>ruins your console
>>11517204provide concrete real world evidence or GTFO
>>11516826ive had one since 2023 - zero problems
>>11517208the voltages bro
>>11516858Choice paralysis and a severe diminishing of any game being "special" from then onwards.
>>11516826No, I'm not gonna buy your overpriced used games. I'll stick to my everdrive.
>>11517218Just man up and play the games instead of staring at the games list like a depressed faggot then its not hard lmao just takes some executive function like OH NO CHOICE PARALISIZE MY GAMES ARE NOT SPECIALJust play the games nigga or go outside lolMake some moneyBuy a girl ice cream lol bitch
>>11517218>choice paralysisthis is real but also really fucking easy to get around just put like 5 or 6 games you know you'll play on at first and add other games you're interested in playing one by one
>>11516826[citation needed]
>>11516826works on my machine
>>11517204>>11517215The N64ED and the N64's cartridge slot both use 3.3V dipshit. It doesn't have any voltage translation resistors or IC's, because none are needed.
>>11517204That's literally why you buy Krikzz over the chinese shitHis stuff has way less power draw than others
I know these destroy action replays but I never heard about it damaging the console itself
>>11516826>>11517204finally someone else speaks up about this. even if they don't cause something to fail completely the internal components are still taking damage and are "weakened" compared to consoles that have only ever used official carts. this shit is going to kill so many consoles over the next decade>>11517242not the older modelsgb x5 fucked my snes's ppu2 when i used it in the super gameboykrikzz gives no warning about this
>>11517320>not the older models>gb x5 fucked my snes's ppu2 when i used it in the super gameboy>krikzz gives no warning about thisI don't think that's what fucked your SNES anonDepending on the model you have, the CPU will die eventually
>>11517320>this shit is going to kill so many consoles over the next decadeHow would we know that that didn't just happen naturally due to using a console that's already decades old?
>buy second N64 for $80>still save lots of money>actually prolong life of first one by not wearing and flexing it every time you change games>none of this matters because you don't actually play N64 games>N64 games are not good>meme arrows
>>11517349Rent free, tranny.
>>11516826>>11517204>>11517215>>11517218>>11517242>>11517314>>11517320>>11517741Buy an ad for your eBay page, faggot.
>>11517762Thanks for the free advertising bumping the thread, niggerfaggot!
>>11517204bullshit >>11517242bullshit
>>11517805>bullshitHave you never used handheld flash carts?
>>11517807Show me one piece of evidence.
>>11517820Look at battery test videos for handheld consoles with both chinese carts vs ED on GBAHere's an older test https://gekkio.fi/blog/2021/power-consumption-of-game-boy-flash-cartridges/The chinese make PVB's with barely any consideration to that, I think even the recent SummerCart 64, the original designer said something to that effect about chinese copies of it
>>11517838Looks like they just tested some old gameboy carts and one drew more than double power. That's not the best sample and we don't know what is damaging and what's not.
>>11517820Don't let it get to you. Summercarts have been taking off recently due to some e-celeb advertising them, so there's been a counter-shilling war on /vr/ between both chinks and swedes.
>>11517896But now I am somewhat concerned.also>paying 200-300$ for le legit flash cartGamers are the easiest people to scam though how on earth do people pay these ridiculous prices lmao.
>>11517850>That's not the best sampleThere's literally graphs of power draw and three different flash carts there>>11517896Summercarts are good, I'm just telling you to be aware where you buy from because the chinese sellers don't test for power draw, nor mitigate itIt doesn't even mean that it'll damage the console at all but it most often will still use more power
>>11517903I wouldn't worry unless someone has actually tested the chink carts to know if they blow mercery loads in your N64.Personally haven't had any issue with mine that I bought 3 months ago and've used daily since. Not sure when it's supposed to "ruin the console", but like I said, I feel it's counter-shills shitposting to dissuade people from buying SCs.If you're that concerned, you can just buy one from the devs on their site over the chink carts on aliexpress. The trade-off is you'll be paying $100, but at least you're guaranteed a working product over one that may or may not kill your console based on headcanon.
>>11517932Yeah but those look like older ones for the gameboy. Yes it's concerning but doesn't give the whole story.
>>11517932>I'm just telling you to be aware where you buy from because the chinese sellers don't test for power draw, nor mitigate itI get ya'. It's just weird to me suddenly seeing all posts claiming this power consumption thing about the SCs when these things have been talked about for several months now, then recently got popular because of some an e-celeb, what with the few recent threads. Just gave me the impression there's some anti-shilling goin' around because of it.
>>11517957Rather seeing posts claiming such, is what I mean.
