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do you think there's a subset of Sonic fans who herald this as the TRUE 3D Sonic experience
well its not 3d, but it does have a new wave of zoomer fans who got shilled the hack
I played it on the Sega rom collection (no hack too). It's surprisingly good, its a shame there was never a follow up to it.
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Original dev made a Director's Cut patch of the Genesis / Mega Drive version, it's pretty solid.

It improves the controls, adds a world map, Super Sonic transformation, time trials, bug fixes, password system, and more.
I don't think it adds any new assets to the ROM, so Super Sonic's transformation is only a palette change but iirc it gives you a persistent homing attack like the gold shield does, atop the usual ring-limited invincibility and speed boost.
Sonic R is the true Sonic 3D experience
Sonic R is actually amazing. I can't believe people aren't into it.
Sonic R is not really a game. Its an interactive art piece. I personally consider classic SRB2 (1.09.4) to be the definite 3d sonic experience.
It was the first 3D Sonic game and the last game with the original/classic aesthetic for characters and settings, before the ugly changes that came with Sonic Adventure
outside of a """proper""" sonic adventure 3 i feel like this, SRB2 and that open world fangame (utopia i think it's called) is what most people want with modern sonic which i'm not really a fan of because it always just boils down to sonic running around what feels like an empty map to me.

>inb4 frontiers
i haven't played frontiers so i don't know what sega does differently beyond including character action bossfights as super sonic.

it probably has my favorite soundtrack in the series outside of the adventure games & CD.
It also nerfs the chaos emeralds so you can't get them all in the beginning. Which is gay.
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Yes! It's thanks to a lot of things, fans of it speaking out more, the Director's Cut fixing a lot of issues with it and the developers' videos becoming somewhat popular, and maybe even the success of Sonic Frontiers since this feels like a prototype to it, the 1st Sonic collect-a-thon almost 20 years before it. I love this one, and it's my favorite 3D Sonic, even if it's not "real" 3D and stuff.
and that's a good thing, they also gave the original a chance too.

PSA: The Saturn version controls better with the 3D pad, besides looking much less crusty & washed out. I personally prefer the Genesis version's bonus levels for the impressive effect, but the Saturn version's 3D tunnel runs are the best implementation of that idea in the series history. Analogue controls + more colors doesn't make it a GOOD game but it does make it less bad.
The hack lets you play the original unaltered game as well, so everybody wins.
I don't think I've seen anyone massively praise the game, but it doesn't deserves the title of "worst Sonic game ever" either. I've always just found it quite mediocre so I never bothered finishing it
Sonic Blast is probably the absolute worst Sonic game around... Wait, wasn't that also was getting a fan remake?
>split screen was added at one point
You think the multiplayer would have been good or would the game needed some sort of scaler to shrink the view a bit via the camera?
Reminder that the Saturn version of 3D Blast has the best song in all of Sonic history

>Wait, wasn't that also was getting a fan remake?
Yup, looks great
But they should change the intro.

Really captures the early pre-rendered look
Man, that actually looks awesome
Pretty much fixes the main problem of having no visibility whatsoever. IIRC the physics were kind of weird too
>don't know what sega does differently beyond including character action bossfights as super sonic
Its a collectathon, its actually interesting too because it does more unique things compared to other ones. But its not open world, maps are broken up. And there's quite a lot of level design/challenges scattered about the maps.
It's not really a hack though in practice. IIRC the original coder went back and tightened it up. It's more a version update than a hack.
i mean we've had classic sonic in generations and forces on top of games that return to that era of sonic like mania & superstars as well as recent cartoons and comics. hell, i'm pretty sure most modern merch uses classic era sonic unless it's something directly related to the modern era like shadow.
It's not a bad game by any stretch. Controls are tight, graphics are great, music is excellent, and it has a unique gameplay concept that incentivizes level exploration and not just speeding to the end. Not to mention being the origin of the homing attack.

