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Legitimately one of the best PS2 games I've ever played, definitely going in my top 10 bros, highly recommended.
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I remember playing the demo for this game, came with a gaming magazine. Is it really that good that it's worth playing?
Yes, it's very unique in both story and gameplay.
>What did you think of the last part of the game?
Like the other anon said, it felt rushed but the rest of the game was great so it's whatever.
>How did you like Lazarus Jones
I though he was obnoxious at first since he was just your quintessential Gen X douche bag quip master, but i grew to like him over time.
>What was your favorite part of the game?
The swamp and the ship were the best part imo
>Did you enjoy the deep rising level
Yes, honestly the whole game didn't really feel like a horror game, it was very fun and edgy.
>grey brown era of enviornment design
>boring weapons
>boring enemies
>shit story
>top 10
lol lmao even. It makes Luigi's mansion look like a masterpiece.
Why do contrarians think anything short of Spyro is bad art direction?
'grey brown'
Just say you didn't play the game, dumb fucking faggot.

Which button do you use to jump in Sonic games?
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Please explain your autistic ways anon I'm curious
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Why did they release a version with triggers and recolored buttons... instead of just giving us the analog sticks version already? I mean, RetroBit's got their newest Saturn controller with analogs, which I personally find disappointing, it would've been nice if 8BitDo stepped up and took the nice design they already have and just slapped some analog sticks, maybe with bigger handles or size;
I would love to see 8bitdo slap retrobit in the ass with a controller like that. God that thing was a disappointment
I change it based on the level
What's the reasoning?

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Previous Thread: >>11018932

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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Did it get an update? I played it a while ago.
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>I haven't spammed too much, get the fuck outta here.
No one needs your spam to make SNES games. No one.
No, I just did it for Murrica Day. It kept the backwards long jump in, which surprised me.
Castlevania 64 shotgun

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Every single fucking time someone makes a thread here it always ends up with people arguing, insulting each other, shitting on another game, etc.

In this thread, you must SAY SOMETHING NICE about the game that is posted above your post. You must also add a picture of a game with your post, so that the next person can see your nice comment and look at your nice picture and then they will SAY SOMETHING NICE about the game you chose.

I don't care how much it physically hurts you to find something nice to say about E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Find something nice to say and accompany your comment with a picture of a game. Don't let me down; I'm counting on you. I'll start this off with an easy one.
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>one of the main reasons I like a game is how hard it is for other people to talk shit about it
that's absolutely fucking pathetic. imagine being so thoroughly controlled by the opinions of others
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The music makes me feel nostalgic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvV05M2kmzI
is that her pussy?
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The sound effects are great
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The two player mode is...designed...

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Do you play retro beat em ups or shmups with an arcade stick? or do you use a regular controller?
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Your gate memepads are not better than ANYTHING at any arcade games you fucking retard.
Hitbox > Keyboard > Arcade Stick > DDR Mat > Logitech Wheel > Atari Joystick > Coleco Telephone Numberpad > your faggy memePad
I use a controller because that's what the console ports are built around
With a mechanical keyboard.
Regular controller with an analog stick
Armored Warriors. It also has a fighting game spin-off called Cyberbots.

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Name one GOOD auto-scrolling stage. Webm unrelated.
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I still wouldn't call these the best levels but I remember them being pretty fun.
These stages are designed for normal people who play games for fun and variety. OP and the rest of the speedrunning freak show wouldn't understand.
Bridge Zone: Act 2
Is it as fun as Act 1? No... but it's still fun.
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Rail shooters are never good.

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What are your favorite mods for Nigger Tamagotchi? I have the the patches and restorations already and the game performs great on a cheap laptop
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Niko Bellic mod

not playing as a stinky brown person is a big plus
Meds are brown, though.
looks like shit
amazing player female mod, I always go topless as a nigger talking blonde babe
the cutscenes are hilarious

