Why was it so divisive?
>>11561182>he doesn't know
>>11561142>voice acting still suck
>>11536381Vaan gets cucked in the spinoff sequel, thank god.
>>11561561You can honestly tell how unpopular this game really is by the absolute state of fan art and pornography for a character as hot as Ashe. Fran is a little better but she also got boosted by appearing in XIV, and mind you Japanesus do seem to prefer Penelo because she speaks like a 10 year old.Really it's fucking ridiculous, it's obvious why people would like dub Balthier, I don't actually mind English Vaan and even Ashe is okay and Penelo might even personally be an improvement even if not actually performed better but English Fran is just character assassination level from cool mature beauty to sounding like they found a terminally ill hospital patient and told them to read a page full of lines.
Wow this game needs to be fixed.The pixel art and towns are 10/10 but damn the dungeons suck ass. So repetitive and bland looking. If this game were made today the dungeons would be half as long and the game better for it.
>>11558389Thought you'd enjoy autobattle so you can watch your tiktoks zoomzoom
>>11557028Is there a mod or code or something that will speed up the glacially slow text speed? Fuck this game feels like it's running on molasses. Even BoF 1 and 2 feel faster.
I wish more JRPGs used the bow hunting animals on the overworld for food mechanic. It was fun and soulful
>If this game were made today it would be betterAbsolutely revulsing opinion
>>11557028The pixel art is soo good thoughWhich more games had that artstyle
Did you mispronounce/misread words or names as a kid?I used to call Luigi Lugi (loog-y)
>>11559653>>11559684No, that's just you three.This is legit the first time I've ever encountered anyone saying anything other than Bob-omb.
>>11545038The first is correct
>>11546426That's a problem.
I say "nine" (as in the number) ten (also like the number) do (like the verb).I know it's wrong but I'm too british to do otherwise, japanese is hard to pronounce.
>>11559775t. james rolfe
I want to setup a virtual machine for playing PC abandonware from 1997-2001-ish. What would the ideal Windows version be for it? XP feels a step too far because I remember having trouble getting ME/95 era games running on it back in the day.
>>11558859>>11560902why not just buy a cheap, 500GB secondary drive and install windows 10 on it and make a dual boot PC ?you can get a Sata SSD for like $50.W10 compatibility mode combined with fan patches is usually enough to get any old pc game working and it beats fucking around with VM which will be a much more convoluted troubleshooting process.
>>11561368Gayest post in the thread
>>11558859>Would Win 2000 be sufficient for most, or XP a better choice?XP SP3 is what the game devs and VM makers tried to support best. You'd only see the difference between running 2K and XP if you used a potato PC from the times these OS were recent or so. Use XP SP3 from the game's target region if applicable (like a JP XP for old JP games etc.).If that's too new for what you're attempting to play, 98SE.
Maybe you guys can help me. I'm trying to play Riven on my Windows XP machine and the all Quicktime movies in the game have reversed audio - the left and right channels are swapped. What's up with that? And it's only affecting movies - ambience isn't flipped so I can't just manually reverse the channels.
comfy games and random trash, from jump'n run to racing games, everything goes.
>>11560479just got DTM 3 and lord of the rings two towers for 4€.Really fun, DTM is unbelivable realistic and LotR pure arcade smasher, i need more.
>>11560474I liked ATV offroad 2 and 3. the physics felt just right
>>11560857i liked 4 as a kid but i never played the other ones
>>11560474For me, it's Downhill Domination
Anyone played Naval Ops Warship Gunner? It looks cool but from what I've read it's really difficult
Graphics peaked in 2005
>>11557830You can achieve the orange look without a filter by using coloured lighting techniques.
>>11538750There's some in Bloodborne for the ground if you believe it. Like all cobble/stone grounds. Walk on the road in the forest area and use the camera to check the floor, put it as low as possible and you'll see how it's actually flat. It's back when Japan studio and Sony was breathing down fromsoft's neck so they'd pull their shit together and make a game that's actually cool looking. Lot of effects are only seen in Bloodborne as a result like the amazing bolts/lightning effects of blood on clothes making you all damp. Or the clothes tech being more advanced than in any fromsoft titles....
>>11559654Or* the blood on clothes*fuck phonesIt's also why Bloodborne has the best weapons animations I believe. Fromsoft was under lot of pressure.
>>11552197Were you trying to prove how RE5 looks worse if you remove the filter? Because it looks fucking worse. The filter is designed to accentuate the color design, which gives the shadows more depth. Without it, the image looks flat and unfinished.
