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This game looks exactly like RE 3.5 hallucination/hookman/whatever version, wtf. If we add weapons and zombies then I'm convinced this is what the game was going to be like
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You might be thinking of Devil May Cry, which obviously does not take place in Spain but is based on Spanish architecture (mostly Gothic)
naaa look at the villians names.. Ricardo, Lorenzo, they sound spanish to me.
Those names are grotesquely Italian, anon.
Ricardo (Diaz), cmon thats spanish-mexican. Italian names would be Benito, Leonardo, Aldo, Antonio
Fiona Belli, Ugo. Riccardo and Daniella use Italian spellings, not Spanish ones. Debilitas’ name is Latin. Not to mention, it’s a spiritual sequel to a game based on Italian horror. Also every Italian name you posted but Aldo exists in Spanish.

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>always thought the "use toothpaste on scratched discs" thing was bullshit because rebuffing was always a scam
>it actually works
Granted the success rate sometimes isn't that high but it does occasionally help save a game, least long enough for me to complete it.
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I believe the way to check to see if they’re salvageable is to hold the disc up to a light with the shiny side towards you and make sure no light is showing through. If it doesn’t show through then the scratches aren’t too deep and could benefit from resurfacing.
hm, sounds like a good rule of thumb.
Read the FAQ to avoid noobposting
No foolin' I would use white toothpaste on ps2 games back in the day and it usually worked for me
>spitting in cartridges
>smearing toothpaste on discs
you guys are retarded

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Mario 64 is full of hundreds of unpredictable bugs that considerably hamper the gameplay experience. People are still able to accept that it is a good game.

Sonic Adventure is a very stable game. It is considered unplayable due to an alleged plethora of gamebreaking bugs.

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>That means that ten thousand kids (probably more) encountered the unfair invisible wall bug, and many of them probably cried after dying due to it. Is that really okay?
they probably went "wtf was that shit?!" and then never encountered it again and forgot about it.
>disrespecting pannenKINO
Fuck that star. I was convinced the developers put an invisible wall there on purpose to fuck with me
I've never been able to get a consensus, but from my experience the most stable Adventure is the Gamecube version of DX. Everything before or after that has always felt scuffed to me, but maybe I'm just unlucky.
youre actually unreasonably lucky
DX is by far the jankiest port
the best one is DC

Damn this is boring
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What n64 game does this map to? I don’t understand genres
Falseflag. Nu-/vr/ isn't very good at subtlety.
Kichikuou is better
Very few saturn games are good for long play

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Was it really reasonable to expect children get to the end of the game with 3 lives and no saves? Imagine getting this as a child and having to start at the beginning every time you wanted to play
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You are a dumb faggot.

I raped your girlfriend.

She liked it.
>I raped your girlfriend.
>She liked it.
Kurgan pls go
If you didn't play the game the exact same way I played it, you didn't beat the game.

Stop not being meeeeeeeeeee.
If you add these two lines to the custom filters in uBlock Origin it will automatically remove all posts with a name and/or tripcode associated:

4chan.org,4channel.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))
4chan.org,4channel.org##.post.preview:if(.postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))
I'm pretty sure the airship can only be on empty spaces marked by a coin. And I have no confirmation but it probably can't be on a space that isn't presently accessible by the player.

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Does this interview finally settle all debates about the Sega Saturn? This board has some ridiculous arguments about the console, but it seems like we finally have all the answers from Hideki Sato

>Was the Saturn originally intended to be a 2D console? Or a 3D one?

>Sato: To be honest, in the beginning, I wasn’t thinking of 3D capabilities for the Saturn at all. This was partially my fault, but additionally, the game developers at Sega at the time had basically no knowledge of 3D game development. They had all been raised in the environment of 2D sprites and backgrounds, and the only developers who had any real experience with 3D were Yu Suzuki and AM2 with the Virtua series. >Actually, all of the other developers wanted to continue developing using the same system they were used to. If you looked at every single Sega employee within the home console division, there were practically no programmers or designers who had any knowledge of polygon technology.
>I had taken a look at Sega’s development teams at the time and concluded, “It’s going to be impossible for them to do 3D games.”
>I concluded that there was no way Sega’s development assets would be able to do 3D.
>However, the PlayStation completely embraced polygons.
>When we found out about that, we realized we were in trouble.
>Thankfully, the (Saturn) SH-2s could be linked in a cascade connection. A large amount of geometry calculations are required to do polygon graphics, and a single Saturn SH-2 was completely insufficient.
>With all the CPUs in the Saturn, only a tiny fraction of developers at Sega were able to make sense of them all and actually put them to use. For third parties… well, there was no way.
>I’m not sure if you call it a memory, but a regret I have is not going with one of our options to use the arcade system Model 1 as the base for the Saturn.
>We could have gone with 3D polygons with that kind of force.

