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Screen Utility - https://shauninman.com/utils/screens/
SoC Comparison - https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset
Google chart - https://tinyurl com (slash) AllHandhelds


Last thread - >>11507840
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You're not using stock OS on any of these unless it's an Android machine. You're always immediately grabbing CFW because it has better emulators, emulator configurations, and typically a better frontend. Even on the Trimui Smart Pro you are better off getting Crossmix (Stock CFW) than using the normal stock on it.
Yeah he sounds like a loser
I played a few games on the RP4P but don't expect all of them to work.
Never felt the need to modify my RP2S or RP4P.
What is the best Switch emu fork + Adreno driver to use on Odin 2?
shalom :)

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Does IKEA produce any furniture good for retro gaming? I had a 20" crt and several systems, but don't want to make the 2 hour drive only to find it's all chud furniture.
okay this is the second thread about this brand/shop in a week

In other words: viral marketing
>chud furniture
>ikea stealth marketing to 4channers
I don't know how to feel about this

just put the tv on the cardboard box it came in

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Which classic belt scroller IP suffered worse mismanagement?
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So does the arcade version.
CD is the best port your going to find and the only one which isn't censored. However the arcade port is and always will be the original
>arcade port
And no, CD really has a lot of sketchy hitboxes, different from original arcade.
Like I said anon - closest you'll get to the arcade version. CD isn't perfect but it's better than the other releases.
You can now finally play it via the crapcom beat'em up bundle but I'd recommend mame instead unless you want enigma shit on your system
Capcom basically abandoned Final Fight the moment that Street Fighter II became the new hotness. Sure, they were still releasing the token arcade ports of the first game, and the SNES did get a few direct sequels. There was also that Final Fight 3D fighter for the Saturn that was released in Japan only and required the 4MB RAM cartridge. Most of the Street Fighter cast was absorbed into the Alpha/ Zero series.
I just beat golden axe 3 on one of those sega collections where you can rewind. For the life of me I never figured out how i activated the block or the different combos.
Never played much final fight, but in comparison streets of rage there’s an angling aspect where you can approach enemies in certain ways to safely gain the grab as long as you’re keeping out of range of the other enemies. On original hardware I remember being able to beat it on single player without losing a life or even getting hit on most levels.
Golden axe on the other hand I feel like the enemies had a wider rage for their attacks so you could to far above or below them on the plane to hit them but they could hit you. The rewind feature also revealed they could turn their vertical jump attacks into forward jumping attacks mid air, where the player had to commit to one or the other from the first button press. It felt like it was still being built for arcades where the success of the game hinged on it being unfair.

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I do not care for Doom
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I like the feel of the guns. The level design is absolute fucking garbage though, and humping walls to find secrets sucks fucking dick. And no, monster closets are not fun
Do you just not like FPS games? I fyou claim that you do, list your top 5. Let's break them down into the same retarded 3 steps. Let's see you grow some actual pubes and commit.
t. can't beat episode 1 on easy
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wrongo(Hurt me plenty, btw)
You're right, I don't care for FPSlop. Ironically my favorite is probably doom 3 for the atmosphere.

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is it worth it if you don't have a CRT?
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>see jaguar turn up in repository
>see it has single ram build
>launch tempest 2000
>it actually works, albeit with slowdown
It's cool to see new stuff appear from time to time
>if it becomes commercially beneficial to do so
I mean I'm rooting for this as much as the next guy but retro gaming at large and the needs of FPGA over sofware emulation ontop of that makes it such a small market that it will never get as popular as it would need.
I never said they would be cheaper than a SoC, or more popular than the Pi route, I am just saying they could gain in popularity and have the public become more aware, which could stir improved development. There are people who will always go for the cheapest option, and people who want the premium option even if it costs more. Just because Fords exist does not mean nobody will buy a Mercedes even though both get you from point A to B.
I mean I can see the argument cause you can buy a computer for less than $600 that will run all the way up to like ps3 and wii but you probably can't hook it to an old tv.
>a Ford will get from point a to b
Only if trip is all down hill

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This was the last time when Japanese graphics were considered high quality.
The PS3 was the Sega Saturn of its generation, but it got saved because Microsoft massively screwed up with Kinect. The PS3 didn't have anything like Alan Wake or Gears of War 3. That's a discussion for another time, maybe when PS360Wii turns /vr/ next year.
Now, back to our topic.

The Dreamcast was the last era when Japanese graphics were top-notch. I might say the GameCube, but the Xbox totally outclassed it. The Dreamcast was more like a "half" generation console, similar to the PS4 Pro or Xbox One X, or even the Game Boy Color... something in between. With that in mind, the N64 was the "last" of its kind, where Japanese design was synonymous with high quality.

