is it worth it if you don't have a CRT?
It has 2ms less input lag than software emu iirc
It has more soul than software emulation
>>11513114It's worthless.>>11513181False. I'm enjoying Duckstation because it's allowing me to play Silent Hill without spending $615 on an overpriced emulation device or $75 to repair my PS3.
>>11513206a 3do core has been announced, I might actually get it just for that alone to be honest.
>>11513206without spending $615 on an overpriced emulation deviceno way a mister that can play ps1 is 600 something bucks now emulation has been around since the console came out basically.There's no way you don't have an old computer lying around that can't emulate already
>>11513272They aren't $600, they're like $150 now.
>>11513114I use it all the time without having a CRT, but dont get it for N64 imo.Also, make sure you do your research and dont buy from terasic, there's cheap options now with no compromise
>>115132623DO has never had any games that captured my interest, but have fun.>>11513272I'm actually using my gaming PC to emulate PS1 games via Duckstation. I also have a pre-built PC, but I'm not using it currently. Either way, I won't have to fork up $615 or $150(whatever the MiSTer cost), to play old games. Emulation on my gaming PC plays very smoothly.
>>11513382fair enough , to each their own - i mean there is now a CD-i core either in the works or already implemented - I never had any interest in that system either, but im sure someone else does.
>>11513313>but dont get it for N64 imo.could you give us some backstory?I do not see why it should not be used for nintendo64. I thought the core was fine?
>>11513114How is this thing for arcade emulation? I'd imagine the things that work run better than they do on mame but there's a lot lower compatibility. Mostly interested in Capcom, Konami, Namco, Sega, SNK, etc.
>>11513459Also wondering this. I know it works with Jamma but how are it's arcade cores?
>>11513181Cope, it's just an emu box with extra steps.
>>11513502How is it a cope?
I would get a CRT because MiSTer on a CRT is stupendous. I have never used it on an LCD or an OLED. If I couldn't get a CRT, I don't think I would pull the trigger on a MiSTer.
>>11513206The complete qmtech mister clone is like 175 dollars.You can say that's still too much when software emu is free, but update your number when you seethe from now on.
>>11513459I hear it's pretty decent.
>>11513459>>11513501>>11513634Yeah, if there's a core for the game you want to play then it should be practically flawless. The best thing about it, though, is there's an alternative update script 'update_all' which you can set to automatically download all of the available arcade games for you and set them up. Just be sure to look up whether the game(s) you're interested in playing are on there.
>>11513114Is there any point in getting one if I already have a PC with emudriver?
It's not worth it if you have a CRT either. I regretted it immediately and just spent like $100 on a desktop that can emulate past 4th gen properly unlike the sister
>>11514017Why did you regret it?
>>11514024Because it lags trying to emulate 5th gen and can't do 6th gen+ at all. costs way too much for such limited performance
>>11514031>Because it lags trying to emulate 5th genIt does not. There's even overclocked cores for Playstation and N64.
>>11514032Why are you lying?
>>11514036You're the one lying.'s the overclocked cores with better analog video.
>>11513313>but dont get it for N64 imoWhy not? It works better than just about any N64 software emulator. The only stuff that gave me trouble were romhacks and homebrew that were intended for emulators and have issues on real hardware too.>there's cheap options now with no compromiseFor Taki's boards yeah, they more or less have no compromises outside of a 0.001% edge case where you have a weird custom board you want to use instead of the standard boards (even though 99% of standard boards will also work) that heavily relies on there being a barrel jack or mini-USB instead of the USB-C ports he used, if you really really need that second SD slot in the I/O board that nothing uses anymore (the spot for the slot is still there, the connector itself is just no longer soldered onto the board), or if you really really want a case designed for the original MiSter stack since the ports are in slightly different locations.Beyond those edge cases that almost nobody would care about, pretty much no compromise, yeah.QM's are a different story, they will still work out for most people, but they do have a few compromises and are not compatible with most other's accessories or addons.>>11513459There are a lot of arcade games that work on it now, as well as of course all of Neo-Geo, but it's not going to have the full list of MAME's supported games. There were some bugs in MAME emulation that due to the MiSTer cores were identified and fixed, so it's safe to say that the arcade cores it does get are pretty accurate.>>11513665No additional lag, more accurate in many cases, easy to hookup to a CRT, can use lightguns if you are using a CRT, can use original controllers, is a tiny box that has instant boot times that can sit by your TV.>>11514031>Because it lags trying to emulate 5th genLike >>11514032 said, it does not. It can handle PS1 and N64 pretty much perfectly now, does a better job on N64 than just about any software emulator.
