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1. Final Fantasy X (2001)
2. Final Fantasy VII (1997)
3. Dragon Quest III (1988)
4. Dragon Quest VIII (2004)
5. Machi (1998)
6. Final Fantasy IV (1991)
7. Tactics Ogre (1995)
8. Final Fantasy III (1990)
9. Dragon Quest VII (2000)
10. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

11. Dragon Quest V (1992)
12. Far East of Eden 2 (1992)
13. Sakura Taisen (1996)
14. Dragon Quest IV (1990)

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I love how unabashedly the Japanese love Dragon Quest.

They're quite right to, as the whole series has this sense of adventure to it that is actually rare to see in other RPGs to the same level. I can totally understand why a DQ release causes them to drop everything and just play that and why so many would have playing through the older games in turn as a fond childhood memory.

There's a strange irony to the way that WRPG fans will (rightly) bash the shitty elements typical of JRPGs, like the strong focus on a linear story over player freedom etc. and yet these people typically don't play the Dragon Quests, seemingly because western JRPG fans, who generally DO like the genre's focus on elaborate linear stories, hate them for NOT being about that and instead feeling too 'western', and hence don't actively recommend them.

So you have this series, which is this super open thing focused on freedom and exploration, that's the 'father' of a whole genre, that in turn is somehow mostly super restrictive and barely anything much like what spawned it, which, combined with spotty releases outside Nippon, has this unfortunate effect of causing one of the actually strongest RPG series to just lack an overseas audience.
Keep spitting King.
>There's a strange irony to the way that WRPG fans will (rightly) bash the shitty elements typical of JRPGs, like the strong focus on a linear story over player freedom etc. and yet these people typically don't play the Dragon Quests

I’m just not interested in the series because it seems like the typical solution to hitting a difficulty spike is just grind to get over it which sounds boring.

Pipe down tendoid
>it seems like the typical solution to hitting a difficulty spike is just grind to get over it
That's...sort of half true. The thing with Dragon Quest is that if you actually explore and figure out a game's quests, you usually get stuff that can give you alternate ways of doing things that lets you avoid having to grind to get past things, and this is often half the fun of the games, especially given lots of things might be open to you but just gated by powerful monsters.

This thing though is, you generally can just grind levels to straight up brute force tons of these things, and many people undoubtedly do play the games like this, doing as little as they need to besides grinding, and it's unfortunately that the series does work like this, especially since tons of useful abilities are often just locked behind being a certain level.

So there's this kind of tension where the overall game is basically excellent, especially if you restrict your level and need to rely more on items (which thankfully later released games let you do) but the way level grinding works can unfortunately fuck this over for people and was a huge mistake to implement as they did. The series would be significantly better if straight leveling barely affected things and items/equipment were the basic means of becoming more powerful, which is a route the series could have easily taken.
Just shut the fuck up and don't post anything

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I've gone from hating this game for years to thinking it's better than X2 and X4 recently. Its got the most obvious flaws of the first four, but it has good replay value and a fair challenge if you go for a no upgrades run. You can even do a playthrough where you only get the Z saber but no other upgrades if you want.
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The lack of credits makes me wonder who animated the FMVs
x4 is my goat, but i have a soft spot for x3 despite it being apparently unfinished or rushed or something
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That's the beautiful mystery of X3, in my opinion. A lot of the elements that made it the way it was vanished in that brief interim between console generations. The PSX version feels like a relic to me.

It's a port of a game for an older console made soon after the arrival of a new console generation, but featuring what is arguably Capcom's first foray into stuff like CD music for a console and the first iteration of a Megaman game having an official "anime" rendition of its universe in the form of FMV cutscenes (not including the Japanese TV ads). You can see bits of lore never shown in the games before, like X's capsule right before Cain found it, shown in the credits sequence. None of this stuff is in the original SNES version obviously, yet they put it in the PSX port even though they didn't have to. It feels strangely precious for these little additions, which Capcom would later use extensively in Megaman 8 and X4. It's like they was trying out the new stuff they could do on Sony's new console, and show how they really wanted to depict an MMX game. They even added OP and ED music for the port to really drive this feeling home.
X3 retains that late 80s/early 90s seinen tone from X1 and X2 (think of stuff like Fist of the North Star), yet it was released right when that era had just ended. It's tricky to explain, feels like this port is in some kind of limbo, being a new release about something that was already quite old. It's even weirder how it got a PAL port, but not an NTSC-U port. I don't think we'll every see a sequence of events like this ever again.