If Sonic 3D blast had been a stand-alone game of it's own franchise, I 100% believe it'd be one of those "HIDDEN GEMS" that every zoom zoom collector loves and used copies would go for 100 bucks.
>I can't believe people aren't into it.
Nobody wanted a Sonic racing game in the 90s, and even fewer people actually owned Sega Saturns, so it was just DOA. Also, the first time most people learned about it was when Sonic autists with internet access discovered it and shitposted ad-nauseum about how terrible the OST was.

The way the popular opinions about so many games were only formed on the internet around the turn of the century is actually ridiculous. The "Sonic R has a terrible OST" meme still persists among some retards today.
>Genesis / Mega Drive version
>not the Superior Saturn version
hard pass
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Both Sonic R, Sonic Adventure 1 and Pocket Adventure are part of the transitional period. Yuji Uekawa was the character designer of Sonic R, I still think that late 90s aesthetic is great and very similar to classic Sonic. It's starting from Adventure 2 when it all started going to shit but Heroes had a bits and pieces of classic in it too
Not a follow up, but SEGASonic Arcade is like a prequel of sorts. Labyrinth as well. You can see faint shades of it in Sonic Battle as well, sort of.
>The "Sonic R has a terrible OST" meme still persists among some retards today.
It was less a meme and moreso just the reality of the average opinion at the time. When most Sonic fans played R, it was via emulation in the early 2000s, and chances are you had to be a teenager or older to be capable of doing this, so the music was all just dropped on fat, ascerbic manchildren with desktops who thought the only way video game music could be "good" was if it sounded like Duel of Fates and had indiscernible latin chanting laced throughout it. Flowery techno/pop, as much as it suited Sonics OG Japanese image, was simply not the kind of thing the average gamer would enjoy or even tolerate for more than three seconds during that time.

The 2000s was just a horrid time for video game opinions all around. It was the "brown n' bloom" era; the time of Halo, GTA3, and MGS2. As systems became capable of more realistic graphics, anything unironically upbeat or "kiddy" was simply discriminated against as a general rule. Just look at fan reactions to Mario Sunshine or Wind Waker at the time. Sunshine is particularly funny because the Mario series was NEVER "gritty", but the fact that Nintendo was using the extra graphical prowess of the Gamecube to make embrace the bright cartoony-ness of Mario's world just triggered the fuck out of tons of people.
I had a son the same time my cousin had a son, 4 years ago. My son's a based guitar player, her son is obsessed with Sonic. I think the kids going to be a rich boy furry
>When most Sonic fans played R, it was via emulation in the early 2000s
I think most Sonic fans played R through Gems collection or the PC port, only a select few people were autistic enough to get into Saturn emulation at the time
>Gems collection
definitely. My friends and I all had this, and the only reason we ever played Sonic R was to laugh at the shitty OST.
Yeah, just how awful discourse regarding basically everything in video games was during the 00's was, is one of those things that hasn't been dragged through the mud as much as it deserves.

I still remember arguing with the "non-linearity and open world is always better" people, and the "2D games are always better, and we shouldn't have moved on from the SNES" people.
I remember the "Nintendo is betraying me as a fan, because Link isn't Kratos" people.
I remember the "first person shooters are for idiots, and JRPGs are for intellectuals" people.
I remember the "anything that isn't based around combat (like puzzle or rhythm games) is for homosexuals" people
I thought the OST was nice and the game looked great but as for actually playing it... even back in the days I knew it was almost shovelware. Like a year ago I did a playthrough of the Gamecube version and I still didn't enjoy it, then I learned that this was one of those improved ports that actually let you see where you're going which made me think that the actual original Saturn one was borderline unplayable. I like a lot of Sonic games people consider shit but R is definitely not one of them
I can't comprehend how anyone could think bad of sonic R. I would accept that its not a good sonic game, but in the context of art, its one of the greatest masterpieces ever created.
That's fucking trash. Get some taste you musical retard.
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A lot of the 2000s consensus on Sonic R was crystallized by this 2007 review: https://youtube.com/watch?v=4YFR111iEIs

Real ones will remember.

