games only you played.
>>11574162>Operation: Inner SpaceI played the shareware version to death, I was obsessed with it
I really used to like it as a kid.
>>11573659This game is pure soul
>>11577569Holy shit I had this too. I was dogshit at the velociraptor fighting mini game. And I could never get the Compy DNA ending.
ITT: Retro vidya misc. things that warm your heart
>>11576319vip.swf died with flash, but there's an HTML5 successor
>>11570114Random English words
>>11570114Close your eyes, listen, and let it take you back to that place which was magical, mysterious, wonderful, and beautiful. There at the ideal timeline, in that very exact place of the universe of that moment, it was indeed perfect.
>>11578379Even if I've got no love for renewal and consider the modern game dead, I admit I'm a bit jelly.I would love to own a big box physical copy of RO and RBO even to just put on a shelf and show off.
>Requires you to finish 1st or you don't get to see the rest of the game.The hover races could've been scrapped, Wave Race 64 had been out for a year and felt better, Plane races are fine.Is this bad game design or pure unfiltered kino?
this whole game becomes trivial once you learn the pad boost trick
I should do a no bananas/boost pads/balloons on ultimate ai run
>>11572362>>Requires you to finish 1st or you don't get to see the rest of the game.A national registry of zoomers should be created so they can be rounded up and euthanized.
>>11576307If you wanna be a fucktard why don't you come here and say it to my face so i can answer you with a swift fist to the nose.
Speaking of finishing first in DKR, I finally beat >>11551265No A-tapping I promise
can you think of any other retro games that are real-time and have a HUD that takes up a big portion of the screen like Doom?another example maybe being Advance Guardian Heroes for the GBA
>>11574410System Shock
>>11576681bind both buttons to a single keyboard. There are some programs that can do that.
>>11576568ROTT mogged you if you shrank the viewport to minimum size
>>11577805>mogged youwhat the fuck does that even mean dipshit. Type like a normal person.
Anyone else played this?It's like a more simplified version of FFT/tactics ogre.I always liked this game and its "pseudo sequel" on ps2 called like stella deus or something.Though I don't know how that works since I think the devs of this only made this and then went out of business, I guess the people went to atlus or something.Either way though, you never see it get brought up unlike FFT/tactics ogre.
I heard it sucked
>>11578279It doesplay black/matrix if you want a lesser known 5th gen tactics RPG that's actually good
The gods of Olympus have abandoned me…
>>11576208No, they didn't, Kratos. Look behind you, there's a trail of footprints besides yours.>b-b-but... what about that stretch with only a single set of footprints??Why, Kratos... That's when they CARRIED you.
>>11576386You mean as an overall package of fucking QTEs.
>>11576578Sorry wrong pic
>>11576386Ninja Gaiden is not even good. Don't know why people put it in the same light as DMC.
Alright, once I'm done with the crazy mode on Lament I will try the first God of War.It better not disappoint me.
>the only good N64 games were made by Nintendo and RareWhat is the origin of this retarded meme? Some youtuber? More importantly, are there people that actually believe it? I own more N64 games than PS and (especially) Saturn games. I know someone is going to bring up that some of those third party N64 games can be played on other systems but that also applies to the PS and Saturn. Would anyone want to play the PS version of Shadowman anyway? Have you actually seen how it looks and runs? Most of the really good PS games ended up on the Dreamcast anyway. Tldr: the N64’s library is actually pretty good. It might be lacking in certain genres but what’s there is still great.
You know what? I'm done arguing at this point. I don't want the unworthy knowing about the cool N64 games.
>>11577972You can look at the library now and say, sure, there were some cool things in there, but you've no idea what it was like to see playstation owners get game after game after game while you got fucking NOTHINGWorst part is they could easily had their shit modchipped so they had even easier access to their gamesMe and other n64 owners I knew of had an average of, like, 4 gamesPS1 owners? A binder full of cool shit, and they were supposed to be the poorfags.Fucking zoomers will glorify even the Dreamcast, maybe because now you can easily play all the cream of the crop games it had and invest 0, same with the 64
>>11578187I’m 39 and owned around 50 N64 games while only owning around 20 PS games. The PS library is insanely overrated. But if thinking that I’m a zoomer bogeyman helps you cope then be my guest.