But to answer your question, the cutscenes were made by Xebec (RIP). X3 was their second ever project since their founding in May 1995 (X3 came out in December 1995).
Really? I couldn't find info about it, but Xebec actually animated 8 and X4 cutscenes.

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Been playing Atari 50, and honestly i sometimes forget how cozy these old arcade and 2600 games are. There's a simplicity to them that is endlessly charming, and in the 2600's case, the primitive graphics leave room for my imagination to go wild. Do any of you have the same feelings?
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There kind of is a thread already >>11566321
man, i have so many fond memories of playing this Atari collection i got out of a cereal box. played ALOT of Centipede and Tempest, played some Night Driver too. and man, Night Driver was so fun. didnt even care that i was bad at it. the chill atmosphere and simple mechanics really did bring me joy.
I'm sorry to hear your experience was negatively influenced by substandard equipment.
Loved Atari 50, what are some other good compilations?
Yars' Revenge is one of the best games of all time.

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What's the oldest generation you're willing to go back and play, and why?
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Tecmo Super Bowl baby.
Not even American either.

NES. There's really no reason for me to play anything before that, too barebones. NES is as far back as I go, PS2 is furthest forward I go, not counting PC which is it's own thing for me.
>games get more shit if go back far enough
it's true
I don't have any hard limits, but these days, for consoles, I rarely play anything predating 4th gen; Arcade, I'm willing to go back to 1980; PC, I'd say about 1991.
Those are all Golden Age arcade games, and IMO they've held up much better than console or computer games of the time. It took a long time for arcade games to be surpassed.
a true warrior has no limits

After playing through the Zelda games for the first time I'm surprised by how popular the narrative is that Link to the Past ruined the series by making it linear.

Did anyone actually play the first one? All the dungeons after 3 have to be done in a certain order

A Link to the Past if anything feels like a more fleshed out version of Zelda 1.

Items have more usage than they did in Zelda 1 which makes dungeons more interesting. The dungeons are far more complex and varied.

The game still requires exploration too. You need to explore the world to find items required to progress such as the boots or the rod.

It seems that most of the people who rag on this game do so to prop up newer Zelda titles as more true to the original, when in reality, Link to the Past is a fat closer continuation of Zelda 1's formula
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no, but i said it to some faggot online and he shit his diaper over it
No one cares, Zuckerberg, Musk and Trump have your back on this being protected free speech.
that doesn't even mean anything, but i appreciate you caring enough to remain angry and keep replying. it must suck having built your entire personality on not hating jews and niggers and then watching the world unravel in front of you as everyone else wakes up. anyway, i have to take a shit now. good afternoon.
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>has no real equal at its niche
It means no one cares about what literalwhos online think when you have billionaires and the president actively supporting you.

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After the least thread about Lunar, I decided to give it a try.
I must say I'm having a blast. The story is extremely generic 90s teenage fantasy so far, but the dialogues are entertaining and make up for the story itself.
I'm having FUN .
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Koudelka is well written but not in the same lighthearted fun way Lunar is
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Yeah. Koudelka is a serious hybrid game. A good game, too.
You could look into the other WD translations. Rhapsody and its sequel are fun, too. Thousand Arms is fun, too.
Vandal Hearts 2.
youll never enjoy jrpgs just give up. If you find a game with good dialogue youll just find something else to bitch about whats the point. jrpgs are the only genre where people endlessly offer up unprompted about how much they hate it. Play something you do like retard.
how does it feel getting filtered by crpg?

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Thinking men don't play First-Person Shooters.
Ah yes, you pick up the thing and you shoot the thing, while occasionally shooting a thing. Red faction is the true thinking man’s fps.
So advance wars is the last retro game? Based.
I had to think really hard about stacking those cinder blocks
you guys ever think about how "retro" is a term used to describe an aesthetic and that what we all actually play are "vintage" games?

