ImpossibleUnfairHow did you beat him
>>11565035>Old Sagat isn't banned in Japan, though.Yeah he is.They won't outright say it due to Japanese cultural reasons, but it's very obvious to anyone in the know who has dealt with Japanese people about these kinds of subjects.>but what about that one player who uses O. Sagat in tournamentsHe's not winning anything because he's not that good so they just ignore him for being a retard.
>>11563889anyone wanna hop on fightcade and play me in ST?
>>11565410Holy shit you're bad at fighting games.
>>11563889You just, like, get in there, bro. Also why is he in M. Bison's stage?
>>11569405Fite me IRL
>there are have been good retro gaymes based on the berserk IP >But zero for Claymore despite sharing similar grimdark themeshow so? A good AA PS2 Claymore title could've generated millions and performed well.
>Inb4 you want to play as a cunt lolNot an argument.
I'd prefer an Angel Densetsu game.I'm imagining something like a lower budget Daibanchou.
I'm surprised to learn that there was a DS game. It appears to be low-budget though, and not worth playing. The story ends about where the anime's does.The manga lasted into 2014 I think? It'd be a shame to stay only in "retro" times and leave out cool characters like Dietrich and Cassandra.I don't like the idea of just following the story anyhow, though. Clare isn't really a normal video game hero who goes around kicking butt by herself. It'd be cooler to play as some anonymous warrior as she moves from one ordinary monster-cleaning mission to the next - somebody more conventionally powerful than Clare, so you could survive well enough without needing lots of unique story scenes to justify it the way she does. There could be some mystery-solving gameplay as you tried to hunt down the monsters in towns, and of course combat once you found them. And then maybe you'd be drawn into the margins of the main story naturally over time. They'd send you to Pieta, you'd fight some background monsters and somehow survive, then instead of linking up with Miria's group again you'd just sneak off on your own and do whatever. Maybe you stow away in a ship taking some men in black across the sea, and thereby put yourself in a position to break new ground in the story and setting without interfering with anything that happens in the remainder of the manga.
>>11569778Gee, I dunno. Maybe it has something to do with it not being 1/10th as popular as berserk? That's a tough one, OP.
What's your favorite underrated 3d platformers? I need a list of classics to play.
>>11567925That's because the lead designer left after Medievil 1
>>11568973Found a pic.
>>11567623Honestly it has been long since I've played it and I always categorized it as platformer. Guess I should went with Gex.
>>11568463oh, no problem, anon! i think youll have alot of fun with Jumping Flash 1 and 2. and yeah, it does hurt that Sony couldnt find the golden middle ground for Robbit Mon Dieu. adding new things while staying true to the formula of the first 2. but hey, we got 2 good games so in the end, one bad one isnt too bad.
>>11567636>toy story 2 (ps1)Reminds me of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on pc since we're talking movie adaptations. It's definitely my nostalgia talking but I remember it as a fun platformer. Harry Potter's magical world work very feel as setting for platformer if you ask me.
no game makes me feel more like a gamer than megaman 1-6
>>11567851its retro anime so it counts :P
>>11568865It's okay, it does some interesting things like offer different charge shots as equipment upgrades and Megaman can swim, there's also a handful of auto-scrolling shooting segments.The US version has one of my favorite intro songs in the series
>>11569317not him but I beat 8 and yes it's bad compared to other games. it was fun enough to complete I guess.
>>11567681pick a new first level thenyou have eight of them
miyuki is my gf
>nooo bro you can't just buy a cheap and affordable hdmi dongle for your retro consoles>you need to put out $350 for a retrotink to get a somewhat good picture bro!>bro you also need those $50 retrovision component cables for every console you own bro!>trust me bro. even is the dongle looks fine to your eyes it's really cheaply made and it sucks!So I tried this PS2 mayflash adapter, since the one for the Wii is really good. Picture quality is great, far better than my GBS-C. No need to fiddle with settings, no picture drop outs. My display handles deinterlacing fine, and input-lag seems to be good enough. GBS-C might be a tiny bit more responsive, but I am still testing that out. So why are these things so hated again?
If you like it great, I'm not sponsored. If you found an affordable option that does a great job that is amazing and you should shout it from the rooftops.But I cycled through 3 different $20 to $40 Amazon adapters people SWORE by, all making my PS2 image look like complete fucking ass while everybody tried to convince me "dude this is just how PS2 looks man".But after buying the Retrotink 5x the image looks incredible.I haven't tried anything Mayflash, so this very well may be awesome and I BTFO myself by being "scammed" or whatever but I don't care.
>>11568127PS2 dongles will always have the problem of deinterlacing, which will be handled by the TV. After some testing my TV does a good job with 3D games, but I encountered some problems with 2D asset heavy games. Overall it's well worth the 20€ I payed for it. I was honestly surprised. As already stated, it looks miles better than GBS-C, which is still an option if you need the lower input lag and more settings regarding deinterlacing etc. (Which it does better.) I have no doubt in my mind that the 5X delivers the best possible picture you can get from the PS2s 480i signal, and I might be willing to pay the $350, even if I just need it for the PS2, but with eurofag tax it's more like 550€, so nah.
>>11568127I have something that will look even better but it costs even more. Check out these double shielded gold plated cables too.
i have a retrotink 5x and some scart cables that took three years to come back in stock finallyi like it, consumer-1 preset is very nice on a modern display
>has 10 difficulty settings>modern games have around 3How was the second generation more advanced in this department than anything that came after?
