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Previous Thread: >>11473561

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VBDev: virtual-boy.com/development/

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You should change up the pic next thread.
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pope hentai makes the best shit
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Mayday mayday, abandon ship!
>minimalistic HUD
>Super Mario World Restored OST
So how does it work exactly? These tracks are 100% made up from 0, but using all the original synthesizers that Koji Kondo used to sample on the SNES?
For those who never heard of this, here's an example:
I just don't quite understand how this was made even after reading the video description.
Yes, the original, full-quality samples, without being heavily compressed to fit into a SNES cart.
And how did these guys do it? They somehow found the original samples? (Maybw from gigaleak or something), or they tracked down the actual synthesizers Kondo used and then proceeded to re-create the tracks from 0?
Sorry if my questions seem dumb but I have 0 idea about how sampling works
Then what would you use? This version has its own message box system which has really come in handy
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A lot of composers at the time used very popular synthesizers such as those by Korg to do the music, so that makes it pretty easy to find the samples. I think the bass sample used in the Seinfeld theme comes from pic related.
So those tracks on YouTube are re-creations, right? Like covers, using the original sounds. Is that what it is?
Yes, they take the original, uncompressed samples and stick them into a MIDI editor like FL Studio.
I see, thank you
Can you move it a little bit lower so it doesn't get cut off on a CRT?
Find Luigi is some bullet hell shit
When is Someone going to port Sonic the Fighters for the Saturn?
do it yourself faggot
Anyone know if the oldschool mid 00's hentai roms survived? Or any other /vr/ ecchi/hentai in general for /vr/?
Try Russian website emu-land.net. Pick a console, choose roms and look under the Misc section. There should be a link called Public Domain. I bet there's some 2000s booba there.
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BBStudio got its 2nd alpha released, introduces LOGO mode for limitless 8x8 tiles on a single NES screen.


(I made this using it)
>BB Studio uses a custom NES mapper
The guy's so obsessed with making it backwards compatible with GB Studio that he's gone and targeted some made-up "GBNES" hybrid console. It honestly makes me a little sad. What's even the point?
Wouldnt be so bad if GBStudio games run smooth with no lag and chunky scrolling to begin with, he is so damn stubborn on ''keeping synergy'' between GBS and BBS.

But you know what, if only because the level entry is more friendly then fucking ASM and even that trash-heap that was NESMaker.
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>BBStudio got limitless memory!
Ok, so it's the same as the MXM (former dawn) rainbow (with wifi online play). I second >>11506976 why make a new mapper when there are still so many unexplored ones like MMC5 which provide a lot of the features people are already looking for (8x8 BG attributes, 1MB memory, 128kb WRAM)

With some dithering and compression you can get decent results even with stock 2a03.
Cool image. The dithering almost gives off a PC-88 vibe.
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Thanks, working on image processing on the NES using a specialized anti-rainbow dithering pattern
HALO IF HE DOESN'T AFRAID OF 64!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The main promise is that BBS will have PGR memory for up to 2MB games, early on he said it woulf been 4MB but that woulf be for emulators, the developer its kinfa of an insecure guy.
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I enjoy seeing the system pushed to it's limits don't get me wrong. But modern day "super mappers" are a little less impressive then putting the same thing on stock hardware. They remove limitations that were critical to the development of games in the 8 bit era. On the extreme end, you have people that blatantly remove the hardware limitation of the system entirely just to get something running.

On the other you have the die hard retro enthusiasts that see any changes outside of the status quo as an abomination to the genre.

My point isn't to bash those that want to push the hardware further. It's to explain my opinion about moving the goalpost closer artificially. The point of using the NES as a system is to adapt it's weaknesses and use creative limitations to enhance your project. Imagine if someone came out with a hardware mod for the original Gameboy that added 20 more colors. That's really cool from a hardware perspective. However from a development standpoint it undermines the point of being stuck with 4 colors. Being restricted meant thinking about how a scene would be portrayed under such limits, which is what made the Gameboy a challenge to design for. Removing retro console limits can ultimately strip them of their charm.
Well to be fair, i dont think the BBS mapper its gonna act like an FPGA that will power up the NES to be like a PS1 with an 8-bit color palette like with the MXM mapper, at least not so far.

The BB Studio mapper can be built with just about a dozen TTL chips (or a cheap CPLD), however. It does nothing that didn't exist in the late 1980s or couldn't be achieved with an MMC5 - it just does so in a more cost-effective way for people wanting to put their game on a cartridge.

While the specification is not finalized, the current prototype implementation limits itself to UNROM-style banking, four-screen nametables, MMC5-style 8x8 attribute mode, and MMC3-style IRQs.
>UNROM style banking

Id that bad?
Even if it were possible (economical, even) to produce such a mapper, it's still inauthentic "fantasy" hardware. Not my cup of tea, personally, but to each their own.
Here it 69 theme.

Anyone managed to get Changeable Guardian ESTIQUE? I have a file for it but the guys who have it still aren't sure if it is a bad dump or mapper support due to graphics bugs
>UNROM-style banking, four-screen nametables, MMC5-style 8x8 attribute mode, and MMC3-style IRQs.