-December 2021

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You'd end up with a setup very similar to the playstation, i.e. no VDP1&2 nonsense, no dual CPU bullshit, just a fairly straightforward platform designed for 3D from the start (and could do 2D as well by using its 3D pipeline)
>Does this interview finally settle all debates about the Sega Saturn?

No autists on this board are gonna argue about "what could have been" until the end of time. This is why we need Bernieposting.
Genesis would have stayed afloat with decent games regardless of the 32X existing. Taking either the 3DO or the Jaguar seriously as threatening competitors will never not be funny to me.
Bernie posters only fuelled the fire, nothing was gonna stop this autism.
>I don't think you understand. 3DO outsold Sega Saturn in the USA

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How do 40 year old electronics still function?
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>Obviously there wont be people home making ICs
Oh dear! What will happen to the people who are doing it now? I hope they'll be OK.
>I just dont see how as technology advances and fabrication processes become more accessible to smaller businesses, replication of original components from 30+ years ago would be impossible
There could be a catastrophic event and all that technology that's existed for years and is used every day could be destroyed, along with all the documentation, and everyone who knows how to reproduce it. lmfao. Your fan fiction takes place in an alternate reality where this doesn't already exist.
>well I guess
Well that's the best you could possibly do, isn't it. It's not like you could do some simple math and work out accurate numbers.
>that's not terribly useful here
To be sure. But elsewhere it is.
Just the way Nintendo likes it
So they can sell you mini consoles and subscription based emulators from their virtual store
No moving parts and they don’t produce a ton of heat.

Things obviously can go wrong with them, but most people’s old cartridge consoles work as great as the day they bought them for this reason.
>and they don’t produce a ton of heat
Unless Commodore or Intellivision, but I digress.
>he doesn't use the power converter and slowly fries it

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Does anyone remember Shockwave Assault?

I played this on the Mac and loved it. Gameplay was simple but arcadey fun. It looked nice and ran buttery smooth on our Mac Performa (as far as I remember, relatively speaking). And it had these cheesy fmv cutscenes between missions which made you feel like you were in a summer blockbuster movie. The small video conversations popping up in the cockpit during missions were a nice touch too.

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Why didn’t Sega try a Game Gear 2? In the mid 90s the Gameboy was slowing down and wouldn’t pick up until Pokemon launched. So why not strike while the iron is hot and have something more powerful but not stupidly expensive and clunky like the Nomad.
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>In the mid 90s the Gameboy was slowing down
This is precisely why.
The GB was weak shit when it came out in 1989, but still sold well for years thanks to Tetris. NEC/Hudson Soft, Sega, and Atari all tried to take the (at the time) smaller handheld market away from Nintendo with superior handheld systems capable of color. They all failed for various reasons. With the winner of the war starting to die off, the handheld console market was being abandoned. Why compete when the only game in town isn't selling anymore?
Didn't Tramiel lose the Nintendo lawsuit due to sheer retardation? Imagine what a full-color official Tetris would do for the Lynx...
He lost the lawsuit because he was cheap. He hired the cheapest and least expensive law firm he could find. Law schools say that it should have been an easy win for him but the lawyers were terrible.
No the Gameboy does not have countless classics worth playing. It's literally maybe just a handful. The ratio of playable titles on the Game Gear compared to the Gameboy is much higher. It's stupid to say Nintendo had a focus on "good games" while allowing endless shovelware on their handhelds. Nintendo fans just don't know shit about video games.
By virtue of having more titles, the shittiest games on the GB will be shittier than the shittiest games on the GG. However, that also applies in reverse. The best GB games are above the best GG titles.

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No doubt it would be as popular as FFVI or Chrono Trigger imo.
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Same. The presentation is nice and the OST is great (same composer as Mystic Quest).
On the other hand I didn't like the spell system and the characters are pretty bland. It's an okay game.
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>comparing a good game with FF USA.
you know is not the same,it will never be at all.
only reason it didn't got a port is the NTR (again).
It's better than FFVI that's for sure.
Cool game but it did come out very late in the SNES's lifespan after the point where Nintendo told Square to get the fuck lost since they were doing FFVII on the PlayStation. If it had been ported there I'm sure it would've gotten localized.
Read again.

