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>Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment (named to fit the acronym 'FREE') is a quasi-genre invented by designer Yu Suzuki, describing a game where a massive stupid idiot moron repeatedly fails to travel from Japan to Hong Kong.
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Thank you. I do appreciate it.
What is the relationship ? you think it was Sega fans who made the PS2 successful???

they are few in number.
And even though the first Xbox sold very little in Japan, it still sold.

unless the 470,000 Xboxes sold in Japan are only to the US Marines.
How many Americans where in Japan back in early 2000s?
There are around 60k Americans living in Japan in any given year. That's not counting military personnel and their families though. That'd add another 100k or so to the total.
man i hope the pseuds defending that shit finally got a clue but knowing them they're probably masturbating in a MGS2 thread somewhere.

if sega left him to his own devices they'd be out of business with nothing but 3 games and bankruptcy to show for that decision.

shenmue was a fucking money pit. yakuza wasn't.

ryo's dad clearly didn't want to be avenged given his final words about how he should cherish his friends and relationships and it wouldn't surprise me if the big twist was that lan di was simply avenging someone ryo's dad killed

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What are your favorite /VR/ remasters or remakes?
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I noticed that the english VA basically only voices major story dialogue.
If you enable the Japanese voiceover, you will see nearly all lines are voiceacted
stop using shitty PCs for emulation, retardos
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Legitimately one of the few remasters that's so good that it completely mogs the original game in almost every way.
Doesn't it still have slowdown?
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I think the wiimake of Klonoa was great.

These games would be godly if the field of view were just a little bigger. I was hype for the collection thinking they might do this, but alas.

What are the chances of this getting something like a pc port that can do this?
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>PC port
>Just an emulator but with less features
The Legacy Collection is a source port, that's why there's music mods for it to have the Remastered Tracks albums.

In theory someone could mod there a larger FOV.
After playing a ton of Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Gear stuff you get used to playing on a low FOV... it's a matter of practice, nothing more.
There's a fullscreen rom hack for Mega Man Zero Collection. I wonder how good is this rom hack.
This has been my problem. I enjoyed all 4 of them when I had them on GBA but given how speed-oriented they are, they would really benefit from having just a little more visual real-estate to work with. "You get used to it" is not a good excuse.

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repostan because the last thread died after 2 replies

you HAVE played the best game on turbografx-16, right?
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I like his pics, you sound like a meanie-pants
You like your own pics? I mean you must. You post them in every single thread that comes up. Oh You just happen to have everything that someone brings up. Mega Man on a Tiger hand held? Oh you've got the whole collection lined up and the little note card. So ready to write on you shake with anticipation.
Yes and I can 1cc.
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Blazing Lasers aka Gunhed has great gameplay, great music, and great voice samples for being small enough to fit on a Hu-Card. It is also a video game based on a movie:

>In the early 2030s, a new material called Texmexium (more powerful than nuclear energy) enabled the world to be controlled by a new generation of super computers.

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The Holy Trinity of well-designed Pinball games
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>The Holy Trinity
So very retarded and total bollocks to say that when there's been so many outstanding classics across even more decades than videogaming

I've played it in Seattle. It's great. Uh... I don't have anything particularly clever to say about it. Getting to multiball is harder than it is on a typical Stern.

Originally there was going to be a thing where you unlock features in Bond 60th by playing the regular Bond pin and vice versa, but I think they gave up on that. Now you can just scan a special non-account qr code to get new soundtracks for multiball in 60th. Probably that feature was originally going to be unlocked through playing the regular Bond pin.
>Why are some people like this?
Why didn't you put "no OBO" in your ad? If you don't specifically state you don't want other offers you're going to get other offers...
But I did.
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Then just treat them like the retards they are. If you posted it for like $3000 say something like "I think $4000 is a little too generous and the extra $1000 makes me suspicious to sell to you. sorry have a nice day!"

