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Just finished playing this game for the first time and I do not understand why it gets so much hate. The story was very comprehensible and easy to follow. Ultimecia does not "come out of nowhere" like so many people claim..you literally see her leaving Edea's body at the end of disc 2, and then Edea goes on to talk about how she was possessed, meaning that Ultimecia has been influencing her since disc 1.

The junction system was a ton of fun. The only time I felt like I ever drew any magic was at the start of the game when I put together a small pool of spells for Selphie before I had magic refines from the GFs. Once you get the magic refines, killing monsters for items, playing cards, etc gives you all the magic you will ever need. I think at level 100 I spent 5 minutes stocking 300 meteor from a Ruby Dragon for junctioning, but that was it. Junctioning magic to ele/status atk and ele/status def was interesting and felt like it gave a level of customization that is unheard of in the series prior to VIII. I really liked how the girls could use all schools of magic because it made casting magic very enjoyable and dynamic. I ended up using Squall, Rinoa and Selphie in the end, and had Selphie cast Cerberus for 2x and 3x and enjoyed the casting more than any other game in the series.

I adored the "realistic" character designs when contrasted with the chibi shit from previous entries. The summons/GFs also had very nice designs relative to the others in the series.

Ultimecia's Castle was the best final dungeon in the series as well. That place was dripping with sovl, especially compared to that shit hole crater from VII.

This game has a certain aura of magic and elegance to it that I've never seen in any other game. I loved it and think the haters are just too stupid to enjoy it.
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Xenogear 64 more mature than PS1 RPG
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The numbering confused people, I recall my brother finding out and telling me FF1 was 1, 2 was 4 and 3 was 6.

We enjoyed 2/4 and 3/6 and found a translation of 5 at some point around the time FF7 was around.

But people that were indifferent at best to games got into games at that time and FF7 was a big reason why. Of course other titles like Tomb Raider, Wipe Out, Twisted Metal, etc. helped because it did seem games were more mature. Before that it was mostly considered kid's stuff given Mario was the prevailing icon of all things vidya

I assume you're saying Xenogears was more mature but FF7 was mature enough at the time. Plus it was first and it was absolutely epic compared to anything we'd seen so far
>came out a year afterward
>2D cutscenes
>anime was still too weeb for US

Also see pic. Cait Sith and chocobos weren't exactly mature but they were nothing like this thing
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If dev made Cait Sith into neko trap, than I would reconsider.
Is this series worth playing? It always seemed kind of cringe, but this character looks intriguing. Could I play just this game and be okay?
>sexualising cait sith
so fucking wrong

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GOG's launches a new 'preservation' program:

>ensures classic games remain playable on modern systems
great! old games occasionally do have issues with shitdows 10. so long as the game is untouched
>compatible with modern controllers and resolutions
err ok I guess. depends how its handled, but if they're adding controller support and widescreen to games that weren't made with these things in mind then they are going beyond preservation
>bug fixing and improvements
wtf. do they not know what preservation means? you either preserve the game or you improve it, you cannot do both without providing both.
this is exactly part of the problem I'd thought they were trying to combat: companies replacing their games with "redux" "remastered"

>but why would you want to preserve bugs?
1. preservation must be warts-and-all
2. the fact is, what is a bug can be subjective. while some things are more obviously bugs than others, the fixes tend to get bundled into one monolithic patch. so, the best solution is to just leave it the fuck alone and let individuals fix shit themselves.
>but don't you want QoL and rendering improvements?
no. again, its subjective and, more pertinently, not preservation

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>when talking about video games keeping them playable is more preservation than just keeping unplayable files
no that just makes them more accessible. youre just changing the definition of preservation for convenience
>didnt even imply they should. I'm saying if random internet twats can do it illegally for free then GOG can sure as hell do it with their resources and permission
GoG does not have a massive reverse-engineering team, no they cannot, nor would it be reasonable to dedicate tons of money and resources into that. That "twat" you mentioned is spending months to years on this sort of thing in their free time while not being bound by licensing or legal agreements, make it a paid thing and suddenly it's an expensive mess.

Yeah, though in many cases it's not a change to the ROM itself but just a LUA script for the emulator. That "translation" that Sin and Punishment had for the Wii? (Which was just the menus as the game itself had English text). It's a realtime script the emulator runs that modifies the game at runtime, I tried extracting the ROM from my VC copy, it was a 100% CRC match of the Japanese ROM and loaded up in Japanese in other emulators.

>they literally state games arent on there anymore because its now available storefronts such as GOG
And how does this change the fact that it wasn't jut GoG that did or even started this?

