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It's fine to like Donkey Kong Country 3. Hell, it's even forgivable to prefer it over DKC2. But if you tell me that you think this is in any way good character design, you are objectively wrong and probably a bad person.
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That makes so much sense!
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Probably a new one who would get to star in 5 to rescue the other 4
to be fair his country is only in one game too even if you can see it in 2.
you're goddamn right

You'll never hit The 900, not in your time man, no matter how hard you try to do it.
I think they made it intentionally impossible in the PS1 version because Tony Hawk couldn't do one when this happened either.
No I think he did The 900 right before this game came out and he called Activision (the publisher for THPS) and told them to put The 900 in there because he had just done it.
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They purposefully made it impossible to do. As a joke.
Are you talking about the 900 special meter move, or just a normal 900 degree spin? Because I've pulled off a 900 special.
You can pull gravity defying multi-million point moves on the downhill Dam level. You can pull a 3600 if you want, along with a dozen kick tricks and grab tricks. The only hard part is landing it. Getting stuck in the air is easy, getting out and landing without falling isn't.
The 900 is a special move in this game, and you can pull it off as Tony Hawk.
With full stats and special you can pull off boneless 900 tricks. I especially enjoy how the Boneless 900 Crossbone looks

The true best NES game!
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Last time I got through the first big dungeon and through the fog and I think the fountain, then died or bought the wrong key and had a big grind in front of me.
That's the beauty of it!
That fountain part before the smoke /mist section can be a problem if you can't find the hidden location. I wasted a lot of keys finding it first time through. The dungeon is pretty fun though.
Always loved the earthy color scheme and the fact that there seems to be a large area to explore but I remember not liking the movement much. Might give it another try soon to see if I'll change my mind.
truly a falcom classic

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So I want to hack this bad boy I got from some used electronics stuff.
It works.
Anything I need to provide like model or serial to know what hack is the best for it? Thanks.
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>Never seen a FMCB menu like that, maybe you have some ancient version. As long as it can bring you into ulaunchelf you can do a fresh install with a newer installer (FMCB v1.965 might be best, heard v.1966 has a few compatibility issues)
Yeah I will do that and make a thread if necessary.
Thanks all of you.
Except you >>11394383
i think the thing you mostly fail to understand is that you're obviously talking to a faggot and that maybe you shouldn't
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bing bing wahoo
Kek'd, good post

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>you can jack cars and run people over! no, i’m not making it up. it leaves a trail of blood on the street! FOR PLAYSTATION, i SWEAR it’s a real game
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too bad it's trash port version no one cares about
wow you must a really fun conversationist! and psychic too
>All it needed was for its accessibility
that's what gta 2 literally did. you had missions you could repeat and a fucking save point with open ended reputation system with real consequences that no gta game ever since could recapture
Zoomie people talked about gta 1 and 2 all the time
>you act like Mortal Kombat didn't exist
mortal kombat has exactly ZERO to do with grand theft auto and was not mentioned in the thread, schizo

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Do you need to be on drugs to enjoy this game's music?
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>another thread of autistic guys who actually, genuinely, literally do not understand subjective taste
It has some weird tracks for sure
This sounds like the intro of the Taz-Mania game. But with much better percussion and overall sound.
I really like the more monotone techno tracks though.
I'm with you 100 percent on this brother. The nerds will just never get it. I still occasionally work out to the SoR3 OST. There's a reconstructed club remix of the entire soundtrack on youtube that is fucking phenomenal.
If you listen to peak japanese techno like ken ishii, takkyu ishino or fumiya tanaka, you will understand sor3
You just have to be not american

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Let's talk about Diablo. Diablo 1, Diablo 2, expansions, mods, ports, whatever.

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgBqKzEEG8k
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>wonder about the "retro Diablo fans" who can't appreciate Rogue and Nethack
I do appreciate classic ascii rougelikes though
He’s wondering about those who don’t though
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Me too, friend!
I've got mixed results with that over the years.
On some computers it doesn't take much effort to run base Diablo 1 at all, you might not even need a patch, back in the Windows 7 era I got the original .exe running flawlessly with just a super simple batch file which would kill explorer and start Diablo (because Windows Aero would destroy the colors), and that was usually all, aside from maybe using compatibility mode.