But, I mean... the N64 was a cassette-based console, and the PSX had those wobbly polygons with that pity nearest neighbor texture filter, and the Saturn with its complex autistic architecture.

Man, now that I think about it, Japanese consoles have been a bit of a mess. Sorry, but the American way is the only way.

Americans carried Sega Model 2 and Sega Model 3. Americans carried N64 3D technology and Americans carried PS3's RSX. America is and always has been synonymous with high-quality graphics.

I concede: Dreamcast was the last console "were Japanese graphircs were considered high quality" but not only that, PS2 is the last Japanese console in general. GameCube is American (IBM CPU, ATI GPU), PS3 is American (IBM CPU, Nvidia GPU)
sad bump

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How do I switch the text to english?
you have to unfold the cartridge atleast 50 times, but more is recommended
The SuperUfo/Blaze adapter claims to be able to do that for OOT, though I've not yet personally tried it due to not owning a JP copy of Ocarina
Otherwise you'll need a GameShark. There's a single byte in the ROM that needs to be swapped to make it english.
I'm pretty sure you actually can change the text to english in OoT with a gameshark code. Don't know about Majora's Mask though.
>There's a single byte in the ROM that needs to be swapped to make it english.
Shame they didn't just add a language switcher option.

Makes me wonder if this could also be done using a modified save file, a debugger in the ROM or even arbitrary code execution using an exploit.

What compels a grown man to completely stuff a room full of thousands of games he will never play? I buy physical myself and love it but I only buy things I know I am going to play regularly. No complete collections, no gimmicky games that will be played for 10 minutes then placed on a shelf to die. I have plenty of time as I have self generating income that allows me and my wife to be stay home parents, but even so my collection sits at 106 games and I feel satisfied picking up more than 2-4 new games a year.
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What compels a grown man to go onto a retro gaming board to pick fights over things that don't affect them.
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I'll give you my real argument, I don't care how people spend their money, I enjoy playing games defined by the limitations that the developers were restricted to. This includes television technology, video output, software, and hardware. You do you and I'll do me, I don't care what you enjoy or don't.
its just ego
but if you have the money to pull it off who cares what other people think- you are a man, arent you?
That's more like it.
Because it’s fun? Because it’s a good investment? Because you’re preserving history?

does anyone have inspo for retro gaming setups that dont look like an autistic redditors rgb lightstrip funko pop goon cave?
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Mirin dat carpet. It's hard-carrying the entire room.
It's movie theater carpet I specifically put it in when I moved in to make the back room like an arcade. I almost went with some whacko stuff with like bowling alley theme or popcorn and film reels or party hats or some shit but figured that I do need to eventually sell the house again some day and figured that black with speckles got the vibe across without being so overly ostentatious that it would put people off.
I hate a mess of stickers that look like a child or teenager put them on.
Why do you hate fun?
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How many times would you be forced to upgrade your PC in the retro era to keep up with new releases? Seems like every few years you’d be forced to start from scratch up until Windows XP where shit finally slowed down and got optimized
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All you needed was to be able to play doom and math blaster.
My first computer :D
Survivor was the first game to filter this PC (for my sister). I finally learned about upgrading PCs when I wanted to play Max Payne and it didn't really work too well on it. The opening cutscene took a good five minutes to play from start to finish on the lowest settings.
>>4megs of RAM enough until '97
>>4GB of RAM in 2001

32bit operating systems were not capable of managing more than 4GB's of RAM. If you had a videocard with 512MB's of RAM, you could only really get away with 3.5GB's of RAM and 512MB's of VRAM. Windows XP required at least 256MB's of RAM to even function at an functional level. 128MB's never cut it. 512MB was optimal for Windows XP. 1GB or 2 was not uncommon. It wasn't until Windows 7 where we started to see machines with more than 4GB's of RAM.
RAM and VRAM aren't in the same address space so VRAM doesn't matter.
>RAM and VRAM aren't in the same address space so VRAM doesn't matter.

Wrong. The VRAM is mapped to the same address space as the main system memory in 32bit Windows OSes. There are a few server versions of Windows NT (32bit) that do allow for extended memory space, but not the commercial release OSes.

