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I miss it
seems like the bots have been gone for a change. dunno how long it'll last but it's somethin at least.
I don't really like what they've done to the game personally. I'm not a total vanilla purist but the content and cosmetics they've chosen to add have mostly only hurt the game. Sometimes I'm playing and I'm struck by how unappealing all the visuals are due to what people choose to make their stuff look like.
I wish more care was made to make aesthetic content fitting and subtle and making new weapons interesting side grades
you can download it right now, anon. it's free.
That's like saying you can just download wow classic and have old wow again
i think there's a mod to remove cosmetics. usually i don't mind em but what bugs me is how some characters barely get any decent ones, pyro especially has like only ten if that. can't do much with the weapon balance though aside from custom servers, maybe one of these days they'll have one big weapon update just to work em all out.
Probably the best example of how to improve a sequel in history.
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You can buy The Orange Box on 360 and play a frozen-in-time version of it. So technically, unlike WoW, you can actually hop into a Time Machine and play it exactly how it was as of 2009.

Btw, Xbox 360 marketplace goes offline in EIGHT days if anyone cares to know, I just looked it up.

18 years bros, that’s how long Xbox 360 marketplace has been supported. Babies born when the marketplace went up will be old enough to die for Israel soon.

I know this technically isn’t a retro post, but it’s in response on how to play a 2007 “retro” game in it’s “retro” incarnation so excuse this grey area.
I don't really mind stuff in principle but I just wish every cosmetic was like soldiers stash, trophy belt, ritzy ricks, spats, etc.
Just small neat stuff especially if you can have more than one at a time. The mercs all feel like clowns now both visually and narratively.
Even a lot of the weapons are kind of bad. You see that in the melee weapons especially. Most warpaints should have never even been in the game. Going to the community for stuff has been bad. I remember scrolling through the polycount forum submissions and even the rejected bad stuff would be superior to what's been added recently. The game is like if you let a 13 year old go wild with bad gamebanana mods
I dunno. Whenever people complain about it they seem to just want more content added and a return to like the 2014 era. With a minority who want pure 2007. I just wish way more restraint was used. But the game has been a dumping ground for weird bad promotional items and community sourced stuff for ages now.
The core of this game is so fun it could survive any sabotage
the comp scene for this game is so weird
comp in every game is weird feels like they get a blank check becausebany criticism can be countered with "you're just bad"
and they just throw their weight around like big kids on a playground
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>mfw TF2 is considered "retro" now
I will not forgive the cake kike for banning this threads.
It’s because the rules are wonky with PC.
The hardware cutoff for consoles is 2001…yet there is no hardware cutoff for PC, just software cutoff (2007). IMHO it should have been games that had DirectX 8.1 as minimum requirement since that was released in 2001 and would have kept stuff like TF2 off the retro board.

But the 2007 rule was years ago now so it barely matters anymore.

2007 was 17 years ago btw. We are old.
not retro, dont care what the rules say
It matters because people can post about TF2 that reminds one of the very non-retro Fortnite with its costumes and sharp yet cartoonish visual style and quirky ironic characters, but not about a 2007 DS game that has PSX-looking graphics and a game design that would have fit perfectly well into the SNES library. There are old-style games you can't post about and new-style games you can post about. It's just a seriously flawed rule set. PC needs to be held back a bit more as you say, and handheld platforms need to be held back a bit less (because the portability constraint already holds them back somewhat, in computing power).
>i think there's a mod to remove cosmetics.
yes it's called passing --directx 8 into command options. it removes the skins overlays
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>the Righteous Bison is still fucked
I will never not be upset.
u mad lil boah
life moves on without you
Such flawless art direction completely shat on by ugly cosmetics. Such a shame. I'll always have fond memories of it back in the Orange Box days but hats and then the game going Free to Play where when I tapped out. Troon and furry central from then onwards.
Have you tried TF2Classic?
My first job out of school was a night job that had 12+hour shifts and I would stay up all night playing TF2 on my nights off. Chilling out on a dedicated server all night was peak cozy as a young single guy.
>buying digital games
Lol. Just mod all your consoles
If the game had vista support on its box then it's not retro, thats my rule
I mean it still exists anon. Plus that huge bot problem it's had for like five years finally got dealt with in the past month or so. It even got a balance update recently too.
Not really interested
If one wanted to play TF2 online on 360, it’s far easier to simply buy the game.
You can flash the 360 drive, run abgx360 and burn a dvd, ms can't tell the difference.
Ok. You're very smart
I didn’t realize the game had been delisted on 360 marketplace so I suppose this could potentially be a cheaper option since discs are going for 10-50 bucks on eBay.
got ruined with the mann co update
It's ridiculous that we can discuss PC games released in 2007 here, but we can't discuss DS games released in 2004 for instance.
It started going down the shitter with the Sniper Spy update, F2P was a full blown execution.
30 something Millennials who can't accept that 2004 was 20 years ago.
When will Valve ship Episode One?
flooded online FPS games with dirty casuals and helped ruin pc gaming
also spawned tons of gay reddit memes
tards ree'd when 6th gen was allowed here. Gonna be funny when 7th gen is too. Some people suggest a /vr2/ or something, but do we really need another /v/ board?
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i still ree about it. it was massive mistake
should i buy modded xbox 360 or modded ps2 in 2024? my pc not powerful enough to comfortably emulate neither
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literally me
you cannot discuss original gta lsc/vcs, but you can somehow discuss its later ports for some reason. im more interested in that part and why that's allowed
Thats not how I feel.
You should buy both
>yet there is no hardware cutoff for PC, just software cutoff (2007).