It has been in my experience, yes. I've tried just about every emulation box and even a fully fledged gaming PC in my living room and the Mister is by far the best experience. >Incredibly simple controller UI>Set it and forget it options>Extremely low input latency when paired with the right controller>In my experience it runs N64 leagues better than Ares or Parallel-equipped mupen forksIts great, and you should take notice that most Mister threads are just shitposters who don't even own one. I don't think I've ever seen someone on this board say they regret buying one.Only drawback in my mind is the lack of 6th gen emulation and the PS1 core isn't as versatile as Duckstation (PGXP and downsampling are amazing). But beyond that, no complaints at all. Finished many many games on my Mister.
>>11514517This. Please buy it. Real ads are expensive.
>>11514580If that was Taki he would have been shilling that PS1 thing he has been working on, not the MiSTer.
>>11514704PSX - not accurateN64 - not accurateSaturn - not accurate3DO - not accurateJotego - not accurate(Also n64 and psx dev had to increase latency on the core because of Tacky board)Buy a MiSTer Pi today!
>>11516441PSX is accurate except for a handful of games that have 99.99% accuracy in audio, which you can make 100% accurate if you go dual-RAM.N64 is about 98% accurate, moreso than software emulation.Saturn is not finished3DO was just fucking announced and not even an early access beta is available yetJotego's arcade cores are so accurate they made the MAME team realize their emulation of some of the games was actually inaccurate, including the entirety of MAME's CPS1 emulation running 45% faster than it was supposed toTrolling used to have effort put into it
>>11516479lol they never even properly tested accuracygoing through games and seeing if they "look okay" is not a proper test
Is an FPGA PS2 a pipe dream?
>>11516479>PSX is accurate exceptSo not, then.>N64 is about 98% accurateSo not, then.
>>11516502It's better than accurate.
>>11516441pr4m0d is that you?>>11514509>Why not? It works better than just about any N64 software emulatori guess i have bias cause I use a real n64. didnt mean to say mister's n64 is worse than software emulation, meant to say get a retrotink and use your n64 instead
>>11516481That's not what they did, even whole new hardware tests were written to compare the cores to actual hardware.>>11516482Yes for any time in the near future. With current tech a FPGA that can handle a PS2 would cost as much as a car. On top of that there is the problem that there was a massive exponential increase in CPU and GPU complexity in the late 90s, likely far more than one man can handle even if we had the FPGA for it. Would likely require a team of crack engineers working on it.The only possible small ray of hope is that FPGA emulation is becoming more popular and slightly mainstream, so there is a small chance that FPGA development could see a huge boost in advancement too if it becomes commercially beneficial to do so. That's a big if though, even devices like the MiSTer and Analogue's systems are still niche right now, but gaining in popularity.Dreamcast is a real possibility though, but not with the FPGA in the MiSTer.>>11516502Like I said, trolling used to have effort put into it.
>>11516523>i guess i have bias cause I use a real n64. didnt mean to say mister's n64 is worse than software emulation, meant to say get a retrotink and use your n64 insteadProblem is that requires me to buy at least an RGB if not HDMI mod for one my N64s, and a SummerCart, and a retrotink, and that still just gets me N64, not the dozens of other systems my MiSTer can do.I would like to HDMI/RGB mod my systems someday and get ODE or flashcards for them, as well as a retrotink, but for now a MiSter costs less than the 1080p versions of a Retrotink, and that's not even getting into flashcarts/ODEs and RGB/HDMI mods.
>>11516479>98%kek its less accurate than project64
So, where's my cheapass chink clone I can just buy off Ali? Wasn't one supposed to come out last year?
>>11516479>more console cores addedwe ever going to see more work on pc88 pc98 & x68k cores again?
>>11516523Apparently pr4m0d has mellowed out a bit. He mentioned getting out his MiSTer unit again for development.
>>11516625They did come out. They're sold by QMTECH, and they're like $165 or so.
>>11513114It will be worth it when it's cheap.
>>11516535>FPGA development could see a huge boost in advancement too if it becomes commercially beneficial to do so. That's a big if though, even devices like the MiSTer and Analogue's systems are still niche right now, but gaining in popularity.It will always be commercially more viable to do software emulation on a budget off-the-shelf ARM SOC using open source emulators that FLOSS jannies slowly kill themselves developing for free, even your average /vr/gin can’t tell the difference between modern software emulation on chinkshit and original hardware no matter how much they claim they canAnalogue has made the correct call in intentionally marketing themselves as premium over engineered devices, that’s where the market for consumer gaming FPGAs are
>3 posts in>disingenuous autist has already started >LE $615 DEVICE BRO>rest of the thread is pointless shitflinging instead of adult discussionGod, I fucking hate MiSTer threads.
