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Would it have saved the Sega Saturn?
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A bunch of autist isn't t enough to save a system, You need popular games.
Unironically bots. /v/ has the same issue of bots reposting the same thread over and over.
>Sub VHS videos... as opposed to what?
Any digital FMVs looked like garbage until 6th gen came around.
Just look at the lunar games where the FMVs on PS1 and Saturn look like pure vomit, while the simpler cutscenes of the SegaCD still look great to this day.
> the battles have poor framerate, but that was relatively common at the time, with N64 being by far the worst offender.
And yet OoT runs a complete 3D environment at 20fps, not great by any means but still far ahead of FF7.
FF7 was a product of its time, but it looks like shit really.
For comparison look at Legend of Mana, now that is what FF7 should've looked like.
Why would you use bots to spam threads about old retro games? What's the fucking point?
how long until he has to resort to talk about japanese games or go full fanfic like 'what if Nintendo and Sega collaborated to make the Saturn?"

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Games with cool sunset/dusk scenes or levels.
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How the FUCK does this level look so good?
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>164 replies
>No Rygar
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Just downloaded, played, and quit this in the span of less than 2 hours.

The overeworld/city doesn't really offer anything beyond a few minutes of goofing off. It's just a time vampire. The missions are just worse Ratchet, even other Ratchet-likes such as Metal Arms Glitch in the System are better. Only the story, characters and cutscenes kept me from turning it off earlier. Going for the sequel today.
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Can you kill or damage civilians in this game?
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he's gonna thill Praxis
yes, and it's pretty stupid.
>the BARON is shutting the water off to the slums we gotta get it back on or people will die
>jak kills 40 people driving to the gate
the fact that there are no streets and the need to constantly shift to ground level to avoid getting blown up means you're likely go mow down at least a handful of people on any drive.

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you do wanna drink from the chalice,right anon ?
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it ran fine for me in dosbox.
Which is which? I got the one where you and Geffrye get at the exit but he suddenly gets killed by Tobias who then just leaves and the credits come
i found these endings online.
i think you are suppose to use the elephant gun on him but other set of events can play out.

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Why did they fall off so hard after the 80s? Arcade companies like Capcom, Konami, and Namco were still able to survive and thrive in the home console space. What went wrong?
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Psychic Force 2012 is good
Why not do a whole bubble bobble collection? Most people have never even heard of parasol stars.
Totally agree, they should have just done like the turtle collection that came out recently,

Bubble bobble
Rainbow islands
Parasol stars
Bubble memories
Bubble symphony
Some people need that social validation
I just want a steam release of Vertexter.

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the dismal squirt gun
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I read it as CAMPISO.
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I like the P120. Don't care about the alt-fire, shooting just felt super nice with this gun
kek, me too
Kim-so for me
you could have made these shots with a handgun
Pretty sure using that lock on is how I beat this on Perfect. Even getting the snipers across the water if memory serves.

To answer the other gun guy's gun. The K7 Avenger's mag is too small. That's it's fault. If it had a fat 50 round mag, everyone would love it. But then it'd be too OP. It's fast and accurate. Everything you'd want! But the Dragon is better in every way due to the extra five rounds and proxy version in MP.

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You guys remember ridge racer right
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Do you remember the time
When we fell in love
Do you remember the time?
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how is your webm so smooth? tell me how I can play it like that
I stole it from a video on youtube. The game's 60fps ergo the smoothness.

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We got to play hundreds of games thanks to these. We didn't know how good we had it
i think i had a subscription to get playstation underground discs in the mail. i want to say they were sent out quarterly.

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Vidya nature appreciation thread

Post comfy or memorable places and music

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That game is such a slog to play but the sprite art and art direction is general is absolute perfection. The ost also helps add to the dreamy comfyness of it all.
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Ich will Unreal Tournament spielen!
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They are.
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Damn this level is good! It must have been amazing playing it at the time with all the detail and immersion.
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Zoomers dnt care because they didn't see the progression of this stuff

Millenials did

They will never appreciate video games the way millenials will
On your fucking PC you dipshit retard
it was. at the time it made me forget about Doom and not care about Quake. Douq was so much fun.
Yeah this shit was mind-blowing at the time OP. But it was all overshadowed by giving the strippers money
why would you go on the internet and tell lies like that? what possessions a person to be a lying dishonest soulless piece of shit who's dishonest about things for no reason other than to be a piece of trash soulless loser? the game was hype everyone enjoyed it and it was really popular. stop larping like it went down with your version you pathetic soulless

