Retro games that are 10/10 for co-op?Post some ps1/ps2 ones pls
>>11604781Playing a Genesis in LAN multiplayer is cool but sadly Zero Tolerance is mediocre. Luckily the recent Doom 32x port (not the original shit port) supports the Zero Tolerance cable and you can play it in co-op, and it's actually a good game:
Any on Game Boy or Game Gear?
bubble bobble
>>11608445Is there a particular one of these I should get for snes? Theres a bunch
I live in Japan. It sucks seeing game prices skyrocket. I bought this years ago for ~1200 yen, now it’s over 14,000. I knew it would happen eventually, but I miss when cool shit was dirt cheap. There are still deals—I found one today—but if I wanted to recommend this game, I couldn’t because of the price. No re-release, and normies don’t emulate.>it’s because you’re in a tourist zone!!1!I’m not. I went to a doc appt and stopped here while waiting for my prescription. No tourists come around here. Shops check online for pricing, so even non-tourist areas are expensive now. But yes, Akihabara (or similar) would be way worse. And not just tourists—online auctions have also driven prices up.>stop being a poorfag and just buy itI already own it. I have a large library so rising prices don’t affect me much. I just miss the old days.>you’re part of the problemYes, probably. If I buy a game there’s one less on the market. I get that.>just emulateI do, but I also like real hardware. Both have pros/cons, so I use both.>you can still get that game cheapComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Isn't Japan uber hardcore about enforcing copyright and anti piracy laws? OP could get into some serious shit if he downloaded ROMs or even dumped his own.
>>11620324I can stream basically any album through [music streaming platform of preference], but just because it's there doesn't mean you'll find it. If you're flipping through a basket of records than you're more likely to be drawn toward trying something that you might have otherwise ignored or maybe even never found.Scrolling through a folder of roms is no different.
>>11619890If you only knew.
>>11620350ive discovered way more music in the last 10 years than when i was buying CDs,stuff that i wouldnt even have a chance to know of since they are so niche.its much easier to give something a chance when as soon as you learn about something interesting you can download it in the next minute,otherwise better hope i stumble upon this album made and sold in norway in the 90s that has 666 copies made on tape.
>>11613718>tfw I'm ordering some forgettable PC games on Zenmarket to further depredate the second hand game market in Japan
What games do you think have the best character selection screen?
>>11615853You fucking idiot.
>>11612804I liked how Wild Arms 3 had all the characters aiming at each other in a Mexican Standoff and then that becomes the selection screen.
What filter do you prefer to use when emulating for the best CRT effect? I used the Composite filter here on Kega Fusion and it looks really good. Maybe a lot of the visual effect of CRT screens is not just in the spacing between pixels, but also in the limitations of the composite cable itself.
>>11620917this one >>11612929best out of the box preset for me, if you're allergic to tweaking.
give meS C A N L I N Efilters
>>11620840>Even 320x224 is displayed with square pixelsno it's not
>>11620989Yes it is. No one adjusted their TVs when they switched from watching television broadcasts to playing genesis or whatever. 224p is displayed in a 240p frame because CRTs do not fill vertically unlike with horizontal resolutions.
>>11621010You're not taking pixel clock rates into account. The two consoles that commonly run in 320x224 I can think of, the Genesis and Playstation both have pixel clocks of 6.71Mhz in that mode giving them a PAR of 32:35, not quite square.
>>11620913Maybe the mascot hat guy. As usual I think nintendo probably just doesn't care or find it cool like the fans do
>>11620913>>11620938NSO has 2 originally Satellaview games, but they were also games that eventually got a cartridge release.F-Zero 99 added some Satellaview stages I believe.I too am curious if Nintendo is just lazy or doesnt have the rights. This is the same company that wont release Mouse/SuperScope games on NSO even though it wouldnt be that hard
>>11620884>Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlierspoiler alert: you were retarded the whole time
This thread made me think of the (for obvious reasons) worse preserved Sega equivalent. So, did Frank Cifaldi end up releasing the Sega Channel version of that Garfield game, anyway?