>>11517320How old is your GB X5? Normally it has the date on the back
>>11517349Your post is even more pointless than this one >>11517762
>>11517850They just tested things and they tested them bro, it's not a real test or anything
>>11517204>>11517215Wasn't the voltages thing an issue with older consoles that ran at 5 volts when everything these days is 3.3? The N64 IIRC operated at 3.3V. Also wasn't that fixed in later everdrives with added regulation components? Though it can still be an issue with chink clones and cheap repros.
I've read that Chinese versions of the SD2SNES also draw more power than the Krikzz version.
Do people really think a cartridge can somehow request different voltages? That's not how it works.The cartridge slot supplies 3.3V. Period.Any significant variance would be due to a failure in the console's own power circuitry.Anyone somehow doesn't understand this deserves to be swindled into paying $350 for a copy of Glover.
>>11518041What about cartridges with additional coprocessors like the super FX chip? Don't those draw more power than a standard cart?
>>11518067Voltage is one problem. Current draw can vary as well. Excessive current draw can put a lot of strain on the console's power circuitry.
>>11517896It's impressive that you managed to come across as the dumbest person in this thread, given how it started.
>>11518095You're more than welcome to provide evidence that a flashcart does this.
>>11518161You're more than welcome to take the time to do your own research instead of lazily posting a passive aggressive response.
Just buy Summer Cart since it's not known to fry consoles like Everdrive products
>>11518095>>11518161>>11518175You're both faggots but this is interesting reading if you're a spergy faggot like me:https://gekkio.fi/blog/2021/power-consumption-of-game-boy-flash-cartridges/
Is this like how people like to remind you that a man in Asia had his computer chair rocket into his ass and kill him?I've been using official everdrives forever and my consoles are fine.
>>11518095>Excessive current draw can put a lot of strain on the console's power circuitry.And nothing can pull more power than what the power supply is rated for. These power supplies, and the consoles themselves, were designed with higher specs than what the basic setup used. This was so the console could power future accessories that might need more juice. Like multi-taps, light guns, etc. If the OEM power supply can supply it, the console can handle it. Third party bricks usually don't work well with flash carts since they only supply the power the basic setup used and not much headspace beyond that. The only risk is if you use some third party power brick rated far higher than OEM or bench testing PSU and crank up the juice beyond what the OEM specs are.
>>11518886>If the OEM power supply can supply it, the console can handle it.It's not necessarily general power draw that's the issue, its higher voltages and excess power in certain components/circuits that can't handle it I would think. The question is was is what the console can actually handle in the cartridge slot and if there is anything like a fuse or regulator to prevent damage if you overload your slot.
>>11517320Do you also cry "VAXX" whenever you hear that a person has died for any reason?
>>11519049>vaccine out of nowherego back
Used a cheap ass super 64 for 4 years now, no issues, none, zero.
>>11519090You will never be a IT manager.
>you vill take ze vax>you vill use ze everdrive
>>11519026>its higher voltagesThe cartridge slot will never supply more than 3.3V unless the console's power circuitry is fucked up.
>>11518175>make dubious claim>>got any proof?>i-i-it's not my job to educate you!every single time lmao
>>11519592He's using the wrong word, he means current
>all these flashcart customers coping hard
>>11519595There is already linked proof in this thread, do you just close your eyes when you see things you don't like?
>>11519604I'm not any of the anons in this reply chain, but if you're talking about the link to GameBoy flashcart power draws then that's all meaningless in this context. The only thing that addresses is the fact that different flash carts can require a higher wattage which should be obvious. It doesn't address 'damage' from more power draw, and it certainly doesn't do so in the context of a home console. It's strictly about power efficiency. For the internal components to be harmed the PSU would have to be capable of delivering current in excess of what the N64's components are rated for which is a retarded concept.
Why the fuck are you people bitching about a fucking obsolete everdrive?Summercart literally mops the floor with all the ed64 versions and clones, and costs 1/3 of the value. The only coping here is the idiots who bought one in 2024
>>11517349>>N64 games are not goodAbsolutely true.
>>11517896and there it is >>11519710
>>11519783>telling people to not buy a more expensive products with same/less features is shillingalso the cart is open source unlike the everdrive, so you can literally make one of your own, you stupid motherfucker
>>11517327He doesn't. There's literally nothing an everdrive does that a standard cartoon wouldn't do.
>>11519570You're trying really hard to find any angle you can to disparage a good product. Which cart are you shilling, hmm?
>>11519862>>11519865trying really trying
>>11519865I don't think he wants to shill anything, I think he's just mad at people not coomlecting like himTo some people owning the original official plastic is more important than playing the game
>>11519604>There is already linked proof in this threadNo, there really isn't.I'm sorry that you don't know anything about consumer electronics, but you need to learn to keep your mouth shut on topics you clearly don't understand.
