it could be a revolutionary concept, mechanic, nostalgia, gameplay, music, etc.for me itd be Donkey Kong Country 2, the fun i had with it as a kid is so memorable, back then i didnt have internet, so i had to discover everything on my own, and i played it daily nonstop till i discovered everything.
>>11515434I don't care about SNES or consoles in general, didn't have one growing up so I have no nostalgia for it, played Chrono Trigger for the first time as an adult on an emulator and it still blew my mind.
Gotta go with SMW2, but there's many.
>>11515434Super Mario worldThe secrets, the vibrant overworld map, yoshi, going for all the dragon coins, it’s all so much fun. I play it at least once a year and I’m still discovering new things every time
>>11515632i feel the same, the game has so many hidden stuff and cool things. every now and then i beat it again
>>11515454This and Super Metroid are my top 2 games
>>11515434for me it's Milonyou can download hack with English text
>>11515434(You) prayed.
Metal Max 2
>>11515434The DKC games are may favorites but I'll go with the SNES edition of Turtles in Time. It's the perfectly paced 45min experience with great music, fun stage design and lots of onscreen enemies.
>>11515434there will always be such a huge variety of responses when you ask this question and its why I think snes is the true GOAT console. ps1 comes close but it seriously hasnt aged as well as my nostalgia would think, aside from the rpgs.
>>11515434I tried to think of a few games but all of them were refinements or outright remakes of NES games that were REALLY forward-thinking like Metroid or Metal Max. It was kind of a "safe" console that just gave NES designs more hardware elbow room rather than changing much fundamentally.
>>11516036Indeed, such a fun beat em up.I had it as a kid, played it so much
with snes, you had a great variety of platforms and rpgs, you could find literally any type of game
>>11515434Lord of the Rings, still the best vidya adaptation of it to this day.
>>11515434Just Umihara Kawase, nothing else I've played on the console is as good as that.
>>11516224>Umihara KawaseThis is what I keep coming back to the most over the years.
>>11516224didn't know about it. game looks fun
>>11516278Have fun and make sure you practice.
also it had lots of coop games, made them even better
>>11515434Mega Man X3, it's just a perfect time capsule of the 90's action gaming.
>>11516285Is the SNES the console with the most amount of co-op games?I keep trying to find more on PS1 on PS2 but it seems SNES just has more
>>11516463probably, the second would be Ps1.
>>11516221I find it weird, but the concept is good
>>11515434Front Mission 1. I've probably clocked more time customizing mechs and lounging in bars than doing missions.
>>11517104I don't like mechas, but front mission 1 males it look fun
>>115172451 is very unpolished, gamewise. The battle mechanics get a massive revamp on 3 and peak at 5, although I miss deploying a lot of units like in 1 and how eva% and how encumbered a Wanzer could be depending on its loadout in 2 and how that affected evasion.Also, don't play the latest remakes, except for 2 and its English translation.
>>11517245Nah it's pretty boring.
>>11516036Older TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) g*mes should not be played because a newer and better TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) g#me exists: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
had tons of masterpieces simply because it was a time where developers were actually passionate about what they were making....but my personal favorite SNES game was Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
super mario worldff6super metroid
Super Metroid Chrono TriggerYoshi's Island
>>11515454Yeah, this would be my choice. It pulls out every trick in the SNES book. Absolutely brilliant game.It's not my favorite RPG on the system but Chrono Trigger is a masterpiece. It's the ultimate expression of the 16-bit RPG.Despite all the great games on the system I feel like we never saw it's full potential.
Chrono Trigger for sure. Played it retroactively decades later and instantly realized this is what I always wanted from JRPGs.
>>11517361always tried to live it, but endless responding enemies made me turn away from the game. it looked and played so good tho
>for youMe?
>>11517379>Despite all the great games on the system I feel like we never saw it's full potential.Some of the later Japanese games are interesting for exactly this reason, the two late SFC Fire Emblem games are utterly gorgeous and have some pretty modern minded autosave features, it’s a shame there’s so few games made for it after ‘96 or so.
>>11517245>front mission 1 males it look funAnd it plays fun since mechs loadouts and pilots skills depend on player choices. No bullshit like "this new guy his high melee so he'll be stuck with knives/tonfas in reserve".
Shaq Fu
>>11515434Super Ghouls N Goblins. Because it's a pure game. A set of rules, and the world is designed around those rules. The game is honest with you, if you die, you will say the game is dogshit, but you won't be able to point out why. Because it's you who failed. The game respects its players.Also the chad who designed this, showed the world that adding double jump is fine, but you also have to design the world and enemies to actually balance that jump.What you get is a masterpiece.
Donkey Kong Country 2, it's not just the best platformer on the SNES, but one of the greatest platformers of all-time. The fact that the art-direction and Dave Wise's soundtrack are in perfect sync is almost a miracle.
>>11515434I never had a SNES as a kid (jealous of my friends who did) I had a PC. Exploring the catalogue now is pretty fun. I have definitely enjoyed Donkey Kong Country and getting better at the levels I could never clear at my friend's house, as well as obviously the Mario games. Mario RPG was an interesting surprise.I really want to enjoy Starwing/Star Fox, but I suck balls at it.