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This was actually released in December, has anyone tried it? Is it a machine translation? The git doesn't specify. I'm pretty unfamiliar with PC-FX.
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supergrafx was such an unprecedented flop that i dont get how NEC wanted to launch pc-fx so early
the lank is the kinoest part
Looks like that art symultaneously tries to ape 3 different artists
>samurai guy
Go Nagai
I've always wondered, is the title supposed to be a pun on Hyrule Fantasy, aka Zelda 1's Japanese subtitle?
I do play cyberteam in akihabara (snes/sfc & pc-fx) based off x-women the sinister virus beat em up gameplay.

Where do the idea that this is such an obtuse, confusing, unfair game come from?

The manual literally explains what every single item and enemy does and even has a giant foldable map that shows you 6 of the 8 dungeons, plus additional secret areas of interest.

Do zoomers just ignore the manual, play totally blind, and then throw their hands up in frustration that the game doesn't hand them victory on a silver platter?
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you'll never guess which bush is burnable! better buy that player's guide anon!
>Regardless, I'm not a kid any more, so I DON'T have the motivation to spend hours a day for months banging my head against the wall in a single mediocre game just to say I beat it.
If you don't like a game then skip it.
Also it took months as a kid, should go a lot quicker when you are an adult.
Thirdly I disagree with the "I don't have time since I'm an adult now" bullshit. Concuming the most amount of content in the least amount of time is pretty dumb and unnecessary
>If you don't like a game then skip it.
And I have. We're discussing why, and part of it is that I don't really find Zelda 1 worth playing now.
>the "I don't have time since I'm an adult now" bullshit
I said I don't have the motivation, not the time. I have plenty of free time, I just don't want to spend it on a game like this. The biggest thing to me is that Zelda 1's gameplay just isn't all that fun. For comparison, I love Metroid 1 and was totally willing to sink the time into that game to beat it blind because it's a lot of fun to play, which makes dealing with all the obtuse bullshit bearable.
>Concuming the most amount of content in the least amount of time is pretty dumb and unnecessary
That's never been a goal of mine, but I do make value judgements about the amount of fun I have with a game versus the amount of time it demands of me.
just say you hate zelda

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I like the vibe of the game. The music's cool and the cutscenes are funny, but fuck the gameplay. The controls feel like I'm trying to write my name with boxing gloves on, some of the enemies pretty much require you to take a hit, and good luck avoiding them, because you can't. It's an objectively bad game because you have to fight it just to play the game.
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>a ''''game'''' by one of the fags that literally tried to ruin the industry with FMV movie reddit slop
>good survival horrror
Miss me with that shit
>countdown vampires
literally one of the shittiest games and resident evil clones of all time.
Not even close. Countdown Vampires is actually playable.

You haven't seen the things I've seen. Countdown Vampires is actually one of the decent ones.
This piece of shit right here, that is nothing like the movie and feels like some lost Spectrum game.
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This is the first SNES Japanese RPG and it sucks. I wont even type the english name because its embarrassing. Their brilliant crit system allows for any enemy to do 4x or 12x damage randomly which will instantly kill your character and end the game. By the time you get the spell that can revive your main character its at the point where you can abuse an item to skip every battle anyway so its pointless.

Why is it that when everyone trashes Crash 3 for having LE GIMMICK LEVELS instead of MUH PURE PLATFORMING then when it comes to this piece of shit you guys write off DKC1 like it doesn't even exist.

Before you ask, YES I rage quitted at a Squawks level. Fuck Donkey Kong Country 2. This game is full of gimmick bullshit levels but you will defend it. GAY
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because "LE GIMMICK LEVELS" has always been a poor critique, don't think of it too deeply.
I don't get why people try to choose or put any of them down over the others. To me they're all great for different reasons. I always liked the 2nd one because of the cool levels like the lava zone, carnival, and beehive. Can't really go wrong with any of them though.
I love gimmick levels, actually. Crash 3 and DKC3 are my favourites in their respective trilogies.
I can forgive everything because there's the Nintendo logo on the cover
See, there's a difference. DKC2 has "gimmicks", but it does them right. Instead of half-assing them, DKC2 carefully builds levels around them, and keeps them interesting. They also don't take away from the gameplay, you still have platforming, collecting and such.
Similar thing with bonus barrels. They're "mini games", but they don't overstay their welcome. Same with collecting, instead of gathering 100 shitty items per level they make it 3, but they're really interesting to find.
5th gen platformers copied this formula, "gimmicks + minigames + collecting", but they completely ruined it. In fact, Rare itself managed to completely kill it with DK64.

