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Why was is cancelled?
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Are you referring to the Melee screenshot?
>1 screenshot
>just a still image of pre-rendered CGI
Someone was definitely trolling with this one.
It looks early ps2 tier
The DKR trailer was running on hardware and was everything else in that ahowcase, and Kevin Bayliss confirm several times it was on active development.
It became Sabreman Stampede. And then was cancelled.

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I'll start. Donkey Kong's Fun With Music was going to be released alongside DKjr Math and that Popeye english learning game. As the name suggests this game was going to try and teach children about music. It also had a karaoke mode which probably didn't work at all since the Famicom mic sucks ass. The game was shown in some early promo stuff for the Famicom but never got released. There is a rumor that the game found its way onto some bootleg carts but there is no evidence to back that up.
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Bouncer was going to be released sometime in 84 and was test marketed in a couple of arcades. But costs and legal troubles led the game to never get a wide release. Strangely, the machine was featured as a prop in the 80s B-Movie Ninja 3: The Domination.
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Heavyweight Champ (not to be confused with the 1987 punch out clone) came out in 1976 by Sega and is considered to be the first fighting game. The game was not preserved and the only known cabinet is beyond repair. However, in 2023 some gameplay footage from a news archive was posted on YouTube, so we at least know how it played.
It's on Genesis and Turbo CD if you want to play it. I can't really imagine an 8-bit version being great though to be honest
yes I know, its just an oddity that all 8 bit ports were pulled simultaneously. versions for the C64, NES, Amstrad, Speccy and MSX.
not sure how Capcom felt about this
I wonder if that version has anything to do with the PCE Batman reusing the Stage 1 theme from the NES game.
Maybe they had it ready for the cancelled version and just threw it in so it wouldn't go to waste.

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Looking for games (mostly from the 6th gen, but it doesn't matter) that are 'remakes' of older games made for *subsequent* generations.
Some examples of what I'm talking about is:
>Rayman 2 -> Rayman 2 Revolution
>Tomb Raider -> Tomb Raider Anniversary
>Lunar the Silver Star -> Silver Star Story Complete
>Metal Gear Solid -> Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
The point is that they are only 1 generation apart, showing off the massive leaps between generations.
The waters get kind-of murky, so 'Pseudo-remakes' are also allowed. I'm not gonna elaborate on that, as it's up to your interpretation.
Hit me with what you got.
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I like the nes graphics better idk but the limited colors and raw sprites (there's like no outline on them), are more charming. And I believe that thick outlines make sprites look better
I don't think that was the point anon was making, but rather, graphical leaps between generations now are so small there is no difference unlike going from NES to SNES. I don't think the PS5 or the supposedly upcoming 5Pro were needed.
>I like the nes graphics better
yeah I agree but at least you can tell one has more colors and is an advancement of technology
The great debate: voice acted or gibberish?
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What Spyro game is considered to be the best in the PS1 trilogy?
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The side level in Bamboo Terrace is a "normal" Bentley level. Not much more interesting than his starter level anyway.
Trouble with the trolley, ey?
SO much trouble with that fucking trolley. If I remember correctly, I ended up muting the TV so I didn't have to listen to him.
who cares if people like it or not. I like games because they bring me joy, not because other strangers on the internet approve of it.
if you ever find yourself enjoying a game that others have panned, congratulations, you're an individual and learned an important lesson on being yourself
My biggest problem with the side characters is that they're all just too different from Spyro. Would it have been so hard to at least give them all a charge?

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Absolutely abysmal game, I cannot believe it was released in the state it was. They must have given up making it before the halfway mark, the people who shipped it were probably on some kind of Nintendo jury duty. I bet one guy came up with the idea of blue coins and they bought him a beer afterwards.
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HDMI consoles will never be retro
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Just play the mario sunburn mod.
ain't no way to fix this piece of shit, I would rather play not-retro Mario.
>Sunshine is a divisive game
its not, its just a target for jealous nintendo haters.

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Well, on this day 30 years ago, PulseMan was released on Sega Channel by GameFreak.
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At least it’s iconic volteccer lives on as Pikachu’s signature move
Only in Japan. In the west it got renamed to "volt tackle" for some reason.
Am I blind or does the screenshot second-from-the-top feature an earlier design for Pulseman than the others?
>Dr. Tenma
WHO, really?
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NTA but I'm so worried about how classic anime is just forgotten now in this very website, of all places.

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>console is obtuse and difficult to program for
>pisses off its third party developers who proceed to abandon the console
>is destined to compete with sony after having the opportunity to partner with them
>sold less than any of its predecessors
>sold so poorly its successor was a bigger failure
>only worthwhile games are developed in house
>Is the Sega Saturn
>Pic Unrelated
I'm so fucking tired of all these "format" threads.
bros how can we save the saturn
>only worthwhile games are developed in house
Interesting that the description actually fits both N64 and Saturn. I still like them both though
People didn't develop for N64 because cartridges were expensive and limiting in size. Simple as.

