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you fags talk about literally everything other than the grandfather of video games.
I would argue pinball machines aged much better than most early video games did, and I think they're much more fun.
What's your favorite table? What are you playing on and what tables are you trying?
My favorite table by far is cyclone. I love the amusement park theme and sound effects/music. Reminds me off going to theme parks with my parents when I was young. Mainly playing that and some other "simple" tables like pinbot on vpx.
have any of y'all ever played in a tournament?
this is what the local bar has on the floor right now. They're all limited editions where applicable. Most are $0.75 per game. $1.00 for James Bond 007 (60th Anniversary) because it's ~$20k and slaps

The row of 70s table are $0.50. Target Alpha is the only full EM. The rest have VFDs.

Which of these would be your priority?

Also hyped for Dungeons & Dragons to get there
they closed the arcades and turned them into a JW church and a bar
yestrday I went to my brother's town near the coast and there was a small arcade place with Super Mario Bros and Revenge From Mars, $1 for a credit

I always liked the SMB pinball, but RFM gets me everytime, it just too soulful. Do anyone have some RFM tips or lore?
divide your Revenge From Mars score by ten to compare to other pinballs
more like 50 actually
I've started squatting so I can jam my dick in the coin return slot as I play pinball. Fucking the game while you play it actually helps a lot, try it sometime.

Simpsons Pinball Party is okay when it isn't bullshit. Fuck that garage door.
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My dad had this when I was a kid. I played it constantly. It had the voice of Satan shouting commands at you in crunchy audio

>Mousin' Around
>No Fear
>World Cup Soccer
I'm a simple man who hates LCD.
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>Game over, Indiana Jones!
Lmao, wow. The flames match too 0_0
my favourite is elvis or bally's gsme show but that's because those are the ones i remember as a kid
i don't play enough to make qualified criticism
give Bond 60th chance if you ever encounter one. it has only a small LCD under the playfield and mechanical score counter on the backglass, and the most satisfying drop targets. i mistook it for a vintage table the first time i saw it.
Well, you're right. It looks interesting, and the spinning hat calls me like TOTAN's magic lamp.
Don't the constant chimes become unbearable pretty fast?
i don't remember noticing while playing it, but that's also what i'm there for

i play some EMs that do nothing else when i'm at Can Can Wonderland for a show
but also, i'm less skilled so most of my play time is not spent scoring, just waiting for the ball to return after missed shots and catching/holding it before another
I love the artwork on those old pinball machines. It just jumps out at ya.
I have never thought pinball machines should be allowed. It's not a video game.
most of them have at least DMDs

enthusiasts generally don't put much time into pins older than that because the rulesets are comparatively shallow
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i like pinball but theres really not too much to discuss for me. my favorite machine was medieval madness. it was the only pinball machine i would go to the arcade specifically to play. i think around that time there was also the gun game point blank and the shmup raiden 2. god tier games for me. i also have fond memories of terminator 2 pinball. that was one of the more widespread machines
helloween wrote a song about this
are you too rural to continue playing Medieval Madness?
favorite real world Pinball table has to be PinBot as my dad owned one when I was a kid for a couple years
>tfw want to get a pinball machine
>tfw looking at the absurd prices for them
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Despite the v in the board letters, the name of the board is actually just "retro games" instead of "retro video games". I'm not saying that to suggest fucking every old game like chess or billiards etc should go under this board, just kind of funny the "video" part isn't explicitly mentioned.

