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Why did Nintendo go the direction it did after making the legendary Famicom and Gameboy? Why make the Super Famicom horribly snow just so it can have le pretty colours and graphics? Why make its library full of games where you read text and spam a single button to win. Why did Sega and Hudson do a better job at expanding upon what made the Famicom great? Then they went full kiddie party game mode from N64 onwards. Are they retarded?
Play GBC and GBA instead then
Those are read em up machines just like snes.
sega has exactly one good console, and it has maybe 1/3 as many classic games as the SNES if Im being extremely generous.
Braindead, Mega Drive, Saturn and Dreamcast all mog SNES.
>SNES has every genre of 2d gaming PLUS an amazing collection of rpgs
>Genesis has zero good rpgs besides phantasy star IV
>w-why does snes have nothing but rpgs on it?!!
>Master system: loses to nintendo
>Genesis: loses to nintendo
>Gamegear: loses to nintendo
>Saturn: loses to nintendo and sony
>Dreamcast: loses to nintendo, sony and microsoft
>sega; we give up, we are losers

damn it must be really hard being a segashill. like rooting for the vikings or some shit.
If you insist
fuck you
shining series is great
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Nintendo had certain games they wanted to make and they created hardware around that. They had business smarts to consolidate and build on their IPs and cater to their audience.
Both of them were so good, it confuses me when people like one and not the other
Zoomers trying to reproduce the SNES/Genesis playground rivalries they’ve heard about, which never existed
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>the super nintendo ONLY had RPGs! No fast games AT ALL!!!
Zoomers really need to start playing video games and stop rotting their brain with youtubers.
It's funny that back in the day, adults were worried about us playing video games.
Now we as adults want kids to actually PLAY video games, but they won't do it, they just want to watch streamers and follow rigid blacl&white narratives by youtube "essayists"
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>horribly snow
>frog poster
>literal fucking nonsense

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