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File: DemikidsDark.jpg (113 KB, 555x555)
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Thoughts on this? I've never played a SMT game but this looks Pokemon-ish.

What is the best version to play? I've read Light is easier.
Just try a game faggot. You dont need us to hold your hand while you boot up a rom
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Just go play an actual SMT game man. Go play Digital Devil Saga or Nocturne. Demikids was not great.
Ignore Nocturnebabbies
It's cute and funny. Most the games aren't translated yet though, it's hard to dive into the series if you're not a Japanese speaking person.
>looks pokemon-ish
that's because pokemon is already a kiddified smt. demikids was just atlus saying "fuck off, we can do that too"
>go play Digital Devil Saga or Nocturne.
Why would why play the SMT ganes directed towards women?
OP should be looking into KMT, Last Bibble, and Sovl Hackers.
Pokemon is babby DQ2
Modern megaten is Phantasy Star for kids
>Why would why play the SMT ganes directed towards women?
How do you figure they are directed towards women?
>OP should be looking into KMT, Last Bibble, and Sovl Hackers.
Some of the Last Bible games are great. Soul Hackers is amazing, but not a great starter point, the fusion in that game is terrible.
Replace the third image with Monster Girl Quest Paradox
ironic since pokemon has greater depth and breadth of mechanics and skill
Isn't this the game with the Frost Five?
I loved them on 3DS Soul Hackers!
Demikids is more of a smt game than digital "only 7 playable demons the whole game" Saga
I loved the juxtaposition of the kiddie pokemon aesthetic and the title that was basically DEMONKIDS so I got this a few years back but never got too into the game. I wish it had printed guides or something because I have no idea what I was doing and was not particularly enjoying myself
Demi doesn't mean demon.
ok weeb whatever what does that have to do with anything
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>ok weeb whatever what does that have to do with anything
what kind of tumblr groomer shit is this?
I think DDS just goes a different route. It still has the heart and soul of an SMT game in my opinion.
Strange projection.
Japanese title for this series is Devil Children
Honestly kids are sometimes very devilish. They tend to not have any filters and aren't fully domesticated to societal etiquettes.
Devil Children is the dark ages of SMT. From 2000 to 2003, Atlus committed a lot of ressources to it, and largely stopped producing any other SMT games until SMT3. They blindsided themselves on the state of the community by doing so, and consecutively were caught with their pants down when they released SMT3.
I loved it when I was 11 years old. I was basically in the perfect state of mind to enjoy an edgey Pokemon. Objectively speaking though, the games probably aren't very good.

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