.

In other words getting good isn't just about "learning the enemy placement" or "having fast reflexes", it's also being smart and disciplined. You can sometimes tell when people lack that or don't understand that for instance when they claim you can't get good at RPGs. Of course you can, it's all about taking the right decisions, in the same manner that fighting a boss a certain way in an action game is the wrong decision when there is another more efficient way you failed to grasp.
Then when it comes to platformers specifically, learning your jumps is the most important factor. For instance you should be able to tell how big a pit is and what kind of jump and what amount of momentum it requires before trying it. Learn the timing, the amount of pixels it takes to build up a jump, and learn to perform pixel perfect jumps.

It's like Castlevania, if after trying out the jump a few times you still don't know that the distance you can jump is precisely 2 blocks long and you're still jumping down pits you're clearly failing at learning basic mechanics. Platformers are like that but multiplied by all the different kind of jumps you can make.
>Gargamel's Castle for the Colecovision. A kind of forgotten classic that's also an excellent way to develop precision-platforming skills, useful for games like Castlevania.
Holy 2019.

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