>>11570313>"BERZERK games are one player only"Damn a multiplayer Berzerk with coop and verses would be awesome
>>11570319If you had some influence over the robot movements and "guide" them into your opponent.
>>11570248The difficulty settings on Atari 2600 games are presets of multiple variables.If you did the same thing with later games it would be like sayingStreet Fighter Alpha 2>8 levels of cpu >3 speeds>4 levels of damage>timer on or offgiving you 192 levels of difficulty
>>11570248You have never touched an arcade game in your life, have you?
>>11570345>192Pathetic.256 games in 4 kilobytes in 1978.
Let's have a retro ads thread.
>>11568818Because no one wants the gray one.
>>11568818Weird. I had a grey Zelda OoT cart.
>>11568818>actually good evidence out there that there are more gold carts than grey oneslol noyou are thinking of Zelda I/II or reposting thoughts from a retard who was thinking of Zelda I/II
>>11552038Stupid coombrain retard
>>11567492fuck you, what's wrong with Klax?
You now remember that time Nintendo had their own series of 'choose your own adventure' books with a score system.
>>11568937Holy shit she's STACKED.
>>11569436Kek. I love innocent girls with not-so-innocent bodies.
>>11563760Metroid had a cool JPN only pen and paper game featuring a black haired Samus.
>>11568959Someone actually did a homebrew version of Monster Mix-Up. For one of the forbidden platforms.
>>11563760Surprisingly, Infocom made a few for Zork. They're also canon.
I have always had this feeling that many not-so-memorable arcade-style console games would be praised by arcade players if the game had a release on that platform.
>>11569290I think that not enough arcade light gun games got released on consoles/PC.
>>11569406X-men: Mutant Apocalypse.
Which one is your favorite? post and discuss more games like this
>>11561604Even as a fightingfriend, there's a special place in my heart for JSR, it's a marriage of arcade-style score attack gameplay with modernity and it's one of few games I can advocate for picking up just for the sake of it and playing for even just 30 minutes to have a good time when you can't decide what else to play.
I enjoy both Japanese and Western games and both dark and colorful environments>you have to like one and hate the other!!!No
I suck at Third Strike but it's incredibly fun
>>11565305Akira is still visually pleasing
>successfully beat every single Burning Lap in a perfect lap>share my accomplishment>no one cares>no one's impressedI should just stop trying to do things perfectly, they ruin video games.
You can share your accomplishments on /vg/'s indie & misc. general :)
>>11567368>kill final boss>instant cut to black screen sopranos style
>>11569812That's how 80s arcades did it, back to stage 1 bitch
>>11567318If you need to play vidya for something other than just enjoyment, then check out retroacheivements
anyone ever play this SNES RPG?I never see anyone talk about it, I guess it's pretty obscure.Ness from super smash brothers is from it
>>11568215Terminally online autists are everything wrong with the internet these days>NO! YOU CANT LIKE A THING I DONT LIKE! SOCIETY LIKES IT AND IM REJECTED BY SOCIETY! THATS WHY I HAVE TO BE THOUGHTLESS CONTRARIAN!Fuggin embarrassing, man. Go outside
>>11566162It may not be obscure anymore, but it's still miles better than Milquetoast 3
>>11569895Read: >>11568052
I absolutely love EarthBound, same with Mother 1 and 3. May God damn Toby Fox to the deepest and darkest pit of Hell for ruining all discussion of this trilogy.
>>11568215/vrpg/ mogs us though
This was actually released in December, has anyone tried it? Is it a machine translation? The git doesn't specify. I'm pretty unfamiliar with PC-FX.
>>11566040>Is it a machine translation?Let's get something straight, /vr/ - EVERYONE USES MACHINES NOW. They might not fucking admit it, but they do. However, that doesn't mean it's a replacement for a human. You still need a human touch. Think of the machine translator and human operator as bouncing off each other's work. There's still going to be a massive gap between a kid who took one course of grade-school Jap versus someone who's more knowledgeable. You shouldn't be asking if it's machine-translated, but rather, if it's that annoying fucking weeb tool who pretends to be an expert but is actually just getting played by the machine.
>>11568870Do you have actual examples? Because most machine translations I've seen have ranged from innacurate or incomplete to incoherent garage. Not retro but the frontier gate boost+ "translation" comes to mind.
>>11568947Wtf how have I not heard of this?! Looks kino and possibly sad
1994-1995 was a chaotic time for game consoles. Apparently NEC completed the PC-FX hardware in 1992. It sat on the shelves until 1994. Perhaps, because they needed to develop some software? It was like NEC was gunning for the PC-98 with their own PC-FX animu machine. The system has (an) expansion bay('s) for further upgrades that never released to the market.
This is unironically the most soulful game that was ever created on earthJust the humor alone is fucking hilarious
>>11568365>its very mediftfy
>>11568330guys how do i beat the tornado of so- oh wait oops
>>11568330I loved the game even though I never passed those wheat field levels as a kid
>>11568330everything in that game is good.
One of my all-time favorites. Love how the game expects you to actually explore it and clear things out or else you get quickly outclassed. Perfect difficulty curve. I recently got around to playing Resurrection. They murdered my boy, Scarecrow Fields. How could they murder my boy like that?