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rules: nothing more recent than 6th gen consoles, because A) this is /vr/ and B) it's all shit anyway

r8, b8, discuss, post your own! hopefully you guys have better taste than /v/
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It really feels a lot like Sweet Home, it's just a shame how latter entries went too hard into the whole anime/manga direction, which is fine by itself, but it lost the charm, simplicity and horror that the original offered to me.
>FF tactics
I kneel
Based Zero Mission enjoyer.
I always liked that one too
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I like the early Silent Hill games should I give Fatal Frame a try? I've always been turned off by the camera combat because it's so arcadey
>because it's so arcadey
NTA but Fatal Frame games are genuine masterpieces because they have literally every aspect that makes a good horror game AND they are very fun to play. I think they are mustplays for anyone who's into action-adventure games, let alone horror

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Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on the Amiga really paved the way for Top Gear on the Super Nintendo.

Also, during gameplay on Lotus Esprit, the bottom half of the split-screen has a couple of guys fixing the red Lotus Esprit Turbo SE vehicle while you're driving it on the top half.
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Loved those.
3 was also fine, had both time trials, and position racing.
Also a track randomizer.
Which one had the fucking kick ass music, was it II?
I never used it in Top Gear though. I was always picking the white car, a n F40 I believe
All of them.
The espirit has to be one of the sexiest cars lotus has ever made.

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You gonna buy it, or nah? I want one for homebrew, Doom Resurrection is a cool novelty (likewise Tomb Raider 32X and the Golden Axe remaster) and if the recent marvels of Saturn homebrew are any indication it's a platform ripe for ambitious ports and other projects. Maybe we'll get a fan port of SegaSonic? Or all the never-adapted Model 1, 2 and System 32 arcade games, like Wing War or OutRunners.
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>Literally none of those fit in the same category of what’s being discussed

The only one that counts is the 64DD, and the Japanese only Satellaview. The rest are classified as accessories. Also, the Dreamcast VMU is the default memory card for the system. Not sure why that was included.
Yeah but they weren’t even successful
Correct, so post
is just the most retarded response possible
What if the Saturn had backwards compatibility, and wasn't launched prematurely?
>I paid 130 bucks for my DE-10 like 5 years ago.
I got a copy of Bloodlines for less than $10 in the early 2000s. People complaining about the price now are wrong, game is cheap.

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would you?
God willing I would.
Would anyone find out if I did?

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You HAVE unlocked all the special attack sequences on Neon Genesis Evangelion 64. Right, /vr/?
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>Too hard
I think they intentionally reduced the responsiveness to make you feel like you can't control the Eva, much like Shinji's experience. I wonder if the controllability improves in later missions. One thing I really liked, which was unexpected for me, a lot of digital samples of the music from the show.
BTW, it wasn't too hard to get A rank with practice but I didn't fully max the score. It's cool that you get a different character reaction for each rank.
give it up dude
Because making a game out of Evangelion is fucking stupid but since it's an immensely popular anime they had to do it
>Because making a game out of Evangelion is fucking stupid but since it's an immensely popular anime they had to do it
No it's not, they could have just made a pretty cool scrolling beat'em up (eg. a belt scroller). Except those weren't very popular at the time and they take a fair bit of effort to create. Back in the NES days they just made fun 2d platformers and slapped the licenses on them... no reason why this practice couldn't continue, but making a decent 3d platformer would have required a huge amount of effort. If Eva had come out during the NES or SNES era then we could have gotten a nice 2d game out of it.

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I don't know what that means
What operating system does your setup run?
??? what? its a computer
go ask your handler
Ah... the stacking technique. I know it well.

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What was the reaction to a Newgrounds game getting a full psychical release like this?
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if you think those are buzzwords then you might want to read a book. Also yes the question is vague so you can only pretty much answer like that
not even hentai, ppl just made the most unhinged racist edgy .swfs back in the day for shock value and now those same people are libtards virtue signalling on X
It's a vicious cycle
As someone who owned only a GameCube in that era, the reaction was:
>huh, this exists? ok

I bought it because it was cheap and I'd never seen it before, so I figured it could be rare. I got to the second level, stopped playing, and sold it. Didn't like it, but I also wasn't good at it.
"Hey, I played this on newgrounds, very cool! But $50 is too expensive..."

And to this day I have yet to play it

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Which one is worse?
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just use automatic, it'll be okay
>Anything that keeps a flamewar thread on the front page is worth it
Get a hobby.
Agreed Wasn't that impressed with it other than f zero and a handful of platformers
Been playing with various DualShocks for decades now, literally never had that problem.
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Agreed, Anon is talking out of his ass. PS1-PS2 was a mighty reign. Awesome libraries, comfortable, sensible controllers, and gen two had backwards compatability. I also see a lot of people downplaying the dvd player aspect of the PS2, but man, in 2002 it was fucking awesome having a full entertainment device in my bedroom.