>>11578171You’re probably right. It’s ultimately their loss.
>>11578214You're a fagget
What is it, Anon? What is that one game from your childhood that's always gnawing at you go go back and beat but you haven't yet? Post it, and the reason you haven't beaten it. If you beat it recently post how it felt to finally cross it off.
>>11575908Sounds good; far be it from me to tempt you into sin.You do definitely miss out on a lot of quality titles in this genre if you avoid the lewd ones, but I respect the dedication.Waidonyo is a bit of an unusual game from a challenge perspective because you're given the option to fight the final boss at random intervals of about once an hour. So you can legitimately fight him within twenty minutes of starting the game. Obviously if you do that you'll get creamed though.So the goal of the game isn't to get to the final boss, it's to get strong enough to fight him. But as you progress through the game, he also gets stronger. So in effect, the challenge lies in figuring out how to get stronger faster than he can.It's a very unique experience because of this. It's very self-directed. It's extremely long too; I've played it maybe like eight times but I've never actually finished it.Because it's such a simple and lengthy game, rather than making it a project and focusing on it, I think it's most enjoyable if you play just a few turns per day.I also think it's worth noting that Waidonyo (more specifically, Mamanyonyo, which it's a remake of) is a very historically important RPG because it invented the idea of collecting gems to summon heroes that every gacha game has. In Waidonyo though you always get a new hero when you have enough gems so it's fun instead of frustrating.
>>11572253takes me back to better days
I'm at like 188 or 190%. Every year or so I'll boot it up and get a few more relics but fuck they're just so bullshit. One day.
>>11572249moonwalker on ataripic related
>>11577705I appreciate it, and that sounds super awesome. I'm sure the story and characters will be wasted on me a bit considering it's a big crossover, but the way the gameplay unfolds sounds unlike anything I've played before. In the process of tracking it down now. Looks like the nyaa torrent for it is long since dead (and only was ever completed once?)
How do I get good?
> OMFG the musicThank you Neil D. Voss.> inb4 the new tetris
>>11573237>>11575871True and based.
>>11574579Thank you for removing a shitty game from your friend's life >>11575514
>>11576502I also took Donkey Kong 64 from him. Saved him from two shitty games.
I liked this era of N64 games where it felt like Nintendo were trying to make Sega AM2 games.>Zero story>Simulation based gameplay with arcade sensibilities>Focus on physics and realism despite the lighthearted or cartoonish exterior>Reveling in the fact that it was a 3D experience>Set in a world of pure optimismI think this sort of thing suited them very well and it was a shame they drifted away from it. Wii Sports/Resort could definitely be seen as an extension of what they were trying to accomplish here, but Mii's aren't very charming and the simulation/physics aspects were dialed back heavily to accommodate casual audiences.
>>11576246>>11576251Maddox watcher
>>11576267>>11576246I don't know who that is and I don't know why you're bent out of shape for me using the word "era" to describe a 2-3 year period in which Nintendo made a particular style of game. That's a perfectly normal use of the word. I don't know where to go from here but you sound like a very brain broken individual who sees some e-celeb and his followers everywhere.Can we talk about video games instead now?
The EAD trilogy is Wace Race 64, 1080 Snowboarding and F-Zero X.N64 was very arcade-oriented, lots of racing games that at the time were top notch and some are still pretty fun and unique.But yeah EAD stuff was on another level, they indeed remind me of Am2.But yeah I can also see Pilotwings grouped there too, great game.