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I'm trying to play all the Evangelion games, so far I played and beat Girlfriend of Steel (PC fantranslated) and NGE N64.
I liked both but I enjoyed the action gameplay of the N64 game more, what so I play next? I saw Saturn has a couple of them, are they RPGs?
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>Does it actually get fun?
I'd say it has its appeal as a "cinematic kaiju fighter". The controls are slow and rigid but that's kinda what you would expect out of controlling a giant beast, so it does it's job well at giving it a certain weight.
I wouldn't say it's super fun or anything but there's a certain satisfaction in pulling off a successful AT Field breakthough and rising up your sync ratio to perform more powerful attacks.
Then other missions aren't 1 on 1 battles but instead stuff like sniper aiming (5th Angel) or rhythm minigame (7th Angel), but a majority of fights are 1 on 1.
The real final mission only unlocks if you olay on very hard mode.
It's not a long game though, feels very arcade-ish in the sense that it's very pick up and play, and cutscenes can be skipped.
Why hasn't anybody translated Neon Genesis Evangelion 64 yet? Seems to be pretty beloved. Do any of you know if all the dialogue is archive audio from the show or newly recorded stuff?
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It's newly recorded, but most of it are the same lines from the show/movies
Holy based
>I'd say it has its appeal as a "cinematic kaiju fighter".
This. Eva 64 is basically a spiritual successor to the Ultraman game on Super NES

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Post games from Japan that feel niche and low budget but still somehow got officially localized
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they also didn't bother localizing one of the two scenarios in the game and just hacked it so it couldn't trigger.
Michigan for the PS2, straight up feels like Simple 2000 tier stuff at times
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Most of Atlus USAs late 90s/early 2k output, Thousand Arms, Rhapsody, Kartia, Tail Concerto...

The especially went all in on Rhapsody, fully localizing the musical numbers and all, must've been a pretty expensive dub for what was a fairly low budget RPG.
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I remember agetec/A1 published a lot of budget niche games, some that were made to sell for $10-15 like Puzzle Star Sweep, Battle Hunter, Space Shot and my favorite budget title ever Top Shop.
I took my nigga Orpheus's dick out FOR him

is it worth playing?
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Oh I'm retarded and didn't open the thumbnail yeah play that the msx2 one. Not the NES one.
That changes nothing about what I've said. Within the MG series, the MG Classic games are absolutely overlooked.
Bought a PS3 the same day MGS4 came out zoomer
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the first few moments are real great
MSX version is one of the best games on the system

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11546127

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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i don't want to be, and that's why i'm not gonna snipe your thread

i just want to be this oldfag in your thread that played a lot of these games on release
Don't worry about it. If anything, it's often best to just avoid posts that aren't named "Anonymous".
I have a somewhat sinful idea, and I want to bounce off some ideas.

There are plenty of tricky fights in many wads, but the resources available for deciphering them are scant.

Doom wiki can list secrets, sometimes playthroughs are on YouTube (but not always pistol started), and demos are pretty reliable. However, demos add on an extra amount of hassle in just trying to figure out how to beat a map.

What if we had a cheat sheet of sorts, listed for WADs.

For example on Alien Vendetta Map 32, here’s a trick for beating the second arena yada yada.

And then we can list it on a wiki page or Doomworld thread.

Don't they kind of already do this on the Wiki, just that it's not widespread and for every single level?
Pretty much, mostly is just on big wads or ones where somebody's gone hyper autistic for, like some TCs basically have entire guides for them on there.

>nooo bro you can't just buy a cheap and affordable hdmi dongle for your retro consoles
>you need to put out $350 for a retrotink to get a somewhat good picture bro!
>bro you also need those $50 retrovision component cables for every console you own bro!
>trust me bro. even is the dongle looks fine to your eyes it's really cheaply made and it sucks!
So I tried this PS2 mayflash adapter, since the one for the Wii is really good. Picture quality is great, far better than my GBS-C. No need to fiddle with settings, no picture drop outs. My display handles deinterlacing fine, and input-lag seems to be good enough. GBS-C might be a tiny bit more responsive, but I am still testing that out. So why are these things so hated again?
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and by hyperkin ones, i mean their cables. i dont think they have the hdmi dongles they just straight up have cables that go from console to hdmi
If you like it great, I'm not sponsored. If you found an affordable option that does a great job that is amazing and you should shout it from the rooftops.

But I cycled through 3 different $20 to $40 Amazon adapters people SWORE by, all making my PS2 image look like complete fucking ass while everybody tried to convince me "dude this is just how PS2 looks man".

But after buying the Retrotink 5x the image looks incredible.

I haven't tried anything Mayflash, so this very well may be awesome and I BTFO myself by being "scammed" or whatever but I don't care.
PS2 dongles will always have the problem of deinterlacing, which will be handled by the TV. After some testing my TV does a good job with 3D games, but I encountered some problems with 2D asset heavy games. Overall it's well worth the 20€ I payed for it. I was honestly surprised. As already stated, it looks miles better than GBS-C, which is still an option if you need the lower input lag and more settings regarding deinterlacing etc. (Which it does better.)