Underrated as fuck, the best classic Mega Man. The graphics are phenomenal, the stages are creative, and the upgrade system offers a lot of replayability.
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You may have beaten the game (with save states, or maybe you didn't even and just watched a video of it, no way to tell), but your complaints are that of someone with skill issues.
Yeah, dude. They're simplistic platformers with as little as 12 stages.
Did you play MM&B which is an asset flip multiple times though?
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Still there are many little gimmicks and much to design.
The game didn't had a full year if development, though, nice attempt at a gotcha. When Aizu and Tsuda left with the X2/MM7 to form Inti Creates, that threw a spanner in the works, X3 had to be outsourced and 8 didn't materialize until they had enough in-house new hires to replace the old staff who left, on top of sharing attention with the planning stages of Legends and pre-planning with X4, which was the same staff, pre-Arcade division merging.
Nice also to ignore what is known as to why tricks and secrets were made, as confirmed by MM2's TOM PON in regards to the birds replacing stars trick or Metal Man dying by his own weapon, tricks and secrets for the sake of further magazine coverage. I only added the possibility of a glitch given it has happened before (BN2's Pinecone grenade + Prism instakill glitch)

i used the chemist to cheese the last boss

did i beat the game?
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I regret to inform you, but you did not beat the game.
Thanks for posting. If you're ever open to doing FFVI again, a T-Edition playthrough would be fun and I don't think it's been done here before.
Oops wrong thread
its literally just trial and error
anybody could do it and just reload their save
not exactly a great mechanic
The effect of many mixes aren't exactly apparent.

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This game's scope is deceptively large. It's a constant string of ''why did they bother with adding this little detail here'', in a wonderful way. I wasn't expecting much out of a ps1 mecha game, certainly not paragraphs about renovations to sewage systems, but it's been great so far, invigorating shit. What does /vr/ make of this game and this series in general?
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I found the combination of small party size, weak ass rocketeers and the random skills to be wack. The game already has some randomization in the form of part damage, with the random skill system and the fact that the best ranged units are stuck with extremely limited ammo you tend to stack up on short range units, since those can deal consistent damage all battle long.
That tends to turn every battle into a "bumrush a mech with your entire team of machinegunner/melee specialists and beat him to death" fest, waiting for a skill to trigger and explode the enemy mech (or obtain an ejection). The maps are also relatively small on average, and with only 4 characters on the field you can't really afford to pull any fancy manouvering, you keep them bunched up so you can gang up on enemies better. Maybe focus some rocketeer if there's one around.
For comparison, in 1 or 4 I would usually have some ranged specialists that would take care of "priority targets" while my close combat guys would move in and rake anything left, it feels way better. 3 at times feels like a JRPG they stuck on a grid rather than an SRPG. The main protag also starts off the campaign being comically retarded. He gets better later on, but Jesus Christ, the rest of the series has relatively mature characters: not too smart at times, but rarely immature. 3's cast is the opposite. The game even features "great value Asuka".
That said, I still found it to be a fun game, the writing gets better later on, and the OST is great. I was glad the merry bunch of retards got an happy ending.
Rofup Rofup Rofup Rofup.
It's crazy how Ryogo's starting wanzer gives you everything you need to wreck the game.
>front mission 3
gimme a gif or webm, I'm intrigued but I don't want to go on youtube
it was enjoyable at the time but now the gameplay is very shallow, love the music and atmosphere, the plot and characterization is mediocre, the politico-military drama drags on and on

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Homebrew devs are slowly chipping away at a tech demo / poc of GTA running on Dreamcast. Right now just in the very early stages but will be neat to follow how far it gets.
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Probably. That's what makes NYC the best place for this game, the level of detail they added made it more fun than anything else.

Always wanted to see them make one somewhere else or a larger map that goes off into random states around New York, similar to how they put desert areas in the others. West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Vermont would be awesome to see in extra DLCs but they're lazy now so probably won't happen
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Old vid, colors are being worked on, textures repacked -
Nerds like wasting their time on inane shit.
This is cool, but I'd prefer to see someone attempt to port the GTA games to GameCube.
You could enter cheats to skip to specific chapters, sure, but that's no proper replacement for playing normally and keeping your health, weapons and ammo.

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When it came out it, this was undisputed. I played it back in 1986 when I was four, and instantly became obsessed with video games because of it. But after SMB3, SMW and SM64 came out it's appreciation fell along the wayside. It's importance didn't, as it was still listed near the top of all best game lists when those newer Mario games came out, but because those newer games improved and added so many things, SMB1 felt obsolete. The controls were stiff and unforgiving with your jumps. You could easily jump from SMW and SMB3 and be fine with the controls, but going back to SMB took some getting used to. The game was just smaller, more linear and had less variety. All fair criticisms compared to the newer games, but I still think it's better.
>on to part 2
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there's a case for 3 replacing 1 as the goat but I don't ever remember seeing world in that conversation outside of a discussion specific to mario.
I didn't know we had different artwork in Europe, but I prefer the American style.
>I don't ever remember seeing world in that conversation outside of a discussion specific to mario
You fucking crazy, anon? It's one of the most popular 2D platformers ever and it's definitely more beloved than SM64
Literally the first link that comes up when you google '100 greatest games'. It's number two
Japanese list
>61. Super Mario World (1990)
>99. Super Mario Bros III (1988)

I'm surprised they have FFVI so low.
I like SMB3 more because the overworld is comfy and makes me feel less alone

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