But towards Windows 10, that wasn't always enough, sometimes it'd work with some patch or other fix, but sometimes on some machines it just didn't, not ever. Various other older games could behave like this, installing and running Sim City 3000 from a disc to Win 7 or Win 10 in the 2010s typically never worked well at all for me, the game would function for maybe 5 to 15 minutes before crashing, and I could never find out why.
Then eventually Sim City 3000 came out on GoG, and those guys actually cooked up compatibility fixes to make the game and its expansion run flawlessly, most often they just gather or copy existing community fixes, but not that time because there weren't any, and that was one of those times I really appreciated them.

I treasure source ports and reverse engineered ports so much because of things like these, and I can see what someone wants with a proper Chocolate Doom equivalent for other games, it's always good to have the authentic baseline, an accurate way to play the original game as designed.
>canceled pokemon style rougelike for GB

Aside from Halo, why would someone buy this back in the day versus the Gamecube or PS2?

Microsoft didn't make a ton a games at that point so there was no fanbase and online multiplayer was not really a thing until 2004. Did people just buy it because it had better graphics and some PC games?
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Well I tried out each one as I loaded them up. But I’ve only really played a handful. I’ve played worms 3d the most desu… ohh and I deleted voodoo Vince. I might add it back but meh
Not to mention vehicle physics, and dynamic shadows on all characters, vehicles, and weapons.
>that thing holds a shit load of games looks like
Well yeah, if you're gonna mod your Xbox properly you're going to swap out the meager 10gig HDD for a much larger one, otherwise you're still gonna be playing from discs.
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>more polygons on screen
Big oof. That's not the best yard stick of performance at the time anyway. Good, yes, but

The Xbox hardware prevailed in many other areas anyway and was way more developer friendly. Nintendo hamstrung themselves trying to have a cute little package in multiple colors in an era where people started to care more about raw horsepower

Xbox ended up winning regardless. Yeah they said the console was a beast but nobody cared and even when they did you'd find the GC was taller and had to flip up the cover to put a disc in where the Xbox had a front loading tray making it more friendly on the entertainment console to boot.

Package all that up with the fact that the game catalog of Halo, Gotham Racing, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell, etc. looked better to American teenagers (THE growing vidya demographic) than Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Animal Crossing and Super Mario Sunshine

Nintendo's saving grace was they got some decent ports and Capcom exclusivity for a while. If I hadn't already had a GC I would have got one just for RE4

That was the other thing. Their tech demo of Zelda blew everyone out of the water with a badass sword fight between Ganon and Link and then we get... Wind Waker: kid link with cel-shaded graphics. OOT was huge and if they had continued with mature Link and those graphics I guarantee you they would have done way better in the US


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Was the N64 theoretically capable of displaying unfiltered textures, or was the blurring some sort of hardware-mandated setting?
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In Turok 1 there is a cheat that lets you do it but there is no performance difference. I may have seen an F1 do it for the sand but it might have been an emulator screenshot.
Extreme-G has it and I think Top Gear Rally has it too
>prevented them from later on developing a visual style based on the hardware limitations
I hate hearing this platitude over and over again. The N64 had a 4KB texture cache; don't you think that was a hardware limitation then informed the texture design?
> Texture filtering was used because it looks good
It looks like shit. But it was a necessity because the n64 has potato textures.
PSX tended to have slightly more high res textures, but it really isn't by much, the filtering lets the N64 get away with cheap usage like in OP's pic without it looking like in the image.
Blur filtering like that is kind of vital if you're gonna blow up small textures like that and you don't want it to look totally cheap, remember that these machines only had so much memory.

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We discuss about our silly portable electronic devices that are intended to play (retro)video games

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>Before you buy
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up, throw them away, buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering. You better have bare basic desktop knowledge on how to unzip files and put them in folders. We are not here to teach you how.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.
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How much did retroid pay joey?
Not enough if 556 is considered a contender at all.
The same amount Anbernic pays Russ I assume
He's copying wuss's gay little red/green/yellow text comparison charts now. What a humongous faggot.
Apparently this is a girl's hobby. Why aren't you putting on makeup and talking about your handheld collection on youtube?

