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Why, it's Lillia.
Popuri's mom, from Harvest Moon 64.
She's dropped in to say hi!

Say something kind to Lillia.
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I would cum inside of this cartoon
You're fat, ugly and smell like shit so she would be disgusted by you if she could meet you physically.
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Not really, I go to the gym 4 days a week and the other 3 I practice martial arts.
I want to say I'm standard but ngl I know I'm handsome (symmetric face, normal nose, ears, etc, blue eyes), I get tole I'm handsome regularly by my gf and other girl friends who flirt with me. I still have a bit of a low self esteem despite this.
>smell like shit
Actually don't, I don't even use cologne but I don't have bad BO. I just use a bit of anti-transpirant and brush my teeth, and shower every day after working out.
I bet that cartoon mom would at least find it flattering to know I'd deposit my seed in her
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Here's my mouth piece and groin protector I use for sparring.
Get fucked, kid.

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Just saw this on Radiation Hazard. AvP sisters, we're so back!

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>quints of truth

fuck off
Looks cool, going to keep an eye on it.
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Just checked the most recent update. No way this is a vanilla Half-Life mod.

half life modding has been out of this world for a few years now
Looks promising.

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I know next to nothing about gaming before the NES. What was it like?
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It was basic. There was some fun to be had playing against your friends in games like "combat." We would then go outside and play because after 2 minutes you've seen everything the game had to offer. There were a few exceptions like Pitfall 2, however. I still have my childhood 2600 and games but I never revisit it. Its permanently in the back of the storage closet.
Saved. Gonna get me a 2600 one of these days. Any good flashcarts?
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It was the era where getting a high score meant something instead of just feeling like a pointless extra mechanic.

It was good, simpler times.
Real Chads had an Apple 2, which was much better for gaming than the 2600. The Atari 800 and C64 were there too if you were a retarded child, but only the Apple 2 offered the real personal computer experience. The Japanese PC-8801 is also an underrated system that you might want to look into.
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8-bit Apple ][ computers had interesting graphics for its time, but was on par with the TRS-80 model 1 and Model III when it came to sound generation. Atari 8 bit always had a built-in sound chip, unlike 8-bit Apple ii sounds from a speaker. Unless, that is, you could afford to buy a cricket or Mockingboard module that went inside an expansion slot under the top casing.

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I can't emulate games because my OCD won't let me anymore. I just have this strong feeling in my head telling me it's "wrong" and "fake" and that by not playing on an official console, I am "not having the intended experience of the game". I also worry that people on the internet might tamper with the ROMs to make them subtly different from official versions. I also cannot mod consoles, for the exact same reason, because modding = not the original, intended experience of the console.

This is obviously starting to become a problem for me. I still own all my own consoles and games but a lot of them have problems or don't work anymore, and eventually it will become near-impossible to play on original hardware. If I could allow myself to emulate and mod then playing retro games would become much easier but I just can't.

Anyone else have this mental issue?
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No, like what if my brain gets wired wrong, and I forget how to speak or I'm blind forever or something
>the games play the exact same as on emulators
I can literally physically feel the difference when switching to emulators and no amount of tinkering fixes it. You're either full of shit or a low IQ chimp.
Unironically I'm really OCD, and the way I got around it is softmodding.
You get the benefit of console accurate gameplay, and the accessibility of emulation.
It works for me and I had the same problem you did.
The audio stutter is unacceptable but prevalent in so many emulators.
Ever heard of flashcarts?

>search every inch of the map and collect 15+ different collectables if you want to progress
this game is aids
>noooo I don't want to explore I just want to run forward in a straight line and win!
maybe phone games are more suited to you, OP
Ahh, so calming. Just wandering around, huntin' for shit, listening to Grant's ear worm mix tape. What a relaxing way to spend a weekend.

Why do SquareSoft PS1 ports of SNES games have such dogshit load times? You're putting fucking 1-4MB games onto a 600MB disc, this should not be an issue. The PS1 has 2MB of RAM, you could literally fit half of Chrono Trigger or ALL of Final Fantasy V into the memory. Shin Megami Tensei doesn't have this problem, and that's actually an enhanced port with 3D models and shit.
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You haven't even heard of Ancient Roman until it got translated a few days ago, shut up.
Naahh i played it long ago, surprised when i saw this video of the game.
Thought i was the only one that played it.
It was so shitty you surprised me never thought this kusoge would get a translation.
This. PeeShit 1 shills BTFO LMAO

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A thread for everything involving hacking your PS2.
I have a question, I usually use OPL 1.1.0 for everything but it doesn't recognize ZSO games, I tried one of those "nightly" builds (the Jay-Jay ones) and they recognize and play ZSO files but some of my games dont work on that build (like Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Crash Nitro Kart for example), I tried disabling PADEMU and other settings but it still doesn't work (games freeze on a black screen).
What can I do?
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How do you even update the browser to support HDDs nowadays? I get it's proprietary but everything seems vague
>19mb / 22mb
>the Jay-Jay ones
Stop reading there.

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>All Namco games take place in the same shared universe
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>What the fuck is the point of Pac-Man 2 technically taking place in the same universe as Splatterhouse?
To get nerds talking by activating their autism
It's fun to talk about, you golem.
he'd probably enjoy it
because it makes a ton of what if scenarios and situations we all can talk about. Knowing pac man is in the same universe as splatterhouse does change things.... how come the pac man ghosts didnt end up demonic like the ghosts in splatterhouse (or whatever those ghost like things are). many questions from the what ifs and than it gets into cross over and game worlds crashing into eachother and the potential fun of that.
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We'll always be together.

