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So finally beat Daggerfall after many times of never getting through the main quest and the final dungeon. Do I suck or is it ridiculously obtuse at times and unfair? I had to look some things up because I got stuck a few times.
What did you guys think about the final dungeon, good or bullshit?
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I have really limited memories of the game despite beating it. I must have liked it at the time because I don't finish games I don't like but I've never had a twinge of interest in replaying it for like 15 years. Like a lot of people I have completely lost any sense of glamor in procedural generation.
cope and seethe troon
dude you sound like a fucking bimbo
its literally a 3D dungeon crawler you colossal retard. you "thought it was all flat" because youre a stupid fucking faggot. games prolly been freeware for longer than youve even been alive
you should replay it again now with the source port. buncha mods coming out for it weekly
There's nothing that interests me in it. What is the selling point of Daggerfall beyond the procgen-based freedom I just can't buy into anymore?

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Have always had an interesting in these games. I tend to start series by playing in order. What's the best way to play through the first games? Is it worth seeing where it all began on the Apple II or are the QOL changes in PS1 and similar version that essential?
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I've only played the NES/Famicom versions but I've heard good things about the PSX version. Most versions, even Japan only, have the option to be played in English .
PSX version is best unless you're a turbo autist who insists that automaps and being able to reload previous saves is cheating. The games are still challenging even without the pure masochism of OG Wizardry.
Wasn't there a way to play every single Wizadry game modded into one of the later ones or am I thinking of a different series?
Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land and the sequel which is still untranslated called Busin 0: Wizardry Alternative Neo. Those are peak.
Play the original for an hour or two first, then give the remake a try and see if you want to switch to it or not. In the case of Wizardry 1 I'd say you're probably playing the game for historic value so skipping the ones with the actual historic value is a bit silly.

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>the Master Sword

What a boring name. This doesn't evoke the image of a blade with which one could fell the most vile of demons with.
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Because it had only existed in one game before that. And its not like there was much to rewrite anyway.
"I'm not buying this game there's a specific combination of words I don't like" - Nobody ever
>"link to the past"
This is called a "pun" anon.
Because that was worth the bump.
>link to the past
>doesn't actually link link to the past
>you have to wait until ocarina of time to get the time travel
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trips still count

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I think you all know the drill... it's time for some *looking good* action, so post your setups, the shaders you like to use to replicate CRTs or LCD screens from old handhelds, or maybe even any shaders that fall under a different category. It's always fun to see what everyone's daily driving around here and discussing it, sharing tips and a few tricks to making it all look its absolute best.
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I used CRTs all my life as well, which is probably considerably longer than yours, and I use shaders now because I'm not some pathetic posturing autist child who needs to transform how he plays with his toys into a religion.
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one time i accidentally started MAME with a GBA preset and i liked it so i've continued doing it

GBA games can also look good with CRT shaders
it has its charme
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it looks better in-person but windows 10's built-in screencap software doesn't work well with hdr and i'm too lazy to fix/find something else

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Which of the classic Wario games are best?
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Bold of you to assume the people who decided they wanted to do Wario games instead would have continued to work on Mario if they couldn't get the OK.
I'm glad they innovated and tried something new instead of just making more mediocre Mario 3likes
I enjoyed Wario 2 and Virtual Boy Wario Land the most
WL3>>WL4 > SML3 > WL2
WL3 is not for everyone, but it has peak puzzles and pushes the gameplay to the limit, it's basically Wario + Metroid + a bit of SM64
WL2 is all about collecting useless coins and breaking walls and nauseam
WL4 is between those, puzzles but also pointless collecting, though the graphics are great it's also a tiny bit style over substance
SML3 is alright, it's much more of an action/platformer though
Haven't played VB WL, they say it's ok
VB WL is SML3 but with much smoother gameplay, legit great game stuck in a eye exam console

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This is a great game and anyone who says otherwise is a retarded zoomer
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>b bb but the game.com is inferior in every measurable way compared to the DMG GameBoy.
it plays more games than you idiots have braincells
There were absolutely 0 portable systems that were better than the Original Gameboy by any measurement until the next handheld made by Nintendo.
Thank you, those videos are much better. And the gamecom still looks miles worse in motion.
you've never played any game.com games huh

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When I was a little kid I had this neighborhood friend who owned an NES as well as the infamous SMB/Duck Hunt cartridge and we would often play those games together

I especially liked Duck Hunt because you could shoot things with the Zapper, and not being a video game expert I had no idea that such technology even existed and it fascinated me, but the funniest thing about the game is that if you would shoot the grass area at the bottom of the screen every once in a while the dog would emerge from the grass making an 8 bit whining sound, with his paws on his chest in an "I've been shot" gesture, only to sink back under the grass a second later. I used to shoot the grass on purpose all the time because I thoght it was hilarious.

Fast forward a few years, I find out that the whole "shooting the dog in Duck Hunt" is just an urban legend and you can't actually do it (I've even tried it on my own copy that I boguth a few years back)....only problem with that is that I distinctly remember doing it all the rime as a kid, both because it was funny and to annoy my friend, it's still so fresh in my memory even after all these years, I could swear to God that it happened
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>your medicación
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I got a weird one. I dreamed of the future.... in a video game.
>be playing DaS with a friend of for hours upon hours and weeks upon weeks
>we spend days just ganking people and having a good laugh about it
>suddenly get this vivid dream
>I could go into a ton of detail, but suffice to say, it's of the beginning area of the DLC (the one with the mushroom lady coming out of the tree)
>talk to her in the dream
>remember my friend being absolutely floored by the area
Now here's the fun part
>me and my friend didn't know a thing about the DLC and had never seen a bit of it in screenshots or videos
>one day friend finds out about it, calls me up, tells me how to get there
>we both decide to do it that night
>beat the boss guarding the DLC
>get to the forest
>my jaw drops
>It's exactly like my dream to a T

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Weirdly, I have the similar memory about another NES Zapper classic: Wild Gunman.

