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It's too complicated for its own good.
Nothing feels easy or fun.
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>enters thread
>doesn't read any posts
>calls others lazy
How embarrassing...
doesnt it have an in-game help window with the F1 key? basically every old computer game does that
in fact F1 is still the default help key to this day for a lot of programs

youd think people here, of all places, would know such things already
>just turns the game into Prey with no music
Is it somehow a bad thing? Arkane's Prey is literally System Shock 3.
Also, the remake has music...
The original's music was supposed to sound futuristic and cyberpunkish with some NIN influence to top it off. Many people got the same feeling from the music judging by comments online: like they were trapped in a factory constantly churning out lethal robots and cyborgs against you.

The remake's music is largely ambient faux-80s synthwave which has been dominant in the synth/techno/electronic scene since Stranger Things. It feels like the developers wanted you to be inside an 80s sci-fi movie instead of inside a futuristic space station run by an insane AI.

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Have you played Klonoa, anons?
Any of the installments. I'm glad Moonlight Museum and Klonoa Heroes are now translated in English.

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maybe its not positive i was just saying. im also extremely mentally ill and like klonoa, i just see it a lot with this series more than others
i do see a lot of undertale fans who like klonoa, the remake definitely gave the games a lot of publicity, though it didnt give them mainstream success unfortunately. i think undertale is fairly different from klonoa actually, though the bond between asriel/chara is obviously similar.
klonoa reminds me more of omori honestly, the only difference is klonoa keeps that stuff in the background in order to be more broadly relatable & less alienating whereas omori doubles down on the mental illness aspect, themes of loss & struggling to grow up, depression etc, and the real world segments. i think seeing what klonoa's life in the real world is like would have helped give him some more modern appeal, and give basis for the things we see in his dreams. if omori was just the headspace segments with only allusions to something bad having happened in the past, i feel like it wouldve had a lot less weight
i feel like this is probably the reason klonoa still fails to find a modern audience, it definitely has hints of that stuff but it doesnt full commit to it like omori does, because obviously if it full committed to it back then it wouldve flopped miserably, though might have found future acclaim as an avant garde "hidden gem" that was ahead of its time, but thats obviously not what companies seek to make
though im definitely in the minority in the klonoa fanbase, i enjoyed it for the mental illness aspects and im not a furry/dont have any interest in fucking the characters. i feel like most people dont think about this stuff
>i think seeing what klonoa's life in the real world is like
Does Klonoa even have a "real world"? It seems as the Dream Traveler he's doomed to be summoned to whatever "Dream" dimension that needs him with no escape.
And to play Volleyball.
Or maybe the world of Klonoa Heroes is his real world
i mean, maybe. i always took "dream traveller" to mean he was someone who spends all day dreaming, like madotsuki or sunny, and thus "travels dreams". klonoa 2 at the very least is clearly a story centered around klonoa's psyche. empire of dreams also takes place in a kingdom where "dreaming is forbidden" because its a "waste of time" which seems relevant, but i havent beaten it or played dream champ tournament at all
i guess maybe looking into these stories too deeply is a fruitless effort, though i think thats also part of the appeal of modern indie games - they usually have a lot of work put into their story & worlds, since klonoa is made by a big company it could be perceived as being a lot more shallow
Klonoa comes from a better, more soulful era tho, it's not like Namco is Activision and Klonoa is Medal of Wahoo.

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What do We have to do in order to get the Kino 64 to the same level of discussion as retro consoles? What topics should We focus on? Could RetroAchievements being introduced for the Kino 64 help spike some interest in it as a gaming platform?
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armalyte, katakis, steel ranger, zero wing 1 or 2, last ninja 1 or 2, sams journey, summer games, winter games, any of the bruce lee games if you like those type of platformers, tried to limit it to stuff that doesn't have better or even other versions elsewhere.
love c64 so much that it's unreal

>with those wide-ass pixels
yeah. it was a cheap way to reduce ram consumption. worked very well.
Most games for it were ass.
Boulder dash is based though.
Impossible Mission
The Castles of Doctor Creep
Ultimate Wizard
The Goonies and Zorro (both also on Atari 8bit along with Bruce Lee)
Project Firestart

Almost all these are more puzzle-platform games than pure action games though now that I think of it. And Project Firestart is like a cinematic survival-horror game.
How were they ass? A lot of them played better than amiga games imo, much more tight gameplay.