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Of all the Xbox games left in Japan, this is the most interesting one. It would have effortlessly found a following, especially with the absence of later Onimusha titles on Xbox. Maybe it wasn't brought over as it is sandwiched between Otogi and Ninja Gaiden.
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He just ran some text files through google translate, it's nowhere near complete anyway.
How did Xbox get so many great Japanese games?
bill gates shilled the ekkusu bokkusu with a picture of him holding a hanbaagaa, and all of nippon rented out a seperate apartment room in order to house one of their own
bill and ballmer gave japanese devs a really small licensing fee, 10% I think.
They tried hard to break into the market
We got some great games out of it but it wasn't to successful at what it tried

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ITT: Games only (You) played
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only played the first demo like most people
was fun with siblings
I've got the PS2 version of Wayward. Need to get the Xbox versions of the trilogy though. Hunter was the best of WoD.
i got this as a kid
My first video game
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Why i'm the only guy to love Super Runabout on DC ?

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Underrated multiplayer games
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Isn't that just worse You don't Know Jack with a license slapped on?
I've never played any of the You Don't Know Jack games; do they have you play blatant knockoffs of early arcade games between questions?
the Pressure Round is basically ydkj's Dis Or Dat, Wheel of Fortuitousness is exclusive to chef's luv shack but just there as a wheel of fortune joke, and the minigames were a staple of most other party games
it's still a fun game but basically does every other game's shtick at once
>Dis Or Dat, Wheel of Fortuitousness
I'm European, is this what you call AAVE?
This originally had a mini game where you threw waterballoons at cars from a bridge. I assume it was removed because it was considered too easily imitable

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Cleaned up my ghetto "portable" battlestation. '89 13" Sony Trinitron with an AV splitter. Got a VCR hooked up which gives me an extra Coaxial and Composite port, so I can hook up 7 things to the TV. I currently just have a Twin Famicom and a 2600 hooked up alongside a DVD player and the aforementioned VCR. Only issue is that the buttons on the TV are fucked up (volume up changes channel for some reason) so I'll need to get a universal remote soon. Anyways enough blogposting show me your battlestations.
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twin familkcrate
Nice. What consoles are you playing?
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A second TV has been stacked on the milkcrate, Mr. President...

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>looking for secrets and doors without any tells? BASED!!! so fucking BASED!
>ugly boss sprites and basic combat?
so heckin BASED!!!
>no map
GOAT, draw your own fucking zoomers

>have to bomb for secrets and mentally note your orientation in the overworld?
CRINGE! worst game in the series
>ugly boss sprites with simple combat?

why is it like this?
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>this is how a tendie actually thinks
play more video games
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first time I played Zelda was with a (week-long) rental and the manual had been lost or stolen by someone else. I didn't find my way to Level-2 until I'd already done 3 and 4.
That's not a tendie that's just a mindless webdrone posting low-effort bait. You can tell by the careless and inappropriate use of the term "slop" that he has never had an original thought in his life (if he's even alive and not just a bot).
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>people seriously had nothing better to do than bomb every single bush and wall
They did it, though, fighting the enemies on each screen was fun so that's what we did. Dropping a couple of bombs or candles before going to the next screen was an afterthought.
(You know this, of course, and just think your boring post is clever irony which is typical of nu-/vr/)
The game came with a map, you fucking idiot.

People like you are why we get forced tutorial bullshit. Because you're too retarded to go through paperwork and need to have you dick held like a leash for the whole game.

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I've been playing the Nightdive Quake remaster and loving it, and was considering getting Quake 2 once I'm done. I was wondering what the general consensus on it is though? Would it have been better received if it was called Wor as originally planned? I definitely prefer the weird semi-fantasy vibe of the original (and DEFINITELY prefer the NIN soundtrack) but I don't hear much said about Quake 2's actual gameplay.
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OP listen to this >>11067140 definitely try Quake mods if you need more Quake. Just be aware many newer ones will require a source port.
Quake 2 has different physics, and projectiles are slow as shit.
The Quake 2 remaster is excellent, the AI has been vastly improved and you get Quake 2 64 which is good and Call of the Machine which is incredible.
Quake II's problem is not really bad level design or weapon design, it's that the enemies are not really interesting so they don't create interesting encounters, and there is not enough variety from level to level, with the setting played too straight leaving very little space for creativity (compared to Doom and Quake's surreal nightmare worlds and abstract absurd castles).
So far only ever enjoyed the first one

And, even then I liked unreal and other fps games back then more

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Maximo Thread
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You also have the armors, earthquakes that shape the terrain, the enemies, the music, and probably more I can't remember
Butyful baps
Is David Siller the most fucked over man in Western game development? Apparently he played a very big part in the creation/development of Crash Bandicoot, but barely receives any credit
>Is David Siller the most fucked over man in Western game development? Apparently he played a very big part in the creation/development of Crash Bandicoot, but barely receives any credit
Not just a big part, David literally created crash as a game designer including the level design in it and got fucked over majorly along with the original illustrator/artist by ND. There’s a lot of drama you can find online how ND basically hijacked the credits and fame and gave both of those the boot despite doing no wrong. Rubin really dug the studio it’s own grave for a shot of climbing Sony’s ranks which failed horrendously after Cerny hijacked it too. That Studio is beyond cursed
never played this game but I watched one video and the female villagers looked very cute. That's all I remember

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