>>11546712>normal maps and bump mapping that compliments the art and brings depth to it
Play games.Post scores.Talk strategies.
>>11559428I'd strongly recommend reading the manual, there's a lot going on. The web stage is basically the center of the game. For the quick rundown, there are 8 paths on the left and right sides that line up with the ends of the non-moving web strands. In order to determine the path where the boss stage is, you have to reach the rectangle at the top center to see where the dot points, before time runs out and the spider rushes you. Once you reach the rectangle, you have as much time as you need to plan or wait out the day timer. The day timer is at the top of the screen, and when it turns from black to red, the boss area moves to a different path. To actually go on a path, you have to sort of run up against the side for a second, it isn't instant. The boss stage lets you leave like that too when you run out of ammo, but less consistently for some reason.In terms of actually moving around on the web stage, I think it's worth mentioning that you can move horizontally in midair, but not vertically, so it's best to position yourself with that in mind.Even though it has flaws, it's a pretty cool game. I finally managed to beat the hardest difficulty.Quick note about the difficulty, game 2 is easiest, then 1, then 3 and 4. When you beat the boss, the game moves you up to the next harder difficulty, and even if you game over, you'll start the next game on that harder difficulty unless you change with game select. Nothing special happens for beating 4 as far as I can tell.
>>11560431Thanks for the tips.
>>11551529The 800 and 5200 were soulless compared to the 2600 and colecovision.
intellivision was here, atari is a loser
I can get to the third level in Krull. But I'm having trouble beating the boss on the third stage. Anyone got any tips or tricks?
I've never played a Metroid game, is this the best entry to start? Anything I should know before going in?
>>11561117>You can avoid the NES and GB shit entirely thanks to the GBA remakes and either AM2R or Samus Returns.Terrible post. Zero mission plays nothing like the original
>>11561593>Terrible post. Zero mission plays nothing like the originalBitch, it includes the original.
>>11561602your point being?
I knew a guy who had the standalone GBA Metroid 1 release. Even at the time that seemed like a really stupid idea
>>11561702Thank god that they made the virtual console after that, then shit themselves with nso.
Here is clear comparison of 2D vs 3D graphics. Grand Theft Auto GTA, 2D and 3D.Don't you see how 2D graphics are beautiful, colorful, saturated, they have soul?Then look at 3D on the right side, it's blurry gray foggy triangle piece of shit.How can you play 3D games and think they are better than 2D?We do not have progress in graphics, we have regression.3D games are soulless. And they are not made by artists but by slaves and drones, Indians.3D games are made for soulless NPC cattle that works all day in gray ugly factory building, so they want graphics in games to look "realistic", to look like their factory looks.
>>11553054It is still gray and ugly from 3D camera.>>11553097Then show a better comparison of 2D vs 3D.
>>11559020Except the GTA games mostly took place in bustling urban areas, even for most of the 3D trilogy.
>>11553284Driver has more cars on streets. Wait... I played it on PC. Did it have 2 cars on road on PS1?>>11554235What is the name of this game? Why isn't it popular?>>11554351Looks the same as Driver damage model.
>>11561783World's Scariest Police Chaseshttps://youtu.be/g0EToo77hQo?t=190i have no idea why is not more popular the game is greatyou can unlock a tank on it lmao
>>11561791Those graphics are extremely good actually, probably the best I've ever seen on PSX. You could maybe do something vaguely like GTA3 with that setup, but you'd still be really limited on cars and pedestrians (maybe you could make up the difference with sprites or something for further away ones?), and particularly draw distance. Doing a scene comparable to pic related and with a stable 20fps would be a really tall order for the PSX.I also think also that this kind of game was, for the time, most probably beyond DMA's technical skills, ambitions, and budget.
Is this game any good? I loved the first two Shadow Hearts games, but this one seems like it's got a much more lighthearted tone.
>>11560803scat post
>>11560734just play it, its vaccation hearts: No need for story [big booba edition]
>>11560734>I loved the first two Shadow Hearts gamesImagine if you went on a message board and asked if you should play Shadow Hearts and all the posts said that it was total trash garbage? Would you hate the games now? Would you have never played them? Play shit you want to play why would you need a faceless retards opinion.
Just play it. Dead Fingers Talk is probably my favorite JRPG battle theme.
it's a good game, but each game since koudelka has gotten more and more clown shoes, and from the new world is maximum goofy.
