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3D fighters are slow moving and janky
Mario is boring
Mario is "just okay" imo. I played more DKC, Mega Man X, and Sonic as a kid. Even on the NES you had Mega Man, Adventure Island, Bonk, and Castlevania which had a lot more going on. Same with GBA and DS
80s Mario is peak 2D platforming but after that they are just alright to good games, nothing more nothing less. I think the Galaxy games are fun as fuck too though
Gran Turismo ruined the racing genre
in the '80s every American kid had a NES unless their parents hated them, and everyone with a NES had Mario and the sequels were safe bets for good games to buy.

These days, Mario is like Mickey Mouse. More of a brand icon than something modern kids actually want to play. Yeah, everyone recognizes Disney's Mickey Mouse but when was the last time you went to the movies for a Mickey flick?
In what way? GT games sell around 10 million copies while floaty arcade trash like Mario Kart does 30million. It killed nothing outside of your brain.
Right, how many copies did Mario Kart sell before the blue ocean strategy happened at Nintendo?
>when was the last time you went to the movies for a Mickey flick?

The question is: when was the last time when Disnoy have put out a Mickey flick in theaters? I don't think that was a thing even in 90s.
Goofy got three movies but Donald and Mick were out of luck (unless I have really bad boomer memory and there were feature films for them)

The way companies handle their old-timey mascots nowadays is kinda sad. Flintstones are guys from Fruity Pebbles box, Tom & Jerry are in the bunch of completely unrelated movies and Mickey is Kingdom Hearts villain slash hero and a meme template, thanks to that latest tv series with horrendously grotesque art style. Using them as a brand icon seems like quite a safe way to play without trying hard to find another place for those characters.
>Yeah, everyone recognizes Disney's Mickey Mouse but when was the last time you went to the movies for a Mickey flick?
Kind of an ironic way to make your point when Mario just had an extremely successful film less than two years ago.
>no one bought mario odyssey
>no one bought mario kart 8
>no one saw the mario movie
>no one played mario wonder
>no one went to marioland park

yeahhhh okay segashill. I talked to my little nephew the other day who is 12 years old and he's playing lost levels on his switch. I cant believe he even knew what that game was
>3D fighters are slow moving and janky
Play Dead or Alive
>I talked to my little nintendrone the other day and it is 12 years old and it is playing bingo Bing wahoo on it's bing bing wahoo machine. I can't believe it knew who bing bing wahoo was.
Nta btw

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