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I cant believe in 25 years there's still no good games in this genre. Why does every attempt fuck up a simple isometric shooter? Foxhole is complete ass even today in comparison to Infantry, its not even funny.
>simple controls
>easy and quick access to fun
>deep mechanical depth while still being simple
>open player development
Every other title trying to do top-down/isometric shooters over complicate the fuck out of everything. Atleast Infantry is on Steam now, dont have to suffer hordes of chinese motherfuckers to get my fix. Foxhole can die now.
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Dude this looks just like Vampire Survivors!
look i still find it hard to believe it took 30 years to realize EA made only kusoge.

the most cringe word on 4chan next to ludo a kek
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This is an isometric shooter, not that command and conquer lookin shit you posted.

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Previous Thread: >>10850851

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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Why not just have dark theme in NP++ and light theme in NP++? There's no reason to use notepad unless you have some freaky textual fetish.
More NES goodness: https://twitter.com/kakikukecat/status/1783447442027090011
That's rad as hell.

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The “official” Hang-On next gen sequel was garbage while Manx TT was far superior… what went wrong?
It was probably just done by a different team, as you said Manx TT and even Road Rash were better titles
Alright, I did some actual research. So here's what happened: The original Hang-On games were made internally by Yu Suzuki who is also known for OutRun, Space Harrier, After Burner, etc. Hang-On GP was done by Genki, but this was before they developed games such as Tokyo Xtreme Racer 1 and 2, and Super Magnetic Neo.

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Has anyone installed one of these? Seriously considering it now that i have a third ps1 in the process of failing due to disc drive parts (laser, motor etc).
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PSIO sucks. The dev is a joke and the update is never coming even after 4 years.
I have a modchipped PS1 console, and I still burn games to CD-R. If the laser assembly is giving you trouble; then just buy a Chinese clone/replacement from eBay? I bought one years ago for $9 AUD with free shipping from China after my PS1 FMVs started skipping and it has worked flawlessly ever since.
I was under the impression that it was baiting someone to recommend a MODE since that's one of its big dumbass features
What problems does the PSIO have? Is the compatibility bad?

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Lets have an arcade thread anons. I am lucky enough to live under 20 minutes from Galloping Ghost, the biggest arcade in Burgerstan. I haven't always made the best use out of it but I went this month and am already planning to go with friends later this month as well and find myself on a bit of a fixation for arcade games at the moment.

>What are your favorite arcade games
>Tips for getting MAME to work well? It's the only emulator I am not well versed in and I am having trouble every step of the way, feels very different to normal emulation
>Dream machine to have in the home
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Whats this? From India or something?
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I've never been to a proper arcade, but there's a pretty great barcade in West Toronto I go to from time to time. From what I understand, the guy running it fixes up old machines and then puts them out for people to play. There's a cover charge, but other than that you can play for as long as you'd like. Drinks are somehow reasonably priced. It's not the real thing, obviously, but I like to think it just barely captures the spirit of old arcades. I guess it's impossible to truly capture that, because people stopped using arcades/malls/etc as social hubs decades ago. I do really miss arcade machines being in random shops and pizza parlours, though.
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Did you ever visit Playdium theme park in Mississauga before it closed down? Massive arcade with retro games and machines.

BTW dude...you are near one of the world's most retro arcade. Visit Skylon Tower in Niagara Falls near your location. In the very bottom basement level, there is a huge hidden retro arcade. Take the escalator to the underground area all the way to very bottom underground. There is a hidden forgotten arcade. Pic Related.

The arcade has an interesting story. It was Built Decades ago during the peak of the arcade era. Then left to sit there. Years ago, management thought about getting rid of it and using the space for something else. But the money, effort, time required to physically remove the machines from underground and renovate the area wasn't worth it to them. Plus it gives kids something to do while Visiting Niagara falls. So management left the whole area alone. Only investing the bare minimum money to keep the arcade clean, presentable, and keep the current machines running. But not buying any new machines at all. None.

So it's remained a time capsule of sorts. No machine newer than 2002-ish. But the whole arcade is a mix of 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s arcades. Even a few very rare deluxe machines like deluxe After Burner and several others. The fact management doesn't want to spend money to remove the machines from this inconvenient location has saved the arcade from destruction. Now it's like a time capsule of a former era. Go. Visit. it.
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Want to play some Tekken 3?
Huh, never knew that place existed. It looks pretty cool. I'll have to make a day trip down that ways some time.

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