I've played it at my mom friends' house when I was like 6, and there was an oddity in that version. In "normal" game, bandits are appearing from either left or right side of the screen (or both), and there are no more than 2 of them simultaneously.
The game I saw, bandits were stepping from left edge of the screen to right, forming a line. You could only shoot one of them who currently stood in the middle, and they were reacting to it by moving their mouths as if they were cursing, then moving in line to the right. I didn't really catch on the point of gameplay then and never saw this version ever again, there's a 99.9% chance of it being fake childhood memories.

It could be your case, too. Or maybe your friend got some weird early clone/bootleg that no one dumped.
When I was a kid our NES was a shitty hand-me-down that didn't always read carts right. One time my brother and I started up Duck Hunt and the cart corrupted, leaving the menu text to say
Pretty much the funniest thing that can happen to a kid. Too bad we didn't have cameras of our own to use back then.
My Famiclone started to get glitchy near the end of its lifespan (i think cartridge slot getting loose is a very common problem, I have that on another clone too), it could mess up graphics and letters randomly, but it was weirdly consistent with some games. Robocop 3 always displayed its title as BOBOCO N at the start screen, never anything different.

This game is BOBOCO N for me ever since.

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Misinterpreted visuals thread.

Hard mode: No Emperor Gestahl.
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fucking furries
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i see it now.... but you saw that when you were school-aged?
The "What I thought it was" is correct.
On a GBC screen, I had no fucking idea what this sprite was supposed to be. At first I thought it was a fish, and I had no idea wtf to do. I never bothered going into the pokemart for like a day because I was a dumbass elementary school kid

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and this is a mix between Metroid and Zelda 2 but with self contained levels
also there is the Knightmare II Maze of Galious
>Any other games like this that use the 2d combat and open world nature?
Yeah, Dragon Buster, like I already said, >>11064071 .
Athena but it's superjank. Cute though.
Is this for the snes?

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So ive been playing this game for a month now and noticed that i cannot get the sponsorship challenge for the bike for the prototype exhausts no matter how good i perform in a race. is this shit bugged? Anyone knows? Surely someone has played this greatest hits title....
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anyone have any info on what was fixed in the patches?? if there were any at all? maybe this has something to do with the unpatched vanilla release...
honestly i played the everloving fuck out of this game growing up and still never beat it. so much content. great soundtrack too. its a shame nobody cares about it
redump only has 1 revision for the game not counting regional versions
OP here. i had it as a kid as well, but back then the game was too hard for me. the content feels like padding though, running the same races only with different classes of vehicles...
maybe thats why i remember the campaign going on forever lol. though i mostly just played classic mode. never got as far on replays on pcsx2
without that sponsorship challenge this game cannot be 100%ed. feels pretty bad...

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Happy Independence Day /vr/,
Today let's celebrate the greatest games from the greatest country. What are your favorite American games? I'd like to salute Maximo produced by Capcom Digital Studios.
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Gotta be DOOM
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Defending our great nation against nuclear threats is as American as it gets.
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Previous thread: >>11053046

If you're just joining in, this is a full playthrough, with tips and commentary from yours truly, as well as key decisions made by (You).

On the last part, tragedy struck. The party found the Espers, and after a friendly encounter with General Leo, it looked like true peace and understanding between Espers and humans was within reach. But it was all a ruse by the Emperor. On his orders, Kefka seized the opportunity, killed General Leo, and turned the Espers into Magicite. The other Espers still inside the Sealed Gate opened it again and rushed to help, but they were no match for Kefka, and they, too, got turned into Magicite. With the way to the Esper Realm open, Kefka and the Emperor casually waltzed in and activated the power of the Statues, the "goddesses" of magic, to raise the Esper Realm's continent into the sky.

We've no choice but to stop them, as disturbing the Statues any further could literally end the world. The airship is ready to give chase to the Flying Continent.
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That's the prevailing narrative, but later versions have been changing more of the fundamentals. Even the best need a no-person.
anon means someone who's not a yes-man, someone who will give honest feedback and reality checks to creators. Without that, even the most talented artists can veer off into retardation. I'm not familiar enough with T-Edition to comment, but it sounds like it's happening there, and that an older version may be the better option if they don't get their act together.
It would've been forgotten. Kefka and Celes carry this game, but neither can do that without the World of Ruin.
Which emulator are you using?

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Should i get region free nes?
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unreal lol
Get a Wii
Troons don't like the frog.
The NES is already region-free

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good game
it's fun with good atmosphere
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The graphics are pretty good for 2003

Are you getting the new vinyl collection of the metal gear solid OST anon? I know I am!

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>vinyl for digitally produced music
>album LP for something that isn't even meant to be listened to that way
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>something that isn't even meant to be listened to that way
The OST was released in 1998.
>something that isn't even meant to be listened to that way
The game's soundtrack was released in 1998. Either way, it's in a form in which you sit down and listen to it.
Id gladly accept it as a gift. But if im honest i usually have the volume low while playing games due to tinnitus. I remember the series having great music however.
I'm not giving a dime to Konami.

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