You know how summercart had zero cheats support? I read the developer talking about how summercart was designed to be compatible with game shark, unlike everdrive. Apparently everdrives could break them. So that was his autistic master plan for cheat support early on, just get a game shark. I can't find this conversation and honestly I thought I read it on github but there is no mention. Doesn't prove anything, huh? I can't find anything in Google about everdrives destroying game sharks. I DO see everdrives fucking up the program flashed onto the game shark, requiring you to reflash it, or just buy a new game shark. But there's not even really much info about that. For all I know people have been using them together just fine, or few have simply been... niche enough to try it out.
>>11519026>its higher voltages and excess power in certain components/circuits that can't handle it I would think.Ok, and the older consoles used 5V, the flash carts use 3.3V. Now can you explain how dropping 5V down to 3.3V to feed to the cartridge will result in HIGHER VOLTAGES in other components in the console? Because this sounds like some retard logic to me.
>>11519807I don't trust anything from AliExpress.
>>11519913Bad experience?
>>11519903>Have fixed voltage>Short it>Shit gets damaged???? What happens if you insert a fork into an outlet? Excess voltage on its own can damage a capacitor for example but you can increase the power (by increasing current) by increasing loading IE dropping resistance. Did the old cartridges have a higher resistance? Then an increase in voltage could also result in less power draw in that case as well. There's more to it than that, it depends entirely on the internals of the system.
>>11519918AliExpress is just a dumping ground for bad quality electronics. I'd rather pay a little more money for something held to actual quality standards and isn't most likely made out of counterfeit chips or salvaged chips.
>>11520095I love reading this and hearing tech streamers/youtubers say this. Then they show that they just paid 50 dollars for something from amazon/ebay that is literally the exact same product aliexpress marked up
>>11520127I'm not that guy, but there is an actual source for 'good' SummerCarts out there. You've gotta be willing to pony up almost double, though.
>>11520127>But it's cheap!It's cheap because it's garbage. While sure Amazon is also flooded with garbage quality products, that's not what's being discussed here. What's being discussed here are flash cartridges. We have the Everdrive on one hand which is made by one manufacturer who we know what to expect in terms of quality. The other is an opensource cart being sold by who knows on AliExpress, a place known for products of questionable quality. With the Everdrive there's at least a sense of quality assurance and it's generally expected that if 2 people buy an Everdrive from an official source, they'll get the same level of quality. With the stuff on AliExpress there's no guarantee that even buying from the same seller someone else used will give you similar levels of quality.
>>11520131>there is an actual source for 'good' SummerCarts out there.Can you provide a link to where that is?
>>11520142Guy named Mena who runs PhenomMod. Just look it up, and you'll find it pretty quickly. It's also the only storefront listed on the SummerCart64 development landing page because it's the only one that properly follows the specs and open-sources any changes.
>>11520145But muh sense of quality
>>11520139I think the Summercart dev links Phenom mods as a trusted seller, but it is a bit more expensive than the Aliexpress versions
>>11519968You're a faggot who keeps deflecting to entirely unrelated shit everytime you get btfo. Fuck off already.
>>11520156Drawing more power generally means increasing the current, also reducing resistance downstream can also increase voltages across components in your circuit, you don't know what you're talking about. This is what people are worried about with the power consumption thing.
>FLASHCARTS DRAW HIGHER VOLTAGES!>>no they don't the slot can only supply specific voltages>W-WELL JUST LOOK AT THIS CHART!>>different cartridges draw different wattages (at the same voltage) depending on their needs but this is also the case for retail cartridges, your chart shows power draw for battery drain comparisons not because it's a problem>MORE POWER MEANS IT'S BAD!>>unless the console's power circuitry is faulty, it would never supply enough to damage the console's components, and the cartridge used wouldn't have any bearing on that>FUCK YOU SHILLIt's the same rigmarole on repeat every time this thread gets made.The retards never attempt to learn anything, and the people who know what they're talking about just leave frustrated.
>>11519968Don't stick a fork in your N64 then you absolute fucking retard. Problem solved.
>>11520305>Drawing more power generally means increasing the currentFrom where? First the AC adapter will have a rating and a fuse it will bow when conditions exceed that rating. Second the internal circuitry between power and cart are at a fixed voltage. The cartridge simply cannot "draw more power" from anything.I'm not super familiar with the N64 internals but the SNES also has an internal fuse. Your carts and peripherals just physically can't do what you're talking about. Unless you stick a fork in it because you're retarded.
>>11520664>a fuse it will bow when conditions exceed that ratingyeah and there's some leeway between what normal cartridges pull and when the fuse will trip, and it's in there that these 3rd party carts will draw something higher but not too high so as to trip the fuse and it's that that will tax your system over time.
>>11519913>the cart is open source unlike the everdrive, so you can literally make one of your own>but AliExpress
>>11518067You have no idea what current is do you?
