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dragon slayer 4 aka drasle family aka legacy of the wizard, which version is considered best?
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Tell us why.
This board is infested with zoomers.
NES/Famicom > MSX2 for this
There is no real difference from the NES and Famicom version other then the title screen, no real game changes so just play either.
I love this game and its a balls hard challenge. If you're not using a guide some sort you will need some paper to map things out for yourself and take notes. People who bitch are the ones who never do this step even though it was a common and expected thing to do in 80s PC gaming, which this is (MSX is the original verison).
>NES/Famicom > MSX2 for this
Just outright plays smother. Higher framerate + smooth scrolling. The MSX1/2 versions dont scroll at all, but it can be used to your advantage to get mobs to despawn.
Its 2024, just go and download it and play it.

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What went wrong with F-Zero? It seems like Sega had a good 3D racer formula going on but they did not capitalize off of it. Did transitioning into 3D ruin F-Zero? Outside of Smash Bros and the anime, it’s as if Sega forgot about this IP. In some ways, I see parallels between the F-Zero franchise and Superkartio.
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also, my original comment stated that you either have this or you don't.

just because you maybe have never put thought into it, but if you *did* manage to beat everything in the game, i assure you that you DO know what a racing line is, and you likely can establish a good line around a track.

congrats, you have it. i'm talking about the people that don't. and there are tons of them. they....they don't play fzero or other racing games lol. because they suck. and my whole point was because you intuitively understand how to go faster or you don't.

and in the OG fzero game, going faster was basically just making sure you boost in the right spot and limited mistakes.

but in GX, going faster is actually making sure you understand the hidden mechanics of the game to ensure you are actually going as fast as possible. that's *completely* different.
which i can add even further and say that the physical techniques required to playing GX at absolute top speed is so rough on your hands/wrists than literally *every* player who has ever done it says "yeah don't even really both learning snaking because you WILL injure yourself doing it".

absolutely NOTHING in the og fzero requires that kind of technique, and again that's only a thing because of the hidden mechanics in GX that aren't intuitive to the player.

if you are saying you found basically alternating side attacks while drifting WHILE momentum throttling (which means you monitor your speed closely and know when it's beneficial to actually let go of the gas button and turn your engine off to retain more speed) intuitive, then you are an fzero savant. still not an argument for it not being much, much harder and not something that is "oh i just need to take this turn a little tighter, that's how i can get a faster lap time".

to get a faster lap time in gx you have to do the things i am mentioning. that's a whole different game, a game most people aren't going to play and don't want to play.
So you’re saying Sega made a better game than Nintendo ever could?
i never said anything about better or worse.
it's simply more shit to learn other than "oh it's a racing game, got it".
Not a retro game but Aero GPX definitely proves that the genre had somewhere to go and iterations could be had but Nintendo outright just did not want to do it.

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Games Turning 20 in 2025
>Resident Evil 4
>God of War
>Timesplitters: Future Perfect
>Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy
>The Punisher
>Burnout Revenge
>The Warriors
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>Devil May Cry 3
>Star Wars: Republic Commando

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You left out some of the best ones. Killer7, We Love Katamari, Pathologic, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, SWAT 4, Digital Devil Saga 2, Haunting Ground, Fatal Frame 3...
Why’d you trail off? List more if you have more.
Yeah it's been 20 years since they stopped making good games. Sad innit? And as times goes on, that number will only increase.
I’m older than time itself.
You forgot the biggest one: X360 released in November 2005.
Frankly though, that sounds about right. With console gens getting longer, in those 20 years we only had 2.5 gens, and fewer games each year, most of which were remasters and ports, to the point that PS5 has been out for 4 years and still barely has any games. A lot of time has passed, yet the last 2 decades were all the same shit, the AAA era of Ubi/EA/Sony / etc.. It feels like the history of games has ended around 2005, and much like with music, there isn't much to talk about past that point.
People born in 2006 are 18 now, so yeah, you can't stop the clock

It'd be fun to have an Aladdin thread that, for once, doesn't turn into a "Capcom's was better!" or "Virgin's was better!" kind of thread, sure, it's fine to discuss which you prefer, but let's keep this civil and let's focus on actually discussing these titles without just trying to prove one managed to be superior to the other at all.

I find the Capcom title better thanks to it being more polished with it's tight controls, I also love the platforming, but that sword and animation on Virgin's, makes me like it a bit more really.