It's pretty funny that the most consistently ambitious genre of games in terms of themes, emotional range and weight, required knowledge from the player, and general writing, is the most conservative one when it comes to gameplay. There's a very good reason why your dad is more likely to play this stuff than to duke it out in a jrpg.>but xenogears and drakengard are most profound!Not really. They display the writing ability of a teenager.What makes point-and-click games so predisposed to housing transcendental experiences? Is it because of the more direct focus on exploration?
>>11560992What is it about adventure games that provide the most butthurt seething in those that don't play them?
>>11561332if you talk about it on /x/, they'll kill you
>>11561463there's a thread about it on the /x/ catalog as we speak
Why was this game pulled from Steam? Is that one Chinese point and click still there? Garage something?
>>11561520They probably killed the OP. See how he doesn't post anymore.
What's the best way to offload my lifelong game collection? I have a detailed spreadsheet of every game I have, including which ones have the case and/or manual, and they're all neatly in storage with static proof bubblewrap, organized by consoleI have a substantial collection of NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1/2/3, 360, GB/GBC/GBA, Gamecube, Wii, and a few Wii U, PS4, Dreamcast, and other titlesIf it's an essential title, I have one or more copies of it. I want to downsize, since I've already modded my consoles, or have an Everdrive where applicable. Is it still worth trying to do this piecemeal, or is it easier to sell in lots? I don't want to sell the consoles or controllers themselves, just the games.Some of my games are still missing, probably in my parents' basement, but here's what I have immediate access to (all US copies):• ~50 NES games• ~20 SNES games• ~40 N64 games• ~60 Genesis games• ~30 GB/GBA/GBA games• ~30 DS games• ~30 Gamecube gamesComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
If I take your Pokémon games off your hands, I can vow to protect your Pokémon and keep them safe and loved until I die.
>>11559629You have $8000 dollars worth of games? You calculated that with pricecharting? If so, what is the lowest you would take if someone wanted to buy them all from you in one transaction? $5000?
>>11561280It's def worth considering the "opportunity cost" of just getting rid of it all at once and being done. Maybe you end up leaving $3K on the table, but if that 3K takes 100 hours of work to realize, is it worth the effort?
>>11561373Yeah this is kinda what I was thinking, like, I could just take a $5k lump sum and call it a dayI could avoid some of that opportunity cost by selling the easier shit, I have two Pokemon Platinum, two Pokemon Heart Gold, etcBut if I sell the ~$1k - $2k of easy to offload games, is there any chance someone even finds the rest of the bulk worth buying as a lot?
>>11558210I have a 27" Sony Trinitron ProFeel CRT TV from 1989 and it only weighs 55kg/121lbs.
>>11557806It's very cute, anon
>>11558426I actually have hair
>>11558426omg it's litetally me!!!
>>11558186i have this but with 200+ n64 carts kekthere was a time when japan lots were 20$ for 40+ carts 10 years ago...>>11556534lost me at added led to cabinet>>11556818still cuteex gf vibes>>11558210it prob came with iti regret passing on a local trinitron for under $100i have large crt but prefer my smaller desk ones most of the time these days...>>11558426jokes on you im hot af irl
What does this sign mean and why put it in the game?
>>11561243Lowbrow humor is necessary and valuable, and it can also be done very well.Beavis & Butthead Do America is one of the best parts of the series, and it really nails the "two complete fuckheads bumble through a serious plot without understanding the weight of it" thing.Britain isn't without its lowbrow humor either, such as Brass Eye, which is absolutely fucking excellent.
>>11561302I can vouch that some people I knew unironically thought Beavis and Butthead were supposed to be "cool" characters back in the 90's.
>>11561458lmao, maybe in a vaguely retarded manner?
>>11561538No. It's because they liked "cool stuff" such as death metal and nachos and watched MTV. And that did whatever they want without the other "lame characters" bringing them down.
>>11561596I do like those things, but I always felt it was pretty obvious that they were stupid as fuck assholes.That's kind of the game you'll play with characters who are stupid though, stupid people may identify with them and like them.
I've beaten the SNES trilogy dozens of times since I was a kid and I just recently finished X4. for the first time. It was fun and I always heard that it's the best in the series but I would put it above X3 only. It was really easy compared to the SNES games with the final phase of the last boss being the only thing that gave me trouble. What's your guys' favorite X game and are the later ones worth playing? My favorite is X2!
>>11556178>My favorite is X2!
>>11560075Can he come back for potential Ciel solo games? https://nichegamer.com/mega-man-zx3-was-once-in-development/
>>11560075>>11561631Who's that?
>>11559998>especially visuallyI can't be the only one who thinks that X8 is more aesthetically pleasing than X4-X6
Colonel stop the coupe now