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Is the title screen of Tonari no Princess Rolfee supposed to look like somebody turned the contrast knob to the max? I've noticed in some PC-FX titles running in Mednafen that colors look very strange.
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>bottom right picture
oh now we're talking
Emulated never perfect.
Bing AI doesn't know who Rolfee is, instead giving me faux PC-98 images of princesses.
Don’t use her with ai, she already okay.

(awesome retro rendering)
Don't look closer at the dot placement and coloration.

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>It's like Boo!
What did SEGA mean by this?
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its not Boo!
its B..!
because its B. Signal's turf
>Sega invents boo
>Wasn't recognized until someone else did it later
the history of sega
It's Toriyama's take back at Sega for the Sonic 2's Super Saiyajin
Ackshually it says "It's like 800" as in 8.00 megabits, this was before Sega gave them a 16mbit cart so they could fit more Blaze panty sprites on there.
it do be like boo tho

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are there any quality of life/improvement romhacks that you would say replace the original game?
pic unrelated
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Secret of Mana Turbo
Dark Samus alone keeps me from touching this.
I beat M1 as a dumb teen
who plays these casualized hacks?
>It boggles my mind that there isn't a single hack that restores the original dungeon layouts yet
I'll eventually be bringing Mato's translation to the Famicom version if you're interested in that

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> Some standalone emulators support netplay some don't
> Some support overlays
> Some support cheats
> Some support achievements
> Some support shaders
> Some support game library databases
> Picrel supports all of the above in a neat multi-platform single software package

Developer drama notwithstanding, is there any real reason to use a standalone emulator for 5th generation consoles and older? Granted, it's shit for anything newer than 5 gen, and the UI is not the best, but I still fail to see why anyone would rather choose standalone emulators when they can use Retroarch.
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FBNeo core is shit for no supporting LUA scripts, cores dropping core features is a common issue with no solution in sight. RA's library capabilities are archaic and mogged violently by every frontend. Similarly, most netplay solutions within it are ass. Getting RA to an usable state involves evoking it with another frontend, at which point I can just make that load the superior standalones with the same effort, I'll only resort to it in edge cases when not given any other choice like 15hz output and ARM ewaste.
> DuckStation


> I am well aware of how licenses work. That's why I changed, to make it very clear and a deterrent due to certain parties violating the old license, by not attributing and stripping my copyright.

In other words:

> I licensed my code under GPL without understanding what that meant and now I'm angry at people making derivatives

DuckStation is great software, let alone a great emulator. But you cannot license your software under GPL and then complain when people make use of the rights granted by the license. That'd be like licensing your code under MIT and then complain when corporations use your code without giving you any money for it.
Duckstation isn't the only emulator out there you know
I know. I bring it up because its developer is one of the people that's vehemently opposed to RA, and has been for quite a while now. And having seen his opinions about the project and of software in general, it seems to be that his problem is with free software (GPL) rather than the actual project itself.

This is a niche but fun genre. I've been trying to get into M1 Tank Platoon II and I think I may be too brainlet for it. Armored Fist 3 is a fun action-sim-type game though.
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Yea, they certainly did, before they killed themselves through death by drowning in Delta Force titles.
That's not at all what I said. The gameplay is tight, like a more strategic twisted metal and more polished. Things like switching between different types of tanks on your team and postitoning them to set up flank maneuvers work really well. You have on rails goliath tanks to defend your queen lord at your base, and your enemies have them too so sometimes you have to abandon your attempt at their queen and assume control over your goliath to stop an attack. The gameplay is surprisingly deep.
>there's an entire site dedicated solely to tanksims


>with a review that calls it amongst the cream of the crop for tanksims
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I remember playing this against bots somewhere around 2004. Nice little timewaster.
What do you like about it, anon?

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is this jump intended to be possible? I just want to make sure I'm not cheating. this is from tomb raider 2
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sequence breaking is not cheating
also you can answer yourself if there is another easy path to that point that you didn't reach yet
It's not intended.
You have to jump to the roof of the thing (from the deck) grab the ledge from above and do the let go and immediatly re-grab thing (that's why the ledge is slanted upwards to the right, so it's a short enough distance to do the re-grab thing)

You will skip and miss huge portions of the level if you do the skip, but do what you want.
Sequence-breaking can have serious unintended consequences for triggering events in the game or finding important or high quality items.
thanks :)
Developer skill issue

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>old emu record
mogged by Sparkster's "desert level" music
I remember the kid across the street downloading this onto his computer back in the 90s and we thought it was the funniest fucking thing, we must have listened to it 100 times, good memories.

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As some of you might remember, I've been compiling a list of various secrets, oddities and mysteries in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for several years now. Once again, the time has come for me to share this list with you.

This list has been compiled from a variety of sources, including old forum posts, fansites, videos, and my own observations while playing. Fellow anons on /vr/ have made the bulk majority of contributions to this list, and deserve due credit. By this same token: if you have a tidbit of your own that you'd like to contribute, please do, and I will add it to the list for future threads.

I should mention that this list is comprehensive, and thus includes many "secrets" that are already well-known for the sake of posterity. Regardless, novices and veterans alike will no doubt learn something new here.

And now, without further ado, I once again present to you... the many secrets, oddities and mysteries of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Please bear with me while I post all 117 entries on this list...

- - - - - - - -

>1. In the game's debug menu, a particular crash will cause a screen to appear with some gibberish. Alongside this gibberish, the phrase "I LOVE YOU" is displayed at the top.

