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Holy shit this game has s o v l off the charts
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Blood was amazing.
Yes. Best retro-FPS.
Nah, far too much hitscan, I don't enjoy quick saving every 2 minutes.
Tried not being shit?
There's also different skill settings, and all the most popular ports for it have even more options.
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Heretic is the greatest shooter of the 1990s. Better than Doom and Half Life combined.
Nobody actually uses that weapon in Blood
You can set it as a turret and let it kill enemies without you even being around. It even destroys the final boss.
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what wad?
if you play with NotBlood, you can replace hitscans with projectiles

i love blood i dont think i'd consider it comfy though
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>Blood has sovl
Wait until you start playing custom maps for Blood.

You can also use it in turret mode as a plaform to reach higher areas. People who don't use the Life Leech don't actually play Blood.
Why use HUDs? You pick up all things anyway so it does not really matter how much ammo or health you already have. And why use crosshairs? You always aim middle of the screen no matter what.
why use game? it has no effect on real life as the screen doesn't move anyway
Forever plugging this. Be well, based Smooth Skin.
I guess "no one uses Life Leech's primary" is more accurate, but turrets also kick ass and you'd have to make it SW nuke tier to stop me from using one.
My favorite FPS boomer shooter. Spook Nukem.
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How could you not use it?
Look at him, he's so happy :D
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The Life Leech in turret mode can also be moved around with the shotgun so if you don't like hitscanners, and don't even want to fight them, you can just drop it on the ground and then use the shotgun to launch it around a corner or into a doorway to zap everything in the room while you yourself never even leave cover. Just don't shoot the Life Leech too much because eventually your shots will destroy it.

Also, since you're a based /vr/ 500ml player here's another mod for you. It's actually very well made but due to some of the advanced modding tricks it uses it's best to play it in the original DOS version of Blood:

Too scary
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How the hell can a game from 2001 look and feel thousand times better than today's crap.
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Is this a remaster? I don't remember this game looking that good....
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Redneck Rampage has its moments

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