Just got an original Xbox! Any one have a list of good games to check out? Any multiplats that are better on here? I already wanted to try out the Halo games since I missed out on those when they were new. I'm finally going to play through Jet Set Radio Future. I also picked up Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike just because I've always been curious about those ports. Is there any difference in MGS2 I've only ever played the PS2 version. I know the PS2 has pressure sensitive buttons and the Xbox doesn't so I don't know how big of a difference it makes. Also is there anything interesting about Shenmue II I first played an emulated Dreamcast version and later the HD remaster on the PS5. I might just pick it up as an oddity since games for this thing are so cheap. Anything I should know about owning one of these things.
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How do you even pronounce that? Ssh-box?
For direct into a tv xbox2hdmi is best. It's renamed probably electronXout or something
Ninja Gaiden Black. Ninja Gaiden 2004 is good too, but Black is miles better in just about every way
Do you have one? I ordered one weeks ago and it's not arrived. There's a ps2 version too..
If we go by numbers posted by National Center for Education Statistics, and we take Arizona as the average because it was at the top, and taking Alabama would have been even lazies, at a median wage of $55,889 in 2000's, it would take a man 27 workhours to work off all three consoles, which is the same amount of time it takes to work off a single PS5, if we go with Wikipedia's numbers for Median Salary in Arizona in 2021 ($39,500) and that a PS5 costs $500 (not counting taxes). Either way, you went from being able to enjoy yourself like a king for a little bit more than half a week of work, to needing to spend 3 weeks working off all three consoles.

>Median Household Income by State from 1990 to 2012
>List of U.S. states and territories by median wage and mean wage

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10 years after claiming a translation project you should lose it, how come no one else did step forward?
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Westone? I'm interested
I HIGHLY doubt PC is any better than OD
(and I thought OD was kinda shit)
Honestly it doesn't require as much Japanese as an actual RPG, you could probably use a translation app on a phone and get by just fine, but the game itself is pretty challenging since you get sent back to your last save if you die once and you have 50 levels of 3D fighting jank in the tower to go through. If you don't have the correct shield equipped some enemies are nearly impossible. Also you unlock random attacks permanently via scrolls as you play, but your starting moveset is extremely weak, as well as your starting equipment, so it takes a few trips ended early to get powerful enough to even stand a chance
It only takes around 6 months to 1 year to learn enough of a programming language to hack a game, and when you can't get help from the bilingual geniuses that don't upload translated scripts anywhere, you make level hacks of English games instead of worrying about it.
Learning Japanese is good and nobody is owed a translation, especially when translation tools are so readily available now, but what's the point of being such a dick to a stranger anon?

post retro games that feature women's panties

pic related is Wade Hixton's Counter Punch for Game Boy Advance
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Mogged by HL2.
I'm more interested in games where you expect there to be panties but there are none...
Any modern remake of games that had panties in them before
Star Ocean 2, they "kept" the pantyshot but put such a heavy filter on the sprite that you can't really see them
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Here is an old concept for a reworked Blaze sprite that keeps the panty shot from the japanese/european versions of streets of rage 2 and also the more interesting upper body pose from the US version.

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I just finished Tomb Raider 1 and 2 on PC using Duckstation. Both games were great and I'm looking forward to TR3 next.

The remaster collection seemed like the obvious choice but 1) I don't give a shit about the "modern controls" since the original controls are one of the best things about the game since I'm not a zoomie retard, and 2) I prefer the original graphics, especially if I can play in high resolution with widescreen. Supposedly the remaster has some minor censorship and woke preaching, which is gay.

The PS1 version in Duckstation would be fine but I'd prefer greater draw distance and widescreen.

All that said, I'm leaning toward the PC versions with one of the patches. But, which patch? Peixoto's patch? Something else? Also, how hard is it getting it to work with a controller?
OpenTomb3 would be my best bet but it probably won't have controller support.

the remaster lets you play it completely vanilla, same controls and graphics, why would you think they would force modern controls?
don't think 3 was ever censored.
Not him, but I believe even where not censored, the remastered collection may have those long "it wasn't ok then and isn't ok now but we're leaving it in to facilitate discussion" disclaimers about so-called "culturally insensitive" stuff.
Interesting, I haven't heard of this. Though, it looks like most of the videos on Youtube are around 7 years old and the github hasn't been updated for 4 years.

> why would you think they would force modern controls?
What I meant was that since I have no interest in "modern" controls or the remastered graphics, there isn't much reason for me to bother with the remaster collection unless it's difficult and/or impossible to run the original game in widescreen 1080p and controller support.