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>ruins your console
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>the cart is open source unlike the everdrive, so you can literally make one of your own
>but AliExpress
You have no idea what current is do you?
NTA but electricity and radio are basically magic, and as such I both fear and respect the wizards who can wield them.
>Create a Strawman in your post
>Defeat the streawman in same post
>"Look at me! I am so smart and everyone else is so dumb!"
The sad part is even your attempts to argue with yourself pointed out how you don't know shit about how any of this works, congratulations, you are the first person to lose to your own strawman.
Dude, it's not that complicated. CPUs are nothing more than a rock that we tricked into thinking when you send tiny little lightning bolts into it, simple!

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Aside from how to do it and modding and all that, what should I know before burning games and playing them? Does it really wear out your console's laser? What is the lifespan of a burned game?
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>Does it really wear out your console's laser?
No, and anyone who tells you it does is a tard who always believes in old wive’s tales. Like others said, good quality discs and low burn speed will be no different than a factory pressed ps1 disc.

You also have to understand that even a PSone is well over 20 years old. Lasers and belts are going to go bad based on age alone.

Some games, like Racing Lagoon translation, technically exceed the 700mb limit of a standard cdr so will write into the edges of the CD in order to fit the data in. This is the only example of where burning a disc will make your laser work harder, and it may even be true of officially pressed discs for some games.
> Does it really wear out your console's laser?
Your laser still works?
At this point, the unchipped PSX has been used way more (it was bought used too).
>Does it really wear out your console's laser?
>No, and anyone who tells you it does is a tard who always believes in old wive’s tales
This feels like something that someone would have researched at one point or another. Maybe not with a PSone, but at least with a CD or DVD drive in general.
I had an xbox where the disc drive wore out, and that only ever played real discs and wasn't modded.
I have two 5.25" drives for PCs that went kaput after like 10 years. They just die, imo.
What are the benefits of this compared to just modding a ps classic?

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>sony cd royalties
Publishers needed to pay Nintendo more per unit.
They would've been using a custom format by Panasonic if they went the disc route like what happened to the GameCube, Wii and Wii U.
Dont ya fucking live Tennis?
Did you even have any of those consoles? The loadtimes were not that bad for most games on major systems like the PS1 or Saturn, the systems most notable for slow loading were things like the Neo-Geo CD and other less-major systems or those with CD addons. The FDS loaded slower than most PS1 games.
they where thinking about how you take your shekels away, goy.

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you fags talk about literally everything other than the grandfather of video games.
I would argue pinball machines aged much better than most early video games did, and I think they're much more fun.
What's your favorite table? What are you playing on and what tables are you trying?
My favorite table by far is cyclone. I love the amusement park theme and sound effects/music. Reminds me off going to theme parks with my parents when I was young. Mainly playing that and some other "simple" tables like pinbot on vpx.
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You want to change the resolution of dosbox itself, then, anon. It can be done by modifying the infamous dosbox.conf file. Change its extension to txt and open in notepad to input the options you want, and change it back from .txt to .conf.
It might take a few tries since you will probably need to change the render or something, IIRC. It's not tricky but it will take a bit of trial & error.
>Gorgar speaks!
Gorgar is one of my favorite tables.
>and modern pinball games are completely on-topic
too bad a lot of them suck
It has been rumored that a Pokemon pinball machine might be in the works
I got an elastic band gun from these guys last year, and it was okay. Easy enough to assemble, I did break one piece but it had some spares, but it's not the best wood, it's a bit cheap. I don't know if this thing would last very long, and I don't know how accessible it is to re-wax later on, the gun was pretty stuck together by the end, if the paddles start sticking it's probably going to the trash heap.

It does seem pretty neat though, it's only like 130 bucks here so I might give it a try. If nothing else it'll be fun to build.

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post your favs
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I like the bad ending in Shenmue because you would have to play the game for an obscene amount of time to ever see it. Each ingame day is about a full hour and it takes 5 and a half entire in game months to reach it(So about 130 hours total). The game can be beaten in like 20 days, probably less if you're really running through it. I recently 100%ed the game getting every single capsule toy and inventory item and even that only took about a month in-game.

I don't understand if they genuinely expected people to play it for that long or what, its a pretty bizarre inclusion.
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Thsi one's a real kick to the balls, you even hear it's death cry as the screen turns white.
I always found it funny how you can completely skip saving the princess in Dragon Quest I/Dragon Warrior I. You save the kingdom and fuck off to faraway lands, but she can be left in a cave with a dragon guarding her while the king laments his loss.
I also learned that in remakes (I don't know if you could do it in the original game), considering you can bride carry the princess around when you save her, you can take her to the Dragonlord for a bad ending.
You can do it in DW1 but iirc he only comments about the hero bringing him a gift
that sounds kino as fuck

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