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the greatest game of all time
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Is there a hack that allows this to work with an expansion pak?
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It broke the immersion for me, i played for hours to get to that point. Glad it was fixable.

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apparently it's good enough to have multiple homebrew clones
uhhh I meant to post this
Cat trap or Cat rap?
what is it about this game's cover art?
They have different BGMs.

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Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>Anon's devkit v0.2
https://pastebin.com/y857FdJH (embed)

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Is this the proper 19:10 ratio?
It is done. Download link: https://files.catbox.moe/8h2svr.park
And now, it's hosted.
the park so far

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Why are Japanese games more likely to be passion projects than western games?
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The real "passion projects" in the west were all the mods made by fans. Things like Natural Selectio and Counter Strike for Half Life or even all the user map settings custom games for Starcraft/Warcraft are were the real passion went. Granted now stuff like CS and DOTA have been whored out, but they started as just actual passion from real fan that did it for free.
Ironically, this perception seems to be because westerners into Japan are so frequently clueless otaku themselves. They're naturally attracted to anime and videogames, because that stuff IS the best cultural export Japan makes, but they're people who take up this attitude "people look down on me for liking this stuff here, but if I went to Japan it would all be OK and I could sperg out with people there".

Since these people don't seem to get that, while popular, these interests tend to be things you don't flaunt around in public in Japan, and since they didn't get that message, they assume that these things "really aren't popular", even though there's no mainstream culture in Japan of higher quality stuff to 'consume'.
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>Why are Japanese games more likely to be passion projects than western games?

look this dumb zoomer posted a false statement

ackctually sweetie chinks stole everything from west you dumb clown

Your final fantasy is just a Ultima fan project
The release of a new Dragon Quest game has been a borderline public holiday in Japan for decades. What are you talking about?

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Just beat Zelda 1 for the first time. What did I think of it?
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you've beat 0 games, your opinion counts for nothing
I could never play the original one, however the romhack redux one is amazing, and I put it on my 3DS. I now have a superior Game& Watch in my 3DS. idk what possessed Nintendo not to touch up the games more, or to not even include actual G&W games on it.
honestly this seems like a comfy way to play certain games. I kind of wish nintendo would make more dedicated systems like this.
Link's Crossbow Training is unironically more enjoyable than Twilight Princess.
You're only halfway through.

Urban Champion bros... the wait is finally over
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When is that site ever going to fix its SSL certificates?
HG101 was never good.
>I AM a functioning adult and I WILL play my fisher price gameboy on the couch like a big boy.
rent free baby rent free
Heavy projection

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Why do people dislike RE0 so much?
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I still contest that RE4 was some non RE project they had in the works that they renamed into one when the actual RE4 process was going to shit. Sort of like a reverse Devil May Cry.
I love it and think it’s grossly underrated. It’s a 9/10 at worst. Yeah the no item box is weird but it does pretty much everything else right and has some of the most oppressive atmosphere in the series
I would rather play Code Veronica again rather than play through RE0 again
What item and is this a Gamecube only thing?

See: >>11066287

I really liked how busy RE0 felt. I was constantly flicking through my items and making quick decisions (fight or flight). That leech man theme told me everything I needed to know in a nanosecond.
Nah, the RE4 we got was always supposed to be it. It was so different because REmake and RE0 didn't sell very well.

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is this pure genesis saturn S0VL or lanky janky hedehog cr4p?
>Sonic 3D: Fuckin’ Island

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Post your favourite Classicvanias and IGAvanias. For me, it's Bloodlines for Classicvanias and Aria of Sorrow for IGAvanias.
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AoS mogs SotN so hard, it isn't even funny anymore.
I think NG2 is great. Close to NESvanias which are peak CV for me.
Another context is an internet connection.

On a blind/normal playthrough, SOTN's gameplay is extremely bland compared to future metroidvanias. All the cool stuff is either locked behind glitches that you have to look up, or abysmal weapon droprates if you wanna get anything that isn't a gray-particled standard sword.

