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I reached Space Mama's Crater, from what I've seen in regards to this game's discussion, this and Eat at Joe's are some of the hardest levels in the game.
I can see why this level is infamous, the first section is fine but the 2nd act is really tough with the tricky jumps through purple lums, the 3rd act has a lot of annoying spikes and backtracking in order to get the last cages.
And then you have to fight a boss with an inflated HP, a super long "avoid shit" part where you can't hurt the boss and then her laser projectiles seem to follow a pattern then it quickly changes.
I still can't beat the boss because I lose all my lives during the lase part (or even as early as the start of the 2nd act) and I still don't want to use continues.
It's Rayperson, bigot
yeah sure, anyways raybodytypea is hard.
I didn't even get to Space Mama, I gave up at the beginning of picture city. As pretty as its 2D animations look, this entire game is an exercise is masochism.
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I think the game is hard but somewhat fair until Picture City, all the levels in that world are absolutely painful with Space Mama Crater being the worst offender.
The electoon cages are very annoying to find but I think the game would be far more manageable if you could get extra lives more easily, since they don't respawn once you get them the only way to get more is by farming Tings (and the early levels don't go beyond 70 or 80 per level) I've been using Allegro Presto for Ting Farming and I can usually get 2 extra lives there but that level is still kinda hard to beat without dying.
Apparently the lives respawn if you use Passwords instead of the Memory Card, that might make the game a bit less difficult.
>Apparently the lives respawn if you use Passwords instead of the Memory Card, that might make the game a bit less difficult.
They do, but electoon cages you find don't get saved so you're screwed.
Finished this game and here's some thoughts:
I didn't found Eat at Joe's super difficult outside the last part, the jumping fishes and the part where you have to wait for a fish to push the balls between those spike balls were absolute bullshit.
Mr.Skops Phase 1 was a pain, I knew that I had to hang on the ledge but it doing it is easier said than done, the one part with red platforms though I had no idea on how to jump to the next floor, I had to look how to do that jump on Youtube, I didn't understand the mechanic of Skop's blue projectile during the 2nd phase but once I did the fight was very easy.
Mr.Dark's Dare was a really fun level, specially the Bad Rayman race.
The final boss was another "lose like 6 lives before you understand what to do", outside the 3rd form the fight wasn't super hard.
Overall I like this game, I think once you get all the abilities it gets more enjoyable to find cages on the first 3 worlds or get tings and extra lives, but once you get to Picture City the game gets super frustrating.
Honestly I wouldn't blame anyone of using a guide for the cages (since a lot of them require you to touch a certain place to make the cage or the cloud/purple lum that leads to one appear) or the 99 lives cheat, on a blind playthrough you will probably lose most of the extra lives you got once you hit Band Land and farming Tings isn't fun, specially when you don't have the running or the helicopter ability.
For me, it's rayfag
Rayman is our word, you can say Rayma.

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