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Latest sub:
>Game Center CX #292 - Journey to Silius [LocationScouts]

>Season 28: Episode 17 (#393) "That one from Rare" premieres on Thursday, February 13th.


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It was a toxoplasmosis ritual. They inserted the parasite into Arino's brain just like a fucking Yeerk from Animorphs.
Don't forget all the smaller groups that did 1 or 2 episodes
Including /vr/
I think about the anons who need subs and get a good chuckle every time I turn on a new episode or pop in one of the dvds
Good, gatekeeping is necessary.

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Was PC gaming always about anticipating what new, cool thing the companies were going to produce so you could get your hands on a similarly performant, but cheaper, product replacement after one or two years?
Ocarina of Time

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You guys inspired me in the last thread (the one where the retarded zoomer cried that the Trinitron was somehow going to go crashing through the stand that was designed for it) to get my shit together. I've been going through little by little and cleaning up the closet this week. The back of the closet is still pretty cluttered but at least I can access everything easily now and I can finally use this space for gaming again :) the left side (where I keep the FC/SFC/MD carts) is all cleaned up too except for a few random small things like cameras that I'm gonna list for sale.
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>do you wear wigs?
uh no i do not
>have you worn wigs?
no i have not
>will you wear wigs?
>when will you wear wigs??
>No chigyu
Nagoshi would be proud of you

This is the funniest fucking shit I've seen on here in awhile lmmaoo
What game is that?

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Damn, this a good ass game. Why didn't you tell me how good this game was.
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I tried to tell you bro
i did
now play the rest of the GBA and DS games too. theyre all really fun
Because I wish you were dead, OP. The world would be a better place if you were never born, OP.
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People were always gushing about Aria of Sorrow so you can't blame anyone not telling you how good it is but yourself.
I still have to get to OoE but i personally like the DS titles more than the GBA ones.

Namco really missed the opportunity to inculde a rom of Starblade in Starfox: Assault. It really would of been an nice nod to have the game that served as the inspiration to the Starfox franchise.
This game is supremely underrated and it deserved a direct sequel on Wii, in the vein of Sin & Punishment.
That game required a full remake like the one in Tekken 5.

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Dig Dug/Mr.Driller Thread
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I love Mr. Driller. I've been playing it lately. I think I might buy another one off eBay. I don't want them all but I want at least three of them. This I have decided.

(The three are Drill Spirits which is the one I started with, Mr. Driller 2, and Drill Land. Mr. Driller A looks cool too but I don't think I like the more turn-based mechanics it appears to use, and the virtual pet aspect of it doesn't interest me either.)
>top 10 most brutal anime executions
Why does he inflate his enemies until they explode? That's pretty brutal.
nah it's cool they're into it
I myself have most of the games (1 on both PS1 and GBC, 2 and A on GBA, Drill Land (remake on Switch), and Drill Spirits).
A doesn’t have any turn-based mechanics. The main mode is pretty similar to the ‘Hole of Duraga’ attraction in Drill Land. Collecting dristones to get through the stages, sometimes random encounters with Pookas/Fygars (pretty much luck-based), and feeding your pacteria things. The encounters are not way too often at least. The virtual pet aspect isn’t very deep, so don’t worry if you’re not into it. You just feed it things and it’ll alter the pacteria’s appearance (like color or accessories). I won’t spoil the ending, but it’s surprisingly kind of sad.
There’s also your regular driller mode if you prefer that with 6 (7 when you clear all the stages) playable characters. Lastly, there’s the Driller GP mode which is kind of reminiscent of the time trials from Mario Kart where you race 4 other characters and try to get to the goal as fast as you can.
I personally think it’s worth finding a copy of A if you can. I bought my copy off eBay about a year and a half ago (was like maybe $35 or so). It’s basically a better version of Driller 2 on GBA, better presentation and music too.

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You ARE prepared for the impending stickpocalypse, right anon? How many OEM N64 controllers do you have stockpiled right now?
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It doesn't have the original stick
If there's anything we lack in 2025, it's quality control. If any country has cheap labor, then it's not thorough or discerning. If any country has a thorough and discerning workforce, then it's not cheap. It would be interesting to see the equipment and crew that made those original gears en masse.
3 i think, maybe more idk its all in storage.

