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Why did he fail to replicate Sonic's success?
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you guys should love a gimmick game with great graphics and shit gameplay; you made about 1,000 of those on the Amiga
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it was like a microcosm of woes. rampant consumption, unchecked growth, the carbon consequences, etc.
it was all bullshit, of course. I'm sure there was some Thai sweatshop somewhere pumping out captain planet merch and dumping the chemical waste in to the local canal.
SEGA didn't return to a lot of successful franchises. Where was Streets of Rage on the Saturn or Dreamcast? Hell, where was Sonic on the Saturn? Ristar could have been intended to be a one and done. SEGA is mysterious, but damn do they know how to shoot themselves in the foot by not making an occasional entry in a franchise they made.
Germans did? Only group I know is factor 5 and they did amazing retro games.

So name 10 shitty Amiga games (that aren't a simulation) by Krauts. I'm waiting.
Not a big fan of Yoshi's, a game that I found quite boring, but I don't care that much about Ristar either, so I could still agree with you, except for the music. Yoshi's only has one memorable track (Athletic), everything else is mediocre. And you also spend the whole game hearing the same five tracks over and over, they get really old. I'm not that sure about the more memorable levels either. In Ristar, each level has its own graphics, songs and gimmicks, including one level where you have to carry a metronome and give it to different birds, who will start singing longer arrangements of the music. Yoshi's doesn't have that many surprises to give you once you have finished the first world, except for the bosses.

What's /vr/ opinion on Sweet home?
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Anyone who's a fan of Sweet Home should play Namco's Dream Master. It seems to take a lot of inspiration from it (even has the door opening animation) and is a similar blend of adventure/puzzle solving and RPG, the difference is there is no random encounters, only set encounters, and they don't respawn. If you want to lvl up you have to actively seek out every single enemy in a level. Fights are 1vs1 but you can aim at various body parts, one of which will be its weakness, that you can also look for and remember for the next encounter.
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It's kinda funny how people always cite Sweet Home as the inspiration for Resident Evil.
Some even wrongly claim it was a "remake" of Sweet Home which as usual is extrapolating from an interview, which only said they'd make a game in the same style. A remake would mean paying for the license again and not owing it, why would they do that when the movie old news at that point.
Anyway if you look at the development history of RE, the longer it was in dev, and the less it took from RE. Partner system? Very quickly gone. The wooden logs and pickaxe straight from SH ended up being unused too. There isn't much left in the end except a general premise and the door animations.

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Playing through ff2 for the first time on the famicom and this end game is the fucking worst thing that's ever happened to me. This shit should be used as a form of torture in POW camps.

This faggot's attacks have instant KO and can just wipe your party.

> That's OK I'll just get my evasion up so they always miss

no fuck you they also spam paralyze to all party members which drastically lowers evasion.

> That's OK I'll just get my elemental resistance up to resist paralyze

no fuck you it's a non-elemental paralyze (whatever the fuck that means) so no amount of magical resistance makes a difference.

You can literally have max stats and run into a group of these and still get wiped. I just lost three hours of playtime cause of shit luck. Who thought this was good design? Can we get the US to invade square headquarters? Someone must pay for what's happened to me
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It would just get patched.
They do that in all the games. I always run from Couerls because it is a waste of time to fight them in any FF game.
I love when games do that
Fuck easy games
And not a single save point anywhere. You've got to do the whole thing in one run without dying.
Even in FF12 they can be a pain in the ass when you first encounter them, there's usually a group of 3. I'd rather fight Malboro's than Couerls in FF.

Are there any other examples of /vr/ games with a sketchbook aesthetic? Only things that come to mind are Rakugakids and picrel
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I dunno the differences I just emulate the PS1 version.
Alright alright, when i searched it up i saw there is also a saturn version i'll play ps1, easier to emulate
It's an arcade game, so any console version you play is a port.
You really just stopped reading after OPs first sentence didn’t you?
I actually read it fast and just read "rakugaki showtime" in my mind.

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How come Japan needed a disc drive for certain Famicom games when the US didn’t need it for the NES? If it’s because the US carts were bigger, then couldn’t they just make a longer/taller cart for the games that would need it rather than require an entirely separate add-on?
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>it didn't allow for more powerfull game
>game that used the whole power had to be ported to sfc due to the famicom being unable to handle the game.
not really the total size was 800 kb each side.
>not really the total size was 800 kb each side.
>Gunsmith Cats
I haven't watched these in a while
It didn't add any extra power, that's why most games were released on cartridges anyway due to using mapper chips and other enhancements.

What game are you referring to?
The FDS had an IRQ counter for game status bars; cartridge conversions of games to MMC1 or UNROM had to use sprite 0 hit instead so cartridge LOZ, Castlevania, and Zelda II have issues with the status bar breaking up when too much stuff happens which didn't occur on the FDS originals.

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https://youtu.be/WfIcDcxrXzs?si=-S782od0t6ihtrS- ( Premiering)

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Wait wtf there's a Jet Force Gemini editor?
You mean the Golden Eye Editor?
Yeah, it can mod a ton of popular N64 games
Stop denying it, fart huffer.
Ladies, please. You're BOTH fags.
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Things are heating up in the retro smash fandom

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Post things only sega could do
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>They'll call you under-age or terminally online, but they'll never call you a liar
Curious, isn't it?
Nintenchuddies need to stop ruining threads they don't like
Only Sega could make Last Bronx
Just do this next time lol

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Do you like final fight 2 and 3?
I never see them being mentioned. They're a lot easier than 1 but the special moves are fun to use, 3 even has a super
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max is better in SoR2 than haggar is in ff because atleast he has that cool dash special for good movement. haggar is definitely cooler though
Love both SoR and FF series and the genre in general, but man is FF's music a joke by comparison.
>atleast he has that cool dash special for good movement.
It's shit compared to Haggar'd backward body slam
Short haired blonde bombshells are so rare in vidya.
I dunno about that. Post proof.