It's Mana time!
But also I have a question: how many pre-6th gen versions of this game exist? I know there's the original Windows 95 version, I think in 4 CDs? Not sure why it needed so much space.
Saturn and PS1 versions, in 2 CDs each, and Macintosh, presumably also 4 CDs?
Any other version of this?
Also post:
Favorite ending
Favorite moment
Best girl
Mana based girl
Is this a new scene from the PS2 ver or it's from GoS2?
She's pretty. I would have licit sex with her within the sacrament of marriage.

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Thoughts on Super Dodge Ball?
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fantastic game and the flickering is soul
Played it when I was little, good game but unironically clunky, Super Dodgeball Advance is better in every way
best version is the pc engine port
>nigh identical to arcade version
>runs at 60fps
>new quest mode where you recruit enemy captains and fight an alien team
>>new quest mode where you recruit enemy captains and fight an alien team
any other version of the game have this?

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Not even out and already forgotten

It's so over Crocbros
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Eh. It's memorable, which is why it's NOT among all the forgotten games of the 90s.
It was shit but not the shittest.
It's better than Bubsy 3D
That's not even fair considering the only 3D out on the market for platforms was Jumping Flash an it's not like the company had a literal century of money to work with like Nintendo.
>preorder from october 2025

Jeeesus no wonder people are forgetting fast
All the people turning this into some nintendo flamewar is really embarrassing. People still talk about Spyro and they still talk about Crash, theres a reason people dont talk about Croc just let it die you dont lose any part of yourself if you dont defend the sanctity of Croc.

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It's too complicated for its own good.
Nothing feels easy or fun.
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>enters thread
>doesn't read any posts
>calls others lazy
How embarrassing...
doesnt it have an in-game help window with the F1 key? basically every old computer game does that
in fact F1 is still the default help key to this day for a lot of programs

youd think people here, of all places, would know such things already
>just turns the game into Prey with no music
Is it somehow a bad thing? Arkane's Prey is literally System Shock 3.
Also, the remake has music...
The original's music was supposed to sound futuristic and cyberpunkish with some NIN influence to top it off. Many people got the same feeling from the music judging by comments online: like they were trapped in a factory constantly churning out lethal robots and cyborgs against you.

The remake's music is largely ambient faux-80s synthwave which has been dominant in the synth/techno/electronic scene since Stranger Things. It feels like the developers wanted you to be inside an 80s sci-fi movie instead of inside a futuristic space station run by an insane AI.

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Have you played Klonoa, anons?
Any of the installments. I'm glad Moonlight Museum and Klonoa Heroes are now translated in English.

