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I've just played SoM, and now I'm going to play SD3. Is there anything special I should know before I start playing?

Also what did you think about this game? Was it better than SoM do you think?
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The Werewolf bro is overpowered as fuck. He does the most damage at night so save those consumables that turn day to night for when you need a damage boost.
Why not Stories of Mana, to keep with the SoM theme
Riesz is the best girl.
Not that I'm complaining but I'd love to hear why the designers thought Kevin having double attack + the second highest STR stat in the game wasn't good enough and he needed a passive 50% attack buff during nighttime on top of it all
Loved playing SoE. As you say, if you really did some exploration, you were rewarded, there were some awesome secrets like the Fireball alchemy in the Hall of Collosia

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>Load up old NES RPG I've never played
>Don't look up any walkthroughs
>Don't look up mechanics like "What does spell X do" but instead use trial and error to figure it out
>Same with exploration
>Experiment with every piece of new gear, item, spell etc that comes my way
>Only supplementary material I allow myself to use is the official manual
>Don't use savestates, only use dedicated save spots like the world map

I now pay attention to my inventory management and spell uses, I treat dungeons as genuine gauntlets since any encounter can kill me if I'm not careful which means I'll lose any EXP, exploration is now fun and rewarding since I don't know whats waiting around the corner, my team comp and strategy is constantly adapting, and I never have any idea what comes next

Amazing how the industry convinced itself simple fun in this genre needed to be eroded by QoL and streamlining the experience. Its simple, but there's a genuine tension and sense of adventure to these games if you simply decide to go in with no prior knowledge and stick to them without cheating your experience
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>aren't expected to answer any questions you weren't prepared for. There won't be any trick questions or spikes in difficulty where if you get that one question wrong you fail everything.
I think that's what zoomies call artificial difficulty
Okay I'll make an exception for third worlders.
I love that I see the metal max series get mentioned more often these days. Love that series and have played all the available games I can including the spinoff dogs game they made.
>Its a "NPCs are roaming about and manage to constantly move in front of you/the exit/shop you are trying to enter" episode
>When you try to move arond them it times perfectly with them moving in the same direction


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Played Hybrid Heaven for the first time today and really enjoyed it. It's not the best game ever or anything but Im surprised I don't hear about this one more often, or even at all really. Really liked the story and atmosphere and had a lot of fun with its still pretty unique combat system. If I had to complain about anything its that the game just feels a bit slow. Thankfully its not very long, I beat it in about 8 hours, but its definitely one of those games that feels like its about three times longer than it actually is.

Any of you guys play this one? What did you think? If you haven't, I really recommend checking it out.
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I was floored that it suddenly went all "just on time to meet my girlfriend for christmas" ending. Like as a kid I was happy I finally beat it but in hindsight it was very contrived.
You mean you don't like xmas endings?
Yeah as I said it looks cleaner, and since the game isn't super fast paced anyway tye lower framerate didn't bother me.
Opposed to, for example, Star Wars Racer, where framerate did matter.
Considering you can just emulate the game with clean textures without hi-res mode I have to ask, are you playing this on OG hardware?
>are you playing this on OG hardware?
Yes, and on CRT.
I also bring my controller pak to my friend's house so we can VS 1on1

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I'm really itching to replay this game. I think it might be the comfiest game I've ever played, honestly. I wonder what the sequels were missing that didn't give them as much staying power.
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I was there, day one on Xbox. I was part of the expanding modding community on PC. I remember how excited everyone was for Fable II. That game came and went and know one talked much about it at all afterwards. Fable III was like it never even came and went, hype was gone from Fable II. The first Fable is the one everyone comes back to, and it even got a good remaster not too long ago which added a harder difficulty, some DLC, different control schemes, and a soulful main menu.
People didn't give a shit about Fable 2 because the first game was a huge disappointment. Fable 2 also being stuck on a dead console also sealed its fate.
I love killing all the town people and buying their houses and renting it back to them
Fable was a good game.
>The Fresco Dome
>Kraken Battle
>The Arena
>The journey through Darkwood
>Traveling through Witchwood
>The Sword in the Stone
>The Demon Doors.
It needed a little more. A dozen or more side quests, a system that could let you really immerse yourself in the life you lead. But thats about it. Oh.
And keep Jack's voice normal until the dragon bit.
I played it for the first time last year and it was pretty good.

Severance: Blade of Darkness is often described as "Dark Souls 0.1b".

But I feel the game is better imagined as Golden Axe 3D.
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Similar atmosphere and gameplay
This actually makes an interesting point. Doubly so when it's obvious that the most fleshed out character was the knight, Sargon. Evidently they added Golden Axe characters to the game after they ran out of ideas.
They're both set in a low magic world with limited casting.
Golden Axe requires you to rob little gnomes who have gathered mana secretions into bottles.
Blade of Darkness requires you to discover hidden areas for such artifacts as the Ice ax and Poison hammer.

Game is definitely worth a 2nd playthrough, especially if you haven't learned combo cancelling.
Favorite level anyone?

I like the Gorge of Orlok.
Foggy snowy canyon/mountain pass, into dark winding tunnels, to a little fortress, then back out again to the mountain pass.