>see jaguar turn up in repository>see it has single ram build>launch tempest 2000>it actually works, albeit with slowdownIt's cool to see new stuff appear from time to time
>>11516535>if it becomes commercially beneficial to do soI mean I'm rooting for this as much as the next guy but retro gaming at large and the needs of FPGA over sofware emulation ontop of that makes it such a small market that it will never get as popular as it would need.
>>11519251>>11519703I never said they would be cheaper than a SoC, or more popular than the Pi route, I am just saying they could gain in popularity and have the public become more aware, which could stir improved development. There are people who will always go for the cheapest option, and people who want the premium option even if it costs more. Just because Fords exist does not mean nobody will buy a Mercedes even though both get you from point A to B.
>>11519330I mean I can see the argument cause you can buy a computer for less than $600 that will run all the way up to like ps3 and wii but you probably can't hook it to an old tv.
>>11520892>a Ford will get from point a to bOnly if trip is all down hill
>>11513114Isn't this quite literally just a mini PC/dedicated retroarch box with outputs specifically made to work with older displays? Unless I misunderstand the device entirely.
>>11521116It is not.
>>11520903You can buy or build a PC that can run up to ps3 for like $150-$300 and that can hook up directly to an older display. ps3 emulation has really low requirements for the most part. So you just build something with a GPU before they dropped analog support (r9 380x was last AMD with analog). Lots of variation on the price depending on what you can find since it's all used though.
>>11520892This is the exact point I was making anon, chinkshit is the Ford and Analogue is the Mercedes, and they are savvy enough to know that they shouldn’t try for the Ford sized market.Regardless of what you think of them, the fact that they’re prepping their sixth console now shows they’re clearly financially viable.
>>11516535>Like I said, trolling used to have effort put into it.Well stop saying this bullshit because nothing like trolling was said to you, if anyone's trolling here it's you. What does "98% accurate" mean? It's just a number you pulled out of your ass along with this other nonsense technical jargon you're babbling that may not be false, but is totally misinforming people who think it's going to be about the same as the n64/playstation/saturn if they play it on a MiSTer when except for turn-based games or something it'll be completely different.
>>11513114>if you don't have a CRT?Where is the relation to a CRT?
>>11521116You do.
>>11518057Look at the post above yours
>>11521383>This is the exact point I was making anon, chinkshit is the Ford and Analogue is the Mercedes, and they are savvy enough to know that they shouldn’t try for the Ford sized market.I don't think you understand, I wasn't saying that either are chinkshit. I was comparing using something like a Pi vs a FPGA for emulation. Sure, a Pi will get you there, but with caveats and it's not as good as using a FPGA. I was saying that there are people who don't care if the Pi has faults and to them it's good enough, and there are people who want the premium experience and to have it be as ideal an experience as possible.> the fact that they’re prepping their sixth console now shows they’re clearly financially viableI don't even know what console you're talking about here>>11521391>if anyone's trolling here it's youReally? Pulling a "No, u"? You have to be 18 to post here you realize?>What does "98% accurate" mean? It's just a number you pulled out of your ass along with this other nonsense technical jargon you're babbling that may not be falseSo you're too stupid to even understand what I am talking about I see.>but is totally misinforming people who think it's going to be about the same as the n64/playstation/saturn if they play it on a MiSTer when except for turn-based games or something it'll be completely differentNo, no it's not. Where are you even getting the logic that it's only going to be the same for turn-based games? Are you under the assumption that it adds lag? Because one of the key points is that it does not, unlike software emulation.
>>11521116>Unless I misunderstand the device entirely.You did, it uses a FPGA to emulate the systems, not a CPU. It's more an electronic hardware recreation than a program mimicking the console on a CPU. A FPGA is a chip that you can basically program to function like other chips, the console's hardware is essentially being re-created electronically in the FPGA and then the games are being run on that re-created hardware.
>>11521450>Really? Pulling a "No, u"? You have to be 18 to post here you realize?Just forget it pal, you're not worthy of any response by an intelligent person. Just try not to spread misinformation and troll by calling other people trolls when they call you out or even politely question your larp. I can't make you do it, I can only request. Have a nice day.
>>11521492I see you have conceded, do try to be less retarded in the future
>>11513114it isn't worth it because (You) don't actually play g*mes much.
>>11521459What's the difference between FPGA and "system on a chip" based systems? Do those use software emulation too?