I wish other versions would get talked about more too, especially the SIMS version for the Master System and Game Gear, it depicts the Disney film perfectly and is very fun to play.

I've recently given other versions a try and I'm quite impressed with the NES version, maybe I just have a high tolerance for BS, but I find the attempt to have Virgin's version on the NES, in 1994, a novel concept, and the execution isn't bad, whenever people talk about it it's usually treated poorly, but I think most are too harsh.
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Aladin was made by Virgin Games USA.
Dave Perry is a bong.
Not a console warrior myself, but SNES got the Natsume-developed Power Ranger games.
So Earthworm Jim is a bong game too?
It was also developed by Perry, so yeah.
I personally don't consider bongland to be European though, more like western arabian.
AI says he is my celebrity match if anybody is down for flying on a carpet hmu

ITT: Japanese box art that's cooler than its western counterparts
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> it looked like he had a beard there
he looks like some crazy lumberjack
also why the fuck is he grabbing the 2? why is there a big 2? it's so fucking funny
remnants of pushing sonic as the "cool" mascot in the US
JP boxart has a lot of saturated colors and wacky shapes that could be considered childish
gold box is cool because it gives off the look/feel of an old TTRPG.

the JP boxes look like manga covers.
Man, even though Urushihara's art is good it is not served well by that cover at all.
Whatever we might think of the localised style, it was appropriate to the time and place it was released and at least is suggestive of a sweeping adventure.
Warsong is also a really good title for the game.

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Thoughts on Pistol Start?
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surprisingly nice forearms on carmack
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I did it dudes, took me 2 days to beat it on UV Pistol-Start.
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Dude works out. During his teenage years he decided he should train his body in addition to his mind, and supposedly he would fuck with school bullies with that. Either by beating them up, or him "agreeing" to do all the work when on a paired assignment with them, to then actually having done nothing at all, to make sure they would fail.

>that rocky wall texture is also in Doom and in Quake
They got a lot of mileage out of it. I actually went and looked to see if might even date back to like Catacomb 3D, because that would be funny to me, but it seems Wolfenstein 3D is when it first appeared.

By Quake 1 & 2 it's transformed a lot, and it actually looks really good in a way which fits Doom's graphical style more if you just tweak the thing to work with Doom's palette. The MAC one with a filter or translucent overlay on it, which is what it is in its Doom incarnations, never really sat right with me and it and looks off when used for Doom.
Do you mean in Doom only or just in general? Because I was raised on a steady diet of the Rare shooters - Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Timesplitters, which are generally spawn without weapon in multi.

I'm born 92. I have a zoomie lil half brother born 2002. In about 2017 or so I showed him PD, he'd never seen it. He was utterly and comprehensively filtered by the lack of a weapon at spawn. Like he actually couldn't function with it and stopped playing.

>Aww, you need the game to hold your hand ? Want the game to kill the enemies for you too?
>*Laughs in Millennial*
Having to fight your way to the shotgun is based

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I finally understand why people like shoot 'em ups
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Then, 20 years later, the birth rate of Japan dropped to zero.
Indeed, if I had fingers like that my gf would never want my dick again
What are some of the more beginner friendly ones? Not on CD.
why did you not understand before? I don't like them but it was always obvious why people did.
you just kind of put a bunch of pressure in your wrist and it makes your fingers vibrate. you don't actually try to move your finger up and down that fast. its hard to explain but it gives you carpal tunnel

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My favorite games.
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The correct term is Hyuckformer
Banjo kazooie>DK 64>>Banjo tooie>>>>>Conkers

BK and DK 64 top 10 3D plateformer
>moooom! the ape game is making me collect bananas again!
happened to me with nintendo in general. hopefully I can have fun with them again when my kids are toddlers

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What's the best level/song and why is it Jewel box?
>why is it Jewel box?
Actually OP the correct answer is the following:
Warning Line

Don't feel too bad about it. Everyone makes mistakes every now and then :^)

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>what if every other enemy was either an iron lich or a nitrogolem
>every level is a retarded scavenger hunt to find random walls/floors that lower after crossing an arbitrary trigger somewhere in the level
What a dogshit expansion. Talk about a downgrade.
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I'm pretty sure that only the first levels before you build up the arsenal are hard.
Fuck you
Outside of the iron lich closets and the fiftieth room with sniping nitrogolems, I do like the combat. You can play through most of the original episodes just using the crossbow, but in the expansion you're forced to switch weapons much more often.
Filtered, E4 and E5 are chad only.

