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Is there any reason to play these versions over the PSX originals?
There's no reason to play the PS1 originals over the remakes.
Don't the psx versions have additional arrange modes not present on the pc version? Haven't checked if the rebirth mods added those in.
Play modded versions of psx originals. stock ps1 residents are fucking trash and are filled with issues
modding is kinda gay tho?
Only the Director’s Cut on ps1 for extra scenarios and camera angles (the latter I think someone’s made a patch to include in the pc)

Different games. Might as well say “play call of duty instead”. Ignore this post
Wait untill you learn that:
The original Resident Evil came out in the west with censored black and white intro and cut-scenes. The Director’s Cut version was supposed to fix that but Capcom developers made a mistake and forgot to include the uncensored FMV (Full motion Video), i’m not kidding go read the wiki.

So they made a third a version! Director’s Cut Dual Shock Ver. This time with uncensored FMV, right? RIGHT?! Wrong. This version still comes censored, but is compatible with Dual Shock controllers and they changed the entire OST with a really awkward one known as one of the worst in gaming history.
It’s because of this I like to think RE cost capcom about 12 yen to make because the staff were retards and made a gorillion
hey zoomer, you got lost or something?
Hey zoomie
No. Also imagine buying in gog lmao

This was posted by the gog-games army
they hated him because he told the truth
I'm gonna keep buying games on gog and you can't stop me.
They're both completely different games and worth playing in their own regards.
id actually wager that the people on /v/ like remakes less than the people on /vr/
For starters, that is a PC port.
That'd make sense. There were some pretty good remakes being made 20+ years ago, whereas all modern remakes are shit.
Are these the actual PC versions redone or they just half assed PS ports to PC?
Nobody actually answers OP's question, bravo you useless faggots.
Except REmake 3...it is garbage from start to finish
Its the old Windows 95 PC version just patched to get it working on modern systems. Honestly you're better off installing the Japanese version and then using the Classic REbirth patch for more options, quality of life improvements and modding support.
I appreciate the feedback
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>calls everyone a faggot and does the same thing
Well I don't know the answer you double nigger
In the GOG version you can change the language to japanese to get the files required for rebirth as well. Rebirth is probably the best way to play. If you have AMD Graphics just make sure to read the troubleshooting section about using dgvoodoo so it works.
Instant camera changes are nice but not a make or break feature.
re1? not really. if anything it has some regressions compared to the PS1 version such as making certain items hidden.

re2 and re3? the backgrounds are double the resolution and look better. but assuming these don't come with some kind of color correction mod, they will have the yucky dreamcast red tint.
the 3 remake was a disgrace
>they changed the entire OST with a really awkward one known as one of the worst in gaming history.
didnt someone make it terrible on purpose? I cant remember the exact story but I think it was intentional.

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