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maybe its not positive i was just saying. im also extremely mentally ill and like klonoa, i just see it a lot with this series more than others
i do see a lot of undertale fans who like klonoa, the remake definitely gave the games a lot of publicity, though it didnt give them mainstream success unfortunately. i think undertale is fairly different from klonoa actually, though the bond between asriel/chara is obviously similar.
klonoa reminds me more of omori honestly, the only difference is klonoa keeps that stuff in the background in order to be more broadly relatable & less alienating whereas omori doubles down on the mental illness aspect, themes of loss & struggling to grow up, depression etc, and the real world segments. i think seeing what klonoa's life in the real world is like would have helped give him some more modern appeal, and give basis for the things we see in his dreams. if omori was just the headspace segments with only allusions to something bad having happened in the past, i feel like it wouldve had a lot less weight
i feel like this is probably the reason klonoa still fails to find a modern audience, it definitely has hints of that stuff but it doesnt full commit to it like omori does, because obviously if it full committed to it back then it wouldve flopped miserably, though might have found future acclaim as an avant garde "hidden gem" that was ahead of its time, but thats obviously not what companies seek to make
though im definitely in the minority in the klonoa fanbase, i enjoyed it for the mental illness aspects and im not a furry/dont have any interest in fucking the characters. i feel like most people dont think about this stuff
>i think seeing what klonoa's life in the real world is like
Does Klonoa even have a "real world"? It seems as the Dream Traveler he's doomed to be summoned to whatever "Dream" dimension that needs him with no escape.
And to play Volleyball.
Or maybe the world of Klonoa Heroes is his real world
i mean, maybe. i always took "dream traveller" to mean he was someone who spends all day dreaming, like madotsuki or sunny, and thus "travels dreams". klonoa 2 at the very least is clearly a story centered around klonoa's psyche. empire of dreams also takes place in a kingdom where "dreaming is forbidden" because its a "waste of time" which seems relevant, but i havent beaten it or played dream champ tournament at all
i guess maybe looking into these stories too deeply is a fruitless effort, though i think thats also part of the appeal of modern indie games - they usually have a lot of work put into their story & worlds, since klonoa is made by a big company it could be perceived as being a lot more shallow
Klonoa comes from a better, more soulful era tho, it's not like Namco is Activision and Klonoa is Medal of Wahoo.

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What do We have to do in order to get the Kino 64 to the same level of discussion as retro consoles? What topics should We focus on? Could RetroAchievements being introduced for the Kino 64 help spike some interest in it as a gaming platform?
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armalyte, katakis, steel ranger, zero wing 1 or 2, last ninja 1 or 2, sams journey, summer games, winter games, any of the bruce lee games if you like those type of platformers, tried to limit it to stuff that doesn't have better or even other versions elsewhere.
love c64 so much that it's unreal

>with those wide-ass pixels
yeah. it was a cheap way to reduce ram consumption. worked very well.
Most games for it were ass.
Boulder dash is based though.
Impossible Mission
The Castles of Doctor Creep
Ultimate Wizard
The Goonies and Zorro (both also on Atari 8bit along with Bruce Lee)
Project Firestart

Almost all these are more puzzle-platform games than pure action games though now that I think of it. And Project Firestart is like a cinematic survival-horror game.
How were they ass? A lot of them played better than amiga games imo, much more tight gameplay.

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This is a "plastic fetishist" thread I guess, but one aspect of retro games that I rarely see discussed is how different consoles had their own distinct smell.
I'm not sure if it's just me but I don't think modern consoles have much of a distinct aroma to their components as older machines did. I assume newer plastics and compositions are less prone to have smells? Would make sense but that's just a guess.
I also thought, maybe it's just the fact smells were stronger to me when I was a kid and nowadays as I'm older I smell less, but I was proven wrong when I recently got an opened but only used once Super Scope in box, and holy shit, the aroma here is just as I remembered, when I was 8 and got the Super Nintendo. I still have that same console, but after so much use, it just doesn't have any particular smell anymore, the Super Scope preserved it.
I also remember Genesis, N64, Saturn and Famiclones having a particular smell too, not sure about PS1.
Games too, the particular smell of a brand-new game freshly opened from the box, the mixture of plastic, paper, cardboard and sticker label all combined into a very pleasant aroma that IMO enhanced the experience of playing a new game.
Manuals obviously all have good smell, even into 6th gen, I remember Gamecube game manuals having a particular strong smell, a bit too harsh compared to the more mellow (to give it some sort of description) smell of N64 manuals. Manuals can retain the smell more easily than plastic.
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>Almost 24 hours
>Still no reply from plastic sniff anon
>smells are closely\intrinsically tied to memory development
Yeah, I think smell is often underrated when it comes to senses. Like people only ever comment on smell in either a gross/disgusting way or a sexual way, only women pay more attention to good smells/perfumes, guys only use deodorant to not smell, not to smell good.
But I digress, smell can be very strong especially when it comes to nostalgia and memory unlocking, it's why I was so surprised when I got this Super Scope and it smelled like brand-new SNES (probably the fact the box and manuals are also the same kind used on the SNES box art helps). I don't even really consider myself a fetishist, the opener line in my op was a joke. I play my physical stuff a lot and emulate a lot too, I don't really fetishize plastic, but I bought a Scope because I wanted to properly play its games and came across this strong nostalgia-through-nostrils.
And then I started thinking about how things in general had more particular/interesting/memorable smells compared to today. Probably less healthy but who knows.
I have associated the smell of cleaning chemicals with cleaning nes carts/playing nes as a kid, which in turn also causes me to get an erection.
Many have that 'full' sweet smell, but SNES is by far the strongest for some reason. Hits different notes than the others. I can smell my Mario Paint mousepad just thinking about it.
I love chemicals