>>11521682>What's the difference between FPGA and "system on a chip" based systems?SOCs are immutable. FPGAs are not.
>>11521694So SOC is hardware emulation then, except it accomplishes it at a cheaper cost because there are plenty of dirt cheap SOC systems where as FPGA is usually much more expensive.
>>11521810Shut up.
>>11516441What's the state of emulation for the Saturn? I hear it's pretty good, is it better than mister?
>>11521682Anything using a CPU to do it is software emulation, that includes SoCs. As for differences between that and FPGA, FPGAs have potential to be cycle accurate (Assuming the person writing the core did their job well), do not add output lag or input latency, can electronically work with original accessories, and can natively output analog.
Mister Scam con
considering that a mister clone costs about the same as a single flashcart, I don't know why you wouldn't just go with the misterhell, just repairing my psx would run me about $40 bucks
>>11521523Using the word conceded on 4chan means you are admitting you're wrong and gay
>>11522169it seems like a decent deal now that the price has dropped. And I used to be one of the people hating on it. Just wish they would be honest in their marketing. Not sure if it's just devoted retards or dumb shills but muh 100%cycle accuracy shit is snake oil.
>>11522372It's an open source project, there is no "marketing". Also it's Analogue that claims 100% accuracy, most MiSTer users are honest about which cores are not accurate, and there are cycle-accurate cores, just that every single core out of the nearly hundred on it are not cycle accurate, and some like N64 likely never will be.
>>11521810are you legitimately retarded?
>>11521523I did not concede as you well know you fucking idiot. Concede what? You're the one running around like a teenage boyCalling people trolls is a well known method of trolling. Why out of the blue did you start doing that? You're coming up with all these quips like "trolling used to have effort put into it", is that supposed to be impressive? It's not original is it? Even if you think they're retarded, why are you disingenuously calling them trolls? Why lie? That was my main point, and no I did not concede it and neither is this one of those times you could say "i'll take that as a concession" fucking retard. You're just babbling words at this point. Did you notice you are the only person here pulling out all of these meme comebacks like "pulling a "no, u" and "You have to be 18 to post here". Just stop, the people here are more mature than most boards and you're sticking out like a sore thumb - now it's quite possible you are a 40 year old acting this retarded and immature way, that wouldn't surprise me either. You're really bringing down the average iq of the place here, and that's quite something given some of the tards that often come here. Your posts are just so void or have such low-density of any sort of information or quality in them at all and it's all stupid this or stupid that. Now, if you think that MisterFPGA is basically the same as playing a N64 and other consoles then by all means go ahead and do it. You can claim this is your opinion if you want. So again, hopefully you'll stop. Go be with other frens on tiktok or discord.
>>11522995>Over 1500 characters of raving like a lunatic and just slinging insultsI see you concur that you have conceded
>>11522589>it the "muh open souce" shillkek. The open source part is just so they can profit off free volunteer labor. The hardware is sold at a profit.
>>11523082Yeah, sure, Terasic depends on "free labor" to sell their bottom-line board intended for education when most of their products are intended for professional use and cost several thousand each. Because clearly people using their budget board intended for educational use for retro gaming is their main focus.
>>11522615DESU I want to know. Yeah obviously anything made of off the shelf components will need to use software emulation but I want to know if there are any companies that actually have made systems that clone/emulate the hardware without fpga.
>>11523208SOC is just all components of a usual computer in one chip. The hardware is not programmable in the way that FPGA is. SOCs are still using software emulation. >I want to know if there are any companies that actually have made systems that clone/emulate the hardware without fpga.I mean other than just building their own with real hardware? Don't think that's ever happened.
>>11522995>proceeds to rant like some fag on the ragkys
I find it hard to believe that people frequenting /vr/ don't have a CRT.
>>11513114I have one and I rarely use it. I bought since it was a better option at the time than buying a Sega Saturn and an optical drive emulator and having to recap the aging console. I dont regret the purchase since it made me realize I dont like the Saturn game library. Its ok at best, lot of quirky Japanese games. Still a great option for playing consoles you never plan on buying the actual hardware.
>>11523208Technically you can get FPGAs off the shelf, those aren't software emulation.And a SoC as the name System on a Chip suggests is just several components along with the CPU on one chip to basically make it a usable system from just that chip. Usually this means a GPU and other components, sometimes even the RAM, is also housed on the same chip package. It's no different usage-wise than if the components were separate, a SoC isn't anything different or special than just having the CPU, GPU, RAM, etc as separate chips on the board, so you can just go ahead and think of a SoC as just those components in terms of usage and what they can do.And yes, clone system exist that have copied/harvested chips. Obviously you can't get those off the shelf, but some have manufactured chips that are clones or close enough clones of the originals, or in some cases harvested them out of other consoles working or not (I think the original Analogue NES units were harvested chips). Nowadays though the vast majority are software emulation.>>11523525Don't forget the Saturn core is still an unfinished beta
>>11523090I didn't say anything about Terasic. You know what you're doing. The vendor selling this crap shill it because it's profitable. It's even more profitable due to being open source and no labor costs.