This is incorrect. The rules are clear, platforms released in 2001.
A platform is the sum of its parts, which is why everywhere you look online you will see the FDS, Sega CD, 32X, etc etc listed as their seperate platforms. By this logic a platform for PC is the sum of all its parts; therefore all the hardware must be released in 2001 at the latest. So for PC you'll be looking at CPU, GPU, and OS, for minimum specs.
tl;dr If a game requires a GPU from 2002 it's technically not allowed on this board.

I haven't looked into details but TF2's original specs are pretty low; however this is kinda shitty in this case because you wouldn't be running the game today, after all its updates, on the original minimum specs of the game.
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>by ugly cosmetics
Honestly they were good before the polycount update or whatever it was called, with shitty community made items. Not retro but pic related is the best hat by the way
i know exactly the excuse jannies gonna concoct after allowing 360/ps3 for discussions
>"hear me out guys, 7th gen is last true gen to have physical and entirely offline media!"
just like how some wanting to have psp/nds here already and saying nonsense like
>"hear me out guys, psp was basically portable ps1, and nds was last true 2D console to be released!"
>you wouldn't be running the game today, after all its updates, on the original minimum specs of the game.
tf2 used to work flawlessly with that low graphics mod on my retro rig. tf2 also supports dx8 which would still make it viable for discussions if that other anon who suggested dx8.1 to be cutoff
...it's more of an issue of drm now after steam removed support for windows 7. now game wont work on retro rigs
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poast favorite aesthetics for your main
would be more interesting than talking about technical crap like years anyway
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Valve had the following guidelines for dota2 cosmetics creation, and I believe there was a similar one for tf2 but cant find it:
>Keep the color scheme of the hero
>Hero’s silhouette must be clearly identifiable at first glance
>Limitation on polygons and assets you can use
>Item sets should follow the Heroes’ lore
>Should not affect gameplay
they've since broken all of them due to that sweet gambling freebux and we're left with pic rel abominations. sad
Steam still runs on Win7, it's just that if it ever breaks now they're not going to fix it.
What did they do to the engine? CSS runs just fine and has good hitreg but TF2 always feels like shit no matter what. Constant frame dips, dying behind walls, getting melee'd to death from 15 feet away, others feel like they do way more damage, other Pyros have way more range etc. TF2 would be great if it wasn't held together with toothpicks and chewing gum.
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They updated the game to 64bit a few months back and now the game runs flawlessly for me. I think its just all the bloat they added was too much for 32bit limitations.
Isn't it kind of fucked up how an online game you played 20 years ago and liked can just have 20 years worth of bad updates that ruin the game for you and now you'll never be able to play the version you enjoyed anymore?
I do miss old TF2 quite a lot. Not demoman with 40+ grenades old, but even before spy could recharge cloak with ammo pickups. I miss when nobody wanted to play spy because it was actually hard to pull off, and because of that it was far more rewarding to do big plays and players weren't so paranoid of infinite spy attacks.
Spy is still the worst class in the game though but they've somehow kept him weak while making him outrageously annoying and unfun to play against with the few items they've given him. And itd worse too because his other weapons don't even thematically go with him
>>Should not affect gameplay
it does though. when someone sees you with unusual they think you're pro which psychologically affects gameplay. if they see you without any hats at all, they think less of you, which you psychologically can turn against them by playing good
>hard to pull off
it's impossible to pull off now. the only times i seen spy being pulled off is in 6s when literally no one expects it, but that needs planning and coordination... and luck. which comp players aren't willing to take, when they switch meta in 6s they prefer safer route, which is sniper
I would've liked to have experienced Quake Team Fortress (watching footage it seems like TF Classic was never even that accurate of a remake) but I don't want to have to join a discord where they organize matches
I don't know why they let in so many cosmetics that make drastic changes like facial hair or entire outfits. Ans then you can stack these things and have a clipping painted mess too
Never played QTF but yeah it's interesting. TFC failed to grab me, Counter Strike was my game of choice. Hell I think I had more fun with Day of Defeat than with TFC. But TF2 though, damn... I still think it's one of the most fun multiplayer games ever
No, I’m right. There is no hardware cutoff date for PC, just software. That’s in the rules.