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>always thought the "use toothpaste on scratched discs" thing was bullshit because rebuffing was always a scam
>it actually works
Granted the success rate sometimes isn't that high but it does occasionally help save a game, least long enough for me to complete it.
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No foolin' I would use white toothpaste on ps2 games back in the day and it usually worked for me
>spitting in cartridges
>smearing toothpaste on discs
you guys are retarded
>toothpaste on scratched discs" thing was bullshit because rebuffing was always a scam
>>it actually works

if the top part of a disc was scratched, you're screwed. if you tried the polish the top part more, you're just scrapping off more data or corrupting them.
Testing, am I still banned?
Yeah, you're still banned. Hopefully they let you post soon.

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What's your favorite light gun and light gun games? I know Virtua Cop 2 is considered a better game but I like the simplicity of the first game more.
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Just spent a while getting my lightgun set up, so far I can play model 2, model 3, and Naomi/Atomiswave shit without any issues.

Mame is still giving me trouble, because the mouse cursor is emulated it just really hates it for some reason. Works fine in the menu and I can see if it I hit tab, but it doesn't do shit in game and none of the buttons work.

Might try and set up some newer stuff later. I think Teknoparrot is going to have issues because it's retarded and expects a specific "mouse" device, but hopefully Jconfig works.
You should use Demulshooter
I can't, it has the same issue with expecting a physical gun ID I don't have.
Why is the Saturn lightgun such a peace of shit?
Mine wasn't making good contact with the micro switch so I had to remove that shitty spring and put some felt pad on the trigger.
And guess what happened with the plastic holes while unscrewing it? Most of them broke off.
Meanwhile the used Guncon I got a while ago worked without a problem.
I've never had any issues with it, it's literally the exact same internal design as a guncon with the spring and microswitch. I actually had a guncon the other day with a broken microswitch, first time I've ever seen that shit, glad I tested it before wiring it up.

Your gun was probably left out exposed to UV or something, making the plastic brittle. I kind of want to put a proper microswitch in my guncon, but I'm too lazy to open it back up again.

>Let me get this straight. You took all the money you made franchising your name and bet it _against_ the Harlem Globetrotters?
>Ugh, I thought the Generals were due. Oh God, he's spinning the ball on his finger! Take it, just take it!!!
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Wow anon, that's a funny Simpsons reference, you should totally not be on /vr/ and make this into a Youtube short instead :-)
Game that you rented for a weekend and forgot about immediately once you took it back to the store.
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>Game that you rented for a weekend and forgot about immediately once you took it back to the store.
stop bumping this spam shit. just stop it.
I'm gonna bump it just to piss you off, cartoonfag.

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I just think it's neat
Really? Post your score.
I've been dicking around with the MSX version but I'm really quite bad at it
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Someone made a fan game years ago called Zugya or Zugya DX or something based off of Zugya. It's kinda bad ass for what it is if you want more play style like that.
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I remember playing that a long time ago. It's good but I never quite liked the way the camera turns when you're not strafing.
There's also Kobo deluxe.

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>Canonically the fighter to take down Karnov in the first game
>Is shown as the poster boy in the first 2 games
>Clearly designed to be the MC
>Gets overshadowed by what's essentially a parody of the shoto protag
>Kicked out of the 3rd game to focus on Mizuguchi
>Mizuguchi got to be the Data East guest character in the 3D KoF game instead of him
Ray was done dirtier than Liu Kang.
>was done dirtier than Liu Kang
What about Liu Kang?
He literally died because Ed Boon "hated" him at the time.
I only played the first 2 games so I didn't know about his death.
He's now the annoying protagonist. MK story decisions are boring ''le good guys won'' is fucking boring. The best part of MK9 (non-retro) was Sindel killing everyone. MK is about slaughter
Yeah I always just assumed Mizoguchi was the main character

What are some of the most abstract boss fights in vidya?
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literally every boss is abstract, the only thing tangible is the hitbox which is a universal concept
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powerful...in this moment, i am euphoric
Damn, the intro to this looked amazing, but then it's an up'n'shoot...
JCon at 22:24
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I just love retro racing games! Specifically, the early 3D ones and the advances each new one brought. Starting with Indianapolis 500 on PC and Winning Run in arcades, continuing with Microprose Grand Prix and Virtua Racing which made the 3D good. The maturing of the technology and the birth of great new games: Ridge Racer, Daytona USA, Sega Rally, Papyrus' Nascar and IndyCar, Need for Speed, Gran Turismo, Colin McRae Rally. And dozens of less known ones like Dirt Dash, Ace Driver, Scud Race, Destruction Derby, Shutokou Battle, F355 Challenge, Wave Race 64, etc.
I admit that 2000s racing games are objectively more refined but its the 90s ones that I prefer for being experimental and bold.
she a BAD bitch
my most played racing game as a kid was grand tour racing '98
yeah.. ridge racer WHO???
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>>10872768 but I like this thread too. It's cozy

Played a fair bit of California Speed as a kid and I really like Virtua Racing Deluxe on 32X.

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