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I'm making a modpack where the game is actually finished with extra features such as Shadow the Hedgehog and Hyper forms.
>new characters from the Chaotix to Flicky
(no modern or tranny shit, just sonic kino plus mario)
>finished red volcano zone
>finally finished dark city and grand eggship
>old stages are coming back such as mine maze
>everyones super
>hyper form possible
>most of it's OST are indev
>restore unused content such as eggrock boss
The SRB2 community is full of shit anyways (imagine treating mods as "intellectual property" at the same time as "art" where you MUST have a "license" to even use it on an open-source game), so there's no issue to "steal" them from the "artists.".
If you have an idea of what I should add, then don't hesitate to ask.
It has been years since I last played Robo Blast 2. It isn't finished yet? Isn't the project a decade old by now, if not more? I also have no idea what the drama you spoke is referring to so please elaborate. Though I'm sure it's something retarded giving this is the Sonic fandom we are talking about.
It can never exist in a finished state within this timeline. It has been ruined beyond repair. All we can do is wait until we reincarnate into a timeline where its not ruined and can be finished into its true form whatever that is.
Or finish it yourself since it's open-source and it's a sonic fangame. It's not official to begin with.
It's still in beta but it's beatable (up to the final boss), it has missing features that STJR promised that they would add. Which they didn't, and instead they wasted their time on reworking the momentum (which i'll fuck up characters like Sonic's thok), Discord and Kart slops.
I can't, I don't know what its true form is. Its true form can only be derived from the world state of the mid 2000s. This information no longer exists, only a literal act of god could bring the true srb2 into existence.
>This information no longer exists
You're fucking retarded.
It already had a plan since the demo days. Just check the development and you already got the idea. Or just do it in your own vision.
Plans are filtered through a specific set of skills and practices by specific people. Those people no longer exist.
Except when "specific people" had left out dev notes. It's not that hard anon, it's in doom engine.
Bring back Mario Koopa Blast
>community edition
I got a red keystone in Flame Rift Zone 1, are there others since the wiki told me there's 3 of them, and I got one.
Add h-scenes
like >>11490637 said you're either retarded or lazy (maybe both). if you genuinely feel that strongly about the state of SRB2 then you have all the tools & resources you need to finish it in the way the "specific people" intended.

seriously what is the dev team going to do to you CnD/sue you for an IP they don't even own in the first place?
Its literally impossible to finish it the way it was meant to be. Its not a case of laziness or retardation. The information simply does not exist anymore. The model that created classic srb2 was a gestalt of a number of people and various other key features of the world at that time.

Consider the standard techniques of mappers at that time. People would collaborate, take inspiration from other things existing at that time. So many small details of the world as it existed at that time would influence the exact details of what was produced. There is no return to that context.
>you CnD/sue you for an IP they don't even own in the first place
What's funny is that they literally violate the rules.
There's a thing in their website, in the addon section, called the "re-usability" system, which forces you to ask permissions for 2 pixels made by someone, which most of the time they won't ask or say no. To make it worse, they will lock codes and other things that were reusable.
Look at Kart, a open-source project used as base in Ring Racers, a closed-source project. All for the sake of "respect for the artists.".

Back on track, SRB2 had LUA implemented that it links to its own GPL license code. Therefore, mods who use LUA must be compliant with the GPL; doing otherwise is a legal violation, and it's even worse considering their using another's IP unlicensed.
Reusability is not GPL compliant because it distributing derivative works of gpl licensed code under different terms. Now it could be if you're making a basic mod, but 90% of it nowadays are using LUA. Even the base SRB2 uses LUA, you see where this is going.
>I don't think it matters because Sega is ok with-
Sega can fucking sue you hard if you don't comply. They did it to SORR and Sonic Omens for breaking it, and they will absolutely kill SRB2 if they treat it as an "art community.".

Except other people can have the same vision as the one who made this project you fucking idiot. Stop making the argument that it's dead because the old guards had left the project. Besides the said old guard had changed the idea of what things should be anyway, and to add salt to your dogshit argument, some of the shit from the game was made by the community, a random noise that has nothing to do with "their vision".
> the old guards had left
Whether they left or not is irrelevant, they are not the same people anymore. Not the same model. Also, all people alive today are contaminated, unless you have been in a coma since the mid 2000s, you can not contribute to a true srb2, your model has been contaminated.
The fuck are you talking about? You're just sperging for the sake if it lol
A human brain is analogous to a generative model. Every piece of training data a model receives effects its behavior. You are never going to be able to get a model that has been trained up to the present day to act the same way as a model whose training data cut off in the mid 2000s. Also, each human brain has its own unique training data set, coupled with its own biological constraints.

