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Early Bethesda games are... fascinating
Post pre-Todd Howard slop
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I feel like people speedrun anything. I don't know how they are doing it though, that subway part is bullshit of purest form, unless it's not really RNG and there are limited amount of setups you can get.
> literally all you do is run in circles for 20 fucking minutes

Gaming was so good in 90s
Penny was telling me she was emulating it on her computer book.
Let's play Homey Alona!
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Had this game but never finished it because it refused to launch one of the missions.

Post some callbacks in /vr/ games. I'm a sucker for this shit.
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It was just MGS1 with the cast and setting rearranged, with implication that it's all just Raiden in VR Training doing a fictionalized semi-retelling of Shadow Moses before he does the real thing in MGS2.
This reminds me, wasn't there a similar thing in Shenmue 2? In the first game, it remembers which photo you take and in the next one, character will show it to his friend
>It was just MGS1 with the cast and setting rearranged
You've described MGS2 through 4, but not Ghost Babel.
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man Simon was a midget

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my thing is, with the 64, we got Diddy Kong Racing, Super Mario 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie for great games.
> i dunno if Donkey Kong 64 was that great, feels empty.
> some decent fighters on the Nintendo 64, even though they look blocky
> some decent wrestling games
a pretty solid library, it's hard to boo. i also really like the variations, your Jungle Green, Atomic Purple smoke... yeah, the controller wasn't the most comfortable, but i love the colors.
I mean, by this era, Nintendo was really (with their N64 commercials) embracing their more edgy Attitude Era. like, Nintendo weren't really having that Sega Attitude, but they kinda had to match that because that's just how society had kinda changed at that time.
we were in that Nickelodeon/MTV kinda gross-out humor era, and Nintendo had to match that attitude with these commercials, which to be fair I think they did a great job with such games like:
> Mario Party 2
> GoldenEye 007 - game changer (Perfect Dark i like a lot as well)
> Banjo-Kazooie
> Conker's Bad Fur Day
> Super Smash Bros.
> Mario Kart 64 - i like that way better than the Super Nintendo one.
> WCW vs nWo World Tour
> Battletanx (3DO)

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Conker was basically a massive shitpost. Rare out-cutesied and outclassed Nintendo that entire gen, built up so much clout for themselves, then just out of the blue dropped the most low-brow, British underclass humor game of all time.
They had to have been sick of Nintendo. If they didn't make this game, Nintendo probably would've been a lot more likely to buy them out.
What a retarded statement
I would have beaten another child to death with a tree branch for a N64 and a copy of banjo
honestly, it is my favorite videogame console to this very day. I'm a PC guy.
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Not really, Twelve Tales was geniunely made because the team behind it was mostly Killer Instinct staff and they wanted a break from the violence of KI with a cutesy game, Rare never seemed to hate working on their kid-friendly games.
BFD happened because Twelve Tales was about to get cancelled unless the team came up with a way to revitalise the project (because reviewers were complaining too much about "another kiddie n64 platformer", the guys at Rare weren't confident about the game being a success), so the Stampers asked Chris Seavor "Conker has to steal a beehive from wasps, how you make that fun?" and then he replied "I'll make it violent." and that's how BFD was born.
I just got a n64 with a flashcart and loaded up the entire NA, EU, JP libraries. We had one growing up, but quite a bit more of my time was spent with the PS1. Mostly only played Smash, Conker's, Perfect Dark, and some wrasslin' game. Which would you recommend I check out?

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I remember playing it in 2004 and recently did give it a shit there are peopel stil playing it.

I wanted to see what youtubers have to say about it however. .... literally no one talsk about it? WTF?! Only some retarded mod for multiplayer....


HL2 multi is the most insane fun you will ever have!

The deathmath is pure gold.
Basicalyl a creaazy scenario where everyoen runs around the mapt to get the best weapons.

However the gravity gun change everything.
You can simply use it to kill people left and right. Very interesting and very creative.

So it is not like you spawn with the worst weapons imaginable.