I'm glad physical pinball is allowed here though, because yeah, I agree with OP that it really is the true precursor to arcade video games in my mind.
they're probably very expensive now but owning baffle ball would be pretty neat
I know. It's a never ending rise, and I blame manchildren for paying absurd prices.
t. lucky enough to have purchased a couple of machines for ~2000$ six years ago, now they're worth at least double. What the fuck man.
The prices for pinball machines have gotten too expensive. Even unwanted less popular machines that are also restoration projects are going for like 6000 dollars.
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>going to play no good gofers at my local bar this afternoon
>barman probably hates me since I only buy a coffee or a diabolo and play for one hour
Can't wait :)
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Anyone heard of or have any thoughts on the rokr 3d pinball machine? It's a fully functional pinball machine you build yourself. It's expensive but it seems like it would be a fun way to kill a long weekend.
Never heard of this. It looks more fun to build than to play.
you should look into virtual pinball machines if you want something cheaper. The physics on vpx are actually really accurate and close to the real thing, the tables also look very pretty on the highest settings.
Looks interesting, I'd buy this as a decoration piece though than to actually play it.
are there no paint instructions for it?
Do those virtual pinball video games support portrait 16:9 screens? Because taking a cheap 50 inch TV and putting it on a stand like a real pinball machine sounds pretty good and would only cost a few hundred dollars
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>like a real pinball machine
they do, and they come with a decent set of visual options if you want to tweak things according to your liking. It's basically an emulator for pinball tables.
I mainly play on my pc, but I'd love to make a dedicated pinball setup of my own when I get the time some day.
Just look up how to set up vpx on youtube and try it out, it's super easy and a ton of fun.
There's also companies that sell you prebuilt setups with the proper stands and everything included if you want to go for something more high end but don't want to make it yourself.
Aliens, medieval madness, epic quest, and maybe because I have brain damage I always go back to hurricane even though I only experience pure loathing for this table.
For what it is it isn't expensive. Fully working pinball machine with score behind kept by little glowing stars, ramps and bumpers and everything counting points and making noises, satisfying clacking flippers. The coolest toy I ever saw.

It looks way sturdier than I thought it would be. Not bad at all for like 200 bucks, looks kind of antique too if you just want to put it in a display. Painting this thing could probably be another fun project.
Damn it got pretty expensive I remember seeing it at 130 for Christmas
>https://youtu.be/VJwpoSywEoc [
>Ball literally got stuck on the flipper at 15 seconds into the video
Buy an ad losers
Woah that's crazy that a diy table made of wood with smaller balls than a real flip can get stuck. Retard.
Gosh why would anyone buy such a shitty cheap product.
I think I speak for many of the potential customers you're trying to native market at, that we'll just save up for the real thing.
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I enjoy pinbot but I don't play it when I want to relax, the outlanes are brutal. The ball will sometimes just go straight to the outlane before you can even do anything lol. At least in jackbot you'll get another try. Don't remember how bride was, need to check that table out again.
I know a lot of people hate hurricane, but I don't think the table is that bad. Yeah it's a downgrade from cyclone, but I think it's still playable.
Though I may just be biased because I'm a sucker for the circus theme it has. I've seen a lot of people describe it as one of the worst tables lol.
I think it's neat and that's why I save videos of it to share it online faggot. Shills aren't browsing obscure back alley threads about niche hobbies to shill one single product you mongoloid they go on tiktok and pay bots to rack in views and get exposure. Fucking retard.
Maybe the table is better in real life but that one played in fx3 sucks, in fact most hard tables do and I'm getting center drains and gutter all day when trying to play it. And the main argument to criticize this table comes from all the down times and that's not gonna change on a real table I guess. Ferris wheel doesn't give much for how long you wait for the ball to come back down, juggler is even worse all for shitty bonuses or even "absolutely nothing" yeah so great. And the dummy baits you into hitting him only for your ball to fall in the center. So why am I going back to that piece of shit table?
Hitting the comet and the hurricane repeatedly is addicting I guess...
Turns out it sucked, because the machine is extremely poorly repaired by the operator. The switch in the left ramp (used for the jackpot!) didn't work, neither did the skill shot.
Fucking operators!
I played a ton of it on pinball arcade instead of fx3, and the table is easier over there because the nudging is more impactful. I haven't really played fx3 for years, but I remember the nudging on there being extremely useless which is basically a death sentence for certain types of tables with bad outlanes or ones that require frequent shots up the center.
Give the pinball arcade version a try if you're willing to download a crack or use creamapi to unlock the dlc on the steam version, they stopped selling almost all of their tables because they lost the licenses.
I can post the 3 files you need to place in your steam folder to unlock all tables if you want. They just trick the game into thinking you already paid for the dlc tables and let you access them (they already come pre-installed with the game.
Thanks but I only play it on switch. You're comforting me when talking about nudging. I thought I was just that bad and it was only my fault I couldn't fight against tables such as hurricane or... White waters. A table where you're as good as dead if you can't nudge.
no nudging is basically like playing it in a tournament, and people do play differently there depending on the table.
For example in fish tales, people will avoid shots towards the boat in the center even though it gives the most points, because it's extremely easy for it to drain. Instead, they'll shoot towards the sides most of the time and also try to get multiball that way.
I haven't actually seen how hurricane is played in a tournament, but I imagine they mostly leave that center shot alone and instead try activating clown time by hitting the side targets, and then just spam the ramps over and over until repeating.
>tfw I can't nudge at all
I know I'm only a 60kg twig, but I physically can't shake the damn thing to save a ball.
Jews put weights in the legs so you wouldn't move the table too much
I see this at MicroCenter and always curious about it.
i think all pinball machines without a dot matrix suck dick
if there's no cameras/witnesses, slip a playing card under each front leg and even a child can slide it around
i remember when i was a teen, the arcade market as a whole had already imploded because people could just stay home and play multiplayer halo
anyway, a local arcade was closing and liquidating all their shit
the collector market hadnt really become a thing yet, so things were going for just like $400-$500 dollars. like a fuckin fire sale
and FUCK ME i loved dumping quarters into their addams family and theatre of magic pins
if only teenaged me had a thousand bucks....
My favorite of all time has to be Road Show. I love everything about it - the theme is unique, great sound and voices, widebody, memorable wizard mode...
The only machine I play on site regularly is a TZ in a comics store nearby, I just don't have the time to go to a $20 entry arcade and play machines for hours, as much as I'd love to.
I really like all of the Williams machines on FX3. Any Pat Lawlor machine, Space Station, Dr. Dude, MM, AFM are some of my favorites. Even Hurricane is fine, I don't really get the massive hateboner for it.
Do you have playing cards in your pockets at all time?
Are you a magician?
>Pat Lawlor
Always loved his tables, but I understand why flow-lovers dislike them.
t. dad purchased a Banzai Run in the mid 90s
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>another fx3 table where I central drain all day everyday