>>11520906NTA but electricity and radio are basically magic, and as such I both fear and respect the wizards who can wield them.
>>11520342>Create a Strawman in your post>Defeat the streawman in same post>"Look at me! I am so smart and everyone else is so dumb!"The sad part is even your attempts to argue with yourself pointed out how you don't know shit about how any of this works, congratulations, you are the first person to lose to your own strawman.
>>11520909Dude, it's not that complicated. CPUs are nothing more than a rock that we tricked into thinking when you send tiny little lightning bolts into it, simple!
>>11520915If you'd like to provide any evidence that a flashcart damages the console it's plugged into, then go ahead. But so far, no one has, and any request for them to do so has been met with similar responses as showcased by the strawman you felt so personally attacked by.
>>11516826>ruins your consoleI got my N64 at gamestop for 19.99 in 2003 so fuck it.>captcha: YJAP(?)
>>11521246I guess it's easy to go "there is no proof" when you ignored all the proof already posted in these threads. You're like those idiots who I used to warn against those PS2 modchips that required you to disengage the tray lock to swap disks, insisting there was no proof it caused problems, and every single one of them had it eventually break their disk tray.Let me guess, unless it personally fries your own console you will refuse to believe it, and even then I bet you will try to argue something else caused it. Because, yeah, there is clearly no problem with powering 3.3v parts over a 5v rail that was never meant for anything other than 5v components. Voltage isn't current, devices don't just draw what they need, they are getting the full 5 volts up their ass.
>>11521316>all the proof already postedSuch as what?Do you mean the battery life chart? Or the several "it's not my job to educate you" posts?>Let me guessNo. Post some evidence.
>>11520342>unless the console's power circuitry is faulty, it would never supply enough to damage the console's componentsThis is the absolute best case scenario and of course this varies system to system, I only hope this is true. IIRC most standards and certifications for electronics are that they don't burn your house down, catch fire, electrocute children and if they fail they fail in a safe manner. Not that they can't ever brick themselves. A lot of electronics fail over time even when used entirely in spec, IE replacing caps etc. Inadequate design, components, usage past anticipated design life etc. I think electronics should be designed to for indefinite life within usage spec but it's not always the case unfortunately.
>>11521316>>11521363Good evening gentlemen.So far in our thread we do not have solid proof of damage however we have reason to believe these flash carts may be a risk. While it is true different carts have different power draws, without knowledge of each system's internals it is impossible to with certainty what is allowable and what is not. Here refer to this article from 2017. Our earnest wish is that everything is indeed OK or at least any flashcart that presents a risk has since been fixed in official flash carts and their Chinese clones.https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/07/flash_carts_could_be_slowly_killing_your_retro_consoles
>ED64 v3 connected to my N64 for the last 5 years>haven't removed the cartridge ever since I first connected it>zero issues>every NTSC game just werks>even has an NES emulator built inwhy are flashcarts bad again?
>>11521363>No. Post some evidence.People literally did, but predictably like I said, you refuse to accept it. Do you think the Earth is flat too?>>11521415Do you know what anecdotal evidence is?Also, it's shittly made flashcarts that are bad, not flashcarts in general. Same goes for for shittly made homebrew or repro carts.
>>11521390>we have reason to believe these flash carts may be a riskWe really don't. Because, as you said, there's no proof of damage.Now, addressing the article you posted:The "risk factor" being discussed is voltage conversion. But what the article fails to make clear is that the voltage conversion is being handled by the flashcart, and not the console or its power supply. There's no way the cartridge could force the console to supply a different voltage, which is why the conversion is taking place at all, and therefore could never stress the console's components by doing so.As if to further undermine its initial message, the final paragraph of the article even goes out of its way to highly recommend a handful of flashcarts (specifically those produced by Krikzz, such as the Everdrive line).Moving on to article's linked source, DB Electronics doesn't exactly seem particularly reputable. Featuring articles such as "Why Retro Gaming and HHC Gummies Are a Match Made in Nostalgia Heaven" and "Retro Tech Meets Modern Vibes: Exploring THC Vaping Cartridges with Classic Gadgets", all of which clearly having been generated rather than written.What was the point?>>11521465>People literally didIf that was true, you'd be able to point to those posts. But you can't, because they're not there.
>>11521479We did, but you just try to discredit everything that gets tossed in your face because you are a delusional troll. In that very post you tried to discredit DB Electronics, one of the major sites on retro gaming.
>>11521486>discreditI contested the posted article because it very clearly ISN'T evidence that flashcarts damage console hardware. Even ignoring all of the science bits you probably don't understand, IT ADVERTISES FLASHCARTS AT THE END ANYWAY.The only other link posted in this thread was regarding battery life comparisons between Game Boy flashcarts, which the article you're holding as gospel explicitly stated aren't a problem because they don't even need to convert voltages. That can't be your silver bullet.>one of the major sites on retro gamingThis is your major site?https://db-electronics.ca/Fucking really?