There was that brief era of 3D games that were just relishing in the fact that they were 3D games, which is very charming in retrospect. That's a lot of what's appealing about Mario 64. How just walking around the castle grounds was a selling point in itself. How the graphical style seems to go out of it's way to emphasise basic 3D shapes like cubes and spheres.That whole mood was around for all of about a year, and then everyone moved on trying to make action movies, or anime, or whatever.
>>11576227Do Excitebike 64 and Ridge Racer 64 (100% developed by Nintendo despite being a Namco IP) also qualify for these criteria?
Why was it so short?
>>11572610That's not how it works though. You only cover a small amount of the level for each star except the 8 red coins. So each star is its own level.
>>11577456Well op is a pajeet after all
>>11577537>>11574792The caslte itself is even the opposite of creepy. It has bright and cheerful colors.It's not fucking castle wolfenstein.
>>11572592It wasn't?
>>11572592Longer than sunshineI also appreciate that the number of stars is not "padded" like with the blue coins in sunshine or the itazura comets in galaxyThe stars are spread out organically. Well maybe 15 stars for the 100 coins on each level can be counted as padding, but still it's not as much.
I'm trying to play all the Evangelion games, so far I played and beat Girlfriend of Steel (PC fantranslated) and NGE N64.I liked both but I enjoyed the action gameplay of the N64 game more, what so I play next? I saw Saturn has a couple of them, are they RPGs?
>>11573189You DO own the 90s Kaiyodo Rei figurine, right, marbletable-anon?
>>11573192Is it this one you are looking for? You probably figured out from my retro gaming livestreams, but please understand I'd prefer to keep my anonymity on this board away from my Twitch/Youtube ventures.
>>11575229I'm one of your biggest fans
>>11575229Post channel
Remember when it was called ATI, not AMD? Not only that, but it also had a portion of the overall market share? Pepperidge Farm 'members.
>>11576929>games running like shit is le soulok
>>11576846Corporate brand worship by consoomers
Graphics by ATI? ATI my ass!
>>11576881I do tend to have more fun with PC gaming when I have to spend a bunch of time tweaking settings to get something running how I want it. Just maxing out every option is boring.
After the least thread about Lunar, I decided to give it a try.I must say I'm having a blast. The story is extremely generic 90s teenage fantasy so far, but the dialogues are entertaining and make up for the story itself.I'm having FUN .
>>11575020Id probably prefer that over random smut.
I'm playing through the Sega CD version of The Silver Star now FUCK the Trouble Truffler and I can definitely see why people like the WD translation. The general way it reads is snappy, reminds me a bit of the SNK translations, except those were more restrained and subtle with the references they did end up doing. But I did see a comparison page on a Lunar fansite and while it didn't cover every line of dialogue, it did show to me that even ignoring the crass humor and references, there are just some parts that are made up wholesale. Granted, in SSCD's case it's largely stuff with implications (Mel founding Meribia, Quark saying he and Luna's souls are intertwined, etc) and the other cases are more nuance-based or vague, but it's one those things that calls the quality as a whole into question.So excellent general localization, passable actual script quality I guess. Can understand why it stood out at the time it released.
>>11575149Japanese translation was so fucking awful at the time that just noticeably having someone literate in English in the team was a step up. An Austin Powers reference or something stupid says this is at least not going to be some broken pidgin TL.
Sega CD>Saturn>PS1
For everyone wondering what WD changed: do focus on story differences, so things like library books usually aren't mentioned unless they're talking about the lore. But it's still interesting.
So were they like.. together?
It looks so much better on a CRT. That sharp detail does not suit the graphics at all.
>>11575778i will never know peace until historical revisionist retards stop running n64 games at increasingly ludicrous resolutions instead of the native one, even nintendo's own damn emulators blow games up to 720p and have the wrong texture filtering, you aren't supposed to see the models like this
>>11571790that actually looks great. mm is already one of the most impressive n64 games and you've managed to improve on that.
>>11575778It's literally a photo from a CRT.
Redpill me on the Deku tribe