The MMC5 has both IRQ and swappable banks which would beat UNROM's banking. Why not make a GUI for MMC5 development rather than go all in on a fantasy cart?
>MMC5's too expensive to manufacture at the moment.
That's because it's under researched! Everyone's putting their time into these fantasy carts without even considering ones that already exist. All they need to work is more interest and exploration!

I agree with >>11510749 no matter how "close" it will always be "fantasy" hardware to the hardcore fans.
Note that the UNROM-512 mapper used by NESMaker, the GTROM mapper, and the Action 53 mapper used in yearly NES homebrew competitions are all already "fantasy".

>That's because it's under researched!
There's four PRG/CHR banking modes, PRG-RAM banking, hardware multiplication, counter-based scanline detection, 1KB of additional built-in RAM, two pulse channels, a PCM audio channel, a "fill mode" nametable for screen transitions, hardware 8x8 attributes, hardware vertical splits, support for 16384 distinct background tiles (up from 256), automatic 8x16 sprite banking (doubling the number of usable tiles for those sprites). The MMC5A revision also adds a hardware IRQ timer!

Being under-researched has nothing to do with pricing. You can't put a full MMC5 on a cheap CPLD, they're simply not large enough to fit all the logic elements to support its features. Even the budget KrzysioCart flashcart stops at MMC3/UNROM-level functionality. The MMC5 has been considered, but homebrew developers like putting their games on cartridges people can actually afford. Sacrificing existing retail games to desolder their mapper chips is also seen as unacceptable by many in the scene, even if it's more "realistic".

If it still bothers you as a developer, I'm sure it will be possible to patch BB Studio to output MMC5 ROMs instead, it's a strict superset of functionality after all.
>some 2000s booba
Takuma Kusanagi
Pompous snobs, that what you guys are.
Everyone said the same thing about MMC3 in the 2000's. Only UNROM was possible because the MMC3 had: Swappable 8KB PRG and CHR banks, dynamically configurable nametable mirroring, even a scanline-based IRQ counter. People said it was impossible until they dug into the chip and remade it with modern parts. If it's "impossible" then why even try right? I'm sure it's easier to add FM sampling, 150 other colors, online play support, infinite bank space ext.
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Blog time: today I've finished the intro and with it the game.
Now I just need to optimize and test :)
I never said it's impossible to do. I said it's impossible to do inexpensively. Rainbow or MXM cartridges that you're deriding are not only expensive to make, they also require you to go through a specific publisher. You're not going to make a cheap DIY run of cartridges containing your first game using these mappers.

This is also true with regards to MMC3. An UNROM-512 PCB costs $4 with Muramasa; an MMC3 PCB is $6 while also requiring many more discrete parts and a Chinese-sourced clone of the mapper. The existence of such clones is not something the homebrew community can influence in any way; we're forced to use CPLDs and FPGAs, which add further to cost.
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>it's really happening
Huge congrats, anon.
But.. you said it would never be finished!
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I really thought I was never going to finish it :)
Well congrats, you're almost halfway there. Now comes the endless tweaking and bug fixing an improving. This is that 20% that you'll spend 80% of your time on.
Futa pass
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That's great to hear. Happy to see progress in the field of NES development. Hat's off to the BB Studio team for considering NES limits when working on the chip. I can't wait to see what people cook up with it.
I tought you had issues with it?

Also sucks there is no full or at least a tech demo project for BBS that is not jist that putrid GBS sample project ported over.
Got auto-tiling working (more or less).
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Even though it's not my cup of tea, I'm glad that people are passionate enough about NES hardware to explore it limits. I can totally get why people are happy that new tools are coming out for their favorite system and hope that it leads to more unique opportunities for homebrew titles ala NES maker. Personally, I probably wont end up using it for my own projects. That doesn't mean I dislike it by any means (the same goes for the MXM and Rainbow mappers) only that I find games that don't use extra features as more impressive, as their much harder to pull off.

I believe using original hardware limits enhances creativity. So if BBS also follows the general limits of the system I don't really see any harm in it.

>UNROM-style banking, four-screen nametables, MMC5-style 8x8 attribute mode, and MMC3-style IRQs.
This put my concerns of hardware revisionism to rest.


Who's willing to Buy these?
Looks great.
Has anyone tried the new GPU-accelerated version of WiiStation?
yeah, shits ugly, broken tile graphics even in 2D, and 240p doesnt work and bilinear is up the ass.

Its true that performance is now higher, but man if the graphics are gonna look that fucked up even when 240p gets restored, ill stick with the regular software render version even if some games hang up.
i'm not even willing to play the free demos
Oh boo hoo
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>still no submission system at neorhdn
>old rhdn quietly reallows updates
Damn, this night hobbler guy must really hate Gideon
neorhdn was dead on arrival
>>old rhdn quietly reallows updates
So it was all a nothingburger?
I was going to say updates are not new hacks, but it would appear new hacks can be uploaded as well.
the download counter seems to be working again too, now if he'd just allow for new reviews...

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