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Not a perfectly executed game, slightly underbaked, but pure soul and creativity. This kind of innovation in platforming action is what the genre needed more of.
Gamefreak before they sold their soul to forced Pokemon sequels was pure soul.
can you describe its creativity and innovation
Pulseman feels like something Treasure would make, except shitty.
Aesthetically this game is peak. Sugimori knocked it out of the park.
Gameplay-wise, it's pretty mediocre. Not bad by any stretch, but it's clear why it never caught on.

It would have greatly benefitted from a sequel, but I wouldn't trust post-2004 Game Freak with that task.
Imagine if we gotten more sequels of pic related instead of Pogeymanz ChronoQuartzOrangeDorito Version.

Also there's just something cursed about T&ESoft, that company is always doomed for failure.
>but it's clear why it never caught on.

You mean other than the fact that it was only released on the Sega "no audiance" channel?
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>released in 2005
What's wrong with it?
Disagree, not chaotic enough.
I'd argue it's closer to sparkster
It's similar to Sonic, Ristar, Kirby, or Mega Man where there is more to it than "you jump". The gimmick of this game is you can convert into an electrical pulse and travel at super speed through currents, or become a sort of magnetized ball that jolts around, both require a bit of practice and finesse to control
GameFreak's senior staff likely still wishes that Pulseman was their main franchise and not Pokemon, given how they continue to reference it.
>part-sonic part-pokemon
>is electric
>is a failure
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I just find its timing when released was a shame it was so late. The Genesis could have used more colorful games like it, or at least more titles that utilized the few available colors effectively so that it didn't appear as much of a weakness by comparison to everything else. The game had my interest when it was previewed as Spark in magazines. Not only was it visually impressive, it had digitized speech which to me was a big deal to me in games of the day.
Yes, I’m sure they are regretting being responsible for the most profitable media franchise in the world and wish they were still making Pulseman crap.

Imagine like, outselling Star Wars. Thats what they did.
There's nothing Sonic about Pulseman
Well, yes. A bunch of hobbyists who used to make manga and video games for their own fun, now shackled to their own overwhelming success. I imagine they regret ever having released the first Pokemon games by now.
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You can't talk about Pulseman and not mention the semi-transparent levels
But I know that someday, they'll release Pulseman 2 on a SEGA console.
Will I like this if I don't like Zelda 2 at all?
Pokemon's total revenue since it's inception in 1996 is 100 BILLION dollars.

Star Wars, the often thought undisputed king of merchandising, has generated only half of that since 1977.

GameFreak sleeps on a tower of hundred dollar bills, they don't give a stinky fuck about Pulseman other than it being a stepping stone for them. I'm sure sometimes they yearn for their artistic integrity back, but then that's wiped away by garbage trucks full of money.
More like part-Mega Man. You even fight Proto guy in the middle of the game
Game Freak rocks
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nta but funnily enough I had sega channel when I was a kid and is how I found out about the game.
While the service was neat, I wish they would have just gotten a dang snes instead.
Would have been cheaper too.

And yes, my step father double and tripled down with the sega cd and 32x too.
Thing is that the segacd actually has some good games like lunar and popful mail, but of course they never got any of them.
It was sewer shark and prize fighter for us!
NTA but they actually reference Pulseman a lot. I think Game freak likes the games they make.
>directionless levels based around a zooming dash mechanic that completely throws any semblance of progress out the window
It’s just worse Ristar
It’s got good aesthetics but that’s it
Trash game and literally mogged by something on its own platform
>I think Game freak likes the games they make.
Where are all the Quinty, Bushi Seiryuden, and Drill Dozer references then? The only non-Pokémon game of theirs that they routinely references is Pulseman.
> Drill Dozer references

Iirc there's a fourth-gen Pokemon that is inspired by Jill's mech from DD
This game is a hit put out on the epileptic. This isn't even the worst it gets.
Was any of this toned down for the virtual console / NSO rereleases, or is it still just as seizure-happy?
Pffft, you little baby

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