Why the fuck did I buy classic tables
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>I would argue pinball machines aged much better than most early video games did,
dangerously factual.

my favourites are star trek next generation and twilight zone. i used to skip school just to go out to city arcade to play them.
>and FUCK ME i loved dumping quarters into their addams family
same. it was a great machine.
i love pinball but pokemon pinball was always my favorite
Pinball is kind of awesome and yet I really don't care about it. Oh well
Today I discovered a Theatre of Magic with a friend at a shitty bar.
I really enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun. I even had free credits for ending up on the high scores table!
nice, i love that game
theres a ton of games from that era i would love to own, but i dont know shit about repairing or maintaining them. id feel like a real heel if i managed to ruin one
What's the QRD on repairing them? I have one that almost works. any good youtube channels?
>theres a ton of games from that era i would love to own
Which ones?
>but i dont know shit about repairing or maintaining them. id feel like a real heel if i managed to ruin one
Honestly, it's really not that hard if the playfield is good and you have 1) an IQ above 90 2) the game's schematics (almost all are available online) 3) a soldering iron and 4) spare parts.
For a home owner, it usually comes down to cleaning, replacing the batteries, the coil tubing, and the balls.
>>you should look into virtual pinball machines if you want something cheaper
Honestly at that point i'm not interested.
For me the appeal of Pinball is in large part the physical aspect of it.
We just need cheaper options, pirate clonekits whateverthefuck.
>Which ones?
im sure it's cliche at this point how often these games come up, but my top 10 machines, in no particular order, would be
medieval madness (williams)
theatre of magic (bally)
twilight zone (bally)
addams family (bally)
funhouse (williams)
no good gofers (williams)
white water (williams)
fish tales (williams)
viper night drivin' (sega)
grand lizard (williams)
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Greetings pinballers.
I have an issue with Extreme Pinball running under DOSBox Pure in RetroArch. All the videos I've seen online of this game seem to be in 320x400 resolution while mine defaults to a higher 640x480 video mode for whatever reason.
I've opened up options in main menu, but can't change it there(you can see how the options screen looks like at 23:15 minute mark in the vid), tried every keyboard key, but that didn't result in anything, looked up setup.exe, but there's only an option to change the sound card, tried running floppy and doing a fresh install of the CD version of the game, but it always defaults to high resolution.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Reminder that pinball doesn't adhere to the /vr/ year cut off and modern pinball games are completely on-topic
You want to change the resolution of dosbox itself, then, anon. It can be done by modifying the infamous dosbox.conf file. Change its extension to txt and open in notepad to input the options you want, and change it back from .txt to .conf.
It might take a few tries since you will probably need to change the render or something, IIRC. It's not tricky but it will take a bit of trial & error.
>Gorgar speaks!
Gorgar is one of my favorite tables.
>and modern pinball games are completely on-topic
too bad a lot of them suck
It has been rumored that a Pokemon pinball machine might be in the works
I got an elastic band gun from these guys last year, and it was okay. Easy enough to assemble, I did break one piece but it had some spares, but it's not the best wood, it's a bit cheap. I don't know if this thing would last very long, and I don't know how accessible it is to re-wax later on, the gun was pretty stuck together by the end, if the paddles start sticking it's probably going to the trash heap.