(PLEASE, people who didn't play the game, don't watch the video)

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In an alternate universe where Nintendo bought out Rare in 2002 and kept them as a 2nd party developer, could they have saved the GameCube?

The following would have all likely been released as GCN games:
>Kameo: Elements of Power
>Perfect Dark Zero
>Donkey Kong Racing
>Grabbed by the Ghoulies
>Viva Pinata

A Nintendo-owned Rare probably would have also made the following:
>Banjo-Kazooie 3
>A new 3D Donkey Kong game

Would this have been enough to save the GameCube?
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You dont tell us what 'save the gamecube means'. Its got a library people still enjoy and did its job of succeeding enough to carry Nintendo into the next console gen.

The gamecube isn't a dreamcast or Atari jaguar.
It was an excellent console with a great library of games, but unfortunately in Nintendo's eyes it clearly didn't succeed well enough to warrant releasing a successor.

>inb4 wii
The Wii was a total reinvention of Nintendo's home console strategy, it was an underpowered shitbox with gimmick controls and most of the games being oriented towards the most casual of casuals.

I believe Nintendo originally aimed to sell about 50 million GameCubes, which is over double the amount it sold in reality. If the GCN hit 50 million+ we probably would have seen a GameCube 2 and Nintendo would have never gone down the path of chasing the casual audience (which culminated in them nearly destroying the entire company with the Wii U).
N64 had great games, and it still wasn't "saved". Sometimes you just gotta accept the conditions.
A 40% drop is hardly negligible.
Microsoft was scammed. Rare wasn't worth 375 millions, especially past their prime, and Nintendo knew it.

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Thoughts on this? I've never played a SMT game but this looks Pokemon-ish.

What is the best version to play? I've read Light is easier.
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Demikids is more of a smt game than digital "only 7 playable demons the whole game" Saga
I loved the juxtaposition of the kiddie pokemon aesthetic and the title that was basically DEMONKIDS so I got this a few years back but never got too into the game. I wish it had printed guides or something because I have no idea what I was doing and was not particularly enjoying myself
Demi doesn't mean demon.
ok weeb whatever what does that have to do with anything
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>ok weeb whatever what does that have to do with anything

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>DualShock comes out in 1997 with two proper sticks
>the same year, Nintendo R&D1 begins working on Sin and Punishment; a game designed to use the stick with the right hand
>also the same year, GoldenEye comes out on the N64 with a dual analog control scheme
>Before a design for the Xbox controller is even settled on, Halo's meteoric hype train makes clear the importance of a second stick
>the C-stick was a bad idea in 1997, even worse when revealed in 2001, and definitely an existential flaw by March 2001
>there is still time to fix the GameCube controller...
>instead of replacing the C-nipple, Nintendo makes the controller WORSE by shrinking the B button so you can't press it and Y simultaneously
Very bold.
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Nintendo, hire this man
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>the tiny c nipple instead of start
It really is such a baffling decision. The Gamecube controller is so damn comfortable to hold and use but half of the controller is genuinely unusable. The D-Pad is outright useless and the C-Stick is garbage.
You have to remember that every Nintendo controller is built from the ground up for a game. Not every game, not any game but a singular game. It's usually whatever the hell Miyamoto happens to be working on.
Beyond that one game? Well that's somebody elses problem to figure out how or even if the controller can properly support other games.

>most hated thing is actually the best
What are examples of this on other game?
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>only compfags hated it.
Lol, it took years before PokeFloats stopped being an accepted counter pick, it was never 'hated' in this "all fun things are unserious" way people seem to think the tournament community acts. It was always seen as a far better stage than, say, Icicle Mountain.
People are odd
I know you're doing the inverse pokefloats bait but even competitive players hate FD at this point compared to any other tourney legal stage. No platforms = a lot of retarded shit becomes possible, and it's also less fun to move around on
Also this, you can find footage of people who still actively play playing on pokefloats and rainbow cruise in like 2009.

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>Dude it looks fucking fugly on purpose so it's actually good!!
Fuck ironicfags for defending this sloppa now. Eat shit.
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Thankfully the art got better in 2002. I like how the art style feels like a mix of anime and western cartoons.
I want to punch you in the face even more than that vomit inducing pictute of Athena.
Sounds like you have a weak stomach.
>Kula is underage
A strong stomache, but an equally strong dislike of ugly things and terrible art.

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I just rewatched this film. It was decent, better than Coco (C-) and Dory (D).
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I fucking HATE this fucking game for starting the 80s revival and the cyberpunk neon retro purple synthwave aesthetic which led to shit like hotline miami, blade runner 2049, drive 2011, and fucking vaporwave and synthwave. we've been suffering through this shit for 20 years with no signs of stopping. no 90s or 00s nostalgia by the mainstream, just 80s nostalgia being milked to death.

VC turned out to be MORE influential than III, and also in the same negative way
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Don't you have a broccoli haircut appointment to get to?
>the summer of 2012
What was this? Peak Brony fandom?
>90s/00s nostalgia is being a moody flannel wearing faggot crying into their pillow
Ask me how I know you're a little retard who didn't live through the time period you're referring to
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Fuck you I like all that shit

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