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Is there a game from the Windows 98 or XP era that you could not get to run on modern hardware no matter what you tried? if so which one was it?
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have you tried the GoG "version" the store page says it runs on windows 7 to 11 so i guess its patched to run on modern windows.
I used winevdm to get 16 bit support and installed it fine but the game itself refused to open.
wait, are you talking about the first Wipeout or 2079?
2097, it has a 16 bit installer but you can use https://github.com/otya128/winevdm to run those.
I used that generic 32 bit installer that you place in the installation folder (copy everything of the disc to a folder on your computer) replace the setup exe of the game and put the generic 32 bit installer in it and install it.

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I've said it a million times, but Nintendo fucked up big by not realizing what they had with their shooters. They had Goldeneye, a random licensed game that sold 8 million fucking copies -- and mind you, SM64 (a 1st party pack-in game with huge a advertising budget) only sold 3 million more. They were sitting on a goldmine. All of the college dudebros typed who worshipped GE and action games moved right onto Xbox after 5th gen, because Halo gave them the next version of what they wanted, and Nintendo failed to provide.

Imagine if in 2001, you could go buy N64 2.0 with a copy of Perfect Dark, that every magazine on earth had been shilling as "the next Goldeneye!". The people they had hooked with stuff like GE, OoT, SSB and and racing games would have come back for more of the same. Unfortunately, they opted to release a purple lunchbox with weegee at the forefront, and they only realized this was a bad idea well into the 6th gen, which is when they tried to pivot with shit like RE4 before going full casual.
Nah, it was amazing on N64.
All GE maps are good. All PD maps are confusing padded shit.
look me in the eye and tell me that Caves is a good map (CAVES, not CAVERNS)
honestly i can see that

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admit it, this was the peak of all gaming, and the peak of SOULful experiences. the possibilities were endless. there were more iconic, genre defining moments than any other era. Sure the saturn was off sniffing glue in the corner, but even that had its charms. Never was there such a huge difference between the consoles, every system had unique graphics, controls and genres they excelled at. face it boomers, it was so much more than the flat 2d era could bring us, and we still got amazing 2d games in gen 5. and face it zoomers, your games are shit and no one likes you. gen 5 is PEAk

>Mario 64
>Resident Evil
>Silent Hill
>Banjo Kazooie
>Pokemon gen 1
>Mario Kart
>Symphony of the Night
>Star Fox 64
>F-Zero X

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>Few games used the multitap
This is true, but there was one game that justified buying the multitap.
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dont forget the ludokino we got on handheld too. I had pic related, shit was so cash (bitches loved it)
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Quake uses a 12MB cart
Maybe they shouldn't have been cheap fucks and should have used a 32MB cart instead
wtf happened to pikachus nose tho
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>the goy goy never played poy poy

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this guy sucks at super metroid (like how do you fuck up the old tourian shinespark?) but his music skills are pretty good


the game would have been even better if played this song instead of the ridley fight music on the escape sequence

what's your best clear time? mine was 0:53, but i was cheating by the rules of super metroid speedrunning. i was playing on an emulator with a ps3 controller with L2 bound to run and R2 bound to weapon swap so i could hold down run while 30hz shoulder pumping easier and swap weapons really fast

i didn't use savestates or save at all though, and the main blunders i made were that i just can't do the crazy wallhop out of the bomb area consistently, took 3 cracks to mockball for the super missiles, and actually almost died to ridley

i had a mental block on how to fight ridley without screw attack for years until i read his ASM code block and then i was like oh, he acts like a fighting game character where he reads your inputs and coordinates and tries to figure out what to do, and then i never died to him again
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I honestly like Ridley music being the final escape music as well, makes it come full circle
>Game begins with you escaping a burning space station with it playing
>Game ends with you escaping an exploding planet with it playing
in a 100% speedrun, i considered them part of that, but i rarely did those because i was a cigarette smoker back then and the nic fit would hit me before i cleared the game and fuck with my reflexes
they're one of the few communities i actually followed on twitch pretty hardcore for a while. they're pretty autistic but they've gotten so godly at the game they can short shine in less than a screen and it's completely changed the optimal route, and they got into a huge arugment over whether or not WR should be on game time or actual time, because there is a valid argument for game time - when samus is not in control of her actions, in an elevator, or saving, or in a door transition (they added those btw because the game is so graphically intense it actually has load times btw) the clock isn't ticking, and the counterargument was frame count is way easier to measure, and after arguing for months, settled on actual time
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i forgot to put dissassociative identity disorder into the namefield
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this is nice game
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that was my dota 2 handle and this is still my steam avatar

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There I said it.
>that blue alien guy's head on the cover was a cyborg tranny this entire time
That's not the blue one from Rise 1's cover doelbeitever.
Shit series, Zero Divide is better

How did you "embrace" retro gaming?
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by spreading my cheeks and letting it go ham
>Period of EA destroying games for generations

Sadly, EA was destroyin games and buying up landmark studios with the explicit purpose of shutting them down.