>Regardless, my statement is ironclad logic, bitch
Saying bitch does not make your logic ironclad, bitch.

>you argue theyre still readily available since you can DM redditors for a download link

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read my previous replies as response since you arent actually reading or comprehending what I've typed. If you had youd know that most of what you just said is invalid. Youre literally too autistic to argue with.

>Funny, I'm starting to feel the same, except with a beta version
lol youre one of those guys who thinks theyre smarter than everyone else arent you? but all youre doing now is arguing disingenuously. gtfo my thread, bitch
>Youre literally too autistic to argue with
You realize how many times I said that to myself while replying to your ChatGPT-BETA nonsense?

>lol youre one of those guys who thinks theyre smarter than everyone else arent you?
I swear, it's like people like you are always one step away from realizing all the crap they spew perfectly describes themselves
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So I recently found out about the Video Game History Foundation and their efforts to not only preserve source code but old development documents too. Pretty satisfied that if we already have non-profits like this then private companies like GOG aren't necessary and video game preservation may well be safe without them. This thread got exhausting, thanks for nothing as usual assholes. OP out.

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Why does this get a new remaster every other year and what's the best one? I do remember liking it even if I took a long break and then had no clue where to go which was crazy. I do remember a comfy funfair

Steam or should I just emulate? Are there emulation bugs? I don't care about new skits because most of it is animu babble written by interns
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Severe autism is exactly what you need when it comes to shit like this. It's easy to miss things if you don't have good attention to detail, and even easier to fail to convey all of the information present in a text. No matter how small, details matter.
Considering that Lloyd's profound emotional intelligence and instinctive moral compass are his most endearing character traits that take center stage more and more as the game goes on, establishing this early on and maintaining that momentum as those moments occur adds value to him as a character, which the audience benefits from as well.
Lloyd has a way of turning pedantic arguments on their head through sheer sincerity. For him, it's not about the words, but the spirit behind them. This is quintessentially Lloyd, and any of that which is lost in translation is a disservice to him and his character.
I wonder if any translation decisions here were related to a character limit.

I know that was a common concern in earlier systems, I don't know if it wasn't an issue by the time GC rolled around.
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Look at this couple.
boss rush*
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I remember that was the most memorable thing that got me into the Tales series. It was impressive that the SNES game, Tales of Phantasia, had a full opening song in addition to its impressive pixel art and Fujisima Kosuke character designs. Then I was in total awe with Tales of Destiny on the original Playstation with it's song by Deen: https://youtu.be/wRaq3__T_Lk

I can admit the games are formulaic and generic, but they're still fun for their interactive battles. The characters do have enough charm for me that it I hope to have time to spend playing through the games just for those moments. The games do typically choose a pretty catchy opening song.

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Games where you run like you shit your pants
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No, you can't even reverse the camera controls.
Skies of Arcadia did this better.
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Silent Hill 1 and 2
you walk slowly after shitting your pants, anon

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Does anyone know how to fix the audio stuttering issue? Shit is driving me crazy.
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non-meme answer: increase audio latency

alternatively see if you have run-ahead or PGXP (whatever it's called) enabled, or if the internal resolution is set too high
>or if the internal resolution is set too high
1080p could be too high? o_O
if you have a super potato, maybe

note I'm saying internal resolution, not display resolution, they're different things
yes, i'm aware. i have my internal resolution set to 1080p
lower it, see if it fixes the issue

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What's your favorite gen 5/6 menu

Other pieces of the UI also welcome
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The remaster fixed it
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It's a nostalgic look, like a website from the time.
>glove pointer removed
Freemason bros...
>Upper third dedicated to advertising the website
Is this soul?

To be honest, I didn't really expect much from Milon's Secret Castle. It's not Mario, or Mega Man, or even Michael Jackson. It's just Milon.
It's a disappointing game, one that you'd rent from the video store for a weekend, play for 5 minutes, and then return without thinking about it. And bubbles, what kind of fucking weapon is that? Why not a sword or something?
But that's only the start of the shit factor, the real fuckery starts the second you hit the start button, as the first door you enter spits you right back out the same door! What the fuck, where are you supposed to go???
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>it's one of those 'where the fuck am i supposed to go' games
It's too cryptic for it's own good.
Nobodies shunning fellow nobodies because something an entertainer already said is peak weakness in sentimentality. You should take care of your station, better.
Overdone AVGN style humor aside this is one of those games I've always wanted to like because I like weird cryptic stuff and exploring but I can't get past the annoying enemies constantly respawning every few seconds.