>>11524609You realize open source has nothing to do with labor costs right? Open source means the R&D has been done, it won't magically materialize the product in your hands, that still requires labor to build.
>>11523659I just hope as time goes on FPGA chips drop in price and we enter an era of very cheap hardware emulation. But also I don't think it will overtake software based emulation, it's future seems uncertain.
>>11524847>Open source>0 money>paid laborkek
>>11513114i FOMOed into getting one when they were selling clones for relatively cheap a while back. i mainly use a Wii and everything that it emulates looks gorgeous in 240p on my crt. if this is able to do that, then yeah it was worth the money cuz i just want an equivalent experience for everything the Wii can't handle. i just gotta figure out what converter or whatever since it has only VGA out
I only care about 2D arcade games, how powerful mister do I need, what china store and what do I need to hook it up with scart RGB to a CRT.Shameful spoonfeed request.
>>11526456>how powerful mister do I needThere is just one FPGA option for a MiSTer setup, there aren't different degrees of power. Outside of a RAM module, which is practically essential, all the other add-ons are just for making it easier to use (like a USB hub) or for more features (analog output for example) not to enable it to play more games or give it more power.There are a few other less powerful FPGA projects, but they are generally centered around a single system like the NESTang or SNESTang (No prizes for guessing what systems those run). The only other FPGA device that does arcade I am aware of is the Analogue Pocket, which costs more than a MiSTer (and considerably more if you also add a dock for HDMI output) while supporting less systems/games.The only thing you *might* not need if your intention is arcade games being output to CRT is the USB hub, but I would recommend that anyway. If you are planning to put it in an arcade cabinet though there are boards you can plug the DE-10 into designed to give it a JAMMA connector intended for arcade cabinets.
Find a compiled Atari Jaguar core on the forums (or compile it yourself) and play Super Burnout RIGHT NOW!!!
>>11527175I played around with the core last week. Club Drive is underrated, most just see it as a terrible game, but it's also a very amusing bad game. Checkered Flag however, that game is just bad in every regard.
>>11513114Yes, if you just want a fuss-free box to plug into your TV, especially now you can get them at a reasonable price. Faggots bitching about it have never tried one. Software emulation is fine but Mister is just better for a livingroom setup and you're not distracted by 'oh there's an update for my graphics card', 'oh, Steam wants to update', 'oh, sudden random CPU spike ' etc.
>>11527227I think the core is not yet running at full speed due to memory layout challenges (Tempest 2000 felt too slow to me) and Checkered Flag must be very sensitive to hardware specs, it used to run way too fast on old emulators.
>>11527316>having automatic updates enabled for absolutely anything>using Steam>"""random CPU spikes""" because his rig isn't optimized and he has 2 terrabytes of chinese horse porn loaded with trojans and rootkitsngmi
I see that for component output all you need is a vga->component cable and to change a setting in a config file, but what about for composite output? can I just set the config file to cvbs and use the something like this?
I check AliExpress, what the fuck are up with the prices?
>>11527794MiSTer does not output composite video natively, but there's a specifically designed adapter available from many sellers which extracts S-Video and composite signals from RGB. With such adapter you can set the setting in the config file. Look for "Active Y/C adapter" to get what you need.
>>11527818Sounds like a good way to add latency.
>>11529004There's no digital image processing.
>>11529021I've heard it does add a little bit though.
>>11529310MiSter's DAC uses a resistor ladder to convert from Digital, a lagless process. Analog latency is identical to real hardware.
>>11529496I think he means going from RGB to Y/C. DAC conversion lag might not be noticeable but 2 steps is bound to add more lag than 1.
>>11529496Why would you ever want a crappy R-2R DAC? Complete audiophile nonsense.Latency free sigma-delta DACs exist and are much better than resistor ladder crap.
>>11529501Isn't that just combining the signals along with a sync? Not performing any sort of conversion?
>>11529507Why are you asking me lol, I don't work for Terrasic.
>>11529523Wouldn't that conversion happen on the I/O board, which has nothing to do with Terasic?
>>11529501It's not that the DAC conversion lag might not be noticable, it doesn't exist.