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Latest sub:
>Game Center CX #292 - Journey to Silius [LocationScouts]

>Season 28: Episode 17 (#393) "That one from Rare" premieres on Thursday, February 13th.


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It was a toxoplasmosis ritual. They inserted the parasite into Arino's brain just like a fucking Yeerk from Animorphs.
Don't forget all the smaller groups that did 1 or 2 episodes
Including /vr/
I think about the anons who need subs and get a good chuckle every time I turn on a new episode or pop in one of the dvds
Good, gatekeeping is necessary.

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Was PC gaming always about anticipating what new, cool thing the companies were going to produce so you could get your hands on a similarly performant, but cheaper, product replacement after one or two years?
Ocarina of Time

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You guys inspired me in the last thread (the one where the retarded zoomer cried that the Trinitron was somehow going to go crashing through the stand that was designed for it) to get my shit together. I've been going through little by little and cleaning up the closet this week. The back of the closet is still pretty cluttered but at least I can access everything easily now and I can finally use this space for gaming again :) the left side (where I keep the FC/SFC/MD carts) is all cleaned up too except for a few random small things like cameras that I'm gonna list for sale.
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>do you wear wigs?
uh no i do not
>have you worn wigs?
no i have not
>will you wear wigs?
>when will you wear wigs??
>No chigyu
Nagoshi would be proud of you

This is the funniest fucking shit I've seen on here in awhile lmmaoo
What game is that?

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This is a real tough choice for me, but I'd have to go N64. How about you?

Obviously the GameCube has aged better with it's graphics and sound, but the N64 is much more reliable as a system. The N64 controller was revolutionary when it came out, and the GameCube's was a step backwards, even though it's comfortable. The N64 had revolutionary and timeless bangers in it's first year like...
>Super Mario 64
>Pilotwings 64
>Wave Race 64
>Mario Kart 64
>Blast Corps
>Start Fox 64

While the GameCube had some of the very best games ever made...


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Those assist for capture purposes. People tend to prefer the higher resolutions and framerates.

The 900 second wait is a bit excessive, so a reduced frequency but higher amount balances out.

Yeah, I've not considered a dual HDMI out for the Gamecube. I typically use the standard cables on the analog port for audio. Have you tried that dual setup with the Carby dedicated to video and the Mayflash as a HDMI eARC for audio?

I think so, I'm not sure of the specifics of the genre, but I believe the commentary of the Transformers: The Movie describes the music as progressive rock and I like its retro-ish sound.
What does it say about the GameCube's library if playing GBA games on it is most important
There was a release of Majora's Mask for the GameCube using emulation but unfortunately is crash prone
He's right
I prefer the N64 but there's not much in it. The GameCube was just as awesome as a party machine because of games like Super Monkey Ball. Double Dash maybe plays better than MK64, but MK64 is so soulful and I have a lot of fun playing it. Melee has a lot more content than Smash 64, but 64 has a lot of charm and was the first. I liked Luigi's Mansion a lot. Super Mario 64 is probably my all time favourite game. Mario Party feels about the same on each console I think? But I have only played 4 on the GameCube.

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