I suggested that the rules should be that games must have a minimum requirement of being direct x 8.1 since that released in 2001, ie, no DX9 minimum games which would mitigate the wonky PC rule. It’s absurd there is a TF2 thread on the retro board.
even the very first wave of 9 hats had some stuff that was over the line
>No, I’m right. There is no hardware cutoff date for PC, just software. That’s in the rules.
Nah, I saw threads about pre-2008 pc games that wouldn't run on 2001 hardware getting deleted
No you didn’t lol. You can talk about crisis here. Back when the rule change happened there were multiple crisis threads per day.
This game is too hard for me despite playing since it released I still don't understand rocket jumping at all. I just can't do it. I can't aim either. I like the game but I'm just so bad its not fun at all
but tf2 is one of those games that do have dx8 as minimum requirement, and you can even use dx8 mode in tf2 today and it disables skins, which everyone should use that mode just for that alone
>I just can't do it
you not supposed to tap forward or backward when in the air, it disables air strafing. if you want to maneuver you need to press a and d while being sideways to go forward
Saying that the rules claim there is no hardware cutoff for PC is like saying that is "one "platform, which is like saying that a PC from 1990 and one from 2024 are "the same platform". This logic is like saying that the PS5 and PSX are the same platform because it's "the PlayStation platform", the only difference being for playstation there are 5 different platforms, for PC there are an infinite number

Yeah they do get deleted (post rule change) but usually only after I point out the minimum specs of the game and apply the rules to it, jannies are too lazy to look up minimum specs themselves and probably didn't even realize that their rules apply to computer games that way until explained to them because, even if said rules *can* be applied to computer games, it was never thought for them, and mods never bothered to specify.
Until they do they'll have to deal with idiots who don't know what a platform is and smartasses who think they're being grade A trolls by posting an XBOX360 game on /vr/ because said game was also released on PC in 2006 despite requiring hardware from 2005 because "it's the PC/Windows XP platform!"; and consider the post quality decline lately I assume there is only going to be more and more of those
I can't even get off the ground
oh. have you never played half life then? you supposed to crouch jump
Gaming in 2024 summed up
I’m actually shocked it’s a DX8.1 game. I was incorrect, as much as I hate to admit it, it’s “retro”.
Yeah, the rules being vague on PC is big problem and it’s probably easier for them to just allow pre-07 games as a whole.

The Crysis threads in the beginning days of the rule change WERE funny though as a fuck you to the mods, until it got old.
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I’ll also say going by minimum requirements, it’s definitely feasible that you could run TF2 well on a purely 2001 parts machine so I was pretty off thinking this was more modern in architecture than it is.
Matchmaking killed TF2, the bots were only a symptom.
To bad it also makes the game look like shit though. Classic TF2 had one of the best art directions I've ever seen in a video game
I dont.

Tf2 was a huge cancer back then IMHO and cringe from the beginning.