let them seethe at you over their own Babylonian talmudic ways

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Is buying cheap greasy old consoles from the internet even worth it? Anyone here regret buying?
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Misters are the half-step between original hardware and emulators that are nearly indistinguishable from original hardware that nobody asked for.
Except they have a bunch of problems emulators don't, making the more like shitty broken emulators.
Mine plays up to Dreamcast and PSP just fine
In fact the MiSTer is cheaper if you want to play all consoles
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No, at least not with the current price of retro hardware and the cartridges/CDs for it... I know it's a bit cliche to say this, but unless you have a lot of money to spare and/or you don't want to collect that much stuff... then just emulate. I do see the appeal of authenticity, but as long as you still have a CRT, or shaders at least, and accurate controllers then you'll be fine for the most part.

I guess it's worth buying the things you value the most, the ones you feel that you have to have, as long as they're not too out of your reach or if you find a good price... still, just emulate most stuff.
I bought a 360 back when it was still relevant and it made my house smell like cigarettes every time I turned it on. IMO, if the user smoked anything the system is worthless.

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Just bought this. Can’t wait to get it. Super excited to be able to finally play it.
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I've only observed problems from letting it sit, some games *eventually* crash but this is from literally not playing it and letting it cycle attract mode. Also it doesn't like my VA0 but this is documented. Avoid if you have a VA0 (bean shaped button models)
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i bought a dreamcast at goodwill and the whole controller board was already fucked up, I could do the twist thing to get the controller to work again but the battery itself still needs to be replaced so it saves the time but I still need to learn soldering so until then I have to skip through setting the time every time I turn on my dreamcast
Replacing time keeper battery is easy anon, you should try it. If you have an old power supply try and replace one of the transistors and see how it goes.
The Dreamcast is far and away a better console. Saturn is okay but feels almost pointless imo when you could just be playing Dreamcast or PS1 instead
The Japanese/Model 2 controller was better, but the US/Model 1 controller still feels nice to hold and plays well enough from what I can recall...

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how do they hold up?
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Vice City holds up extremely well. I’ve beaten it like 3 weeks ago. And I don’t know if I’m trippin, but the graphics on the PS2 version are better than on the PC version.
>still fun to play but gameplay aged badly
For me, it's the opposite. Overall movement in the trilogy is superior and more arcadey which is what I want in a video game. 4s "realism" is jarring especially coming off playing the 3d trilogy. 5 just felt especially off. I have played all 5 games near time of release, I have played all 5 recently and the only ones I have beaten 100% and still come back to are 3, VC and SA.
I really wanted to get into 4 and 5 because I have heard so many good things about them for their stories, I just couldn't get into them the same way due to gameplay.
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I played through San Andreas again recently. The last time would have gone through it full would have been around 2007 or 2008.
It was odd how much I enjoyed the eating/fitness mechanics after completely loathing them as a teen. Do a mission, get some food, change your clothes. It all felt quite immersive.
While I didn't have that much trouble with Supply Lines, I get why others would. Giving the mission before getting access to the flight school is pretty odd.
The main gripe I have with San Andreas, it's Maccer.
What is the point of this character? Why is he here? I know why he's in the game, It's because it was made by fucking Rockstar North, but Maccer is a pointless comic relief character in a game comprised mostly of comic characters.
He's even in the final scene, which Woozie didn't even appear in.
Lol, he even gets mentioned in Liberty City Stories.
It's just for comfort, Pablo

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For example every Zelda main game has a lot of hype and its own cult but with DQ you rarely hear about the ones that aren't 3, 5, 8 and 11

