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This argument could be made for other genres like platformers or racing games but since I love retro fighters, I will talk about them.
I miss the experimental nature of early 3D fighters. After playng SF2 and MK games some years, I was in awe with 3D fighters when they appeared. For the first time you could see the characters actually interacting like when one character grabbed another character you could see where they limbs went and what body part they did grab. Or when you kicked someone from the side, they would fly to the side relative to the applied force. Motion capturing actual mma moves became a thing. Fireballs were no longer needed.
VF started with using realistic moves first. Tekken had "a button per limb" control scheme which would be impossible with mirrored 2D sprites and with Tekken 3's side steps, more cool 3D moves were added, like side throws or side submission holds. DoA pioneered a counter system, making matches flow like kung fu films. Tobal games went further with their grapple system: you cold grab an opponent and move him around on the ring or kick him whole holding his arms with yours.
Next big thing was more realistic arenas: walls, steps, uneven surfaces, different stage hazards.
VF, Tekken, DoA - all of them went for those when new hardware allowed them to. But even on old PS1 you had games which did experiment with bigger arenas like Ehrgeiz and Destrega. But soon after, everyone just stopped. VF4 went for simple square arenas with walls and VF5 was basically the same. Tekken 5 used the same VF4 arenas too. Muh competitive scene, online and outfits customization became the focus. Major 3D fighters stopped experimenting altogether. DoA is stale and basically dead. Tekken is forever a Tekken 5 rehash. VF has been dead for years and I am sure VF6 will be just VF4 rehash again with a focus "modern" features like some lobby with avatars and other crap. The genre is not exciting anymore.
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People throw "X is a clone of Y" around way too liberally on /vr/. Only confirms that they didn't play X or Y or both.
A lot, actually. The international version added things like a practice mode, time trial mode and survival mode (it seems at one point they were attempting to add a 3-vs-3 mode but it wasn't finished in time), but they also removed things like each character having their own unique weight and making blocking universal (so that blocking high or low no longer matters). The Japanese version only offers one player and versus modes and is pretty barebones, but the character weight and blocking mechanics are there. The weight feature means different characters hit walls and use wall counters at different speeds.
I am pretty positive that Last Bronx is a VF2 clone though. With some added features like attack cancelling via guards. It's very different from Toshinden which is it's own thing, of course.
Speaking of VF clones, picrel is "we have VF3 at home".
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Forgot the pic

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is it based?
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>that channel
well that's a time sinkhole for me
It's weird that no one points out that it's pretty much a Kunio-kun/RCR game in 3D.
I don't think RCR populates the western zeitgeist much beyond old flash cartoons on Newgrounds.
Meanwhile, Bully was well, Bully. Another contemporarily controversial game made by Rockstar, and it was good to boot, so it got a cult following.
That is a neat observation, though. But I never played RCR.
The very first arcade game even had a premise similar to Bully. You're some hot-headed asshole kid who stands up for his friend that gets bullied by various gangs. I don't doubt that Rockstar looked at it for inspiration. Bully obviously does a lot more.
Rockstar almost certainly had RCR as one of their various inspirations.

I'll start with an easy one.
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It's possible. Another thing I want to note is that when Nintendo DMCA'd Vimm, they didn't make them take down ANY Starfox game, not even the ones available on NSO.
>funny enough, Jr was born out of wanting to copy Camelot’s Kid Koopa from Mario Party; which wasn’t his idea to begin with (a mini me like bowser)
I haven't played a Mario Party game in almost a decade, but I genuinely remembered it being Bowser Jr in Mario Party
Shows how similar they are
>Morton Koopa Jr
>son of Bowser
tf you talking about?
I always liked FF1 subtle world building. If you ignore it all, it's just a fun adventure. If you think about it then things don't add up, till you frame it like this. The world was falling apart and the isolationists are the ones that end up saving it. I love FF10 for actually doing the full blown advance civilization is from 1000 years ago.
Nintendo didn't think they'd lose square to sony either. FF7 was developed on the N64 for a time. These companies know how valuable characters are. We'll never know what kind of deals Square or Nintendo may have tried to make over the years. Square also made similar deals with Disney on KH. That the KH characters are square characters, not disney characters. That franchise keeps making games though, so it keeps making both of them money.

