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We got to play hundreds of games thanks to these. We didn't know how good we had it
i think i had a subscription to get playstation underground discs in the mail. i want to say they were sent out quarterly.

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Vidya nature appreciation thread

Post comfy or memorable places and music

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That game is such a slog to play but the sprite art and art direction is general is absolute perfection. The ost also helps add to the dreamy comfyness of it all.
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Ich will Unreal Tournament spielen!
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They are.
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Underrated as fuck, the best classic Mega Man. The graphics are phenomenal, the stages are creative, and the upgrade system offers a lot of replayability.
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You may have beaten the game (with save states, or maybe you didn't even and just watched a video of it, no way to tell), but your complaints are that of someone with skill issues.
Yeah, dude. They're simplistic platformers with as little as 12 stages.
Did you play MM&B which is an asset flip multiple times though?
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Still there are many little gimmicks and much to design.
The game didn't had a full year if development, though, nice attempt at a gotcha. When Aizu and Tsuda left with the X2/MM7 to form Inti Creates, that threw a spanner in the works, X3 had to be outsourced and 8 didn't materialize until they had enough in-house new hires to replace the old staff who left, on top of sharing attention with the planning stages of Legends and pre-planning with X4, which was the same staff, pre-Arcade division merging.
Nice also to ignore what is known as to why tricks and secrets were made, as confirmed by MM2's TOM PON in regards to the birds replacing stars trick or Metal Man dying by his own weapon, tricks and secrets for the sake of further magazine coverage. I only added the possibility of a glitch given it has happened before (BN2's Pinecone grenade + Prism instakill glitch)

i used the chemist to cheese the last boss

did i beat the game?
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I regret to inform you, but you did not beat the game.
Thanks for posting. If you're ever open to doing FFVI again, a T-Edition playthrough would be fun and I don't think it's been done here before.
Oops wrong thread
its literally just trial and error
anybody could do it and just reload their save
not exactly a great mechanic
The effect of many mixes aren't exactly apparent.

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I would really prefer if you would be quiet
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>I named my penis sofubi.
What does that have to do with the broken Sonic Jazzware figures?

My sides have left the galaxy.
>get kind of into toys and collecting
>decide I'm mostly drawn to minis and that I'll focus on that
>turns out that's one of the most in-demand markets for toys and often a nightmare for prices
Very cool.

I have the Mega Man and Guts Man ones from KB Toys back in the day. The QC on the paint on them was terrible.

>I can at least balance the body on top of the legs
Is there a reason you can't or won't glue it, goofball?
>Is there a reason you can't or won't glue it, goofball?
Yeah, I'm retarded, that's the reason.
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captcha: S0NY

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Track & Field
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Track & Field?
Track & Field
I loved playing this thing at the arcades. It was kinda dumb that the owner would give you the look if you played too hard. How else would you get the best records if you didn't mash the cabinet with all your might?
I'm a Hyper Sports man myself.
but yes, Track and Field
>still no better way of emulating the 100m sprint than button mashing

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These parts are supposed to make an N64 control stick like new, but these values are the same as one of my old worn controllers. The stick is good and tight. I can't figure out what is keeping it from reaching the edges.

The parts are cheap, but only if you live in the US or buy in bulk. Overall I wouldn't recommend them.
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Get an 8bitdo hal effect stick.
it hits 80 on all axis and they have the right gating for n64 controllers.
I don't even have it in me anymore to explain why everyone in this thread is wrong. it's just never going to happen because the consumer just isn't aware how off all of these sticks are. you can't even reach full running speed in a number of games like winback with the sticks mentioned. having a stick that is five degrees off or more in any direction is like having a high mutational load. it might not cause the game to feel different it might be a little or a lot, and that's the biggest problem with them. if your not constantly comparing how a game FEELS not the precision, but how it FEELS with a real and non worn OEM controller to the garbage recommended in this thread you won't even know. most people will just assume it's a janky piece of shit fifth gen game. just know that if a game doesn't feel great to you in the controls it could be the controller that your using.
How the fuck does the hall effect stick feel wrong you absolute nigger
>you can't even reach full running speed in a number of games like winback with the sticks mentioned
Are you supposed to?
N64 developer docs specify that devs should expect the stick to never reach above 63 with an even more pitiful 47 in the diagonals. That's not even half the possible stick range.
Some developers ignored these instructions and either didn't care thus requiring third party sticks for certain intended game mechanics or they didn't realize third party sticks can go way above Nintendo original sticks and thus cause issues like moving too fast.
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Dude is full of shit or literally never used the 8bitdo stick replacement module.

ITT: Games you can't find legally.
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It's just unfinished 2004. You've had 20 years to get over it.
I think the PC version of this and some other Tony games were pretty rare to begin with, like THUG1 PC was only released in Australia for reasons.

