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Sorry, i mistyped SOUL. its simply better that carmack was capable at the time with potato powered computers and im tired of contrarian retro purists wanting to stick with original versions.
What are vr opinion on refinements of old games? also tried HL ray traced and its cool but i had to pay for it to work so i just tested it 1:30 hs and refunded it on steam
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Quake 2 wasn't that good to begin with. FPS graphics age like milk, didn't help that the original was grey tech base or more like a crate warehouse.
The issue with most remakes is that they're pointless. What you want to remake is flawed games to make them better. But they only remake big successful games instead. Those are good because they were made by good devs who had good vision. It's all about A teams showcasing talent in everything, from game design to art, often involving big names.
But then they remake those with B grade teams on shoestring budget, going for cheap soulless modern assets akin to mobile games, ruining half the ideas in the process, and just missing the mark altogether. It's like playing a clone game at this point.
Remakes absolutely can be good, but the way things work, they rarely are. Good remakes are the ones like DQ where they clearly put effort in and didn't outsource those to some shovelware studio.
a regrettable turn of events indeed... but it's not just the games' fault. ray tracing turned out to be a bit of a meme itself

In most cases absolutely.
It's often painful how some people see tasteless additions as an improvement.
Original models and textures with updated lighting usually looks good imo. It adds to the original product without changing the original design.
It seems like it’s only when you start changing the models and textures that it detracts from the original game, without providing any real benefit.

As long as they don’t take it way too far like modern AAA shooters do to the point where some areas are impossible to see people in, then multiplayer is fine with updated lighting as well.
it looks off because it wasn't designed to be lit like that

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I always liked crossbows. You don't seem them much compared to regular bows, and usually guns outnumber those too.
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We need more scythes, they're fucking badass.
Is that regular or Grand edition?
Very few games have car bombs but I'd be lying if I said I knew any Irish game devs
what's with the random bondage though
Both I assume.

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>top /vr/ composer of all time
>lent his efforts exclusively to trash shovelware for his entire career
wtf was his problem?
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Rob Hubbard did manage to escape England though.
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makes no sense when David Wise exists
I wonder if anyone out of the US ever tried to poach him but he was too brothered up.
>>top /vr/ composer of all time
not even in the top 20.

geoff was a composer, retard faggot.

>he was getting paid weekly and had reasonable job security
not how it worked.

they poached far better musicians such as rob hubbard and martin galway.
>geoff was a composer
Mike Follin wasn't a composer. Learn to read.

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Have you seen these games before? The Mysterious Adventures series became known to me from the bad game covers thread made the other day. The Mysterious Adventures games seemed to be text based Adventure games made between 1981 and 1983 for various early computers, and had no connected story line from the looks of it, with the exception of the 2 Arrow of Death games. They had a ton of different publishers for different platforms so there's a ton of different covers, but all of them are pretty weird looking. I made a collage of the other covers I found that seem to be by the same designer as the two ones I saw originally: Circus and Escape from Pulsar 7. I was not able to find a cover of the same design for "10 Little Indians", I suspect it's lost. Also, both Arrow of Death games seemed to have the same cover with only the title different.

The games were made by Brian Halworth, a British guy that Wikipedia says is either "70 or 71 years old" since they don't know his specific date of birth. He made these games and then went on to do programming work for other video games, such as "Theme Park Mystery". the Mysterious Adventures games in order are:
>The Golden Baton
>The Time Machine
>Arrow of Death Part 1
>Arrow of Death Part 2
>Escape from Pulsar 7
>Feasibility Experiment
>The Wizard of Akyrz
>Perseus and Andromeda
>Ten Little Indians

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Yes, I do. I got the pictures from this website: https://www.mocagh.org/loadpage.php?getcompany=mystadv&npp=25&whatsnew=0&start=0&series=Mysterious+Adventures+%28Digital+Fantasia+-+Red%29
They also have a ton of other covers of the games as well, these are specifically the "Digital Fantasia Red" covers. They also have manuals and promotional materials. I was not able to save the images directly from the site, but I managed to access links to the pictures using inspect element, and then I saved them from there. Keep in mind that sometimes the games were listed in different orders in different releases, but the list I made is the accurate list, and the list that they were actually created and released in. Here are the links:

Golden Baton: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious1.jpg
The Time Machine: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious5.jpg
Arrow of Death Part 1: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious2.jpg
Arrow of Death Part 2: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious3.jpg
Pulsar 7: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious4.jpg
Circus: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious7.jpg
Feasibility Experiment: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious6.jpg
The Wizard of Akyrz: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious8.jpg
Perseus & Andromeda: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious9.jpg
Ten Little Indians: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious10.jpg
Waxworks: https://www.mocagh.org/mystadv/mysterious11.jpg
Man the obscure text adventure rabbit hole is impossibly deep to explore. One guy alone with some imagination could write a dozen in a decade and many did so. The amount of "new" stuff is pretty vast too.
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These covers look like an amateur attempting to recreate old Roger Dean (you may know him from the covers of bands like Yes and Asia, and the cover of Tetris Worlds). I really like it, especially the color gradient with an airbrushed look. What makes that? You see it in the Simpsons sometimes. Also, how do text adventures work? Did the maker have to write and program responses for every possible decision? Or does it fall back on generic
>you can't use that here
I love these types of games but am 2 stupid to beat most of them. There was some similar games by some john or scott guy made in the later 80s that were similar. I downloaded them to my archives but cant remember the names. if I remember i'll look in my external for them and name drop so others can track them down (only found them on archives.org so far)
All those games were released in a span of less than 3 years

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GBA ports (no remakes) that are actually good. Pic related.
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SMB3 has exclusive levels, though I am not sure of their quality.
>That box art
Man, the 2000s was quite a shit time for graphics design.
It's got a Newgrounds/Pico's School aesthetic going on, it's interesting. It's no Mega Man.
Link to the Past is definitive on GBA
Doesn't Yoshi's Island have more levels on GBA?