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Is 2024 too late to start a Genesis collection? I never had one as a kid but I have been playing a lot of the games on emulators and I find them very appealing.
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Smaller palette, lower maximum on-screen colors, smaller sprite size.
collecting =/= hoarding
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>It's hard to describe, but Genesis graphics seem more like old computer games graphics compared to SNES
Part of it had to do with when the system started and ended life. Genesis came out in 89 in the US and it was winding down in 94 as Sega switched to the Saturn. The SNES started in 91 and started shifting to the N64 in 96.
First off the farther back you go, the smaller the cartridge size and that makes a big difference in the amount of detail you can put into things like sprites and backgrounds, SNES as a result of hanging around longer has a lot more games in the 3-4 megabyte size while a lot of Sega's early games were 512kb to 1MB. Also the later developers get the more experienced with coding and pixel art designers become so Nintendo got a lot of good looking games in those final years. Also some games have enhancement chips in the cartridge, Sega chose to go the hardware add-on route and many people skip over those games like Lunar when talking about the Genesis.
Second is that a lot of Genesis games that came out in the first 3 years had a bit of an older style to them like picrel, that is some late 80's arcade flair right there which isn't surprising given Sega was an arcade company. Combined with what >>11065898 said about color though I contest the smaller sprite part. Genesis was great at keeping big sprites in motion, so many massive bosses in there arcade-like games, especially shmups.
Third is that the Genesis was very popular with US and European developers. In the West computer gaming was very popular and there are a lot of games developed by the same companies and there are a lot of computer game ports too.
I think a lot of the SNES beauty is tied up in JRPG's as well, you don't really need to keep a lot in motion there so you can really flex the graphical capabilities without taxing the CPU too much. Check out >>11061865 for good looking Genesis games.
Yes, just keep emulating.
It has been almost 20 years since the PS3/360/Wii came out, and I still couldn't give a fuck about any of these consoles. It's been over 20 years since the Xbox, and I STILL don't give a fuck about it. It's been 30 odd years since the 3DO, and I still don't want one.

Collecting games is retarded. I say this as a collector, I buy lots of pointless shit I use once and then put on a shelf, but at least I don't buy games. Got a game gear the other day, it was really nice to find the flashcart was like 20 bucks.

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Well /vr/ how tough are you? Feel free to post other difficult retro games you've cleared that aren't on here.

Also make sure you read the chart, credit feeding through a game with unlimited continues that respawns you where you died is not impressive, sorry.

Attention janitor: This is not reposting/spamming, as this image has never been posted here before and is on topic. It it a good-natured discussion on difficult retro videogames. It is not against the rules just because you personally dislike the discussion.
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We already had this thread that either you or the janny deleted out of shame
>Shitty bait
And a higher quality thread exists anyway. >>11065140
Castlevania 1 shouldn't be here, nor Mega Man 1 or Mega Man Zero. I say this because they're the only games here I've beaten
>third repost

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>Inafune wanted Zero to be the protagonist of the X series but Capcom vetoed his design, so they decided to copy the original Rock design but older

It's known that Capcom has a conservative policy on game development, but it's too strange to think that Inafune did not have carte blanche during this period. I mean, he's just the guy responsible for the huge hit Rockman...
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Its been posted before.
Do not give much weight to Tsuda's ramblings, he also wanted the real X to go bad.
>BN fits right in with the likes of Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh, Beyblade, etc... but it wasn't exactly copying them more like the other way around
I don't know what universe you live in but it ain't this one
Anon, BN came after all those IPs, during the 15th anniversary interviews, Eguchi especifically cited Yu-Gi-Oh as the inspiration behind Battle Chips.
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>girls your zero
nothing personnel

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I came across a detective game that is 40 years old that has an unsolved mystery in it.

This is a J.B. Harold Murder Club Thread.
The playthrough is here:

Here is the Summary:
It's a solve the murder type game.
but the game gets a bit deeper because there are multiple crimes uncovered, ultimately It's about a group of mystery novel enthusiasts who conspire to pull off the perfect crime. They decide to rob a bank, as one of them is a bank teller. After the bank robbery, they will burn down the house of the Bank Teller, using a fresh corpse from the morgue as a standin.

One of the group is a Doctor which allows this to be possible. The bank teller also has a loving family so its more convincing that he would not fake his death. After faking his death, he comes up with a fake identity, and actually marries back into his same family, after using plastic surgery.

The person who is murdered is an extremely intelligent and good looking guy, who is a womanizer and most people dislike because he runs a successful company that isn't even his own family's. He is adopted.