Did this thing actually have a good library?
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>Got wario world 4 instead
Thank god mario games on hand helds are shit and just look at the cancer that is NSMB
wario land 4 is the original mario platformer, he is portable mario. Would it have been nice for nintendo to eschew that convention and deliver a new mario anyway? yes, but nintendo is very conservative and autistic so wario is what we got.
It'll feel like a good library if you actually owned one as a kid, and it'll feel like a shit library if you're browsing a full ROM collection
As a professional vr zoomie, no. It just had Pokemon slop#48615.
The GBA version of Sims Bustin Out is unironically one of my favorites.

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Real Bout Fatal Fury on Genesis

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>no dual plane
then its not fatal fury lol
He's fixed the hitstops and animation timings, now all that's left is to fix the audio and maybe increase the number of sprites. It's crazy how close to the actual original game this port felt. I think Alpha 1 is going to be the most arcade-perfect port next to Windjammers
An absolute labour of love, bravo to the devs.
Rom size is 5mb which is bigger then the largest genesis game, SSF2 at 4mb but not by much, I do wonder if it could have worked as a Sega CD game.
Isn't SSF2 5 MB? 4 MB is 32 Mbit, UMK3 is that size.
You are correct, so this Real Bout homebrew could fit on a commercially released MD/Genesis cart.

After some reading on the subject, which is very neat, it seems with the Sega made SSF2 mapper the Genesis could have supported theoretical 32 and 64 megabyte cartridges.

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B-Specing this shit
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GT2 Escudo was ridiculously OP.
GT3 Escudo turned the rally events into easy mode, but it didn't thrash the LMP cars like before. That being said, nothing's stopping you from grinding the Super Speedway endurance race with an Escudo until you unlock an F1 car.
ah that reminds me they had a horrible way of awarding cars. you did a race series and at the end of the race series you would get a random car out of 4. so you'd be reloading your game alot to reget the car hoping its the one you want out of the 4 and not some shitter. THAT was one thing I dont miss about gt3 at all was that horrible car reward system. But than again the game also had a horrible lack of cars in it compared to gt2 and gt4. But it did have some cool cars to enjoy. I still think gt2 had the most shitter vehicles in it like minivans and stuff to race with out of all of them (4 toned it down a ton). I also miss the racing paint schemes of gt2 that never returned in gt3/4. (no idea bout later games or not since I havent played them.
>Play 10 races of the Vitz pro cup, including 10 laps around the fucking Test Course
>Can win an Altezza LM Race Car, a Castrol Tom Supra JGTC, A unique color Supra
>Instead win the same Vitz you won the cup with
>entire endgame is fighting against the shitty tire wear model where your shit is down to cords absurdly fast no matter which tires you're using
I love GT3 but fuck me I can't stand that shit.
>Use sim tires, supposedly the ones based on real life street tires
>They last two fucking laps
They really dropped the ball with the tire wear model

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>want to play halo 2 and baldurs gate dark alliance with my brother
>pull out og xbox
>wont power on
>waste several hours trying to get it to work
>decide to buy xbox for $40 off of fb marketplace, dude sends me a video of it playing a game
>take it home
>powers on but gives error message that it can't read any of my discs
what do? At this point I'm just thinking about buying one on ebay that already has those cheeky capacitors removed or I might just try to low ball someone on fb marketplace and pray that this one works
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It doesn't sound like it's spinning, it will make a faint click sound once or twice but that's about it
I tried like 12 different games... it's not my discs lol
I mean the games are on PC as well if it keeps giving you that much trouble
I don't want to play them on PC. I also have more games that I'd like to play but this situation is what pushed me over the edge to finally dust off the xbox
take the optical drive out of your broken xbox and put it in the new one you got. Or mod it and play games off a hard drive. optical drives are usually the first thing to fail on old disc reading consoles unless they had some major failure like the capacitor issue with xbox. if its like ps2 swapping optical drive is easy and no soldering needed
This works just fine. Have a torx 20 bit handy.

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Alright /vr/ I wanna do a mascot platformer marathon, what are some games that I should include on my list. I already downloaded the Crash, Spyro and Sly Cooper games. Not including Donkey Kong or Sonic as I already beat their catalogue of games.
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Indeed, all of the Disney/SEGA stuff was good, it was a great partnership, just like Disney/Capcom. Disney fans were lucky in the 90's, excellent stuff.
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OP needs to play mischief makers
I totally agre with you anon.
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Yeah, it's insane how good some licensed games were back in the days

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How the fuck was this thing successful? Yeah, it was only popular in Japan, but it did very well there despite being a monstrosity of addons.

The only other addon I can think that was successful was the FDS, and even that one was dropped once carts became cheaper to make and could eventually hold even more than a FDS disk.

This thing had not just the base unit, but addon upgrade cards for it, and then a CD addon, and then that CD addon ITSELF had an upgrade add-on, and for some games you needed the right addons or they would not work. The CD drive even originally needed a dock to connect it to the original version of the console which was not included with the CD addon at first (Not even Sega fucked that up, despite the SegaCD doing horribly).