Aria of Sorrow mauls it in this regard because you get access to different weapon types and monster souls right from the start.
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>beat Dracula once, then his son got kidnapped a decade and a half later
>had to fight and kill Dracula as a much older man than any of the other Belmonts
>possibly had a dead son, going off of the internal family tree (though he may no longer exist)
>living son's corruption became a "scandal in the family"
Christopher Belmont had it rough.
Overall, I actually liked it a lot. I'll definitely replay it in the future.

What would a Virtual Boy Zelda have been like? What gimmicks would it use? Personally I think they would have used the second dpad to select items like you use the c buttons in the n64 zelda titles, and you would have jumped from floor to floor like half the titles on the virtual boy had you do.
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I never realized how bizarre the virtual boy controller was just now. Not just the 2 dpads, but the grips, and the weird l and r buttons, too. Has anyone here actually held one before? Is it comfortable?
This is a much better idea, dark dim miserable colors would match the atmosphere of Metroid and 95/96 would have been a good time to feed off the success of Super.
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missed opportunities.
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wtf I didn't know the modding scene was this advanced for the vb

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This game fuxx.
It's like reversi on crack. The moody atmosphere of the arcade version fits the ongoing mental battle perfectly. The game was so good that Capcom even picked it up for distribution in Japan.
The arcade at my university had this
I played it once, but I was mostly reserving my quarters for SF2 at the time
I found it pretty neat though and made a game for my calculator (TI-81) that mostly copied it
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I love this game but the credit-feeding nature of the arcade version kinda puts a damper on it, thank god for emulation. It also had a pretty interesting development history so I'd reccomend checking it out if you're interested:

The Japanese version of the arcade game does not demand credits for 100 seconds of play, it only limits your turn time. You can 1cc it.
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That's good to know, I'll lookout for that, though beating the last opponent on one credit would still be a daunting task.

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Pommy thread. Post your favorite pommys. Charaboms are cool too I guess.
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B64, the 2nd attack, then Hero
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I like this one even though it's retarded and knocks itself out with it's charge attack
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Well, first and second Pommy are bottom tier because all he does is stun, and I ain't never heard of someone keep the semifinals so they're out too.
In the hands of a second player, the Pixie and Shadow forms are godly. Their asses fly over everything and they have great attacks. Pixie's is harder to aim but makes up for it in heart generation, though I think Shadow's aggressive horn attack gives it the edge in DPS.
I hear Dinosaur and Dragon are physical powerhouses but I never experimented with them.

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"Really really nice" Edition

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

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>TSP running crossmix
>install "ready to play" port on portmaster
>the game either doesn't even boot or the controls don't work
Chinked. Ask Crossmix people, some shit is broken on muOS too.
apparently portmaster works way better on knulli, i'm flashing that on the sd card now to test it
only issue is that sleep mode and psp are worse on knulli but oh well, can't be worse than this crossmix shit
Stock TSP and crossmix are on a notoriously shitty situation with portmaster from lack of popularity.
I might try flashing knulli on a separate SD just por portmaster stuff as well.

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I'm new here. I want to see your game collections. Tell me about your favorites. what got you into collecting? what are your stories and how long have you been collecting?

I just generally like gaming, and im sure everyone here does, but it's JRPGs that really do it for me. the massive progression combined with constantly seeing new things. Im a big FF fan, as you can see. There's a great store that sells a lot of high quality retro games in my city, and I got pretty much everything from there.

Fav game of all time in this collection? maybe FF IX
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NGP my balls. It stands for Neo Geo Pocket.
I'll do my best, Dave!

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I keep mine in one of these, like a respectable adult.
>almost 100 grand in video games

Pretty based. Good investment.
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why did you glue your games to the walls of the cabinet?

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Post retro shops.
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>This nigga picks Yoshi in Mario Kart.
I'll bet he doesn't even pay his taxes.

Yeah. I haven't played Rogue - NetHack and ADOM are the ones I got into deeply for a while. They are both awesome but can be annoyingly obtuse once you start trying to actually win them. I eventually shifted over to the (non-"retro") Tales of Maj'Eyal and never went back.
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what was the point?

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