Glad its dead and gone.
>buy game
>have fun
>updates ruin the game, game is no longer fun or what you paid for
>money stolen
There should be a law that requires companies to allow their playerbase to roll back and play on previous versions. It's fucking retarded. Imagine a world where you could download a 2008 build of TF2 of steam with its dedicated servers, no shit cosmetics, and minimal unlocks.
The game is alive and well.
TF2C is unironically more fun than normal TF2 despite its questionable new weapons and novelty gamemodes. Sprays are allowed, all-talk is on so you can shit talk the enemy team or just have a good time, I can play it for an entire day while live TF2 just burns me out after an hour. It's probably the closest you'll get to a classic 2009-esque TF2 in the modern day. The other night I got a whole lot of friend requests from the dudes I was playing with on the server. I can't even recall the last time I've made a friend off of live TF2.
Too bad the admins on the official servers are actual furries and trannies (not even in the 4chan exaggeration sense, every mod I've seen on the server has a furry pfp) so you have to step around eggshells when they're on.
Perhaps, but the playerbase is a shadow of its former self. For some reason it attracts the entire spectrum of mental illness from unfunny reddit zoomers to cringy 4chan edgelords.
>and well
Not really, matchmaking makes joining a fun, balanced game a complete chore where you'll be spending more time looking at menus and re-queueing than playing the actual game thanks to the lack of auto scramble. The game was actually more fun when the bots were rampant and people started flocking to good vanilla community servers again, but then Valve rolled out the ban wave and everyone went back to casual.
no thats not true that's impossible
mount and blade another game with dx8 (even dx7) support, so that's retro now too. and latest game fire and sword came out what, 2011? see, your dx8 logic if flawed, especially considering m&b has huge modding scene is game still played today
I already do
I'm a millennial and if it were up to me, I'd make DS/PSP and even early 7th gen games (like 2005-2009 releases) discussable on /vr/.
Thats because you despise discussion on this board
i'm convinced that 90% of TF2 cosmetics were designed for SFM first and TF2 second.
Handheld accelerated 3D will never be retro and I’m a millennial.
I even think 6th gen is pushing the definition of “retro” regardless of time past and I think in the near future, there will need to be a change in how we categorize them as 7th Gen nears its 20th birthday.
“/v2k/“ has been thrown around, and I think that’s worthwhile.
Retro should be defined by technological limitations strictly, instead of the sliding scale this board uses. IMO, any console which supported composite output should be included, and any games for those consoles should be capped at 2007, excluding homebrew. PC should also be capped at 2007 for software, nothing else matters here because even a "modern" PC can be finagled to output composite, so it should be held to the standard of software alone. I realize this would allow Crysis to coexist with Atari 2600 but it's a grey area you have to deal with. If we knew that this board would forever discuss only pre-2008 games indefinitely, I could live with Gears of War PC shitposts and the like.
TF2 is one of the only shooters that doesn't trigger my severe autism.
>every character has a unique viewmodel instead of sharing the same default hands ala Counterstrike
>dynamic shadows instead of blob shadows
>gibs reflect the character they came from instead of generic gibs for every model ala Quake 3
>character models have damage stainmaps
The only thing it's missing is dynamic weaponfire lighting but I can forgive this due to the cartoonist art style if nothing else.
I played this game a ton. I stopped playing around 2011 or 2012. I recently came back to it. I thought thered be a ton to catch up on but there really isn't. I was kind of shocked at how stagnant it is
Updates use to add items that fundamentally changed how the class played but uh they haven't done that since
All they've done is make the game an eyesore. Unusual suck. Community cosmetics usually suck. Paints suck. Warpaints are horrible
Fuck the community content in this game sucks. I played some of the maps that have been added. They were just not as good compared to the value stuff made in the golden era
Really sad
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It's kinda depressing listening to the dev commentary and hearing how much effort they put into not only maintaining a consistent artstyle, but making sure that visual clarity is maintained at all times. Hearing them talk about their art team's emphasis on team recognition and careful use of coloring, and then seeing shit like pic related in game, it fucking sucks to see that their efforts are going to waste. I genuinely don't know how some of this shit got greenlit.
That’s horseshit if that’s a red pyro, it’s like cheating.
I watched a PowerPoint they made about how they designed all the characters and paid special attention to silhouettes and how they designed the art style around Norman Rockwell and the boy scouts-esque stuff of J. C. Leyendecker and Dean Cornwell. They put a ton of effort into making characters unique and recognizable and this whole 50s/60s Americana vibe. It was probably one of the most tonally and aesthetically coherent games in recent memory.