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Did something happen recently that it's jumped from £300 to £600?

Every generation up to the fucking PS3, major second-hand sellers like CEX and faggots on ebay are selling (or trying to) every remotely "retro" consoles at triple digit prices.

Who the fuck IRL is buying PSPs and PS2s for insane prices?

I went to Japan recently and found that this disease has spread over there as well but I could still find retro games at reasonable prices compared to here. (I wish I could read japanese).
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Mate of mine just gave me back my old PS2 for free after I sold it to him 15+ years ago
>It's irritating, but you can thank the previously mentioned reasons and people for it shifting from a poor man's trash collecting hobby to a luxury pursuit infested by literal multimillionaire investors.

I don't understand what these faggots are getting out of it. It's not like they're collecting classic sports cars which have always been coveted by normalniggers. It's gaming consoles, almost every single normalfag I know does not have their old consoles anymore. It's either been sold or given away or even trashed.
Investment. There's obviously a lot of people, even wealthy ones, who buy expensive games because they like having them and/or to show them off to other game collectors, but there's also ones who collect games as a means to an end. You can typically suss out these types when their response to collectors complaining about game prices is something along the lines of that you should be happy that your collection is worth more. Of course that only matters if you're selling, and if your end goal is to cash out and buy some unrelated asset, like a sportscar or whatever, because otherwise all it means is that you're paying more for other games.
I sometimes make burner accounts and message sellers that I've doxxed them, I know where they live, that I'm coming to break into their homes and set their hoarded shit on fire while they're at work. I've probably singlehandedly inadvertently sold a lot of home security systems and rents on storage units, maybe even a few bank deposit boxes. Which is why I tell them that the police and fire response would never make it on time to save their shit or to arrest me (which is true, smash and grab burglaries rarely result in arrests).
Nintendo recently put the deathnail in emulation. Buy and download what you can soon.

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Is this the best looking game of the 5th gen?
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the world is not so black and white. find joy in the moment.
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I ripped the textures from Wheel of Time to study them... the quality is incredible. They appear to be hand painted but nearly photo realistic. They have a 80s / 90s fantasy painting style to them.
>look where we are now
in a world with plenty of 2d games still coming out? what kind of bait even is this? pretending to be a game journo from 1997 that hates 2d games while claiming your opponent has outdated beliefs?
Not really. This is Google's first definition of pretty: "attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful or handsome". I'd say that's spot on. There's a big difference between that and what an adult male thinks looks crisp and clean.
how can you refute it? 2d lost, if it had won, 3d wouldn't dominate gaming world

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>unlimited Zelda games in the style of 1 through Minish Cap
Why don't we have a general for Zelda Classic like we do Doom?
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It's only creating another Fromtard colony.
So many OoT but "whoa dark souls lore" and boss gauntlets out there now.
Will Nintendo hunt for my head if i attempted or release a mod based on Passages' Zelda comics?
Chiming in to call you a retard.
Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2 is really good.
I tried different versions and still can't get a quest to run and there's zero good tutorial anywhere. What a shitshow of a community.

just how is the remake/remaster?
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they fixed the framerate to 60, if you like that sort of thing you can admit that. even if you're gonna be a "bitch" about graphics. (they do look better)
of course
Vice City specifically will never ever get an uncensored re-release, and I'm not even talking about the Dixie stuff, but the Cuban and Haitian censoring that's integral to the main plot
>they fixed the framerate to 60
lmao no, swimming and car physics are still fucked
In the original if you mod the framerate, yes those are fucked.
I never touch these remakes. even going back to when they put san andreas on the original xbox and pc they couldn't help but make terrible changes. things always get removed or censored. it's never worth it