This review is also referencing memes that were commonplace in sonic forums from that time period: the long forgotten "cursed tails doll" meme: https://mb.srb2.org/threads/is-the-sonic-r-tails-doll-curse-real.2195/ Which may also be the first "cursed image" meme
Sonic's OG image in music form is the Japanese Sonic CD OST, not the Gloria Gaynor-ass ballads playing over races in R. The menu theme is a banger, though, so the music could have been great if they just managed to keep the vocalist (who also sang a cheesy-ass love song from the perspective of a goddamn Flicky in 3D Blast) out of the booth.
The simple fact is that Br*t*sh "people" make the absolute worst video games and music.
As opposed to all of those great Indian video games and musical artists.
wtf, there are regional soundtracks for this game?
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>tfw I liked Sonic Blast enough to get a 100% 1LC run... TWICE.
I think there's something wrong with me... this remake looks great though, I'm excited to try it out when it comes out.
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I was never into SilvaGunner, caused too much shit like >>11510557
Blame SEGA for not having the Saturn version available anywhere else but the console, the Genesis version has more releases than it.
The Saturn version is strictly inferior
We all grew up with the Mega Drive/Genesis version, either playing it on actual hardware or by means of various collections it's included in. People who pretend to prefer the Saturn version have betrayed the Mega Drive, you have BETRAYED your childhood
I grew up on the genesis version but was surprised by how good the saturn version is when I tried it three years ago. I don't know why, but I didn't expect it to actually look any different. The graphics are better, the soundtrack is (imo) better, and the 3D controller really makes the game feel a lot better too.
The music is one of the best thing about Sonic R
I tried to like it when I unlocked it on SADX on GC all these years ago, but I just couldn't play much of it
I don't hate 3D Blast but that was the worst one out of Mega Collection, same with Blast and the GG collection within SADX
I am one of them
>the worst one out of Mega Collection
Wanted to tell you that Labyrinth, Chaos and Blast were all worse but then remembered that they are exclusive to Plus. Yeah Blast is definitely the worst Sonic game from the 90s, not counting weird spinoffs like Eraser and Drift
Labyrinth was simply a misunderstood experiment.
Yeah, hence SADX
Chaos's strength is that it's very, very playable IIRC because it's immensely easy, so a tad more accessible than the the others
I've actually ended up liking Labyrinth and finished it several times. It's a shitty Sonic game for sure but otherwise it's quite alright
I don't think I've ever touched Eraser, but it didn't look very exciting. Then again, it's clearly a quick throwaway exclusive for their download system
Drift is alright, nothing spectacular but it does the job it's supposed to do well enough
I hated it for the longest time too, especially because of Blue Marine Zone, but once I got the hang of it, the rest of the levels were just bland, but easy enough to get through that I managed, to me this is like the frozen pizza or microwave burger of the video game world, sure a proper one is 10x better, but sometimes the cheap one to freeze and make at home later is enough when you just want to turn your brain off, it's subpar, but playable.
I played this at an arcade in Dallas
this shit is so fucking hard
>the "2D games are always better, and we shouldn't have moved on from the SNES" people
literally me
>sonic is a product of the 90s and sonic R's soundtrack is reflective of that period by being 90s style pop.
i'll never forgive jontron for perpetuating this meme and me getting reminded of this almost makes me glad he's a pariah now.

>Nintendo is betraying me as a fan, because Link isn't Kratos"
now those people are being betrayed by nintendo because zelda isn't like a fromsoft RPG. i swear soulsfags are the CODkiddies of RPGs and have done more damage to the genre that the theater kids, faggots & trannies that got in through podcasts like critical roll.
Genesis Sonic isn't buttrock. The Europop ost is only enjoyable ironically.
>Genesis Sonic isn't buttrock.
jontron is an adventurefag he would be making the comparison to the adventure games.