Problem is, the Jews showed up and realized that a multiplayer add-on to a 5-part game collection wasn't viable long term, so they repurposed it as a gacha skinnerbox and made it F2P. It has devolved into pure aids ever since. 99% of the fan base is furry redditors. What a sad state of affairs.
>fire obscures model anyway because it's not colorcoded
Its a different thing. My issue isn't just wanting everything to be vanilla.
The current state of the game was the intent starting from sniper vs spy
I miss /vr/ before 6th gen was permitted.
>>11104932 >>11105045
You can just buy an Orange Box game disc. You can pop the disc in, get an update, and play. No marketplace stuff needed. That said I don't know if TF2 X36p is still playable online, and there's no mouse & keyboard support.
with character customization, you can never win.
93% of people just prefer haha funi banana hats over original aesthetics.
I kind of wish this game had true cel shading
Having areas of extreme light and darkness and dynamic lighting sould probably help weak classes like spy and pyro
Use a config, the default net settings suck.
Meet Your Match is one of the most catastrophic updates to a game of all time, up there with the likes of NGE from Star Wars Galaxies.
Fuck you
>Constant frame dips
game is very stable now after 64 bit update
>dying behind walls, getting melee'd to death from 15 feet away
lag. try to play on low ping servers
>others feel like they do way more damage
well they don't. idk how to help you
>Pyros have way more range
flames are still weird and broken but it goes both ways
buildin a sentry
TF2C community was perfect in 2020-21 but it started getting flooded with more and more kids and the admins started taking their no compensation employment way too fucking seriously to defend these children. Mechanically and ruleset wise it is easily the best way to play TF2 these days but its just not as much fun when the playerbase feels like casual matchmaking instead of having a bunch of quake dads shooting the shit. Genuinely felt like a time machine back to 2008 during Death and Taxes and I don't regret a single hour spent
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I still like playing TF2C but yeah the playerbase sucks and I always have to mute at least 2 children screeching into the mic every time I join a server.
I remember the 2016 beta had deathmatch mode integrated with the usual rotation and I miss it, I liked having an arena FPS breather in between regular TF2 shenanigans.
I hate to admit it, but I like what the game has turned into. I remember playing it during the Orange Box days and thinking it was cool enough but it never kept me hooked. I came back years later, in 2019, with all of these new weapons, cosmetics and features and I was blown away. The game went from a fairly bare bones multiplayer add-on to Half-Shit 2 to one of the greatest games of all time. If you don't get the appeal of riding a tractor around 2fort while a conga line of obese Russian men follow in your wake, then it would be hard for you to understand the appeal, but it really is fun as fuck. There's a ton of depth to the gameplay too, which was vastly more limited in the original incarnation. Mind you I'm the type of cane-waving old man that refuses to play any game made after 2012 and has no social media, and I still can't deny my love of TF2.

The game suffered from a huge bot problem up until the past month, and it is unfortunately soaked with butthurt zoomers and yiff in hell tier furfaggot liberals, but if you can get past this, there is an amazing game to be found. You'll run into all types, but a few times a night you'll stumble onto the "good" crowd and have the time of your life. I don't think the community would have lasted this long if they had stuck with the original formula. Valve has gone the way of Blizzard and turned into a pandering money mill of garbage gacha games but I have to give credit where credit is due and say that their support of a nearly 20 year old game is pretty cool, even if they stopped giving a fuck for awhile. The fact there's a game with several million active players where you won't get banned for saying nigger in the year of our Jesus Christ 2024 is pretty astonishing, and I'm going to ride it out until things become truly gay.
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literally just play tf2classic
it’s easy to install and there’s a surprisingly solid player base
i actually have more fun playing classic than f2p tf2
Its not really whats being asked for
i just don't care.

i peaced out of TF2 when playing the game as intended started to be considered "tryhard behavior". MvM was my last chance & hope for the game but it felt like nobody was playing it and i'm probably one of the 5 or 6 people who actually wants to play vanilla TF2 so i just washed my hands of it and moved on. i miss the TF2 i loved and there hasn't been a game like that since.
>join tf2 game
>voice chat is some bizarre terminally online 4channer redditor zoomer grating bullshit
>everyone is gay for some reason
>everyone made their characters look ugly on purpose for some reason
>someone on my team or the enemy team aren't even trying to play at all and are just being useless
>if you kill them they get mad and tell your team to vote kick you
>>Keep the color scheme of the hero
>>Hero’s silhouette must be clearly identifiable at first glance
>>Limitation on polygons and assets you can use
>>Item sets should follow the Heroes’ lore
>>Should not affect gameplay
I member reading these as a valve fanboy and thinking "that's some excellent restraint and design principles. I love valve" I hate valve
ok autist
Get ready. In a few years, when gen 7 is allowed, it's gonna be a fun ride. We'll be slowly transitioning from console dominance, PC games are way more mainstream, mobile gaming is starting to take off, and early /v/ PS3 vs. 360 console war threads will reign supreme.
every major company has these codes, but as soon as money pours in it's off to the window and back at market analysis.
Even if money isn't necessary, designers get lot more recognition and praise when they signal to the average's desires, that's to say: mostly pop culture or nostalgia.
There were 2007 ruleset servers for a while but they died out because nobody played them just like all the other TF2 conversion mods that stick close to actual 2007 TF2

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