>>11521479We can see from the test the other anon posted that the flash carts are drawing more power from the consoles (gameboy) power supply. The issue is the current but also when you remove resistance from a circuit you increase the voltage across the other components even though your source is still the same. That could also be happening. Like if you shorted your outlet with a fork, you didn't increase voltage supplied to your circuit but due to the lack of resistance you created a shitload of current and power and without a fuse your wires could heat up and melt or start a fire. Just as an extreme example.
>>11521493I see you fail are reading compression as well, because I said that it's shitty chinkware flashcarts and bootlegs that are the issue, not every flashcart.Don't claim others don't understand what you are clearly too stupid to understand when you can't even read English properly.And yes, fucking really, it shows how braindead you are if you think that is not a trustworthy source. Maybe learn how electronics work because going "My console never exploded in my face so clearly every single one of these warnings from actual electricians is wrong" is the peak of retardation.
>>11521519>lash carts are drawing more power from the consoles (gameboy) power supplyThis is the case with retail cartridges as well.Not all cartridges use the same components, and some will draw more or less power. This is especially true when considering cartridges with additional onboard processors such as the SA-1, the SuperFX, and the LR35902.The LR35902 is especially notable because it's a part of the Super Gameboy. Which, in addition to drawing more power, also performs the dreaded voltage conversion warned about in the article here >>11521390>>11521530If you're not even going to attempt to address anything being said, I have to assume you've given up and proven >>11520342 right.lol
>>11521548I see you are pretending you didn't just ignore most of what I said and then claim I am the one ignoring you. You really are as retarded as the person who posted >>11520342 and proved himself wrong with his own strawman. You're not even a good troll.
>>11521530>chinkware flashcarts and bootlegs that are the issue, not every flashcartDiscussion solved. Flashcarts aren't a problem.
>>11521573Your trolling is getting desperate
>>11521591>quoting exactly what i said is trollingDude what?
>>11521594>Intentionally ignoring half of what was quoted then playing dumbDude, stop
>>11521619Hey man, you said it.
>>11517349Dumb bitch
>>11521548>This is the case with retail cartridges as well.Yes very true and good post. The question is more what is allowable and what the individual components can take. The article mentioned the current going through 1 pin which exceeded the spec. I want to believe the flashcarts OK but there is no solid proof yet. Here at /vr/ we take our consoles seriously and want to ensure their safety.
>>11521673>The article mentionedThe article also rattles off a list of recommended flashcarts at the end. The source proposing a problem also suggests products that don't exhibit that problem.If you're going to accept the article's warning, then you also need to accept its solution.
>>11518067You have no idea how electronics work.
>>11518886It's not only about "pulling too much power". Not having enough is just as bad and can throw the balance in your system. The PSU just does what it's told. A component can demand too much energy and put the PSU in a bind because now it can't get adequate energy to the rest of the components. Many things can happen. Too much or too little causes problems. You always want just enough power. No more, no less.
>>11519592>unless the console's power circuitry is fucked up.Quite the caveat there. Any component can throw the system out of whack. It just takes one thing operating at a level that the system wasn't designed for to fuck things up.
>>11520664>Second the internal circuitry between power and cart are at a fixed voltage. The cartridge simply cannot "draw more power" from anything.Things may start off like that, yet over time it is not uncommon to see components do exactly what you say they "can't do".
>>11523790Did you know that OEM components experience the same laws of physics as third party ones?
>>11523805Did you know that third party components universally suck compared to first party? Why don't you bring up an exception that proves the rule.
>>11523784And you genuinely think a failing power supply has any bearing on whether or not you're using an OEM cartridge?
Next time you make this thread I better see a >nothing personnel kid
>>11523885Moving the goal posts once again. How did the PSU start failing, eh kiddo?
>>11523890>flashcarts killed my psu!Oh, you're actually just retarded.Sorry. Carry on.
>>11523774>Not having enough is just as bad and can throw the balance in your system. The PSU just does what it's told.To add to this, the PSU of some older consoles can actually overheat if you install an ODE, because it was not designed with any sort of load balancing or powering monitoring in mind and the power the system draws is supposed to be known, but replace the power-hungry optical drive that has motors and lasers with a modern power efficient bunch of chips and suddenly the PSU is trying to output more power than the components are using. These are PSU replacements for this reason.This was even an issue with old computers (as in pcs from the 80s), the PSU can burn up if not actually connected to components because it just generated current regardless if anything is using it.
>>11516826Good thing I have the X7
>>11524210>ruins your franchise
>>11524231Thankfully a recent romhack made it better
>>11519721Yeah, they are fantastic.
