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is it worth it if you don't have a CRT?
It has 2ms less input lag than software emu iirc
It has more soul than software emulation
It's worthless.

False. I'm enjoying Duckstation because it's allowing me to play Silent Hill without spending $615 on an overpriced emulation device or $75 to repair my PS3.
a 3do core has been announced, I might actually get it just for that alone to be honest.
without spending $615 on an overpriced emulation device

no way a mister that can play ps1 is 600 something bucks now lmfao.
playstation emulation has been around since the console came out basically.
There's no way you don't have an old computer lying around that can't emulate already
They aren't $600, they're like $150 now.
I use it all the time without having a CRT, but dont get it for N64 imo.
Also, make sure you do your research and dont buy from terasic, there's cheap options now with no compromise
3DO has never had any games that captured my interest, but have fun.

I'm actually using my gaming PC to emulate PS1 games via Duckstation. I also have a pre-built PC, but I'm not using it currently. Either way, I won't have to fork up $615 or $150(whatever the MiSTer cost), to play old games. Emulation on my gaming PC plays very smoothly.
fair enough , to each their own - i mean there is now a CD-i core either in the works or already implemented - I never had any interest in that system either, but im sure someone else does.
>but dont get it for N64 imo.
could you give us some backstory?
I do not see why it should not be used for nintendo64. I thought the core was fine?
How is this thing for arcade emulation? I'd imagine the things that work run better than they do on mame but there's a lot lower compatibility. Mostly interested in Capcom, Konami, Namco, Sega, SNK, etc.
Also wondering this. I know it works with Jamma but how are it's arcade cores?
Cope, it's just an emu box with extra steps.
How is it a cope?
I would get a CRT because MiSTer on a CRT is stupendous. I have never used it on an LCD or an OLED. If I couldn't get a CRT, I don't think I would pull the trigger on a MiSTer.
The complete qmtech mister clone is like 175 dollars.
You can say that's still too much when software emu is free, but update your number when you seethe from now on.
I hear it's pretty decent.
Yeah, if there's a core for the game you want to play then it should be practically flawless. The best thing about it, though, is there's an alternative update script 'update_all' which you can set to automatically download all of the available arcade games for you and set them up. Just be sure to look up whether the game(s) you're interested in playing are on there.
Is there any point in getting one if I already have a PC with emudriver?
It's not worth it if you have a CRT either. I regretted it immediately and just spent like $100 on a desktop that can emulate past 4th gen properly unlike the sister
Why did you regret it?
Because it lags trying to emulate 5th gen and can't do 6th gen+ at all. costs way too much for such limited performance
>Because it lags trying to emulate 5th gen
It does not. There's even overclocked cores for Playstation and N64.
Why are you lying?
You're the one lying.
Here's the overclocked cores with better analog video.
>but dont get it for N64 imo
Why not? It works better than just about any N64 software emulator. The only stuff that gave me trouble were romhacks and homebrew that were intended for emulators and have issues on real hardware too.

>there's cheap options now with no compromise
For Taki's boards yeah, they more or less have no compromises outside of a 0.001% edge case where you have a weird custom board you want to use instead of the standard boards (even though 99% of standard boards will also work) that heavily relies on there being a barrel jack or mini-USB instead of the USB-C ports he used, if you really really need that second SD slot in the I/O board that nothing uses anymore (the spot for the slot is still there, the connector itself is just no longer soldered onto the board), or if you really really want a case designed for the original MiSter stack since the ports are in slightly different locations.

Beyond those edge cases that almost nobody would care about, pretty much no compromise, yeah.

QM's are a different story, they will still work out for most people, but they do have a few compromises and are not compatible with most other's accessories or addons.

There are a lot of arcade games that work on it now, as well as of course all of Neo-Geo, but it's not going to have the full list of MAME's supported games. There were some bugs in MAME emulation that due to the MiSTer cores were identified and fixed, so it's safe to say that the arcade cores it does get are pretty accurate.