It does seem pretty neat though, it's only like 130 bucks here so I might give it a try. If nothing else it'll be fun to build.
bump. it's a Firepower
What's wrong with it, anon?
there are many resources online.
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Man I went to the local arcade to play some pinball last saturday and they had had a couple new ones including Pin Bot. Highly addicting and frustrating game. The gutters are brutal, someone was talking about it above. I really dig the theme and effects to. Cool sci-fi.
I easily spent 45 mins or so on that machine kept coming back to it. Those more simple games keep me coming back.
Love that place its free play, entry fee deal.

Like someone else said there is a lot of coverage for Williams machines online. Look at pinrepair, pinwiki, pinside. Just search the symptoms. Hell that one should have a self diagnostics for the computer stuff. Its not great but it has it.
And yeah whats even wrong with it?
>Highly addicting and frustrating game
Care to explain a little? I've never played one.
The theme is cool, but I hate the robotic voice: as a non native speaker I don't always understand because it's hard to make out the words.
my highscore on pinbot is 7.2 million, but it's annoying to play and I had to nudge a lot. I managed to get a decent run getting all of the planets by ball 2 and it gives you a nice bonus.
the ball falls from the side very easily, sometimes before you even get to hit it once. There's no save if that happens too, you lose that ball with no second chance. It's an annoying table, but shooting the visor for mutiball, spamming the ramp, and trying to travel the planets can be fun. Getting extra balls is also hard because the ball has to pass from one of the inner ramps (selected at random and always changing) after you light it, and it's very easy for it to fall out if you're trying to do that.
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Addams Family remains the fucking king
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Thanks for the answer, it looks interesting to try.
>There's no save
I don't remember a single Williams SS with a ball save.
>tfw fixed mine this afternoon
Are there any good boards for easy DIY pinball controllers? I'm thinking something with a few inputs and maybe an accelerometer on the board, although I guess some arduino github that you just solder an accelerometer to might work. Most of the stuff I've found seems to be boomers trying to charge 80 bucks for a few shift registers on a PCB or something.

I'm not interested in building a full VPin or anything, just a little wooden box with a few switches and maybe a plunger if I can be assed.
It comes on and displays numbers, I was able to change modes and stuff, but it doesn't start and one of the boards has a melted resistor or something that heats up quickly. It's not the board with rom or sound, it's the other one.
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Ttwilight Zone beats it by a mile
Well, that's a start.
I can't really help since Firepower is a System 6 game, which I have zero knowledge about.

Here's a guide that should help you out, hopefully.
Part 1: https://www.pinrepair.com/sys37/index1.htm
Part 2: https://www.pinrepair.com/sys37/index2.htm
Part 3: https://www.pinrepair.com/sys37/index3.htm
You should start with the various "Before Turning the Game On" in part 1.
Part 2 has an entry called " Getting Started on Fixing the CPU Board", which should be interesting.
Keep us posted.
thanks anon
I don't like it that much. 80% of the shots are made in the top right quarter.
Thanks anon. I'll see what I can do.
I'm thinking about replacing the aluminum parts on my pinball with heavy stainless steel or polished iron. I have an issue with people nudging and bumping the machine too hard. So I want to make it heavier to stop it from being moved so much.
People playing at your home, or are you an operator?
what's your hurricane high score? Just finished an 81.5 million game. I got like 4 extra balls but ended up wasting one.
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Push the legs with the side of your foot. As long as you're not on carpet you should be able to slide the machine left or right a little, depending on which foot you use.
You can do this with beer coasters too. I think this breaks something in the machines after a while though; I did it to a Simpsons pinball that I live by and now I get Tilt on it all the fucking time, even if I only nudge it a little bit. I don't even try to push it that hard cause the legs are kinda shit/old but it's just such a sensitive bitch now that even sneezing when you're leaning against it can get it to tilt.
Maybe I just suck at pinball, but it's fucking annoying. Tilt should only go off if you try to pick the machine up or something.
it was okay, I need to play it some more sometime
>just a little wooden box
go look up "ipac keyboard encoder" that'll all the controls and just presents as a usb keyboard; then as you say buttons ina box