And all of this is not even counting all the revisions and re-releases of the system that had some or all of these enhancements built in... until they released more and released newer different all-in-one versions.

How the fuck did this megazord of a console manage to be popular when it's very usage thanks to all the addons was in itself basically a puzzle game while just about any other addon for consoles failed miserably?
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snes version like shitty
MD looks best though.
Why did they decide to make the Las Vegas not bright in the other versions?
*Las Vegas lights
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>How the fuck was this thing successful?

Shmups. Those were still HUGELY popular in Japan and the TG-16/PCE is THE greatest shmup console of all time.

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Chao Garden is amazing. Perfectly relaxed gaming.

Raising little these stupid little babies into racers and warriors who whoop ass fucking rules.

Then they can become immortal if you raise them perfectly, so you can "finish" the game on a satisfying note instead of just meandering without a goal.

It gives you a fantastic reason to continue replaying through the main game's stages to try to scour every nook and cranny for hidden animals, and in Battle, more rings to buy more food that can raise certain stats more efficiently, and interestingly colored Chao.

This is the best side game included in a main game ever. Sonic Adventure 2 would not have a fraction of replay value without it.

Any suggestions for other A-life quality minigames? I'd love to know of any non-Sonic, non-Nights implementations of this kind of concept.
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Yeah but if it was the only thing to do and you had to do a little minigame or something for rings, animals, and drives instead of playing a cool game it wouldn't be as fun or rewarding.
What a shame, Fren.

Having Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Adventure DX on Xbox would have been fantastic. Imagine not needing a new Xbox Visual Memory Unit or a GBA emulator—just a save file on your HDD and a port of Tiny Chao Garden displayed on your TV with a GameGear border overlay; change the VMU/GBA 3D model for "GG" not the handheld, just GG to avoid confusion, keeping as a reference and show some love and sovl. And if you had that Xbox Memory Unit Card, you could save your Chao there and interact with another friendly Chao on a friend Xbox.

Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle on Xbox would have been the pinnacle of Sonic autism; everyone would have loved it, no doubt.

By the way, they could have developed a mobile HTML5 app for the Chao Garden, compatible with any smartphone for the SA:DX/SA:2B for PS3, Xbox 360, and Steam. Imagine a claimshell cellphone 3D model instead of the VMU/GBA, when you interact with it you could get a QR to launch said HTML5 app on your Phone and if you do not have a Phone and you are playing on Steam, just have it on shift-tab broswer, and a little free2play Tiny Chao Garden as a "Minis" for PSP/PS3 and as XBLA/Xbox game for Xbox 360 and Windows Phone.

I think they didn't let the Sonic autism flow because SEGA where doing a lot of shit and they almost got homeless due bankruptcy. They were no excuses with both HD ports, they just don't care about Chaos at all and it shows.
Sorry, got excited, (>>11114532)
>they just don't care about Chaos at all and it shows.
Should they, though? Plenty of people don't even like the 3D games to begin with, especially by the time they started porting them. They're a fun little addition but were never the main draw of the game for most people. They still make actual vpets that have nothing to do with Sonic, too
>Plenty of people don't even like the 3D games to begin with, especially by the time they started porting them.

Because Chao Garden hard carry Sonic 3D games.

Back to basics edition.

Previous: >>10489968

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
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It's a shibboleth that isn't welcome here, ywnbaw
I'm not him bro. I'm just saying it's more of a reddit/tumblr thing.
>it's more of a reddit/tumblr thing
that's why he was calling him a tranny.
I see...
That and it is a söycuck redditar tendie tendency to give in to subscription service cancer. Someone had to represent the good here and gatekeep those perspectives out.

Northern Kremisphere... home.
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I mean I've never met anyone from there
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Canada is the backrooms of America. It has a charm to it and it's natural beauty is undeniable.

>Prince Edward island is beautiful and fairy tale like not to mention British Columbia
>Toronto, Vancouver and Edmonton used to be nice comsopolitan places
>Francophone Canada is beautiful especially Quebec city
>Chugland is probably the worst but even then there are interesting things to do if you know where to look
i should preface this by saying I fucking hate Canadians and present day Canada. I really like DKC3 though
I like Canada
Québec city is a massive tourist trap and not beautiful at all. Maybe it was beautiful 50 years ago idk but not any more. Go a hundred miles or so up the St Lawrence river (trois-rivieres) you've got the quintessential small town vibe. Or down river (iwi land way towards tadoussac) and yeah you've got natural beauty with humpback pods and belugas in the river.

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Thoughts on this as a format for video games back in the day?
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the laser beam coming from the forehead lets you know that it remembers. it remembers everything.
There's just so few things in our everyday lives that go "kachunk" when you plug them in these days and I hate it.
What's the point of these dumb fuckign threads.
What does a zoomer get out of trying to ask spastic questions about a point in time it can never understand?
What are you doing, rooting around for ideas for your next youtube 30-minute video essay for your 5 subscribers?
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Why are you so angry? people here are reminiscing old times and you come here like an elephant entering a crystal store. You have issues.

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