I have no doubt in my mind that the 5X delivers the best possible picture you can get from the PS2s 480i signal, and I might be willing to pay the $350, even if I just need it for the PS2, but with eurofag tax it's more like 550€, so nah.
I have something that will look even better but it costs even more. Check out these double shielded gold plated cables too.
i have a retrotink 5x and some scart cables that took three years to come back in stock finally
i like it, consumer-1 preset is very nice on a modern display

I have vague nostalgia for the era around the time AoD was released. Any hopes for restored content?
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And yet for all that, their parent company Embracer re released the old games in spite of CD's sperging. If classic or 2000s coomer Lara sell, there will be more of them. The comics are getting reprinted this year, and they're loaded with "outdated depictions" too. She fights Arab terrorists in the first issue,

Why get so mad at some Commiefornia corpos you'll never meet? I'll bet the LUA crew doesn't even work there anymore, it's been almost 20 years.
Retard. They made a blog post listing some of the things they're putting back, e.g. one new area in Paris, various items, and even a weapon for the male MC.
Well that's jim cracking dandy
>2000s CD Lara is more of a sexy bimbo for teenage boys than Core Lara ever was
Maybe because Toby Gard was working with CD on those games
Did anyone actually like Chronicles? Core didn't even want to make that one and it was the worst selling in the series

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This game is a mind numbing exercise in tedium and frustration. Hours of Mindless grinding through enemies just to collect some stupid fucking orb. Half the spells and weapons don't work. And half the spells that do work, only work half of the time. Usually being ineffective anyway, making them all worthless. Worst of all is how you cant land your airship where you want, and the place you can land is a usually halfway across the map from the place you are trying to get to. Fuck that, just thinking about it now is making me angry. It's dull, uninteresting story doesn't make me want to reach the end, rather it makes me want to put a bullet through my brain to escape the utter boredom of playing this awful game.

The only positive thing I have to say about FFI is that the enemies are all very cool and I like their sprites. But that's hardly enough to make the game worth playing.

So why can't I stop playing It? Is there something wrong with me? Do I hate myself? Am I just a glutton for punishment? No matter how many times I quite the game out of frustration, I keep coming back for more. Even after the game glitched and I was forced to repeat the entire Sunken Shrine from the beginning. What is it about the game that draws me to it?
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Why is it only JRPGs (Final Fantasy in particular) that attracts bottom-tier effort bait threads every day?
try melatonin, it helps make new things feel fun so you can escape getting stuck in a rut

Because in today's market not only turned based RPGs with random encounters are a dead genre, but it's a genre that goes against the entire modern mentality consisting of low attention span and continuous instant reward design and fast stimulus.

So the young players don't understand it

>Half the spells and weapons don't work

Wrong. It's less than 10% that includes things like enemy specific weapons not actually being stronger against said specific enemies, which doesn't entirely negate the weapon's use.
Try a FF1 romhack or three

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I'm a zoomer and I just finished playing ALTTP for the first time in my life (i loved it, great fucking game) and I wanted to play it as "authentically" as possible so I never looked up anything about the game while I played it. While I loved it, I still thought a few parts or solutions were very obtuse and I ran in circles like a retard for quite a few sections until it clicked or I just happened to figure it out. Just out of curiosity, are there "known" bullshit spots in the game? I'm curious to know if they match my experience to see if I was being retarded or if it was "justified" to feel stuck at some places.
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i completed alttp when i was 6 back when i didn't even know english. sorry you couldn't get your ebin gotcha to discredit what i said though.
I completed it when I was 4 and I still dont know english
I just use google translate for everything on 4chan
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>play it as "authentically" as possible
Get the nintendo powers from the time, look at the pictures, sometimes they reveal secrets without them being like "place the bomb here." also make sure you have friends also playing and discuss every weekday for however long a recess was back then.
>I actually considered downloading the game manual or something
I recommend that everyone always look up manuals for any retro games they play. Most retro games had few to no tutorials and expected that you'd read the manual to learn the basic controls and game mechanics. Sometimes those manuals would also include spoilers, hints, walkthroughs, or puzzle solutions, but you can just skip past that (I always did back then, too). Reading the manual is 100% part of the game experience for any retro game, though.
I read the manuals to games on the way home
I was lucky to not get carsick

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