>>11523897Feel free to prove me wrong, mate. Protip: you can't, as your post proves. Anyone with any experience with electronics is going to tell you these things happen all the time. >insults and then apologizesOff yourself, cuck.
>>11524552You want someone to provide evidence of a lack of evidence?You made the claim, you should be able to prove it.
>>11524557Plenty of proof in this thread. You're ignoring it. You're like that "I hate OoT" faggot that posts on here and challenges everyone to prove OoT is a good game only to ignore all of the responses and then insult anyone that doesn't agree. If you can't take away the well made arguments from each side and come to some reasonable middle ground here, then you are unironically either retarded or a kid that's retarded due to lack of experience. To stubbornly put your foot down and say, "Flashcarts can't ruin my console" despite all the evidence that they most certainly can is just putting your head in the sand. I'm not arguing your flash cart is going to, I'm saying it can. Nobody cares if you want to use one, yet you should probably use discretion when you're using your precious hardware and you should be informed on the things that can lead to a system failure. Make sure your components are in good working order and bought from a well run reputable business, at least not visibly fucked up or doing anything weird and your system is in a controlled environment with good juice coming from the wall socket (get yourself a power conditioner like audiophiles use). It is a universal truth that putting anything third party in your system is a "no guarantees" situation. So if your hardware isn't precious and you don't care, then do whatever you want.
>>11524598>Plenty of proof in this thread.Such as?
>>11524087This is a bunch of dumb nonsense and it is not why crappy pico psu's existThe only time this is actually a problem is the Dreamcast and it is because the 12V rail goes unused when you remove the drive, so the excess voltage is burned off as heat, which causes internal temps to riseThis problem is easily fixed by adding resistors on the 12V rail or simply shorting the rail to groundPlease go away and stop spreading nonsense>>11521493Rene is an electrical engineer, not some retard on a Kazakh dick draining forumHe deleted the original article because he got tired of arguing with people. He wasn't wrong but things got blown way out of proportion. Even Krikzz acknowledged this and all subsequent hardware revisions of ALL his flash carts have level shifters when needed to ensure proper voltage levels>>11518050Correct>>11517323Correlation does not equal causation, you are correctMost likely that anon had one of the shitty early models with the faulty customs, they all go bad eventually
>>11524721>Says I am correct then tells me to go awayI didn't say it happened to every console, but the DC is the most prominent examples yes, most people recommend replacing the PSU if you are going to install an ODE. Personally I wish someone would make an ODE that does not require removal of the drive, just about every other system has such an option now.And it's not the only example, it was definitely an issue with older PCs as well.
>>11524721>Rene is an electrical engineer, not some retard on a Kazakh dick draining forumHe's a loser who only posted that shit to try and scare people away from ED's since he was working on making his own flash cart and needed something to push people towards his product.>He deleted the original article because he got tired of arguing with people. He wasn't wrong but things got blown way out of proportion.Nah, he got BTFO multiple times as people laughed at him for not understanding how to read a fucking spec sheet, and because he gave up on making a flash cart. No need to push people away from the competition if you aren't going to compete.>U GUIZE, having a split second of 5V on a 3.3V component will totally destroy it!>what do you mean the spec sheet says it has over-undervoltage tolerance of about +-3V, it SAYS ITS 3.3V REEEEEEEEEEEE!For an electrical engineer, he sure didn't understand shit about the stuff he was working with. He thought components are designed to take in exactly the correct power at all times and no one would ever design components to handle slight variations in the power supply. Literally first semester electrical engineer understanding of how electronics work.>Even Krikzz acknowledged this and all subsequent hardware revisions of ALL his flash carts have level shifters when needed to ensure proper voltage levelsHe did that since it makes it slightly more power efficient. That's it.You are 100% correct about the PSU's though.
>>11524643>Such as?Case in point.
>>11524885Source: My ass
>>11524956Ok champ, post your source on "Even Krikzz acknowledged this". I'll wait.
>>11524936So you got nothing?
>>11518087Yes. https://ohol.se/snes-cartridge-power But just because two things are similar in some ways doesn't mean they are similar in every way. That's a false analogy.
>>11524867Literally nobody except nerds on reddit recommends itIn fact most prominent modders and creators tell you to recap the original power supply insteadPoint to one single console where this is actually a problem that isn't the Dreamcast>>11524885>weird headcanonRene was not planning to make a flash cart, he did make a SMS converter though>>11524990Use your brain you geek, he didn't increase the cost of his BOM to please a bunch of nerds on the internetHe was already using them in newer revisions before the shit storm started then be quickly changed them allI'm sure this was just a coincidence, yepGo read his Twitter and his forum I'm not going to spoon feed you
>>11526052Read the thread.