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do you always pick the latest rev version?
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mystic defender as well
It's funny that for many games it's easier to find compilations of beta leftovers and other similar arcane stuff than some kind of changelog explaining what changed between different retail revisions. In fact I think that for many games the only acknowledge of different revisions existing is the existence of different roms in a romset, with no mentions at all anywhere else in all the internet.
Use TCRF to find out if you should or not
Link's Awakening GB has actual revisions before the DX release, iirc they fix the famous screen warp glitch.
Romhack patching. Firered usually uses the 1.0 version which is called squirrels for some reason
Also mario 64 patched out BLJs and no more gay bowser, but that's for the JP version only

Yes, it's time. I've put it off for far too long. What was meant to be the end of the playthrough, ending and all, was put on hold due to... circumstances. But it is time to finally put it to rest. Our HEROES will finally put an end to Kefka's reign of terror once and for all.

Or, they would, but one among them has decided that this is personal. Kefka WILL fall, and it WILL be by this person's hands alone. The others shall not interfere. The fate of the world will come down to one lone hero seeking closure.
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At each point, our HEROES have prevailed.
The journey was long. The cost was high. Even so, they persevered, and managed to achieve the long-sought peace they had been fighting for.
So upwards they flight, triumphant. They fly...
...toward the future they helped secure.
And so ends this playthrough of FF6.

I want to say thanks to all those who stuck around, wondering if I would ever finish it. I really was ready to just drop it after what happened in the last thread, but the few of you who mentioned it even as the months rolled on made me realize that, even if just a little bit, it meant something. Of course, this was largely done for fun, though there was some attempt at educating as well in regards to how to play the game, as well as dispelling certain myths about it (YOU HAVE TO GRIND EVERY PARTY MEMBER FOR THE LAST DUNGEON, for example). In any case, I'm just happy to have finally ended this as I ought to have, for the most part. To the two or three of you who still gave a shit, once again, thank you.

Why does Mega Man's music tend to be so generic? As in, every game after Mega Man 1 has a bunch of tracks that fit the general theme of the series, but do not sound like they belong to their assigned stages.
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t. this is rockfaggots knowledge about music

damm this is a new low
>Why does Mega Man's music tend to be so generic?
because every single VGM composer heard how good that shit was and tried to copy it for the next decade or so. youre just lost in the retrospect
someone had to do it, and it sure wasnt gonna be me
what drugs are you on? there's plenty of rock from x1-x3
storm eagle, spark mandrill, x-hunter stage 1, toxic seahorse, blast hornet, doppler stage 1, etc etc
Appreciate it

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this is retro
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At least WoW tried to solve the issue of gameplay getting significantly worse the more active a server is. I get that EQ devs were naive about how players would play the game, but for some reason later MMOs copied those blatantly broken mechanics. MMOs should be better the more players there are, not worse. It was so stupid trying to play when every decent exp camp was taken, there was a necro perma camping every named, and raid bosses were locked to some artificial GM-enforced kill schedule exclusively for the top 2-3 guilds per server.
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That cover image sucks so much. The WarCraft III box elf is much prettier. What were they thinking
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for me, it's wc2 goblins
It's half WC3's fault, but I really hate how watered down the horde races were in WoW.
>nooo you can't have brutal bloodthirsty monsters as player characters, they need to be noble savages!
WC2 was peak horde and what they should've aimed for.
same, but realistically I was too young and poor to afford a monthly subscription + I was sharing a pc with my brothers so it was never meant to be
"luckily" I managed to experience the novelty of MMOs by playing shitty f2p korean games

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>Friend picks Eddy
>Beats your ass by mashing buttons
every single time
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In Tekken 3 backdash wasn't nerfed into the dirt and it was dead easy to get out of his range. Eddy taught a lot of people how to punish whiffs
>I beat his ass irl
that's my guy, enjoy getting juggled for 10 seconds straight
Eddy is "beginner's god tier", but above scrub level he kind of sucks. You realize half his shit is badly punishable and slow. The real top tier in T3 is Jin
Here's a childhood memory I have.

>Little brother picks Bakuryu in Bloody Roar 2
>He actually beats me!
>If you mash one button while playing as him, he has this easy three-hit combo that's really fast and effective at beating out lots of the stuff I was trying to do.
>I continue playing against him and figure out I can just block the combo when he does it and then punish him.
It was a learning experience that I'll never forget.

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