>>11620976And Satellaview is snes therefore retro. Thank for for acknowledging it
Any tips for this game? Whats the best control scheme?Im having fun but it sure is tough
>>11621034learn how to cancel charge attackslearn how to time vanish and when to use it to extend comboslearn how to use hyper mode properly if youre fighting the cpu and want to use the flashy anime finishers or chase attacks
What's your favorite Game Boy model? For me it's the Pocket because I prefer smaller electronics and it's easier on the go. I didn't realize how big the original is until I saw it in person. I'm thinking of turning my Pocket into a Light or Color.
>>11620196>would be pissed if it died during saving and corrupted the saveSaving a Game Boy game is usually fast enough that it's very unlikely for the batteries to happen to fail in that exact moment. It's far more likely that it will just die before your next opportunity to save, or that you'll forget to save for a long time and lose lots of progress.
>>11620265i mean i only really care about my pokemon savei save it all the time after catching a rare pokemon or whatever but guess its still unlikely
I prefer my SP but the lack of headphone jack (without dubious modding) does put a damper on it.I've got a Color Pocket motherboard I need to cram into a Pocket sometime. I think once I do that, barring buying an original GBA, that might end up my favorite.>>11613129Desperately need one of these so I can retire my shitty solder job.
>>11620269It takes, what, 1 second at most for the save to write in Pokemon? The odds of the batteries dying in that exact moment are so very low even if you're saving constantly.
>>11620284You have no idea how much I savescum
Happy birthday to Chun-Li, the strongest woman in the world!
>>11615986I always thought it was funny. Height and weight obviously make sense as being relevant to a fight. So does age as you can imagine the younger characters being in their prime and more mobile while the older characters are wiser and battle hardened. But blood type just seems so completely uninteresting. I guess based on the replies though it was like the Japs' version of the four humors so that was cool to learn.
>>11620398it's important to know a street fighter's blood type in case cody guts a bitch and leaves them bleeding out
>>11610704>>11612531>>11612534>other returning characters in SF6 are shown to have physically aged.>chun li is one of the few that doesn' what's the in-universe for why she doesn't age despite pushing 70?i just assume that cammy, the other dolls & juri just had some type of augmentation done on them due to their collective pasts with shadaloo.
>>11620523>why she doesn't age despite pushing 70Ancient Chinese secret!
chun-li ass
Even if they weren't necessarily good
>>11620106the kids across the street had it and i borrowed it and enjoyed playing through it a few times
>>11620767Similar with Batman's movement options however it's more of a slower paced beat em up, batman himself is quick and snappy with his punches and has more things to use in his belt for attacks
>>11620078Great game
>>11620920I see. I'm giving Batman: Return of the Joker (Game Boy) a shot, but when I'm done with that this might be the next Batman title I take on. Cheers, anon.
>>11620775Just Norwood "game collector" things. Blame AVGN and its consequences on retro gaming
which Megami is your favorite Tensei? Mine is not retro (SJ)
>Encounter this in SMT1>die>never see him again>>11619537I tried playing the ps1 version using retroarch's built in AI translation and it was cool, but having to rely on it sucks and makes me wish people translated that (and other ps1 titles) instead.
>>11614942Only Last Bible III, the others are just low grade DQ ripoffs.
>>11608838Old SMT is very vibe heavy. Also they're decent dungeon crawlers.
>>11609463Nocturne is overrated, Digital Devil Saga 1 is clearly better than 2 and those games are all ass.What trash taste.
>>11619537If... was alright. Enjoyable enough and I didn't run out of gas playing it even though I'd played SMT 1 and SMT 2 beforehand. The expert scenario with the delinquent devilman guy was cool.
I like it but why does he fall so damn fast
>>11620226Probably an oversight in programming. The fall from a jump is normal. It's just when you run off a ledge that he drops like a stone.
>>11620226I love Super Mario Land... but I prefer the Batman edition, with a gun, it was an improvement.
>>11620625Its really annoying thoughYou walk off a ledge and before you even notice it mario is alread dead
>enter versus mode for a quick match against CPU>can't fight CPU>for some reason can't return to main screen without resetting console
>>11620632Intereestingly, Super Butoden 3 lacks an arcade mode but you can fight against the CPU (and select the difficulty level) on VS mode.