>>11526818>uh there IS proof, i just can't post it!Okay.
>>11526376>LE redditPeople bring up the reddit boogyman here so often that it has lost all meaning, feels like you have no argument left when you have to resort to that. As I mentioned sevearl times, it's an issue with many older PCs, which you ignored repeatedly just to go "It's only Dreamcast! I am sure of it!"Also, no, half the modders I have seen even for the Dreamcast recommend the PSU.
>>11527135That and claiming all non-conforming opinions come from youtubers is pretty much all anyone does on this board
How about this. If you can solder then don't just throw out the PSU and buy some garbage. Recap and add the little resistor. If you're a normie, and there's no shame, then get a drop in replacement PSU
>>11524721Hes the only dumb fucking faggot who spewed this nonsense and he also coincidentally was trying to shill other hardware at the same time
>>11516826>ruins your /vr/
>>11521493Wow that site looks like fucking shit
>>11519090>a IT manager*an
>>11527135Half the modders you've seen are retards, which checks outNobody is talking about PC. Which is also an equally stupid thing to say. What's your argument about old PCs? That old power supplies need to be recapped or replaced? Or that adding more hardware requires a bigger power supply? Who is disputing this? I never even mentioned PC? What the hell are you on about?I'm still waiting for a single example of a CONSOLE that isn't the Dreamcast where this is actually a problem, and again all you have to do on Dreamcast to fix it is add a couple of resistors, not put in some shitty ass pico PSU>>11527343This guy knows>>11527351What was he trying to shill? What flash carts existed during that time except for maybe Retro USB
>>11528192>Half the modders you've seen are retards, which checks out"Anyone who says I am wrong is just retarded!"What a retarded take>Nobody is talking about PC. Which is also an equally stupid thing to say. I talked about it, multiple times, right when I brought it up in the first place. And then you continued to plug your ears refusing to acknowledge it until called out on it, then you went the "Well, it's stupid to talk about it" to try to save face.You think you're fooling anyone with your clear attempts to backpedal?
>>11527371They didn't even bother / don't know how to change the default wordpress icon.
>>11528270>"Anyone who says I am wrong is just retarded!">What a retarded takeOK, let's play your retard gameName one of your reddit modders who says installing a Pico PSU over recapping is a good ideaI'll name a modder who recommends the opposite: Voultar>You think you're fooling anyone with your clear attempts to backpedal?And do you think you're fooling anyone by ducking my questions? Here they are again: which consoles that aren't Dreamcast have known documented problems, and who is disputing that adding more power drawing components to PCs requires higher wattage PSUs?Do you think you can just stick a RTX 4090 in a system with a 450W PSU? Are you retarded?
>>11528508>Do you think you can just stick a RTX 4090 in a system with a 450W PSU? Are you retarded?I'd be all for anon to test that theory, he thinks it should be fine after all
>>11528508I wasn't listening to reddit modders, I was watching people on YouTube and Twitter, you know, like what people such as Voultar do.And ducking? I didn't duck jack shit, I called you out on responding to my message which mentioned PC PSUs, ignored them repeatedly, and then when cornered went "Durrr, who brought up PCs?" when the very message, my message, you responded to and started this whole reply chain mentioned them, you idiot.Also, that isn't even close to what I said, reading comprehension isn't your friend is it? I said OLDER computers, as in from the 80s, would burn up their PSIs if you did NOT have a load attached, the exact fucking opposite of your 4090 on a 450 watt modern PSU scenario you pulled out of your retarded ass.Do try to keep up, constantly reminding you that you fucked up yet again is getting tiring.
>>11528531You're not even making sense at this point, you're just babbling incoherentlyGo install more pico PSUs and leave the adults alone
>>11528850>You're not even making sense at this point, you're just babbling incoherentlyAs if you did anything other than that this entire time
>>11517224>how is choice paralysis even real like nigga just close your eyes and pick a rom to play niggaI actually tell people to curate a list of games they actually want to play instead of loading a 256gb sd card with every single no intro rom. When you have to scroll through 18 mahjong titles before you see mario I can understand these whiner ass whiners not playing a game because they're dumb.
>>11529432Problem with that is unless you lookup lists of obscure games others recommend, you are just going to end up with a list of all the common major games an/or games only you know about. Picking a random game out of a ROM list is exactly how I discovered many interesting lesser known titles.
>>11529532>Problem with that is unless you lookup lists of obscure games others recommendI did exactly this for my gbx7 now I know what catrap is. Ain't nothing wrong with your way either.
>>11528531Just stop talking. STOP talking
>>11516826have all that chinese shit for the SNES, Genesis, Saroo for the Saturn, GDemu for Dreamcast, PC engine turbocard. Everything works very well, just make sure to change sd card in them. The stock ones are garbage. Other than that, no major power draws.
my chinese Neogeo 161 in 1 v3 cartrige hooked up to the arcade machine blew up the capacitor on my PSU, though. Loud bang and smoke everywhere. Popped the top of the cap wide open. Cool show.
