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>install retro game
>spend the next 5 hours trying to get it to run/fix bugs that render it unplayable
>give up
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Just run a DOS/Win95/whatever you need virtual machine. Modern hardware is fast enough to emulate a entire hardware and software environment.
>Modern hardware is fast enough to emulate a entire hardware and software environment.
Only very slow configurations.
>virtual machine
Virtualization doesn't emulate the CPU, only GPU and peripherals and those can run natively too if you set up a passthrough. PCem is the actual software emulator of old PC configs.
skill issue
skill issue
Obviously frogger
git gud

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How the fuck can this absolute piece of garbage software be in the current state while PCSX2 and RCPS3 exist, which both emulate a much more complex hardware?? I thought Xbox architecture was x86 and thus supposedly to emulate?? Even Xenia emulates X360 better and without crashes. What a sick joke.
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best way to run OG Xbox games is the paltry few ported to the modern Xboxes with back compat, otherwise just biting the bullet and getting original hardware
You stupid nigger.

GLideN64 also emulates it properly.
If you care about accuracy, then why are you emulating to begin with?
>w-well it's not emulation, that's the point
Oh right, it's playing a version of the game that's been meddled with by trannies and the code unironically altered, often with "features" you can't disable. Very accurate, yes.
It plays Toejam & Earl 3 without much issue
What, you're telling me you want MORE?
You're a retarded kid for comparing Xemu to a 20 year old emulator.

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Which games automatically take you back to your childhood? For me, it's I-ninja, simply thinking about it takes me back to when I was a kid in the 2000s.
A litany of PS1 games
The shitty ET game, the awesome Casper game, Crash Team Racing, Crash 1-3, Crash Bash, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (my parents made us turn the music off, we just listened to skateboard noises), Jet Moto 2, Sheep, Toy Story 2, and probably a couple others I forget. My sisters and I played those with my mom all the time
Rocky's Boots.

hum Buggy is always a nostalgic game

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Is the Japanese version of Actraiser 2 any easier? I really WANT to play the game but it's just too brutal...sorry!
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Yeah, it's more of a practice mode in that sense. But to be fair, if you're able to beat all prior levels on easy, you should be ready for normal.
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I've found some of the old notes I had taken and the best ending is only seen on the Hard difficulty in the US and PAL versions, but on Normal in the JPN version

As a general rule in the JPN version mini-bosses have less HP, health pick-ups restore more HP, some enemies have less HP too; and there are differences in enemy placement that makes it easier

There is in favour of the JPN version but I'm not 100% sure it is true. It seems that this boss has different behaviour that makes him more interesting whereas he's kind of a push over that does nothing in the US version
JPN version also gives more MP for special attacks. This helps in some tight situations.
Got it. Well I swallowed my pride and downloaded the Japanese version since I can get the real ending on that one. We'll see how it goes!
Better have your Google Translate handy so you can actually read the ending though, haha

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Everyone agree ?
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Junkyard -> Stripclub -> Random room
I quit after the random room part
>your opinion is literally meaningless.
I quit Onimusha less than 5 minutes in because of the controls.
That's a valuable insight for gamedevs not to make mechanically janky games that feel like shit.
No, you said you quit at the rhythm minigame. That would be your girlfriend distracting the gangsters. you can admit that you got the ick. we won't judge, but only because you're anonymous.
what political reasons
The gameplay trailer is literally Dead to Rights, right down to the levels and SHIT prison minigames. Actually kind of a neat bit of history.

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You are being exiled
to a desert island, you can only bring 5 retro games with you. The equipment required to run them will be supplied. What are you taking?
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Internet will be provided but you can access only selected games' servers if the game requires them.
Now, people to play those games with will not be provided
how hard is it to read the thread? the amount of people who jump into threads withiut reading is astonishing across all boards on this site
Reaching lvl 200 with all classes will take you thousands of hours
That's not fun, tho. Solitaire is more fun.
Donkey Kong Country
Paper Mario
Resident Evil Director's Cut
Final Doom (just for Plutonia)
Tetris GB

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I'm calling bullshit that kids back in the day could solve this without a guide. 95% of the players would have got filtered in the first hour of gameplay if not for guides.
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I've been trying to get silent Hill and Simon's Quest on Game Center CX for years, specifically to see how Arino handles the puzzles.

He's done RE1-3 and breezed past them. None of the puzzles in 1 gave him much difficulty.
You're aware that show is scripted, right?
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>there's a script writer
>therefore it's scripted

Watch the F-Zero X episode where arino completely bombs the game in a very unfun way. It's 12 hours of him flying off the end of stages. If they were faking it why would they include that? That ep put any doubts that anything in the show is faked.
>there's a script writer
>therefore it's scripted
yes that is indeed how it works
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Most of the words said are narration in some form or the other, written by script writer Kibe. It's not a secret who he is or what he does on the show.

For SH1, Arino will likely get stuck in some action segments, but breeze through the puzzles.

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This is so much better with a controller than mouse+keyboard that it's insane. Way more challenging and it just feels right. I think my next playthrough will be keyboard only.
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sounds ludo to me.
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>Everything is infinitely tall or flat depending how you want to look at it.
Only between monsters, collisions, and explosions.
*between monsters/players and explosions
This is the one thing I don't like about the Turok remaster. I struggled with the game on n64. With kb+m I just flew through it.
You should also replay the remaster with an N64 controller and its default aim-snapping for a full and proper comparison. Turok's also a weirder case because it was out for Windows later the same year in 97.