>2025>there are still basically no RetroArch cores where cheat codes work
>>11619806>retroarch features
>>11619041It's an excellent all-in-one solution for a lot of people's use cases.>>11619556I kek'd. This comes off as a "if you like things I don't then you should kill yourself" kind of post and shows that you should've never been taken seriously in the 1st place, anon.
>>11620764>This comes off as a "if you like things I don't then you should kill yourself" kind of postDoes it? To you? Your post comes off more as a "if i don't get virtual participation trophys ima 41% myself"
One of the worst thing about the first game was having to replay old levels just to replenish your HP.And now you're telling me that not only they kept that system, but now the life streams don't even respawn so all you're left with are small flasks that restore half a bar?! You'd have to replay the first level 10 TIMES just to replenish HP, and you can't even just pick up the first one and exit no, you have to play the entire level or else you're back to your previous HP ammountThis is some serious bullshit
>>11618448>One of the worst thing about the first game was having to replay old levels just to replenish your HP.I know I’ve beaten it quite a few times, but I don’t think I’ve ever had to do this in the first game. Are you just fucking up on Pools a bunch or something?That shit in the sequel is ridiculous, though, and despite that specific issue not really affecting me it’s just another point on the long list of why it’s the worse game. >>11618665Anything they “fixed” is easily outweighed by how they butchered everything else. Obnoxious and constant humor, ugly art direction, and I’m pretty sure it was made unintentionally harder somehow. Didn’t they fuck up flinching or either you or the enemy being pushed back when hit or something? I remember trying this for the first time last year and not even bothering to finish it since I found myself dying more often (at all) compared to the original, and now there wasn’t even the great atmosphere to warrant continuing. >>11619893>You guys are saying I should take 2out?Just play the game, dude.
>>11620450I believe this anon. Sounds like a case sort of like with Dragon’s Dogma where people who played the first one and loved it expected the second one to be even better. I played the ME2 demo a million years ago and thought it looked awesome. I must’ve played that demo a hundred times. It wasn’t until after I played ME1 in adulthood that ME2 left the bad taste in my mouth.
The game isn't that difficult, especially if you are collecting the chalices. I kind of felt betrayed after finding out the good ending is a 0 chalice run and dropped it shortly before the end. I despise shit like that in games.
>>11618448Just use cheats I guess
>>11618536true the remake was utter shite. stripped all the soul and left the gameplay jank
So... uh... they're basically Tidus and Yuna ancestors right?
>>11620942Unsent time travel could work. Tidus is killed thousands of years ago, ends up being stuck in Sin until ejected thousands of years later. Also Tidus' dad being SIN is the second dumbest plot twist, where it takes Tidus's daddy issues and turns them into a central plot point. There could have been more interesting ways to make Jehct relevant and an antagonist.
>>11620948No it isn't. Did you even play the whole game? It seems weird at first because they reveal it before they explain how the pilgrimage or summoners work. It is a central part of the lore and the story. Seymour is a failed summoner and his aeon was his mother. Yuna is expected to do the same when she arrives at the end. Making Jecht more actively relevant would have been a bad idea. He is essentially "dead" and the story works better that way.
>>11620958When you are writing the story you can do anything you want in your fictional universe, but typically when you create your universe, you have to set up the rules. Once you start making up new rules part way through people start to roll their eyes as the new convenient rules made to make your story work and the conveniences pile up. Rather convenient that Godzilla wrecking the world is also Tidus' dad whom he has a grudge against. it's a cheap trick to up the melodrama by making the main characters directly involved in the world changing problems - oh the evil emperor is actually your father, the invading aliens is actually your long lost twin, etc. FFX and FF in general is rife with dumb story telling. This shit ain't high art.
>>11620962The entire thing was planned to work that way from the beginning, and it is reveal near the very end, because no one living know how spira works. Final Fantasy is a series of melodramatic anime games.The earlier suggestion of Tidus being unsent is far worse. Auron is already doing that. The reveal of Auron's true nature is one of the best parts of the game. And I don't need to talk about time travel because time travel is always retarded.