>>11529527True, my bad. So ask Sorg who creates the reference design for that stuff.
what is it
>>11529558The previous 100 posts in this thread didn't make it clear what it is?
>>11529561From the posts it seems like some sort of autism device for homosexuals.
>>11513114It's the only way to get same input lag as original hardware on an HDTV as well (the only lag will be your display lag@60Hz over CRT, which for good TVs can be as low as a couple ms. Just make sure you enable the low lag mode.Even something like RetroArch has two frames of V-Sync lag on a 60Hz display. Although with a high refresh-rate VRR monitor, RetroArch will be less lag than MiSTer and original hardware
>>11529310Any "lag" MiSTer adds for DAC is less than a fraction of a ms, which is also confirmed in slow-motion button2pixel input lag tests
>>11529578nonsense. If you actually believe this you are retarded. Even original hardware has "Vsync lag" and whatever snake oil bullshit you are trying to claim only exists in your head. Lag tests show mister performing equal or worse than retroarch.
>>11529569It is, but that's not its primary function.
>>11527818I don't think they sell those anymore.
>>11529654I don't have to believe it, because I've tested it firsthand with a 240fps camera. The only way to get RetroArch similar lag to MiSTer on a 60Hz fixed refresh-rate display is to disable v-sync in RetroArch which causes unplayable amounts of screen tearing. The best compromise is RTSS's scanline sync, but that still adds about a frame and a half. Again, test it yourself. For RetroArch, I use it on my 240Hz VRR monitor, so the input lag is already as low as you can get it, and lower than MiSTer/original hardware.
>>11529676Are you using run ahead on retroarch?
>>11529676>unplayable amounts of screen tearinggod I hate zoomers
>>11529679shut the fuck up retard, the fact that you even mention that grift INSTANTLY outs you as a retard. Run-ahead has NOTHING to do with inherent input lag of a setup.
>>11529684You are a fucking retard, there is a massive tear constantly moving up and down the screen, which is especially egregious in scrolling games. It's actually unplayable unless you are just a complete mouthbreathing retard. Disabling v-sync on a VRR display won't make a difference
>>11529679>>11529685and no, I would never use run-ahead (which again, is only for in-game input lag, not overall setup lag), because it increases input lag variance substantially for a minor improvement in raw input lag. Also, the real improvement is a half frame less than your frames of run-ahead, it can cause graphical issues in a lot of games, and you can only do n-1 frames of run-ahead to the quickest responding action in the game
>>11529654Post the lag tests.
>>11529654 has roughly the equivalent of vsync_adjust=0 lag, while MiSTer with vsync_adjust=2 is native original hardware level lag (plus any display lag), but it can cause issues with some TVs, especially in games that frequently swap resolutions.
>>11527806pls respond
>>11529654Notice how mad he is at someone saying the objective truth he had to samefag. This anon is clearly right and the other guy is just an ass blasted mister shill.
>>11529714#1: Real hardware#2: Emulation (this includes mister)
>>11529991notice how this lying faggot left the thread after getting completely destroyed over a series of posts. sorry "muh feels" doesn't count in this thread. Test the shit yourself and see.
>>11530029>sorry "muh feels" doesn't count in this threadkek coming from the seething liar this is pretty funny
>Paying 450$ to emulate 3DO FMV shovelware on FGPAOverall MiSTer is cool as fuck though.
>>11513118You can do rollback with emulation and have less input latency than even native hardware.
>>11514509I have a qmtech one and it is great. Been using it mostly for Neogeo, PS1 and Saturn. Everything runs smoothly, but configuration is somewhat tricky. There are tons of guides though and the community is amazing.Where there are hurdles, there's always someone to explain and guide you.It also runs amiga and MSX like butter, which is pretty great if you're into those like I am. Highly recommend it for retro computer nerds as well.It's no use trying to convince people that it's a little beast of a box.If you have the chance to try it, take a chance. And N64 is quite on it too, though I despise that console.
meant to say the N64 is quite good on it.If you're into 3DO or CD-I... hell, it even started running Jaguar, get it. It's a no brainer.