>No studios = No competition.

I'll never forgive them for that. Bastards.
When I was a kid I'd play my old games. I'd replay games often. When I got older and got newer games and consoles, I kept my old ones. When I found out my peers would trade in games at eb and gamestop I was confused. "Why would you do that? What if you want to play them again?" The response was usually something like "Why would I want to play them again?" Which I don't understand.

Essentially I never stopped playing these games. I would play my old PlayStation, my old Nintendo, Sega, and computer games. I "embraced" it as a thing in the early-mid 2000s with emulation. I joined communities and focused on playing old games. I had my consoles and emulation, eventually my consoles disappeared and I focused on emulation. After a point I was chasing a rabbit I couldn't catch in emulation and decided it's time to get all my consoles back, and now I have everything I want and you all have to deal with me here.

My embrace of retro gaming is engaging with the communities, discovering new-to-me games and sharing them with others, creating video clips and encouraging others to play. I also got into hardware repair, and now I run a retro game store in a "retro" hotspot in America.
Yeah. I was born in 1990 and 8/16-bit consoles came kinda late here where I live, got my first one around 1997. Played it until 2003 then got PC and found about emulators, jumped straight from the real hardware to that.
I remember myself seeing NES/Famicom romset for the first time and thinking "Wow, there are a LOT of games. Kirby's Adventure? What the hell is that about?"
I grew old, and so did good games

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>300 bucks
>plus $$$ for games or flashcard/drive emulator
>No cheevos
>No digital output
>No bitches
For $600-700 you can go on ebay and buy a custom-built PC that will play anything 2013 or older on max settings and emulate anything 6th gen or older, as well as a decent 24 inch monitor, good speakers, a good keyboard and mouse, USB controllsr, headphones and all cables. It will all take up only a desk's worth of space, will be easy to clean and maintain, will be useful for more than playing games, and it will last you the next 10+ years. It is a significantly better investment than any of these tinker toys and it will give you a million times more value. You're retarded if you haven't moved onto PCs at this point.
>buys the systems but not games for them
actually accurate to the elitist branch of retro gaming
>half of these are shitty zoomer consoles
>newest one is playstation that came out before zoomers were born
Nice try
One single 3DS can do all of this shit for ¥7500

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The Efu Emu Taunzu. Adored by the Japanese, a complete mystery to the west. What can you tell me about it?
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literally every piece of tech looks absolutely boring today. There is no pride and will in expressing your super cool tech anymore. It's either minimalist hell or RGB-puke
Lots of ports from other systems had unique CD quality soundtracks that made them well worth checking out.

>still, that particular case is quite pricey
Better not start collecting FM TOWNS MARTY, if that's your idea of pricey you will never be a BIG TYMER.
Could have sworn it was far more like 400+
>White people can't dance

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David Lynch passed away so let's have a Link's Awakening thread. After all the game was massively influenced by Twin Peaks.
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>Mark Frost himself confirmed he helped the Nintendo staff with ideas
He never elaborated on this? It's like he has no idea how major Zelda is
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>Confirmed by staff in Iwata Asks
>Confirmed by Mark Frost
>Still denying it

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>teleports into u
>throws u into ceiling
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Like many American kids, I had no idea what the fuck a "kuwanger" was suppose to be. Even if I had known about the term kuwagata, Boomer looks to freakishly thin to be a beetle.
*too freakishly
ok boomer
Stop posting my wife (male).
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What does "Ger" mean by itself anyway?

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>your star is a blonde European lady
>or a dark haired Japanese lady

Was was this dichotomy so common?
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Not the same person
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>I'm not riding because she looks ugly, because she don't. I'm riding her because she came out the damn house looking like a manifested fart.
Yeah but Heather mentions she dyes her hair blond so she still has natural black hair

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