I don't think anyone gives af because THUG Pro is allowed to exists and almost every youtuber just tells or straight up gives a link to pirate THUG2 to play the mod.
What was your illegal method for finding it? Be honest!
Officially, no. But since when do we do things officially?
>can't find legally
You could easily buy a used copy for PS2, GameCube, or whatever. Just say you want to pirate it. Trying to give some morally justified reason is cringe. I pirate because I don't want to pay and it's easy

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Planning to go through some older games, the games on the list:
Suikoden I and II
Super Metroid
Castlevania SotN
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Release order.
Play the one you want, nigger. There's not a "correct" order.
just whichever you feel like playing at the time. back then, we didn't drip feed an entire game to completion before starting the others.

if emulating, i'd also recommend version controlling your saves using something like git, especially if you're in the habit of using states instead of in-game saves
>Version controlling your save states
I was going to make fun of you but I just lost 2 hours of progress in FF:TA. Maybe you're onto something.
If it were me Castlevania, but Super Metroid is important as well

>Makes the best early 80s video games AND pinball machines
No one could stop them at their peak
Joust and Robotron 2084 are masterpieces of video game design, they truly and deeply UNDERSTOOD the medium from the moment they started making them. Also Black Knight (1980) is still my second favorite pinball machine after Medieval Madness (also Williams)
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I love Smash TV. Robotron 2084, Spy Hunter, XY Bots, Joust, Rampage, Sinistar and Gauntlet are all superb as well.
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Speaking of pinball anyone know what's up with these weird graphical artifacts in pinball arcade? it's happened twice after I played for a while, MAYBE both times after playing Gorgar but I don't remember. Is it like an anti-piracy thing or just a weird glitch?
>Why did they fall so far behind the japs past the early 80s?
Thy game was over as soon as they saw what Iwata did with Balloon Fight.
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When you buy retro games, do you delete the save file? There's some charm to seeing how far the previous owner got. But using save slot 3 or going out of my way to preserve their save feels kinda like a cuck. But if I delete it, it's gone forever. You guys think I should wipe the previous owner's save file?
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>tfw women get salty if you question them about their promiscuous past while manga/anime women are like this instead.
2D is just better.
I do delete them, but before I do so, I make sure to explore the previous save file as much as I can out of curiosity.

I bought a bunch of DS Pokemon games over the past couple years and was kinda disappointed that none of them had completed save files on them. Most of them were only like 1 hour into the game.
Cuck 2: The Recuckening
no actual women do slut confessions too, guaranteed if they have bpd
If I have to delete one, I'll pick the least impressive one. I have no problem with keeping the others, even if they are in slot 1. Who gives a shit if you use slot 1.

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Play online via Fightcade
Get Fightcade Roms via the json extension
Learn strategy from the supercombo wiki

Expect heated discussion and banter. If you have not achieved a C rank on fightcade or an equivalent rank elsewhere consider lurking more before posting a strongly worded opinion. Avoid e-celeb gossip that does not directly relate to the games.

Thread Question: How many hours have you spent in training modes compared to matches?
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Who are you quoting?
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Try TKing it
Red = hitbox, this must touch your opponents hurtbox to score a hit
Blue = hurtbox, the part that if it is touched by an opponent's hitbox you will be hit
Green = pushbox, this is the part of your character that the opponent can't pass through

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Just saw this on Radiation Hazard. AvP sisters, we're so back!

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>quints of truth

fuck off
Looks cool, going to keep an eye on it.
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Just checked the most recent update. No way this is a vanilla Half-Life mod.

half life modding has been out of this world for a few years now
Looks promising.

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I know next to nothing about gaming before the NES. What was it like?
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It was basic. There was some fun to be had playing against your friends in games like "combat." We would then go outside and play because after 2 minutes you've seen everything the game had to offer. There were a few exceptions like Pitfall 2, however. I still have my childhood 2600 and games but I never revisit it. Its permanently in the back of the storage closet.
Saved. Gonna get me a 2600 one of these days. Any good flashcarts?
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It was the era where getting a high score meant something instead of just feeling like a pointless extra mechanic.

It was good, simpler times.
Real Chads had an Apple 2, which was much better for gaming than the 2600. The Atari 800 and C64 were there too if you were a retarded child, but only the Apple 2 offered the real personal computer experience. The Japanese PC-8801 is also an underrated system that you might want to look into.
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8-bit Apple ][ computers had interesting graphics for its time, but was on par with the TRS-80 model 1 and Model III when it came to sound generation. Atari 8 bit always had a built-in sound chip, unlike 8-bit Apple ii sounds from a speaker. Unless, that is, you could afford to buy a cricket or Mockingboard module that went inside an expansion slot under the top casing.

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A thread for everything involving hacking your PS2.
I have a question, I usually use OPL 1.1.0 for everything but it doesn't recognize ZSO games, I tried one of those "nightly" builds (the Jay-Jay ones) and they recognize and play ZSO files but some of my games dont work on that build (like Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Crash Nitro Kart for example), I tried disabling PADEMU and other settings but it still doesn't work (games freeze on a black screen).
What can I do?
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How do you even update the browser to support HDDs nowadays? I get it's proprietary but everything seems vague
>19mb / 22mb
>the Jay-Jay ones
Stop reading there.

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