>The Europop ost is only enjoyable ironically.
it's cheesy but it's enjoyable unironically you just have to be into that kind of music in the first place.
then how would you play Super Monkey Ball?
>it's cheesy but it's enjoyable unironically you just have to be into that kind of music in the first place.
I fucking love Eurodance, so Toot Toot Sonic Warriors and the Sonic R ost is stuff that's been in my phone for forever
I always felt the Saturn version of Rusty Ruin sounded like an Enigma song.
As a person who was a teenager when Sonic R came out...I was embarrassed as fuck by the lyric versions of the songs. Thank GOD you could select instrumental versions.

Of course I hated the butt-rock too. I hated that shit when it was actually on the radio, and I hated it more 20 years later when it was in my damn Sonic games for no reason
>The graphics are better, the soundtrack is (imo) better, and the 3D controller really makes the game feel a lot better too.

It has better, looser, smoother gamefeel. But the more I play, the more I discover it's less precise. Something about analogue 360 degree movement tricks my brain into feeling like it's playing more of a real 3D game though.
I think it's possible for people to dislike the music of Sonic R without having it be some kind of tribal war in the name of Crush 40.

Personally, I think both suck.
>I was never into SilvaGunner,
I liked Silvagunner back when the channel was legitimately well-done musical parodies that actually shared some DNA with the original song in order to create a coherent "gag rip" (like Chrono Trigger's battle 1 theme being turned into Thriller), but now the channel is just 99% obnoxious "meme of the week" crap, with distorted, blaring, pitch-shifted vocal samples that you can't even fucking decipher and only zoomers think are funny.

I played it right when it was out on Saturn but I wasn't a teenager yet and I didn't know english that well yet (southern yuro here) so it didn't really bother me at the time. It was a fun and quirky game.
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>he doesn't know
So, the bad version of the game.
It's only bad if you're bad at it
This, that era was fucking cancer. Everything not edgy was kiddie trash. Halo was a blight on vidya.
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Yes and I'm one of them.
And they were right, you are just nintoddler.
You should play Burning Rangers and PSU and rethink that.
The lyrics are fun, if you wanted to sing, do it in your own time.
It's gonna get worse considering a critically acclaimed Kumazaki Kirby game is getting remastered this year.
Hooray more obnoxious Snow Haltman remixes....
>and I hated it more 20 years later when it was in my damn Sonic games for no reason
>20 years later
What? It was contemporary to radio buttrock
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>I think most Sonic fans played R through Gems collection or the PC port
I had the PC port when it came out (We didn't have a Saturn), I remember the music being surprising at the time and silly, but those songs are real earworms.
The Director's Cut version with a microswitch stick like the Neo Geo CD controller elevates it to a 8.5 - 9 game, easily.
desu, "buttrock" is a derogatory term for a perfectly valid type of music.
In terms of the music, that's definitely a true statement.
"livin' in the city, you know you have to surviiiive..."
It does actually look a whole lot nicer than the Dreamcast games and onward.
Genesis emulation is much more widespread, you can play that shit on practically everything
It's on Windows 95 just like Sonic CD and Sonic R
The Saturn version special stages are by far the stronger ones.
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I love this game, shame its the ONLY game like it in the Sonic franchise
I've been a fan of 3D Blast since it came out and as long as I can remember everybody else hated it.
The developer was insanely talented, his vids on how a load of visual effects were done, on hardware that wasn't powerful enough to genuinely do them, through tricks and hardware interupts are suprisingly informative.

Shame most of those skills are obsolete really.
Segasonic has some similarities.
Is that the one with the trackball? That shit is super difficult
It most certainly was not. That off-brand 80s hair metal was not contemporary in 2000
Oh sure, it's valid-- its just gay and corny and no one liked it outside of post-irony
I had the PC version when I was like 5 or 6. Aside from Sims 1 and maybe Mortal Kombat 4 it was one of the first games I ever played.
80s hair metal isn't buttrock, retard. Nickelback is buttrock. It's mid to late 90s stuff.
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Speak for yourself. Granted I never got far, although I think it's just the Saturn version with downgraded special stages. I was very confused when I played it on Mega Collection amd the zone title card and music were different.
I absolutely love it, whole soundtrack is great.

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