I mentioned the woke nonsense they shoehorned into it as just another reason to avoid the remaster. Even if the changes are relatively minor, I despise that sort of thing on principle.
>github hasn't been updated for 4 years.
I think it's because the main dev literally got hired for the remaster.
comparing the credits it's seems to be some guy named Troye.

the censoring is just one thing from what I know, some bare chested lady who was impossible to see in the original due to how low-res it was, but nowadays playing it on the big screen in 4k it's quite visible.
I don't like censoring either but I think I'm gonna play the devil's advocate on this one.

I think having the expansions built in is a nice bonus, and you can also move the camera around freely, but other than that there's no real benefit for you to go with the remaster I think

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Hopes for the Unreal Engine remake Sega is working on?
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Gen Xers and early millennials hated ALL 3D platformers, they always resented the fact that the platforming genre moved on and tried new ways of playing + controlling in 3D space, rather than just rehashing the SNES/Genesis classics over and over.

It wasn't just a Sonic thing, that was just the only series where they successfully managed to turn popular opinion against the 3D games. A lot of those early Youtubers used to shit on 3D Mario too, but SM64's reputation was simply too great to be overcome.

Go back and watch all the old gaming Youtubers and Let's Players of the 2000s and they were all born in the 70s/80s and openly admit the fact that they dislike 3D platformers. It goes far beyond Egoraptor. This generation of people is responsible for wrecking the platforming genre post-6th gen. They're also the reason why Banjo Nuts & Bolts exists, why Spyro died, why Crash died, and why Rayman post-2006 only got Rabbids games and 2D rehashes rather than a true Rayman 4.
Nah, I remember the consensus being that Sonic Adventure was a great game, until people were blackpilled into silence in the 2010s
I mean, the game sucks. t.Sonic fan
I'm not saying they were bad games, I'm saying they had a fucking terrible reputation in the mainstream at the time. It's not wild that Sega wanted to distance themselves from that when the entire franchise was on the outs.
PS2 version is broken in several places. The engine uses middleware software and the company went bankrupt. It's 2024 and the graphics could be way better now. take your pick, it's a good game but it's two decades later.
/vr/ is too far up their own ass

Why do people here still console war over old platforms? Don't they realize all of these boxes are decades outdated and their whole libraries can be enjoyed on a single machine now?
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I talk about the genesis because I own a genesis and a sega CD that I play video games on and I don't own a SNES? I also like the genesis controller a lot more. People just talk about what they know.
Never said you shouldn't play both, console wars are stupid, just that if it came down to choosing one or the other if you're into those genres it's a pretty obvious choice. When it comes to run 'n guns Mega Drive has Alien Soldier, Adventures of Batman and Robin, Atomic Runner, and Contra Hard Corps. And when it comes to shooters, it has an insane lineup that SNES can't compare with. The point isn't that one is better than the other necessarily, but that to claim that SNES has better overall quality titles is stupid, especially if you're into those genres.
>they migrated to microsoft after sony and nintendo killed sega
Is there literally any evidence at all for this other than people ASSUMING that it was true because of collaboration between Sega and Microsoft in the very early Xbox era?

If anything the evidence shows Sega fans migrated to Nintendo. Look at how multiplatform Sonic games have always sold the best on Nintendo platforms for instance.
The inherent differences between the SNES and the MD are so minimal compared to differences in other mediums, especially graphically. Either way, both systems are ultimately able to do the same things with gameplay. It seems bizarre to draw the line in the sand of which games you like based on console specs, as opposed to something like genre
I like retro consoles too much to pick only one

What are your favourite retro soccer/football games?
If you don't have any, have you considered giving a shot to the genre?
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Goal Goal Goal for the neo-geo
senpai! qrd on how to get better in PES 5? I've got good enough to get uruguay to 5 stars WC finals, yet I'm missing the edge to finally make it

for everyone else itt, dont look any further, PES 5 is the game, next to WE2000 and ISSSD
Anyone ever played this game?
Played the shit out of this one with my dad, brother and friends. Later found out it never came out of japan and it was a fan patched english version
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Forgot pic

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Post your very favorite FPS game that has no sequels or spinoffs.
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Had a remake which apparently sucked if that counts.
Depends on what you're looking for in an early FPS.
It was made in Poland, BTW
Yeah, piloting the ship and being able to disengage from the controls in real time and walk around was really neat. This is Starfield 20 years before Starfield (not really a compliment but you get what I mean).
I am nostalgic for this game…but it also wasn’t exactly a great game either.
Kingpin also had a bad remaster
Powerslave had a pretty good remaster
Prey had its name slapped on a completely different game in Prey 2017stktm
>no spinoff or sequels
yeah, it counts.

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