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best version of rayman 2?
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DC or PC really
Anyone even mentioning the PS1 version is a fanboy, that one is not worth it at all
The N64 version is good if you don't have the other versions.
PS2 version is for 3 year olds.
The missing levels ruin it.
They are all the same.
Are you sure, its been ages since I played the dreamcast version, but I distinctly remember animations being the only thing running at 30fps. Object position I am pretty sure
was 60fps too.

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What's the best for you?
Post your opinions
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GR2 is like Medal of Honor,Call of Duty etc but withoiut medical kits,it's a beutiful game.

I don't know GR1
How is the gameplay? Are there medical kits?
I'm curious because everyone speaks well of it
you control a squad of 6 soldiers that you can divide into 3 teams (pc)
you can swap control to any one of them
the game is first person, takes place in large open maps, no linear corridors
no medkits, and wounded soldiers need to recover after a mission, and if they die they're gone from your campaign
it's a first person game, and overall it's p bretty gud
Ghost Recon 1 was the first and last good Ghost Recon game. Every one after it has been a casualized disappointment.
What expansions are worth playing for 1?
all of 'em, if you enjoyed gr1

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What game's on SNES should i play if i already played:
DK Country
Super Castlevania IV
Contra IV
Demon's Crest
Ghost and Goblin
Any tactical\jrpg you can mention.
I grown up with Mega Drive and it doesn't look i can find much action games on SNES console.
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>scraping the bottom of the barrel, barely playable shit
ok i see you're an actual retard
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>so far has been the worst possible scraping the bottom of the barrel, barely playable shit
i dont know what to fuckin tell you then you might as well just kill yourself for your shit taste. I can list a lot of games but you're not even gonna care and just say something negative then. You dont actually want reccommedations and just here to be a retarded segafag
>replying to australia-kun
I see you guys are new
All the Quintet games, Actraiser alone is sorely missing from your list
>hey, you know how you can play good versions of all these games on MAME?
>well let me tell you about some real dogshit console ports

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Anyone else play this game?

Why would they make the controls so stiff and terrible? About 60% of this "stealth" game is a firefight and shooting. The storyline is so lame and so are the characters, but I suppose a couple positives are the woman who does Ivy/Rouge's voice and Duke Nukem are in it. What an incredibly flawed game.
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Drew Barrymore? eh in a way. Both the blonde chicks from charlies angels have very distinct features
wow she does, though Rain has more of a modern cute/hot look
style wise sure but she had more severe features and ambiguous ethnicity

im thinking Tara Reid in her prime or someone else pretty in that way
Right here, since I couldn't afford the popular titles, sometimes I just have to settle for what is cheap in the bins. There's a lot of meh to sift through, but they're still decent experiences. Maybe my taste in games is just altered due to circumstances, but Rogue Ops despite the janks is still alright to me, nothing special but I feel I got my $15USD out of it in its day.

That game looks cool af. The character art sort of reminds me of Shirow Masamune art. Has a vibe like Appleseed's Deunan to me.
you have nice handwriting anon
>but Rogue Ops despite the janks is still alright to me
I mean, it's mediocre but I still finished it. I thought the use of the x ray glasses was fun but in some cases it would have made complete sense to use them but it wasn't used at all. Specifically the final boss, because figuring out where the weak spots to shoot was tedious.
>Drew Barrymore
no, i meant cameron diaz from the newer charlie's angel

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give me some cavemen/prehistoric-era videogames
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For me, it's


Haven't tried the rest.
>liquid kids

Holy shit finally, more conventional platformers. Anything more like this on the platform I haven't heard of?
>Anything more like this on the platform I haven't heard of?

of course brother. the pc engine is pretty overlooked when it comes to platformers. i think its because everyone knows rondo but the CD platform is otherwise lacking, most of the good ones are hucard

>blue blink
>new adventure island
>kato and ken (not my favorite but also a wonderboy type game)
>new zealand story (strange port but good game, has faithful level design unlike genesis)
>makai prince (i love this one, it feels like a 16-bit version of mario land 2 in terms of vibes)
>legend of hero tonma
>momotaro katsugeki (keith courage if it was good. very refined game)
>pac-land (SMB before SMB)
>obachama kun (goofy powers)
>rainbow islands (best home port. you can save your progress and go back to prior worlds to earn the gems)

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this and the cowboy one were the only 2 segments I actually liked in that game

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