Hey, whats a good pc engine controller? Ive cleaned it but im still having issues with the atart button.
Sounds like you're using way too much lubricant.
Kitsch bent gears are OK once you remove the excess plastic. Best way to do that I think is carefully with a razor blade
Uoooh time to make the collecting scene even gayer. Can I have a company grade the sticks?

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What's your favorite controller?
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not retro i guess (do controllers fall under that rule?) but ive been using the new gamesir tarantula for the past few months now. feels good but the B button keeps sticking for some reason, not sure when its going to fall apart. i like the extra buttons
my favorite retro controller is the dreamcast one, just feels nice. my dream controller would be an xbox style layout with 6 face buttons like the saturn 3d pad, but i dont think thats ever gonna happen so i settled
Anyone who thinks the sega saturn model 2 controller isn't one of if not the best controllers ever made needs to reevaluate their lives.
I gotta ageee. I hate the dpad for anything like fighting games or stuff where you will be doing repeated fast inputs, it always ends up digging into my thumb after a while.

Sticks are not as bad, though they feel somewhat "limp". Stuff that uses both sticks at the same time feels pretty good though.
While PS2 is my favorite console, Dualshock 2 is easily the worst Playstation controller ever made. The extremely soft tactile feedback of the buttons (especially the d-pad) make it almost unusable. It feels worn down even in new condition. You’ll hold the up-button on the d-pad and it sinks into the controller and disappears. If you use anything but a feather touch, this will quickly make the d-pad drop inputs from the inner membrane bending and shifting. The PSone Dualshock is much better, but most people just have DS2’s laying around and don’t even realize/remember there is a difference.

Of course all DS1/DS2 models suffer from the same horrible issue, where two screw holes on the back are placed perfectly to gnaw and tear at your middle fingers. I can’t fathom how this wasn’t changed earlier. It goes back as far as the rare Dual Analog controller, which is a good pad except for the “spinning” analog sticks that make precise movement completely impossible.

Why are my favorite consoles cursed with these stupid fucking controllers bro
Kek. I guess I’m the inbred cousin.

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>He Treasure Hunts unironically
Care to explain this game to us?
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What a legendary game, having Char's actor voicing the main character makes it even better.
ps1's catalog never ceases to amaze me

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Once you get used to it, the battle system in this game is way more fun than the first. Its main issue is setting. It starts off promising at the Akropolis Tower, and kinda goes to shit when you end up going to a boring desert motel and spending so much time there. I wouldn't be surprised if most people got bored and never even made it to the mine when this game was new. Running around New York City was really cool, and going from that to this was very underwhelming. I've come to prefer this one over the first since then, but at the time, the downscaled setting and scope of the story was very disappointing
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Also it's part of the non missable cutscene, not like you have to talk to him again to figure this out
I have no mouth and I must scream p&c, Gorrister's story
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it's the randomizer. search for "randomizer eve"
i hear people say that a lot but you can STILL do so much by just moving around. unlike the first game which has literally 0 consistency in how hitboxes work. so please don't give me that shit. you can't do nearly as much in PE1
it's just the javelin glitch. i wanted to demonstrate something cool in this game. PE2 Chads can be much more skilled. don't you worry about that
>there are people ITT who didn't save the doggo
The X-Files PS2 silent hill clone might be close enough

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It's pretty funny that the most consistently ambitious genre of games in terms of themes, emotional range and weight, required knowledge from the player, and general writing, is the most conservative one when it comes to gameplay. There's a very good reason why your dad is more likely to play this stuff than to duke it out in a jrpg.
>but xenogears and drakengard are most profound!
Not really. They display the writing ability of a teenager.
What makes point-and-click games so predisposed to housing transcendental experiences? Is it because of the more direct focus on exploration?
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They weren't shot.
>the joke
>your head
the guy had stab wounds in the back tho.
File deleted.
>He murdered her and killed himself, and it's really obvious that he did.
Didn't this guy supposedly stab himself dozens of times in the groin?
Here's a version that works on Windows 11 (with an installer):
https:// WWW .abandonware-france.org/telechargement/clic/http/mk22lB9d7DElj8t3/files/
just trust me bro

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Is this game any good?
Fuck yeah, it's just a tech demo, but it's one of the coolest-looking and most soulful demos I've ever played.
Generic FromSoft anime styled mech game for the time. If you've played any of those it's about as good as those so it's alright.
I think FROM made like 15 mech games before the 7th gen, in less than 10 years

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