Games you loved as a kid but realized were shit when you got older.
i hated every game with a claymation aesthetic as a kid. it looked like DKC for babies.
time killers. only played the arcade version. obviously only liked it because of the gore/dismemberment and played it so infrequently it didnt have time to get old
>>11518974Explosions and gore are cool when your 12, game is empty and lacking in everything when your old.
It was a simpler time (even at that time this game was considered shit).Never did figure out the rules for the chess one. The Caterpillar music was stuck in my head for decades
>>11518990I felt like I was going crazy when I thought this game sucked but every kid I knew thought it was the coolest thing ever.
I can't think of any game.I guess I've always had good taste unlike you losers.
>>11518974>>>11519196God, this game was so cool as a kid. Not even nostalgia can save it as an adult.
>>11518974For me, that game is Sonic Adventure DX on GameCube. I used to love playing this game growing up despite the jank and stupid emblems to collect. But revisiting it 20 years later, it is okay but has lots of collision issues, and things that did not port well from the Dreamcast version which I found out later. It's just tedious and not enjoyable to me anymore and I much prefer Adventure 2.
>>11518974Spyro 3I got to rhynoc skating and just deleted the game off my drive.
any of the 6th gen spyro/crash games
Don't think I've fallen out of love with any game, I wouldn't have played it long in the first placeI liked bubsy and I still do, the remake can go to remake hell with the rest
Sonic HeroesShadow The Hedgehog
DoomAny Zelda game Super Metroid
>>11519210I can tolerate a ps1 strafe shoulderbutton shooter but it has to be executed basically perfectly for it to be tolerable, definitely not small soldiers
>>11518974Didn't get a lot of games.