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They were busy churning out Time Splitters.
would it have saved the saturn?
nah the gc's c stick was too small. Xbox is a good home for it
the superior game, as it were
it has poor technical performance but upon fixing that it still has unfun single player missions and only makes minor tweaks to ge multiplayer. nobody plays the pd new maps
>it has poor technical performance but upon fixing that it still has unfun single player missions

What the fuck?
If the game was more optimized and the N64 was slightly overclocked, this is what the game would have ran like.
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Yeah, some people did Perfect Dark High Performance, a mod optimizes it to the point that you don't need the Expansion Pak anymore. It's a great improvement and a nice glimpse at the untapped potential of the base N64.
That video is using the performance patch on the overclocked MiSTer core.
The patch still works pretty great on console.
Even with its flaws, Perfect Dark still had the badge of being visually impressive for the N64. Had it been released as is for the GC, the only immediate advantage would be that fps wouldn't drop to single digits at some points, admittedly it would have been more playable, but it wouldn't be nearly as impressive. I don't think it would be as fondly remembered.

Also, adding to what >>11511350 said, it's obvious that many people loved the classic maps, so if they had an entire disk instead of just a smol cartridge, the game probably would have more of them and not just three. And even though this would have been great for players (I really wish PD had kept Bunker or Archives), keeping all those maps would mean that an even larger chunk of what people liked from PD would be from a different game.

At the end of the day, Perfect Dark wouldn't be a remarkable game at all, it would just be an average game, and most people would only remember it for being that thing that allowed them to replay GE's multi in their new console.
There are only two good GE maps: Facility and Temple. Meanwhile there are at least 3 good PD maps: Ravine, Area 52 and Skedar.
This board is contrarian central. So fucking annoying.
do people actually like freeradical flick aiming? It's always seemed like way more trouble than it was worth to me, easily prefer just adjusting the sensitivity on a fixed cursor. I guess I've only used it on original hardware in ps2 timesplitters though, maybe the n64 stick could handle it.
no, that wouldve been the saturn 64x
i don't think it's a matter of "liking" it, just getting used to it. there's no denying that it's easier to pick up the controls of a game like Halo than TS2, but once you get used to them they become second nature, and the amount of criticism these games get for implementing such systems is completely unwarranted. people need to git gud.

the one really cool thing about this system though, is that it necessitates every weapon model being fully-rendered in real time, and the projectiles actually coming from the weapon itself rather than the center of the player's screen, so it's actually quite a bit more realistic. also allows you to do interesting things like shoot around walls or quickly pop two enemies faster than you ever could with "normal" control.
It probably would have been more profitable on a GCN disc than a 32MB cartridge that required an expansion pak
I've said it a million times, but Nintendo fucked up big by not realizing what they had with their shooters. They had Goldeneye, a random licensed game that sold 8 million fucking copies -- and mind you, SM64 (a 1st party pack-in game with huge a advertising budget) only sold 3 million more. They were sitting on a goldmine. All of the college dudebros typed who worshipped GE and action games moved right onto Xbox after 5th gen, because Halo gave them the next version of what they wanted, and Nintendo failed to provide.

Imagine if in 2001, you could go buy N64 2.0 with a copy of Perfect Dark, that every magazine on earth had been shilling as "the next Goldeneye!". The people they had hooked with stuff like GE, OoT, SSB and and racing games would have come back for more of the same. Unfortunately, they opted to release a purple lunchbox with weegee at the forefront, and they only realized this was a bad idea well into the 6th gen, which is when they tried to pivot with shit like RE4 before going full casual.
Nah, it was amazing on N64.
All GE maps are good. All PD maps are confusing padded shit.
look me in the eye and tell me that Caves is a good map (CAVES, not CAVERNS)
honestly i can see that

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