Did you play the rest? Are you even interested in them? How would you rank them if you played them?
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Dragon Quest I isn't mindless grinding. The biggest hook of the game is progressing to towns, talking to towns folk, and gleaning new information. This information can be new items that unlock new areas in previous towns to where there are secret passages within the towns. It's slowly unraveling and unlocking a world within this small game. It was the most satisfying aspect of the game, and the sequel just amped it up and let you loose when you had to find all the sigils.
>I don't know why 9 is forgotten
It came out on the DS and is DS only before the series really took off in popularity in the west.
I don't think there's much to talk about. 9 is good for a DS game, but it's a serious step back. The story is virtually non-existent, nothing memorable about it. You can't recruit monsters either. The class system is good though, and the after game turns it into a dungeon crawler. I guess they shilled multiplayer but I've never seen anyone use it. So I think they wanted "DQ3 again" and it just felt a bit meh.
Played all of them, my favorite is IX.
Retro fags just mention those because some troon that made an emulator made a neutral translation for 3 and 5 along 8.
XI isn't bad and is one of the best but each game has it's own thing with IX and X having custom made characters along visual armor change, for story VII and so on.
Played every one except for 2/3/10/11
I think the first game is the best and the series took a wrong turn afterwards.

Did anyone else like Hogs of War?
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Honestly I think Worms being more popular has something to do with it. Although I think a squeal was planned for the Wii but I know that was canceled eventually
that sounds like fun
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>a squeal
I remember playing it with a friend back in the day and we loved the voice lines and thought they were the funniest shit ever.

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Seriously the dude just kills everyone he meets and walks away like nothing happened. Does being mute really make you this crazy?
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Not that I take it seriously, the game still has that silly vibe that I really like in the GTA 3D games.
It's more that his character fits the setting and gameplay of killing people for your own gain and sometimes for lols.
They didn't try to make him have noble aspirations or act like "Man, I just need to do this for my family, I'm a victim of circumstance!". It was purely "I want to be king goombah"
>"Man, I just need to do this for my family, I'm a victim of circumstance!".
Vic was fucking terrible for this shit in VCS.
Agreed, I thought Vic would be a cool character, but it felt silly that you'd carjack someone and then back over them so you can sell the car to the exporter, then next mission he's like "Man, I just need enough money to support my little brother. I'm a good person!"
It's not just a black thing, it's a low societal position thing in general. In Australia & NZ they use the term "tall poppy syndrome", and it refers to people who criticise and scrutinise people who are more successful than they are to the point that the worst cases do try to bring the successful person back down to their level.
can't go wrong with either

>timer runs out before enough gang members can spawn
Heh, nothin personnel kid.
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No, you get nothing
>can't switch to fists to move faster
I think they count toward 100% completion.
See nobody talks enough about rockstars specific brand of bullshit they constantly bring to the table. A good Rockstar mission is amazing, a bad Rockstar mission is fucking dogwater.
Almost all the missions suck, just mindless shooting or driving a short distance. The "good" missions are just more cinematic or introduce a gimmick.
Heists from GTAV were the closest to good content, thoughbeit

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>Samurai Shodown 64
>isn’t on Nintendo 64
What the fuck? It’s like a game with Super in the name not being on SNES.
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>mario brothers 2 not on the ps2
What were they thinking
But enough about SamSho VI...
>Virtual On
>isn't on
>Puzz Loop
>isn't on Casio Loopy
>tags: amnesia, possession, rape, guro, netorare, handholding, vanilla
Well, that escalated quickly.

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For me it's Heretic.

>no hitscan enemies
>enemies look way cooler and really surreal
>maps and backgrounds are gorgeous

Doom feels like a bunch of random ideas bunched together. Heretic feels like a believable living breathing universe.
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That's okay I was mean, too. Let's be friends.
>indie boomer shooters

I know what you mean, but this also sounds like a series of random words a marketing exec made up to sell pharmaceuticals.
If you like these check out the 3DO at some point, there's a bunch on there. Also there is a regular Doom general >>11102509
Everything interesting or different about Marathon can be done in Doom with mods, and has been

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in Fatal Fury 2, which outfit do you think Mai Shiranui looks good in: Red or Purple?

Another great SNK game btw.
me bouncy
Red. Play Special.
Good, but they nerfed Jubei too much.
Why do japs still have Special tourneys to this day? The game is kinda mid

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