admit it, this was the peak of all gaming, and the peak of SOULful experiences. the possibilities were endless. there were more iconic, genre defining moments than any other era. Sure the saturn was off sniffing glue in the corner, but even that had its charms. Never was there such a huge difference between the consoles, every system had unique graphics, controls and genres they excelled at. face it boomers, it was so much more than the flat 2d era could bring us, and we still got amazing 2d games in gen 5. and face it zoomers, your games are shit and no one likes you. gen 5 is PEAk>Mario 64>OOT>FFVII>Resident Evil>MGS>Silent Hill>Banjo Kazooie>Pokemon gen 1>Mario Kart>Goldeneye>Symphony of the Night>Star Fox 64>F-Zero X>Gran Turismo>Spyro>Crash>Tekken 3>THPS>Gran Turismo>Wipeout>100 other classic JRPGS I could rattle offit will never be topped
>>11511687Unironically agree even if you're baitingI don't think we've seen devs experiment that much ever again, at least not when it comes to AAA gamesEven the more experimental indies of today are boring in comparison because they still try to follow a few established "rules" of game designThe PS1 is especially great when it comes to devs just trying shit out
>>11511687ps1:>wobblecore graphics>survival horror>"mature" games>jrpgs>long experiencesn64: >vaseline core graphics>big seamless worlds>multiplayer fun>analog controls (other systems had it too but rarely implemented)saturn:>rectangle core graphics>fighting games>2d games>arcade gamesit really was soulful how different the platforms were.
>>11511687>games with loading timesEhhh no thanks.
>>11511714yall had loading times? lol
>>11511687Low quality 3D at a measily 240p is just bad.>it was so much more than the flat 2d era could bring usMaybe for racers, but most games look and play better in 2D.>and we still got amazing 2d games in gen 52D was mostly medeocre in 5th gen since all the big development teams moved to to 3D.
>>11511716>yall had games?
>>11511687I like modern games and old games anon
>>11511737>Maybe for racers, but most games look and play better in 2D.First person shooters? Wrestling games?>2D was mostly medeocre in 5th gen since all the big development teams moved to to 3D.There is a big nuance here: are we considering Neo Geo, CPS2 and 2D arcade boards 4th gen? Technically they are, but none of their games were available in acceptable quality on mainstream 4th gen consoles. Very few owned a Neo Geo and even less people owned a supergun and bough arcade boards for home. Which means no KoF95, SFA2, Raiden DX or Battle Garegga for you, SNES and Genesis owners. Enjoy your very downgraded ports of Fatal Fury 2, Street Fighter 2 and Raiden 1 until you buy a 5th gen console.
>>11511764>First person shooters? Wrestling games?FPS was a new genre that didn't exist as such in 2D. sidescrolling run and guns or top-down shooters are not the same thing really.>There is a big nuance here: arcade games!sure they look better on the PS1 but are just that, arcade ports of fighters and shooters and (these days expecially) you are still better off with the arcade game itself and not a PS1 port. (mid level loads in metal slug?, still has missing animation frames and slowdowns?)I was talking about the console games really, most of them are just weaker versions of the 16bit era with only a very few exceptions
>>11511707The PS1 had all of those types of games and multiplayer fun
>>11511783nigga nobody had the ps1 multitap, thats the first time Ive seen it in my entire life.and no, there is no multiplayer game on ps1 that compares to the goldeneye/kart 64/smash bros experience. ps1 is my favorite console ever but this is clearly a cope.
>>11511687It really doesn't hold up well. At least not the consoles.
>>11511784I know you're desperate to give the N64 any type of win since it flopped so hard but we both know this is ridiculous.
>>11511780>you are still better off with the arcade game itselfThat is IF you had it in an arcade nearby. Many people didn't. 5th gen consoles made them more accessible. Same with select PC hits like Warcraft 2, Diablo and Red Alert. Sure, the PC originals were much better but having a console version was a decent enough alternative for the 90% of gamers who didn't own a gaming PC. Red Alert even had mouse support and link up multiplayer. On 4th gen you only had Dune 2 for your RTS fix and that's it.There are only few genres that were better on 4th gen - side scrolling platformers, their derivatives like run and guns, and some special cases like NHL94 on Genesis where people prefer it over early 3D NHL games.Look at the lists of best selling SNES and Genesis games. Of those top games only side scrilling platformers weren't topped during 5th gen. All other genres were improved and represented much better on PS1, N64 and Saturn.
>>11511687really wish sega wasnt so damn stupid and gave us a sonic and phantasy star game instead of fucking nights and PDS.imagine how much better it couldve been if sega just didnt waste their time with 32x and CD and focused on their established franchises. oh what couldve been
>>11511808side scrolling platformers were replaced by 3d platformers which are more interesting and fun anyway.mario 64 and banjo>>>>smw and DKC, even though I love those games as well.
>>11511809Sony was unstoppable that gen, it barely would have made a difference. Plus Sega of America was going full retard and probably would have insisted that Phantasy Star shouldn't be localised.
>>11511687Saturn was the only redeemable thing in the pile of storyfaggotry slop that was the Fagtendo 64 and Gaystation.
>>11511813I an on the "5th gen" side in this argument but I don't like any of the 5th gen platformers as much as i.e. SMW or Sonic 2. Plus there are other cool pick and play games like Sparkster and Dynamite Headdy. DKC is the one I can live without because Crash is basically the same. Spyro and Banjo are collectathons and a separate genre that doesn't scratch the SMW itch with its physics based platforming gameplay.
Yeah it just can't be topped aside from the NES and a couple of classic Master System games
>>1151171664 had load times and games thanks to the need for developers to compress their games to fit on those shit carts.
>>11512053>1 (one) gameThat's called an exception.
>>11511707Nice list of things that nobody cared between 1994 - 2001.
>>11511784Back in the 90s everybody played "a dobles" (the ultimate multiplayer experience) in la play, everybody played psx at least here in Europe.
outside of a few specific genres like racing it was an extreme downturn in terms of tight kinetic action due to developer ignorance of 3d, limited controllers, and to a degree the more cumbersome nature of 3d itself. games like mario 64 that realized the action potential of 3d were few and far between. the best most could offer in that area was a certain methodical satisfaction with the slack being carried by immersion and novelty.
>>11511687>face it boomersnigga you *are* the boomer
>>11512272no one cared about the saturn but otherwise thats not true
>>11511793Few games used the multitap, console warrior manchild projecter. Most N64 multiplayer games were 4-players without a multitap, which is literally what saved the system and keeps it relevant.
>>11511687Indeed, it's a shame to see it getting so much hate for dropping 2D as hard as it did and instead focusing on 3D that still wasn't quite there yet... because it's SOVL and not as dated as many claim, I think they look charming and, while the 3D is primitive in both looks and how it plays, it still plays fine for the most part, it's 3D, but with the design philosophies of previous generations, while stuff like the 6th generation already feels way closer to the HD era we're currently in.
both 5th gen low poly shit and 7th gen brown and bloom shit look and aged like garbage. at least the brown and piss filter is just a filter than can be disabled or modded out.
Well it did have the best video game ever made I'll give it that
>>11513013>Few games used the multitapThis is true, but there was one game that justified buying the multitap.
>>11511687dont forget the ludokino we got on handheld too. I had pic related, shit was so cash (bitches loved it)
>>11512053Quake uses a 12MB cartMaybe they shouldn't have been cheap fucks and should have used a 32MB cart instead
>>11517742wtf happened to pikachus nose tho
>>11511784>the goy goy never played poy poy