>>11513114Plenty of anons have already given a good rundown, but here's my 50p.At today's price it's a nice piece of hardware. I got mine for about 190$ (150£) shipping included.It's not a silver bullet, but it works for some use cases. I originally planned to hook it to my crt via composite, but it requires an additional active adapter and special cores, and even though I have the adapter I pushed the idea out of laziness. Also I don't like the idea of using specially compiled cores to work with the adapter I have. If you plan on using RGB the setup is way easier and doesn't require special adapters (just a fancy cable). Another key reason why I didn't hook it to a CRT was when I tested it with my regular TV via HDMI I was happy with the overall experience. It's hassle free: no upscalers needed, low latency, and the picture looks nice with some shaders I configured. So it now sits in my living room where I play it with my wife or occasionally with friends when they come over. I also have a pc wired to my living room TV where I have all the emulators and roms, but I'm now thinking of retiring it. The mister is less clunky to use and gives me an overall better experience in a smaller form factor.Having said that, I have the original hardware hooked to my CRT for all the consoles I play. I originally planned on using the mister for the hardware that's expensive or hard to find (ie. pc engine), since I also don't give a fuck about collecting games per se (I use flash cards or burn discs).TLDR>is it worth it if you don't have a CRT?No.I guess if you already have a CRT you probably already have some original hardware you play. Stick to that, it's better.Get it only if you can't get some consoles for a reasonable price. Don't get it for the games, get a flash card/mod instead.My opinion is:Original hardware + Flashcard > Mister, if you use a CRT.Mister > Original hardware + upscaler, if you use a regular TV.
>>11531504I'm an idiot and read the question the other way around.Yes, it's worth it if you don't have a CRT.I wouldn't bother if you do have it.
>>11513114No, but not specifically. Life itself is not worth it without a CRT.
>>11531504>and special coresI don't believe it does. As long as you edit the ini file properly it should just work.
>>11513114FGPA Everdrive>Steam Deck>Aya Neo Next>>>Aya Neo pro>Ayn Odin 2>>Aya Neo Pocket Air>Aya Neo Air>Recalbox>>>Ayn Loki Max>>Asus ROG Ally>Retroid Pocket 4 Pro>>>Anbernic Win600>Retroid Pocket 4>>Retroid Pocket 3/3+>>Ayn Loki Max>Anbernic RG552>Odroid>>Ayn Loki>Homebrewed and CFW-injected PS Vita>>>Raspberry Pi>>Powkiddy A13>>>Powkiddy X18s>>KTR1>Aya Neo regular>Caanoo>RP2S>>>Anbernic RG505>Miyoo Mini Flip>>Powkiddy A12>>Ayn Odin>Powkiddy X39>Powkiddy X28>Trimui Smart Pro>Anbernic RG35XX PLUS>>Anbernic RG 552>Miyoo Mini +>Powkiddy RK2023>Anbernic Arc D>Anbernic 353ps>>Anbernic 351p>>Retroid Pocket 2/2+>>>Anbernic ARC S>>Powkiddy RGB 10 MAX>>Anbernic RG 405V>>Hacked and CFW injected 3DS>Powkiddy RGB30>>Miyoo Mini>>CFW-injected PSP>>>Trimui Smart Model S>Game Park 32>Anbernic 405M>Minisforum>Anbernic RG35XX>>Revo k101>>Dingoo 330>>Powkiddy RGB 20S>>MARS>Powkiddy RGB 10 Max>>Dingoo 320>>>BittBoy>>Pocket Boy/Game Console R36S>Pocket Boy R33S>Anbernic 353v>Powkiddy q90>>Analouge Pocket>>Retroid Pocket 1>>Powkiddy v90>>Data Frog SF2000>Powkiddy q80>Gamebox SP>>>Powkiddy q20>>Evercade>Coolboy rs-97+>>Pirate multicart>Powkiddy v90>>Pocket Boy R35S>RG300X>MiSTER>>Dingoo 380>>Retroid Flip>Playdate>PolyMega>Powkiddy a66>>Coolboy rs-97
>>11532293That list is pretty out of date.
>>11530876>Highly recommend it for retro computer nerds as well.Yeah, recently got a MiSTER Pi myself. I've been having a lot of fun with the AO486 core. Wish it could do a bit more but the FPGA it really hitting it's limits already with that one.>>11531504>but it requires an additional active adapter and special coresSpecial cores? From my understanding just about any core should output over composite, or at least all the major ones should. Never heard of needing a special version of a core to output any sort of analog. IIRC you just need to configure it properly, of which most standard setups will include a script that makes it easier to do right on the MiSTer itself. The only special cores I am aware of are turbo variants (like for the PSX or N64) or dual-RAM variants (Like for Saturn and Jaguar).>Don't get it for the games, get a flash card/mod instead.Even Chinese bootleg carts for just my top consoles would have cost more than my MiSTER Pi did, and that's not even getting into ODEs, official ones even just one of them would have cost as much if not more in most cases.