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It's been on other hacking sites for years.
I know, though it's basically an official hack since the original creator made it and SEGA encouraged people to try the hack on their Steam page.
I was just wondering if they're still going to make it officially available in a future re-release of 3D Blast?
Maybe when they inevitably make another Genesis compilation.
If that was the case they would not have shut down that Streets of Rage fan project. SEGA clearly does not care as much, these games have been out there for decades, they will not stop them, if anything this collection they are now closing off was the best way to combat piracy. Being able to legally purchase them for a dollar each and have a VR 80s-style room to play them in? Lots of people liked that.
>Didn't they officially endorse this hack?
One of the original devs who worked on the game made the hack, even showing progress on his YouTube channel, but I don't think SEGA had endorsed it.

He uploaded the hack itself to his own site as well as the Steam workshop though, and it's been mirrors elsewhere as well. It's in no danger of disappearing.

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Is MK4 the ugliest arcade cabinet you ever seen? I remember a local store had one here and every time I'd have to look at Quan Chi's ugly mug staring at me
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Good, webms are for people who look but don't play.
I'm going to take this moment to admit that shamefully I don't have photographic recall of the side art of every arcade machine that I have ever seen. It's been nearly 40 years. I'm sorry, I've failed you.
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it's all good man, i never even seen an arcade until i was like 18 and i don't remember any cabinet art
meant to reply to >>11396828
Is that Donald Trump?

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Opinions on these ports of Donkey Kong Country?
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The GBC version is a culmination of the Donkey Kong Land series. Donkey Kong Land 2+3 are actually really impressive ports of DKC 2+3, but DKL 1 was a much different game. All 4 are worth playing if you want a slightly different experience over replaying the SNES games.

The GBA games are just SNES ports, but are some of the better SNES ports on GBA when you compare them to the stuff like the Final Fantasy Advance series.
Land 2 and 3 aren't ports as they have unique level design.
The gba version has more content, but holy shit what is up with the graphics?
Screen size is cancer on GB.
i've played gbc one. It's a good port. I was able to beat the game with no issues.

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Sometimes I wonder if people care about the PS1 at all
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I'm curious, too. What's in your top 10? Or top 25?
> no u

I trust John Carmack's admission that he made a mistake significantly moreso than some fag on /vr/ who is only trying to start shit
Believe what you want buddy, saturn port source speaks for itself
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I tried playing Ridge Racer 64 for the first time a while back, it was interesting. It basically felt like Ridge Racer or Ridge Racer Revolution, being fairly simple. I remember seeing it being played not long after release and it seemed weird that they stuck with the style of the original game when R4 had released a year earlier and was insanely well liked.

In terms of playing it I did so on an emulator for the Vita (I don't own an N64 because I'm not a fag), so I can't say for sure whether I experienced it "as intended" (or how it actually ran/played on real N64 hardware), but it was a fun if unusual experience.

I did have a DS Lite many years ago and played Ridge Racer DS on it. It felt like the same thing, but the big DS feature was the ability to "steer" the car using the stylus to move a wheel on the touchscreen. It was dogshit though, you were much better off using the traditional d-pad to steer.

Honestly though its always fun seeing how Seaside Route 765 looks in the various games in the series that it appears in. It's still my favorite circuit in the entire series.
One side of this argument is supported by the guy who literally wrote the Doom engine and was literally in charge of authorizing the Saturn port and who literally mentioned why he didn't like it and who then literally said he should have been more open to the alternate engine that was written specifically for the Saturn.

The other side of this argument is supported by some fag on 4chan (you).

Guess which side is probably right?

>is actually the best one in your path
>it's the best because it was the first!
What's the word for this obviously wrong phenomena?
thats not why its the best
I have to give the original another shot. I've always had a hard time getting into it. I recently completed Metroid 2 on my Gameboy Pocket and genuinely loved it all the way through.