>>11530905>have all that chinese shit for the SNES, Genesis, Saroo for the Saturn, GDemu for Dreamcast, PC engine turbocardpic related>just make sure to change sd card in them.The stock ones are garbageSounds like bullshit. Have you measured it?
>>11531134>Have you measured it?lol
>>11531134You type like a retarded teenager.
>>11531134I'm a brazilian fucktard, can't afford the real shit, but I quite like the chinese stuff. Ching Chong's chief.Brother, I've lost two stock sd cards while trying to beat Chrono Trigger on the SNES and Ocarina of Time on the 64. Both crapped out and died within a year of use and reading speeds were slow as molasses, but hey... be my guest and do your own tests.
>>11531134oh and I bought almost all of that stuff, except the Saroo back in 2020. 5 strong years and counting. Think I got the GDemu a bit later, 2021 i guess.In the olden days pirates were less fearful. We fried a ton a crap trying to get flashed eeproms to work correctly. We're all in heaven now, everdrive-wise and don't even know it.
>>11531729It's not about the speed or because the cards are just not "official". It's because a lot of those stock SD cards that come in Chinese crap are bootlegs, many times even the Chinese company even doesn't realize it because there are so many bootlegged cards there. It's extremely common for fake cards to be sold that hold only a fraction of what they claim they do, and when you write past that area it will look like the files are there, but their contents will either start overwriting other files or just be a repeating binary pattern (Usually 00 or FF) depending on the controller.Hell, I once bought a 3D printer from an actually name brand Chinese company back in 2015 that everyone in the 3D printing community was recommending at the time, and it came with a 1GB MicroSD card. Laughably tiny even by 2015's standards (You couldn't even get 1GB cards anymore for years by then) but it was more than enough for hundreds of print files. However one day in the middle of a print job my printer went nuts, getting stuck and spraying filament in place in a giant glob. When I looked into it I realized it was because the file I was printing was corrupt, so when I tested the card I found out why, it was actually a 256MB card (Where the fuck did they even get a 256MB card in 2015? Even 1GB was impossible to find by then because they were so outdated) that had been hacked to show up as 1GB.This bullshit is so prevalent that it's practically worthless to buy cards on eBay or used ones online, and some have even managed to get into the supply of retail stores a few rare times.It's not a speed thing, it's a "It will look like it's working fine at first, and then corrupt everything past a certain point" thing. I test every SD card and USB flashdrive I get these days with h2testw to see if the card actually holds as much data as it claims it does and doesn't just corrupt past a certain point. For stuff where speed matters I also use Crystal Disk Mark to check speeds.
>>11532316fair enough, bought many sd cards through aliexpress. Never tested them, but h2testw seems like a good tool too, thank you for that. Maybe I'm in for a surprise, lol.
>>11531729Hey I had sd2snes destroy my chrono trigger save because of the gay way it handles saving. I paid the everdrive tax too because I didn't know any better. We're taking about different things but I really relate to having my chrono trigger game ruined by shit technology
>>11532598How does it handle saving? Do you have to do the reset thing? I thought that was only for N64 everdrives.
>>11530905>Saroo for the Saturn>Everything works very wellThe thing has over 160 active compatibility issues on it's github tracker. The compatibility on that device is less than 75% at best.
>>11532623It is, anon probably turned it off as soon as he saved in game instead of waiting a second after
>>11532640It's far far far less compatible than that when you consider all of the per game hacks in the config fileIt's also emulating the ENTIRE CD block soooo Saroo users are basically using software emulation to play this stuffSure, it's playable and dirt cheap but you're making a lot of compromises and if the games you wanna play don't work, then lol
>>11533076>It's also emulating the ENTIRE CD blockWhat does that mean, I understand it will load quicker
>>11533076>dirt cheap60 dollars is far from dirt cheap
>>11532640never ran into problems and I use the Saroo daily.There are incompatible games, sure. I don't know where you pulled that less than 75% statistic from. But hey, no one's forcing you to purchase.
>>11517741The fucking irony of this post
>>11533076>sooooYou're a faggot.>basically using software emulationAND you're a retard.
>>11533875Probably because most people are playing the smallest possible pool of games, and of those there are 160+ open issuesThere's only around 1000 games total so on the low end it's 85, 75 doesn't seem unrealistic at all>>11534185Soooooo homophobe-kun, if playing games using a device that emulates the CD block in software isn't playing using software emulation, what is it?
>>11535770You're trying to argue that using the console's hardware to play a game is "emulation". Your point was null before you made it.