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I love Tina Armstrong
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Fuck off. She's the dumb slut that ruined the series.
why is doa1 leifang so sexy
If you don't know why you're gay.
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She comes off sly and coquettish.
Big nose, thin lips, strong chin

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What games from the original game boy still worth playing in 2024?
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All of them are free and your time is likely worth very little. Based on this value assessment, we can assume all Game Boy games are worth it for you.

I hope this has been of help and look forward to further business.

Senior game worth assesser
Anon Y. Mous
Probably this tries to be bait but KI on game boy is actually very good.
For MK, 2 on GB is decent, unlike 1 and 3.
For other fun fighting games on GB try any of the SNK cinversions by Takara (Fatal Fury 2/Special, Real Bout Special, KoF95, Samurai Shodown)
Super Mario Land
Aside from the ones already mentioned:
Monster Max
Motocross Maniacs
Goemon (the one that comes with Konami compilation vol 3)
Konami's TMNT games
Gradius 2
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Paperboy. The obstacle layouts are randomly swapped each play making a lot of variety.

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What games are peak soul?
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Wizard of Oz SNES had interesting graphics even if the gameplay was horrible
this >>11391537
soul recognizes soul. if you can't see soul, you just see games as a product, not a medium.
>What games are peak soul?

Animal Crossing

Sonic Adventure 2

Phantasy Star Online Episode I from the hub world to the end of the forest levels

Shrek 2 iirc

Mario picross. The sound of the chisel is just beautiful.

What bugs me about the Hero's Tail version of Spyro?

It just looks...ugly. You see it too, right?
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That episode is the milennial equivalent of liminal space memes
bro looks like he's being strangled and his tail is lifted up by invisible forces. this can only end in one way.
Dragonpilled enjoyer
I remember when I was a kid that the egg set to unlock playable pink dragon was the hardest, don't know if that was just me, but at the time I got most of the eggs and unlockables including the red guy. I wonder if I should fire up the Xbox and give the game another playthrough to see if I can unlock all her eggs.

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Ryu plus Robert to make Dan
Can’t unsee
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I'm looking for this version of Pac-Man I used to play as a kid on PC, what I remember from it:
>pacman had normal eyes, not the pac-shaped black ones
>you could press the number buttons to change the graphics of the maze
>when pacman died he would look at the screen and start spinning before disappearing
>not sure about this one but i think it ran on ms-dos instead of being a regular pc game exe
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Pac Mania?
Are you sure it was DOS and not a Flash/Shockwave game? Like you remember loading the game locally?
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I dont think it was a flash game, the game would go full screen after opening the exe (afaik every flash game would go window mode after opening it) and it certainly didn't look or played like a flash/shockwave game.
Do you remember having to insert a CD to play? There were a variety of "Top games for Windows 95/98" CDs that would sometimes even have mods of classic shareware games. It may be grasping at straws, but I'm actually wondering if you played a mod of deluxe pacman where you had the visual options you listed.
It was on a floppy disk, i didn't need instalation or anything iirc.
>im wondering if you played a modded version of deluxe pacman
deluxe pacman is the closest to being similar to it but there was some differences from it
>in deluxe pacman the mazes are small, in the one i played the mazes were big, or at least looked big because of the camera
>like i said the game was zoomed in, deluxe shows the full mazes
>afaik deluxe pacman didnt change the maze graphics when you pressed the row number buttons
>in deluxe, pacman dies like in the original game while in the one i played he looked at the screen with a D: face before spinning and disappearing.
Can't say about music because that PC didn't have audio drivers and the game didnt had pc speakers sounds either.

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>pic related
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Just one more thing
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Keep in mind that something created in the 80s of a 60s tv show would be like someone creating something from the 00s now, which doesn't seem that strange. What's more it would have been impossible to do anything like what you could on a nes with earlier consoles. Mel Gibson's Safari though wtf kek.

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>oh your graphix card doesn't sport the latest directx version? too bad then you can't play the newest thing on the market with all fancy complex shaders and stuff
pclards had to suffer through this crap yet have the audacity to claim their platform of choice is better than consoles during 6th gen days
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Lol. Did that even sell in the west? All I know is I've never had a problem with my SNES or N64. But the second CD/DVD's started being used it was the beginning of the slide.
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Didn't a lot of games let you play in an older dx version without all the fancy new features?
yes generally devs wanted to support as much hardware as possible
>retroactively seething about a platform you don't play on
>I've never had a problem with my SNES or N64. But the second CD/DVD's started being used it was the beginning of the slide
The PS1 came out before the N64 and outsold the latter 3 to 1

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