Am I the only one who likes the 8-bit Mega Man art style more than 16-bit?
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Probably, the sprites for Mega Man and Proto Man were after all redrawn from scratch.
MM9 is one of the best in the series though, so it was clearly a good idea.
The classic Mega Man concept has been pretty thoroughly explored. Maybe not 100% exhausted but there are only so many ways to mix up the formula and still be Mega Man
SNES < NES < Mega Drive
The game was loved before a certain e-celeb made a disparaging video.
Come on. Wily Wars has really bad shading.
For what though

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Was id software the first company to open source their video games?
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it was a cultural landmark, anon. it was featured in an episode of breaking bad
I cared
me. It even got a sequel
>Was id software the first company to open source their video games?
>How about real games?

>That's source available, not open source.
literally open source. same levels of license faggotry too.


zoom zoom, zoomy zoomzooms.

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Did you know? In Capcom Generations 2 for PSX, they added transparency to the water level in Chou Makaimura, but they didn't do it for the Saturn version. The Saturn version also letterboxes 8:7 in 4:3 because it can't output 256x224. The PSX version also has controller vibration but the Saturn controller doesn't have vibration in it.
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Couldn't Saturn Devs render the entire game on just one VDP in order to get transparency?
ports but they kinda suck
>The Saturn version also letterboxes 8:7 in 4:3 because it can't output 256x224
This happened a lot when porting to Saturn. Why didn't they just make the field of view wider?
Making the viewport wider is no simple task. Significant reworking is required. Also, it does not really fix the core of the issue since the aspect ratio would still be wrong.
controller vibration is a shitty feature and I always turned it off

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You only have three games that you can recommend someone play from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

What games are you recommending?

For every game the person doesn't like they get to kick you really hard in the balls.
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Streets of Rage 2, predictable but mandatory.
Gunstar Heroes, a treasure game needs to be here but Alien Soldier is too hard and weird.
Jurassic Park: The Lost World, this one is for variety, it's long, ambitious on a technical level, semi open-ended, and is one of the few very good megadrive games that is very very chill and not intense all the time.
castlevania bloodlines
streets of rage 2
>android assault
CD but an excellent pick
Eggman's mean bean machine. Great Puyo Puyo clone.
So is Snatcher. They're both Genesis games. The Sega CD wasn't a standalone console. What are you even on about?
Sonic 3&K
Shining Force
Comix Zone

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Sheela MMNK edition
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This is a localization problem for the most part.
as a kid I thought Khris was cute, but thought Chris was a boy's name, so decided then that Kris is in fact, not cute.
saved myself from furshit and fagshit as a child.
My name is Chris and I'm a guy, then I saw Khris and figured there's more important things to consider if you are thinking of waifuing a dog
I agree anthro girls are for human males but dogs aren't that attractive
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BTW, the first thing I thought was that it was a nickname for Christina/Christine or something. Fitting for a priestess to be named after our Lord and Saviour.
How exactly is she cute?

New sub!
>Game Center CX #165 - Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden [LocationScouts]



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>tune into the twitch stream
>it's Lemmings again
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Are GCCX generals doomed to die without Ogawaposting?

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Which ones should I play? Which ones should I avoid? No modern remasters or remakes please.
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Ran fullscreen the last time I tried, and I don't recall major issues. It's been a couple of years, but I may give it a go and report back. It might be broken on Windows 11 though.
The 1983 Atari STAR WARS arcade cabinet.
I have an original copy, if it's any consideration. I haven't seen anything about any other release being patched for compatibility in any capacity, though.

I remember trying to run it on Vista and having to roll back to old graphics drivers to get 3D acceleration working. Any other time, the game just couldn't be run fullscreen because the color mapping the game uses would break in both menus and in gameplay.
Best handheld Star Wars game IMO. Maybe on par with Appearance of the Force. Beat it many times and it enjoyed it every time.
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This is the one SW game I haven't played yet that I have any interest in, I hope its as good as people say it is

"Really really nice" Edition

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

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>sleep mode regressions are worth it
Sleep Mode is the best feature on the TSP so no thanks, I'll stick to stock until it's fixed.
>putting the device to sleep is more important than playing games
to each his own...
Thanks, I will consider it, but the price is definitely a bit high. Also, do you by chance know if mini LED is better or worse for eyes than IPS?
when this general getting pruned? it's been used to stealth discuss non retro shit for a while
when the other non-retro threads get cleaned up, which is never

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Why do some people act like CRTs had no scanlines and emulators created them out of nowhere?
>it was not noticeable from a distance!
ok, why can't you do the same when emulating and sit farther away then?
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Show us a screenshot Anon
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The thing with shaders is they're like assholes. Everyone's got a different idea of what one should look like, and they all stink.
Tell you what though, with society's increasing anal fixation, there's more consensus on what an asshole should look like. I truly believe the same applies to CRT shaders.
>I use a CRT but other people are trannies if they do it

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Where the hell am I meant to get the other $300? I retrieved the bee's nest, I helped the bee pollinate the boob flower, I beat the Terminator, I got the manure, I beat the Great Mighty Poo. What else can I do?
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Not a lot of people know, but a couple of the devs made a commentary walkthrough years ago.

It's basically just them drinking and talking shit but it's pretty comfy.

you didn't do the bat's tower chapter by the sound of it
Nope. Is that across the uncrossable bridge? Also I'm up to $800 after getting the cash on the top of Mt Poo.
Keep looking around for cash you didn't grab, first world has like 1500 total.
Seems to me like you don't do a whole lot of exploring in general. I've not had issues getting the cash just messing around.

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