>2. Hidden in the game's code is a fully functional Arwing from the StarFox series. This Arwing was used by the developers for testing various combat and camera control features. If you hack it into the game, you can fight it. Not only will it damage Link by trying to shoot him, but you can destroy it with numerous weapons, all of which will cause it to fall to the ground and explode.

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I cringed hard.
Heh... looks like you got filtered. You should have expected this when you addressed a man with a bigger penis. Try harder next time, queerchild.
Have any opinions to go with that verbal diarrhea?
>Evidence A: ur dumb
>Evidence B: ur GAY
Now address this rock solid hypothesis, or please, let us get on about our night.

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What game file have you played the most?
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team [GBA] (2005) {at school}
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team [DS] (2005) {at home}
Never played Explorers (Time / Darkness / Sky) until now, because Sky kept crashing with no$gba.
These action replay codes are save file bug fixes that I wish I had known about in the late '00s.
2204AA98 00000007
2208380c 000000BF
2204ADD0 00000007
22083BA4 000000BF
(You enable it in cheats every time you load no$gba and then hit reset)
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Why are you using my image? Why do you have my Lufia 2 save file on your PC? lol. How bizarre. If you’re going to pretend to play Lufia 2 for 157 hours at least use your own image you thief.
Not a save file, but banilla worlo.
fucking hell man, what a game

My 12 y/o nephews leaving his laptop with me to do a bit of maintenance. He has an interest in older games and I was thinking of setting up a few classics for him as a little surprise. I know to throw in Doom, Half Life, maybe some Roller Coaster Tycoon, but trying to think of other good ones to throw in he may like. Suggestions?
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Ah, shit. I woulda just set up a sourceport with the wads for him if I knew that was the case. That said, the censored wads aren't that big a deal all things considered. It's unfortunately too late for me to do anything about it, he lives pretty far away which is why I wanted to make sure the visit was good, don't see him often.

I know you don't need to play em in order, I've played both and loved em, that's why I called it my autism instead of my "perfectly logical reasoning" lol
I get you but for that series in particular you gotta stamp it down
Well, he's got a computer, maybe you could mail him a link to the pack and then help him set it up?
cool uncle, glad you're pointing him in the right direction
Do something better with your time than caring about old games someone puts on their nephew's computer. Is that a noteworthy thing to talk about? Even OP, like why tf are you all talking about this. I say this unironically posting on a 4chan website about retro videogames.

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what a great game
why has it been forgotten about?
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Yes 'cuz it was made by the same devs. Also a poster for Shogo can be found in FEAR, also same devs.
How safe is this?
you can safely download the game from that site, if you'll take my word for it.
I've downloaded the game from that site years ago since I've lost my copy
I have no idea. It really is great

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post only the best vidya boxart in this itt thread
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dont care if the game has become overrated - this is artwork.
this cover still trips me up to this day. Whenever I first played it I was waiting for cloud to assault a shinra base in antarctica and it never happened.
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I’d say it’s currently experiencing the phenomena where it became so overrated that people got annoyed with it, causing it to become underrated.
Would you recommend this game to a puzzle enjoyer?
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What was regularly using CRTs like? I'm a zoomer (born in 2000), so I've never actually experienced one.
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Nobody had flat screens in 05. They had those rear projection TVs that could have screens double the size of a CRT but still needed to be like two feet deep.
It was dogshit.
They would have fucked up distorted graphics and when you tried to fix it you would somehow make them even worse.
They where heavy as fuck so good luck moving any but the smallest tvs.
Giant fucking shadow mask dots if your tv was cheap and small that made it near impossible to read text.
Loud whining sound, you could tell if it was turned on even if there was no picture or sound input.
I'm younger than you and we had a CRT until around 2011, how have you never seen one?
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Tingly static pops as you rube your hand close to the glass
I’m one year older than you and I grew up with one of those but granted it was when 5 to 8 years old but I still had one

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Happy 25th anniversary Threads of Fate
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Recently played this after someone on this board recommended it. The Fancy Mel platforming minigames kicked my ass but the Mint route was so great. Kinda sad there's no sequel after the ending hinted at one.

Is it worth doing the Rue route right away? Not sure I want to re-clear the whole game If it's mostly just dialog swaps.
its worth going through as rue, you get a whole new dungeon, many different/new cut scenes and the true ending, plus its a different gameplay style although inferior to mints
>The Fancy Mel platforming minigames kicked my ass
lol, i was stuck for so fucking long on those as a kid, but the happy music made it tolerable and crazy fun anyway.
Rue's quest is basically the actual story, so yes do Rue's.
Once you figure out how forgiving it actually is, it's much easier to space your jumps. It just gives the impression of being a challenge.

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Do you still play any of 'em? Are the official servers still running? D you play on fan maintained servers? Or is there a way to play 'em offline? Or do you maybe play LAN with your friends somehow?

Do you have some fond memories of 'em? Did you play 'em with your friends back then? Did you make any friends through them? Did something really cool and unexpected happen there once?
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>Do you still play any of 'em?
EQ, Runescape Classic
>Are the official servers still running?
EQ: Yes, but I dont play there.
>Do you play on fan maintained servers?
EQ: Yes, Project 1999
RSC: Yes, various OpenRSC servers
>Or is there a way to play 'em offline?
EQ: No
RSC: Yes

Most of my fond memories are just the small things. Good groups/converasations, etc. Nothing too crazy ever happened to me in game.

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