How do we bring Arcades back?
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>add to that the creep, dark, stale and cramped factors

All it takes is one hideous, unwashed mouthbreather to completely ruin the place. I remember the last time I was at our barcade. The stank on that creature is burned into my long-term memory. Haven't gone back since.
You'd need some kind of new experience that can't be replicated at home and is interesting enough for people to want to go there again. It has to be so interesting that you attracts enough people to make it viable, so you can't just rely on people who are nostalgic for retro arcades. Specialized VR experiences come to mind, I've seen a skydiving one that actually lifts you up in the air and slowly drops you back down. I'm sure there's other examples like this that would be hard and expensive to replicate at home. But it has to be expensive, so something like an upgraded kinect that actually works seamlessly wouldn't do because tracking someone with video is dirt cheap now. If that became a thing again it could easily be replicated at home. Another idea might be games where AI plays a role, which could be too heavy for players to run at home, but then again there is suck up! which simply lets a server handle the AI part.
However I don't think all hope is lost, just look at the "novel" ideas consoles gave us in recent years. Playstation 5 controllers have adaptive triggers, that's about all I can think of. Now how easy would it be to make more novel inputs? I'm sure you've seen that video of that one tank game where some guys actually built an input scheme that required multiple guys to reload, move, and fire. Such a thing would be perfect for an arcade. The big issue is the costs associated with the development of such a game, but if you can work that out I'm sure it would still be profitable in thr current day.

There's games that use a game mat, there's console games like just dance for the wii that I know some people still play, then there's vr stuff like beat saber. It's not the same, but if it scratches that itch for just enough people then these machines no longer attract enough people for arcades to turn a profit.
>These corporate arcades do not want janky or mismatched parts
When was the last time you were at a Dave n Busters?
>There's games that use a game mat
That hasn't been true for 18 years.

>there's console games like just dance for the wii
It pains me to say it but the Wii is almost 20 years old.
Last Tuesday. Even had a discussion with the arcade manager. Their official policy is to cycle out old machines after 7 years.

How much would it cost to get a CPS2 game decompiled?
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86 million dollars
outrun was made into the open source game cannonball

it would be more about time, the actual code would be much smaller than the graphics but I think someone can do that with stuff like the mame debugger and ghidra. I've looked into it for 8 bit games but need a few uninterrupted days to really get into it, I would rather have an automated way because say with physics you will have one subroutine but then another part of the physics will be way further into the code because they wanted this to be synced to frame rate or maybe every 2 frames.

It could be good to natively port CPS stuff to dreamcast or other systems.
Decompiling isn't actually the tough part, it's porting over all the graphics routines and other custom garbage. A lot of these games relied on custom chips to do some of the work. Those would have to be emulated.
>it's porting over all the graphics routines
This is not part of the game's code?
Is is part of some other ROM chip on the CPS2 boards?
>Is is part of some other ROM chip on the CPS2 boards?

It has some custom chips. Think of the ROM as the cartridge, and the board as the console.

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Why do I see people clamoring for remakes of everything nowadays? Everytime a classic game is brought up people literally beg for remakes. And this was after Dq3 hd2d electric boogaloo came out proving they'd censor shit like Ayla and it would look inferior to full sprites. Is it zoomers or millenials? Do people not know how to emulate?! I dont fucking get it. You're using a computer its FREE ITS FREE BITCH ITS RIGHT FUCKING THERE AHHHHH
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they removed the semi-perfectcell shoop da woop lips on the boss troll and specifically just him
Lol you're not getting Chrono Fighter, that's a huge budget sink.
New franchises are a big risk and most fail and are called derivative in some way.
Video games cost a lot of money now and going with an established IP is usually a safe bet to make a profit, but maybe not the most profit. I think companies sometimes use remakes as a project for their newer/younger teams to teach and filter for good workers.
The game was essentially only half finished, the second disc was mostly a movie.

Xenosaga was kind of boring compared to Xenogears sadly.
Yeah. They treat it like the toy version of movies, and not the artform side of it. aka, "cinematic slop" like the Avengers.
Very astute, anon.

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