guessing you want physical nudging? i just did extra buttons next to the flipper buttons plus one on the front
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>electronic pinball
Get on my level whippersnapper
I could do that with a 5 dollar arduino instead of a 40 dollar board. I did find a sketch with "shake" support for accelerometer (push it more than a calibrated value and it'll nudge), but I'd rather have something with support for at least 4 directions worth of nudge for a little more precision.
you might be the only person to put a sega machine in a top 10 list
I operate and put several machines in other people's businesses. One is a pizza place and a few other small amusement places. One of the owners told me some customers were nudging and shifting the machine too hard and he had to tell them to stop repeatedly. I'm guessing real hardcore pinball fans.
The easiest solution might putting rubber feet on your machines. It shall be much harder to shift around.
Isn't the tilt function in pinball machines tied to some kind of bell device inside made of copper that connects to the circuit and triggers the "tilt" when people are moving the machine? Well you can open a machine and set the "bell" or whatever it's called to be more sensible. It's a copper cone on a metal bar and the rim makes contact when the machine is being tilted. You can slide it up or down to make it less or more sensible to nudging.

See that bell? When it makes contact with the ring is when the machine sends the player a tilt warning. So changing the level of the bell could fix your issues and discourage pinball fans from moving the pin around.
>fresh hat
American will really eat anything
Not that anon, but the tilt might be uneffective for some impulsive players.
I have a friend who is surprisingly short-tempered when playing pinball, and he tilts half the time when he knows the ball is going to drain. Tilting just means that he'll lose his end of ball bonus.
Honestly I don't understand, but I'm a stoic retard who can't bring himself to nudge a machine.
Looks cool as fuck. Might get one myself someday.
>zoomers trying to read stylized text
Pinball is one I've never been great at but still like to play. Always cool to see different tables.
My favorite is definitely Medieval Madness, had one at one our favorite pizza place growing up and always had it to ourselves along with a Cruis'n USA cabinet:

My uncle had some arcade machines in his basement too including the Black Knight pinball machine and another one that I can't remember the name of.

The Black Knight is a really cool looking machine with some nice art as well
I hope your uncle changes the battery every few years, or you will have junk for heirloom.
Mine arrived today, I'm about halfway through building it, I'll probably finish it tomorrow. So far it's going fairly well, I've ignored the double sided tape because I saw some complaints of it coming unstuck and replaced it with B-7000, which is my go-to adhesive. After about 9 hours I'm finally onto the actual field itself, and I worry about the little plastic inserts falling out over time (the bottom one was very loose and the ones at the top needed a bit of sanding), so I've glued them in. Overall it's a pretty enjoyable build so far.
that ramp is a bitch tho
So how good is a quality virtual pinball table compared to the real thing or just playing it on PC really?
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Rate my high score
What the fuck. Did you simply spam the ramp or something?
t. 600.000 best score.
I'm still getting a feeling for the shots on this table, I think i have half-decent pinball fundamentals. iirc I managed to get a decent multiball, but i don't have any strategy set for this particular table.
Never mind my post, I had a stroke and read your score as 139 billions.
You should aim for the tour of the mansion, which will unlock two multiballs (one being a room, the second with all the ramp shots you'll have to make).
are you british?
If he was British it would be 139.018.290
Finished the build today, took about 20 hours. I'm a pretty casual pinball player, but I find the game very fun, it's definitely a good mini table.

The ball bounces over things with reasonable frequency. I don't see any way around with on a mini table, the ball doesn't weigh enough to not jump over shit, but I thought I'd mention it. I probably have to nudge the ball back onto the field once or twice per game.

Scoring is only in 100s, and capped at 1000. It's a shame they didn't include an advanced mode with a flashing score indicator or something. Who knows, maybe someone will come along and mod it some day and add a little DMD or something, and an unlimited scoring mode.