No additional lag, more accurate in many cases, easy to hookup to a CRT, can use lightguns if you are using a CRT, can use original controllers, is a tiny box that has instant boot times that can sit by your TV.

>Because it lags trying to emulate 5th gen
Like >>11514032 said, it does not. It can handle PS1 and N64 pretty much perfectly now, does a better job on N64 than just about any software emulator.
It has been in my experience, yes. I've tried just about every emulation box and even a fully fledged gaming PC in my living room and the Mister is by far the best experience.
>Incredibly simple controller UI
>Set it and forget it options
>Extremely low input latency when paired with the right controller
>In my experience it runs N64 leagues better than Ares or Parallel-equipped mupen forks

Its great, and you should take notice that most Mister threads are just shitposters who don't even own one. I don't think I've ever seen someone on this board say they regret buying one.

Only drawback in my mind is the lack of 6th gen emulation and the PS1 core isn't as versatile as Duckstation (PGXP and downsampling are amazing). But beyond that, no complaints at all. Finished many many games on my Mister.
This. Please buy it. Real ads are expensive.
If that was Taki he would have been shilling that PS1 thing he has been working on, not the MiSTer.

PSX - not accurate
N64 - not accurate
Saturn - not accurate
3DO - not accurate
Jotego - not accurate

(Also n64 and psx dev had to increase latency on the core because of Tacky board)

Buy a MiSTer Pi today!
PSX is accurate except for a handful of games that have 99.99% accuracy in audio, which you can make 100% accurate if you go dual-RAM.

N64 is about 98% accurate, moreso than software emulation.

Saturn is not finished

3DO was just fucking announced and not even an early access beta is available yet

Jotego's arcade cores are so accurate they made the MAME team realize their emulation of some of the games was actually inaccurate, including the entirety of MAME's CPS1 emulation running 45% faster than it was supposed to

Trolling used to have effort put into it
lol they never even properly tested accuracy

going through games and seeing if they "look okay" is not a proper test
Is an FPGA PS2 a pipe dream?
>PSX is accurate except
So not, then.
>N64 is about 98% accurate
So not, then.
It's better than accurate.
pr4m0d is that you?

>Why not? It works better than just about any N64 software emulator
i guess i have bias cause I use a real n64. didnt mean to say mister's n64 is worse than software emulation, meant to say get a retrotink and use your n64 instead
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That's not what they did, even whole new hardware tests were written to compare the cores to actual hardware.

Yes for any time in the near future. With current tech a FPGA that can handle a PS2 would cost as much as a car. On top of that there is the problem that there was a massive exponential increase in CPU and GPU complexity in the late 90s, likely far more than one man can handle even if we had the FPGA for it. Would likely require a team of crack engineers working on it.

The only possible small ray of hope is that FPGA emulation is becoming more popular and slightly mainstream, so there is a small chance that FPGA development could see a huge boost in advancement too if it becomes commercially beneficial to do so. That's a big if though, even devices like the MiSTer and Analogue's systems are still niche right now, but gaining in popularity.

Dreamcast is a real possibility though, but not with the FPGA in the MiSTer.

Like I said, trolling used to have effort put into it.
>i guess i have bias cause I use a real n64. didnt mean to say mister's n64 is worse than software emulation, meant to say get a retrotink and use your n64 instead

Problem is that requires me to buy at least an RGB if not HDMI mod for one my N64s, and a SummerCart, and a retrotink, and that still just gets me N64, not the dozens of other systems my MiSTer can do.

I would like to HDMI/RGB mod my systems someday and get ODE or flashcards for them, as well as a retrotink, but for now a MiSter costs less than the 1080p versions of a Retrotink, and that's not even getting into flashcarts/ODEs and RGB/HDMI mods.
kek its less accurate than project64
So, where's my cheapass chink clone I can just buy off Ali? Wasn't one supposed to come out last year?
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>more console cores added
we ever going to see more work on pc88 pc98 & x68k cores again?
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Apparently pr4m0d has mellowed out a bit. He mentioned getting out his MiSTer unit again for development.

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