>>11531504I think $190 is a bit much to only be able to play a few systems. I get it's not massively overpriced or anything in terms of specs, but I'm waiting on the mister to get more support.
>>11532361>but I'm waiting on the mister to get more supportIt currently has over 200 arcade cores that support over 700 games total, support for about 50 consoles, and over 60 types of computers. Just what exactly does it not support that you are waiting for?If you're looking for anything past 5th gen, that's not happening, people even considered 5th gen to be impossible on the MiSTer about 3-4 years ago and the N64 core pushed the FPGA chip to it's limits and then some. There is no way Dreamcast or PS2 is running on that thing.Maybe it can add some arcade cores that were based on slightly more powerful versions of the 5th gen console hardware, but not by much (M2 is not happening for example) and CPS3 is likely coming someday, beyond that, the only things it would be capable of actually handling but are not supported would be pre-5th gen hardware of either REALLY obscure consoles/PCs or arcade boards.The only big cores not finished yet are CPS3, Jaguar, 3DO, and Saturn even though that one is very very VERY far along by this point.What systems do you want to play on it that it does not support yet and would be capable of actually running?
>>11532427>50 consolesname them. I've only seen like 20.
>>11532440I literally just did a listing of the files in my consoles cores folder on my Mister, there was about 50 files in there.
>>11532480names motherfucker names
>>11532484I don't even have every console core installed
>>1153249641, close enough I guess?
>>11532507Don't see how you got 41 from that. There are indeed cores in there that can be considered the same thing such as the turbo version of the N64 core or the 2P versions of the GB and GBA cores, but there aren't that many that can be considered duplicates, unless you are doing things like lumping the SegaCD and 32X as if they were the same one systems.Regardless though, even with your assessment 41 is more than double 20 like was said in >>11532440And again, this isn't counting the computer and arcade cores, or some beta console ones like 3DO.
>>11513114why does it look like ghost trap from ghost busters
>>11532427Arcade Gradius 3
>Saturn>SMPC: use Mister date/time for system date/timeFinally, real time clock should be working on Saturn.
>>11535207Are you honestly waiting for Gradius 3 or did you just say that to be a smartass since a beta Gradius 2 core just came out about a week ago?
>>11527818I thought it could output both of those directly now?
>>11537586No, author of active Y/C adapter added its support to framework and maintains a list of all computer/console cores to get authentic composite timings.
>Reworks the MiSTer into it's most accessible and budget-friendly design full stop>Proper power switch so you don't have to rely on those shitty switches or just working with plugged in = on, out = off>Inputs out the ass, perfect for both CRTs and modern displays>Integrates PSX SNAC into the main design, meaning the device can't use SNAC for any other system>SNAC being SNAC, PSX controllers only work for the PSX core>Adds in PSX memory card support for some fucking reason as if anyone wouldn't rather it just saving to the SD cardHow do you fuck up such a perfect idea so hard?
>>11537884It's designed more as a FPGA PSX that can be used for other FPGA cores than as a generic MiSTer.I would say the bigger disappointment is that the dock can't play CDs directly, it just uses it to dump them into an ISO. At least the dock is cheap and adds an NVME port though I guess.
>>11537884I'd still get one if I had the cash lying around.
>>11537884Surely you can use other USB controllers and just save to an SD card?
>>11539641You can, the complaint about having memorycard ports is a weird one. I think in the earlier days you were limited to using real memorycards if you used the SNAC port, but pretty sure that was fixed and nowadays you can use SNAC controllers with virtual cards, pretty sure you can even choose a virtual card on one port and a real one on another.If anything, it annoys me that most PSX SNAC adapters tend to lack the memorycard ports, or have a memorycard port but only one controller. The only one I can find that supports both does not have a case and is just a bare PCB, weirdly makes you plug the cards on the top, and was mostly designed to be used with the creator's own I/O board.The thing about the PSX's memorycard ports is that they are basically another controller port. The memory card is wired directly to the same pins as the controller, the PSX just switches to the memorycard when saving/writing and then switches back to the controller, so adding memorycard ports to the adapters should be trivial. Others have done it by just soldering a memorycard to the controller pins on those SNAC adapters without one.Though being annoyed at the PSX ports being hard-wired to the SNAC pins is understandable. Yes, you can use a USB controller or even keyboard for any other system, even the PSX, but it means you can't use a SNAC adapter to use the original controllers for any other system. A SNAC adapter only works for the system it's meant for, so you can't use those ports for any other system (Unless it also functions as a USB controller, but then you are just basically using a USB adapter, not SNAC), and since it's hard-wired you can't plug a SNAC adapter for a different console to use it's controllers.