I don't like the shooter. It's just a bolt head that slams into the ball, I feel like they could've given us a little rubber cap or something for it. I regret not just making one out of a bit of silicone before I put the thing together, it'd be kind of hard to access now. It's also pretty weak, needing full power to actually make it onto the course.
So you play a mean pinball?
yeah... I think I'm going to mail the driver board to Utah. If nothing else, it's at least 100% cheaper than buying the right tools.
Yeah I was replying to myself like I'm doing right now.
i'm old as fuck and that "stylized text" has always given people problems. even i thought it said "hat" because whoever created this lettering fucked up the O which now looks like an A. humans don't have time anymore to decipher cancerous fonts, which is why we moved on to using things everyone can read.
It's not even cursive. Doesn't look like an a, it's just o with two lines next to it. Skill issue.
That's too bad, since the repairs don't look overly complicated and I always found repairs to be interesting (and satisfying). But if it comes to costs...
>hit chair
>hit ramp
i still love it though
this one works pretty good on PinMAME as I recall
Make your one set of rules and scores. The normal one is way too easy. And play with a lower amount of balls.
>HUUUR it's ok to eat hats because huh... LE ZOOMERS

lmao at amerifats
thats what i'm saying though
this should also be the board for poker and pool
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I thought they used apostrophes across the pond.
MDickie is an idiot.
i like foo fighters :c
I sold one of my pinballs today.
Farewell, little one, you lived 5 years in my home :)
what was it
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A Tales from the Crypt. Kept it for five years, but now it's time to get a new one.
My insurance laws got this for me for Xmas. Still haven't built it yet.
the game of pinball has twelve variations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTr_HS_O4Ek
Holy shit didn't know it has a dedicated pinball. I wouldn't be able to sell it.

Well I say that but considering how broke I am right now I'd sell it for bread and a bottle of milk....
i play in tournaments a lot, and i hate that the community is filled with söyfags that support this nonsense.

i'm probably playing JJPirates if it's working right, depending on my budget I'll probably some of the other ones that I don't see often. Probably not spending much on the new sterns/CGC remakes as I have local spots that have all those (yes, they have LEs) Will play a couple bond 60th as I don't know how long that's gonna stay at my local spot though, and of course I have to play at least one game of Centaur, Meteor, and Paragon.
tournament players nudge though

set the tilt tighter. players will nudge as much as the machine lets them get away with.

also rubber feeet to pevent slides.
you can do that in two tour the mansion, or 2 good multiballs and a tour
Sasuga Minnesota.
Addams learn 3 shots rinse repeat:

1. backhand chair (starts modes)
2. thing shot (feeds side ramp and is usually an easy bailout shot).
3. side ramp (million plus and relights chair).

depending on your chair kickout feed (most have either a pretty safe dead bounce or hold up and catch unless its been tweaked for a tournament) you can usually make a pattern of these 3 shots to tour.

also whenever the power is running, catch and hold the ball till the power light times out to avoid the magnets
Shown at the intro of this episode sorry I can't find the English one I don't know the original name. Maybe it's in the credit and I didn't pay attention.
>download Pinball FX because it's low effort and comes with 100+ tables
>looks like ass, even with everything maxed out
>physics feel like ass
>game even plays like ass, you have to wait for the whole ending sequence to play out, go back to the menu, and then select play again just to put another credit in
VPX is a slight hassle to set up given you need to download every table individually, then adjust the volume and fucked up camera position, and I still don't know how to set the lighting level to anything but "playing in the dead of night trying to make yourself blind", but it's crazy that these guys are charging for Pinball FX and it's this awful. Isn't this like the 4th fucking version of their software? How is it still so bad.
>physics feel like ass