What went wrong with Crash 4?
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Xbox gives birth to an android girl from N.U.D.E.@
Hard disagree
yiff in hell
Nothing. It was fun to play as a kid.

To me it was just as good as Crash 3 but with better graphics back then.
coco > tawna

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About to play this on the ol' MiSTer tonight. Anything I should know going in?
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You don't know how to emulate properly
There's an extremely good fan made patch for the pc release of SH2, look up the Enhanced Edition (it's NOT the HD Collection.)
Yeah I saw that, but it's soulless and inauthentic. When people say SH2 is a masterpiece they are talking about SH2 on PS2
I've played the shit out of both the original PS2 release and the Enhanced Edition and if you disable the new textures for inventory items and memos (you can do both in the settings, it has a ludicrous amount of customization) and the dumb color filter they have enabled by default for some reason, it's almost 1-1. The only thing I really noticed different is that James transitions into strafe movements more smoothly in EE, as in if you are running and start strafing he does it without any hiccups whereas in the original there's a pause.
>when people say SH2 is a masterpiece
I think that's people overly praising a very well done story with loads of cool symbolism without really understanding it for the sake of sounding intelligent for the most part, but those factors aren't lost or changed in EE.
>I have a slim
I recently played through SH3 via SMB on my slim, one time it crashed when my computer went to sleep but otherwise worked flawlessly
If you have mechapwn installed it's also extremely easy to play burned discs.
No hate for actually buying the game but you have a lot of other options on the slim.

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Have you ever restored a yellowed console or controller? Did it work?
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I don't mind it, but it's jarring for shit like the SNES because only parts of it yellow.
>40 level hydrogen peroxide cream

Did you mean 40 volume hydrogen peroxide cream, because that's what google brings up.
>humanity exists for millions of years
>no sunscreen
>no cancer
>sunscreen exists for dozens of years
>sun now causes skin cancer
yeah. the typical product that women use to dye their hair
Yes, I've done a couple things. The most impressive result was with an original Famicom, but it pretty quickly reyellowed.

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What's the /vr/dict? I really wanna like this game, but it's J U S T T O O S L O W W W W
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>proto avp or som

Nah, WoF is too methodical and slow-paced, relatively speaking. AvP is more of a successor to C&D and The Punisher, while SoM is a spiritual successor to KOTR.

WoF is basically its own thing, it shouldn't really be compared to anything to be honest.
>styling things
Teach me
I really don't know what ya on about. Send a vid or something.
I've linked a couple of video's that get into it
Warriors of Fate Combo course - kadan - 天喰らⅡ 赤壁の戦い コンボ講座 黄忠
Warriors of fate -Horse riding course- 天地を喰らうⅡ 赤壁の戦い 乗馬講座
>but it's J U S T T O O S L O W W W W
play with 3 friends with arcade DIY rig.

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What are your favorite games to play on this today, that still hold up well?

I am trying to get into the PSX library because I didn't play it much growing up, but I am struggling to find games that actually hold my attention, even though I love plenty of 3rd gen, 4th gen, and 6th gen games. Every game I've played so far on it has just felt clunky, awkward, and slow. They aren't terrible, but they are just really boring and forgettable, and I feel like I'm having to force myself to keep playing them.
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Digimon Rumble Arena is a 2001 time capsule. World 3 is like a pokemon game.

GTA2 is like GTA3 but 2D and the radio is pretty good ( taxi driver, he's looking at me)

that one Alien game was the first FPS with modern dualstick controls
>Millions of people love FF7 you fucking mongoloid, never share your opinion online ever again
Over 2% of the population have an IQ below 70 (which is considered retarded)
Given there are over 8 billion people that gives us a total group of 163 million people that (can) enjoy FF7
truth nuke
I have played SH1 and RE1 (still need to play RE2 and RE3). They're good, but like 7/10 games at best; I wouldn't really feel like I was missing out if I never played them.

PSX just really doesn't have those heavy hitter, peak of their genre, timeless classics like other consoles.

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Disaster ports, remakes, PC versions, and remasters
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This area is the least offensive thing about anniversary. There are some truly eldritch abominations in the remake.
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frosty blue eyed military chad > brown eyed potato head
Halo PC chads win yet again
>Fucking Hitman 1 UI doesn't scale above 640x480.
You should be more concerned about game breaking bugs when you run game at above 30fps
Xbox 360 will never be retro and retro ends at PS2/Gamecube.
No remaster can be worse than Warcraft III Reforged. It's one thing to release a subpar remaster with superficial visual upgrades or compromised art direction, but to go out of your way to retroactively fuck up the original game and stab your multiplayer and modding community in the back is a fucking disgrace that can never be forgiven.

Post the current flight game you're playing, or ask other anons about flight games you might be interested in trying. Just started F-16 Multirole Fighter by Novalogic.
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Thank you to the anon who told me that Ace Combat 3 had an english patch.
There's two now, I think. Either way, enjoy. It's one of the best games on the PSX.
>one of the best games on the PSX

Why would you lie like that?
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

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