He marries into the Bank Teller's family, and upon hearing the story of the burning down, he makes connections to the Mystery Novel group and figures out the mystery, they murder him for it and believe they can get away with it because almost everyone in town hates him, including women he used.
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I'm into this sort of shit, but is there enough information in the game itself to solve that mystery?
>Murder Club
Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turn into a door.
Then you found out that's where ALL doors come from, and you got initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are like super strong murderers who punch people into Venetian doors and shit.
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You gain access to a number of people to interview. I think it would be odd that the developers put that mystery in without it being solvable.
I believe there should be enough evidence to indicate who did it.
I don't think the culprit is the victim of Murder Club, even though he's a complete asshat and the entire town hates him.
The only clue is that she knows the person who did it. Meaning that no one who went to the bar is excluded. I tried to see if someone says they never went to the bar, but it's clear that they did.
It's possible that the doctor did it, but that's just my gut feeling, no real evidence on it.
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Just to make sure that it's clear, the game doesn't resolve around this case, and it's not meant to be solvable. But it's very suspicious that they put it at the very start of the game and not have it connect to anything else in the game.
Which to me indicates that you can solve it, just not through the game mechanics.
fucking LMAO, where is this from? i'm 100% sure i've seen it somewhere before, years ago

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If you played this game with save states you didn't beat the game.

Okay, let me be a bit less reductive than that. Save stating in RPGs, for example, before a difficult boss, is cheating yourself out of an interesting experience. Backtracking through a dungeon after you fail a difficult boss fight is part of that experience. It's not just time that's wasted, it's what brings the element of tension. Will you make it through? What monsters will appear this time? Will it be harder, or easier? Oh god, what if THAT monster shows up? It's what keeps you on your toes and keeps you engaged with the game itself. Otherwise, you're just pressing buttons rhythmically while pixels appear and disappear onscreen. Then you go to load a different ROM.

All I'm saying, is give it a chance. Playing without save states. Even games you may have initially felt are too cruel without them can be quite generous once you learn to work within the systems the game allows you to exploit.
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this game is not that hard anyway, it's more tedious than anything, with all those ambushes and your attacks missing often in early game
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enjoy wasting your lives. save states are a boon to retro gaming, and if you have a contrarian argument as to why your serotonin levels are higher because you spent three times as long finishing a game, just rope.
This. I'd say a fast forward is much more useful than save states if you're going to cheat really.
Are fast forwards cheating?
shitty cope argument, if you think games are a waste of time then dont play them at all. besides, by playing with save states you are making the game completely braindead which removes the cognitive challenge which is the only benefit of playing videogames.

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Anyone else enjoy playing arcade and point based video games more than games that you can beat or are heavily story based? Nothing wrong with the latter, I just like playing for points it's just more fun to me. Also stealth high score thread.
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Recommendations for FPSs that have an arcade scoring system? The only ones I can think of are Wolfenstein 3D, Rise of the Triad, and Dead Man's Hand.
>>11059291 #
>don’t feel like long lore dumps
It's a bummer sometimes, like I want to get engrossed in the story but I don't have the energy to care about words. I just need fun now
Yeah. I play both though.

Favourite Final Fantasy: II and VIII
Favourite Dragon Quest: 2
Favourite Resident Evil: 3
Favourite Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge
Favourite Final Fight: 3
Favourite Ninja Gaiden: 3
Favourite Mega Man X: 3
Favourite Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)
2nd favourite Zelda: 2
Favourite Crash Bandicoot: 3
Favourite Donkey Kong Country: 3
Favourite King's Field: 3
Quake 2 > Quake 1
ActRaiser 2 > ActRaiser
Parasite Eve II > Parasite Eve

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favorite super mario 64 version: n64
favorite snes controller color scheme: either
favorite megadrive/genesis add on: neither
capcom or konami: namco
arcade games or handhelds: depends on the game
boxers or briefs: boxers
>2nd favourite Zelda:
Do you even like video games
Love them

I kneel
BTW I forgot to mention that my favourite Fire Emblem is Gaiden. I'll keep you updated if I can think of anything else.

Which of these games are actually fucking good?
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I wouldn't want to miss story content that the above poster notes is missable.
You're missing the point. If they wanted every player to experience something they would of made it mandatory.

The whole bonus chapter, branching path element is part of intelligent systems original design philosophy, Kaga said he wanted the player to experience a different story each time.

The only secret event that matters is one in chapter 10 of FE4. Look it up once you defeat the final boss in that level, but don't capture the castle.
When you decide to follow a guide, and minmax with optimal strategies off the internet you are missing the original intent of the game, ruining all surprises and challenge, and destroying your own fun.

The only thing I'd tell would be Jugdral players is the thief bridge thing, and that there is an event in chapter 10 to look up once you've defeated the final boss of that level. If you look it up before, you're just spoiling the plot.

The fun is going in blind, just like players in the 90s were meant to.
Sacred Stones
Kek. Check out 4 if you want inbreeding eugenics.
Chagall's portrait coming back as Muhammad will always be fucking hilarious. i'm not sure if there's anything to that though

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