Don't know which version you use but in fx3 as dumb as it sounds to play with real physic you need not to pick the "single player" option but the "classic" on the right side.
Not defending the game, it's good enough for an amateur like me and VPX isn't available on switch. On the contrary I wish I could move away from it because nudging is fucking useless in this game and real tables like white water or road show are awful to play on it it's a nightmare. But I'm having a good time with the modern ones. Like the amazing alien tables.
I'm not picky, playing old video game pinballs puts into perspective how much we evolved. And thankfully medieval madness or fish tales play acceptably on it.
Yeah, I never said I was a pro.
>avoid the magnets
You're no fun.
Nice. Based Francis Lax dubbing the crypt keeper, too.
puisque tu es capable de nommer les doubleurs sans faille qui est résponsable du doublage du docteur cocu dans cet épisode? Il possède la même voix que melenchon et en plus il s'appelle Léon ce con c'est troublant :
Michel Le Royer?
Crazy to think this was allowed in bars and arcade. There wasn't any censorship rules about gore?
You're welcome.
>There wasn't any censorship rules about gore?
Lol no. But in this particular pinball, there's an option to reduce the gore.
I have to admit those animations are fucking brutal.
Pretty every mature pinball machine had a family option toggle.
this was in the days you could play Mortal Kombat at Putt Putt. it's the kind of thing that caused the ESRB to happen
it was a different time...
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I want to go back.
DMD was so fucking SOUL.
LCD and their shitty flash animations were the worst thing about modern pinball
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I absolutely agree.
we can never go back. joy is way behind us.
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I know, anon. I know. Yet...
Watched someone play the deluxe edition of medieval madness and I'm not disliking the LCD paned. The trolls look awesome in it. The guy playing it was a pro too, got a lot of multiball and score counting in multiple hundred of millions I'll see if I find it back.
He was playing competitive mode, no nudge too.
>wearing cap inside
WTF I thought french people were fancy. He looks like a retard.
He's gonna wear it however he please, it's his home and his pin.
he's still gay
>it's his home and his pin
nobody asked bruh
He's still disgusting.
>instant autism because of a hat
Forgot how secondary boards are inhabited by complete autists. Must be boiling because they see an alpha male that's having no trouble socializing.
>he's experiencing Paris syndrome online
Fucking lmfao
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Turns out the buyer maybe tried to scam me today with some (bullshit?) bank transfert problem at the last second, right when the machine was ready to be loaded in his car.
So now the sale is on hold, but I smell a rat.
It's pretty common for banks to do some retarded shit when a customer randomly transfers a few grand out of his account to a random other dude when he doesn't have a history of it, it's scam prevention.
Correct, but it was still fishy.
The first time, the buyer came with his wife, looking for their first pinball, and they agreed immediatly to buy this one, without even asking me to open the backbox or raise the playfield to at least take a look.

3 days later, he comes to pick it up with a friend of his. I insist on showing him the basics of repair and maintenance since it will be his first machine, and I'd feel bad if he was struggling all alone to repair basic stuff. And at the last second, as I said, he can't make the bank transfer. Price was 4200€.
It was pretty surreal from then on:
>can I pay you 3000€ and my friend 1200€?
>can I pay you with Paypal?
>can I pay by check?
>I'm making a bank wire right now but it will take a couple of days for you to receive the funds... can I still pick up the pinball right now?
Turns out that bank wire is still nowhere to be seen, not even pending.
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My first experience with pinball games was playing something like this, which is similar to the one my cousin owned. it was pretty cool.
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Was it one of those two?
It does sound a little fucky, but sometimes guys are just retarded and start throwing out alternatives that are way more shady. 50/50 odds the money comes through in a week.
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The one on the right. And here's one that another cousin had. Have you seen something like this one before?
>sometimes guys are just retarded and start throwing out alternatives that are way more shady
I guess you're right. The guy was in his late 40s, too.
Never seen this one before.
I just happened to see it up on Ebay the other day while looking up vintage mechanical and electronic games. I've totally forgotten about it, but as soon as I seen the pic, I knew I either owned it or one of my cousins owned it. I think it came out in the mid to late 70's, but I'm not 100% sure. it's certainly one of the weirder ones I've seen, though.
Is there a non-video guide on setting up visual pinmame on android?
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It's really not that interesting, but it's a Gottlieb so it was expected to suck.
>virtual pinball on android
You might as well simply watch a youtube video, at this point.
Is there a family guy pinball machine? I remember seeing one in a fish and chips shop in South Australia.
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I've never seen one but it exists.
Insist on cash at this point.
fun fact, same playfield got used for Shrek
What a surprise! I assume it wasn't due to Lawlor, but to Stern being a bunch of cheap scoundrels since forever?
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Roller Coaster Tycoon is one of the best pinball machines I ever played.
A Chuck E Cheese near me used to have one over a decade ago. I got the high score and it printed a oversized ticket. Shit was cash.
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>star trek next generation

Borg multiball was my jam.
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>My first experience with pinball games was playing something like this, which is similar to the one my cousin owned. it was pretty cool.

This was mine.
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Who the fuck butchered that TNG table?
Well, I think there were still a lot of family-friendly arcades that wouldn't want a Family Guy machine, so they made Shrek with the same layout to satisfy that market because why wouldn't they? But that's just a guess.

So if that's true I don't particularly consider it to be a "cheapskate" move, just sensible. No different from rebranding NASCAR as Grand Prix for Europe.

I know family friendly mode exists, but still
Nice. Those are usually great, except Popeye which I could never get into.
Briand Schmidt made some great tunes. This one feels like such nice old school rock'n roll: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrRsnSTdoEg
forgot about this lmao
you're still gay btw

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