The only possible way to get more maps constructed in the same style as the srb2 demo maps is to acquire the specific generative model that created them, which would require a time machine.
Doom projects like the "The Way id Did" series and to a lesser extent "Into Sandy's Cities" prove you wrong.
It's entirely possible to do art studies on level design and put yourself into the same mindset as the designers of yore.
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>muh science told me that it's impossible!!
I know there's some socially inept losers on this site but this is just hilariously pathetic.
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I'm guessing you're the dude who shared an SRB2X folder on /v/ a couple weeks back?
Don't use SUGOIs Mine Maze. It's shit.
>If you have an idea of what I should add, then don't hesitate to ask.
Make these old unused zones real
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Yeah, I was aware how shit the presentation it was, and how I remember now that /v/ is a shitposting board lol
>Don't use SUGOIs Mine Maze. It's shit.
Yeah I agree with you there, the 1st act was fine, nothing special, a few of bullshit obstacles but it wasn't offensive until the second act, it really rears it's ugly head.
>pic rel
>Sega can fucking sue you hard if you don't comply. They did it to SORR and Sonic Omens for breaking it, and they will absolutely kill SRB2 if they treat it as an "art community.".
i can believe it.

the most recent official statement on fangames i've heard from sega was in regards to the guy who put malware into his sonic fangame a few years back and the statement basically boiled down to "don't give us a reason to step in or bring the hammer down and we're cool" where the community manager in a stream cited said malware game as a reason for them to be more stricter should someone do something like that again.

if i looked up "lazy manbaby" in the dictionary i'd see a model of you're entire DNA pattern. like christ on a pogostick you're such a fucking coward.
>i can believe it.
It's not a believe, it's a fact.
Just because Sega is apathetic towards fanmade content like the majority of companies ever, does not mean they are ok with breaking the rules (i.e making money out of it, calling it as "official", etc).

>lazy manbaby
This faggot reminds me of someone who was that insufferable while also a stalker, but I digress lol
What they were even look like anyway?
I know Hidden Palace and I heard that Eggfactory is a emerald hunt stage where you must explore Robotnik's farm.
>i've heard from sega was in regards to the guy who put malware into his sonic fangame a few years back and the statement basically boiled down to "don't give us a reason to step in or bring the hammer down and we're cool"
You mean Sonic Gather Battle?
The fact that the furfag who made this trash implemented a trojan code that turns this game into a shitty "hyperrealistic blood" creepypasta over his precious sprites (which he didn't made them btw) is a next level insanity that is also hilarious.
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the same one. it was more than creepypasta shit though. the trojan would also crash your computer or mess with your browser if you tried to search anything vaguely connected to model/sprite ripping. this could range from a how to video on youtube to just simply googling fucking cheat codes.

the only thing as crazy as this was HL2 overcharged, a HL2 mod that blacklisted it's critics by their steam ID (which is illegal according to steam's TOS) and crashed the game at launch while giving the error message (pic related). also the fact that this scandal spawned a whole creepypasta in of itself is pretty hilarious.
>no modern
>adds shadow
eeeeh naniiiii
Shadow is a exception because he's actually /ourguy/
Shadow isn't modern he's from like 25 years ago
i used to hate shadow but my opinion on him has soften in recent times because...
>1.) he's something different from the several flavors of metal sonic we've had in recent years.
>2.)newer things and stuff like the annual Q&As paint him as more "no nonsense" than edgy which makes sense since from the POV of sonic & friends (who are canonically mostly teenagers & children) someone who's effectively a 50+ year old man with PTSD is going to look/sound edgy.

SRB2 clearly takes cues from "classic" sonic which is 1, 2, CD, 3, knuckles, mania & superstars. and despite what adventurefags believe "modern" sonic started with sonic adventure.
>if i looked up "lazy manbaby" in the dictionary i'd see a model of you're entire DNA pattern. like christ on a pogostick you're such a fucking coward.
Holy shit. I need to use that on somebody.
i really when he's more or less written as batman
I thought Saturn couldn't do real transparency? Or is this some emulator effect?
>Crystal Cave, Hidden Palace, Slime Valley
>Sweet Tooth, Egg Factory, Freak Show

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