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I enjoyed the sailing and exploration so much that the "triforce hunt" was basically 90% done by the time the game told me to go do it. In retrospect it was disappointing how many of the islands were small and shallow but on a first playthrough you just can't really beat seeing an island slowly appear on the horizon and grow more and more clear as you approach.
The game should have been triforce shard hunt from the very beginning. The dungeons optional, and on replays you could beat the game within two hours with foreknowledge of stuff.
I feel you. Everyone bitches about the sailing and triforce hunt but my favorite part of the game is sailing around and filling out the map. It's comfy as fuck.
>big open world adventure game
>finish 3 temples
>Ok I *guess* you can sail where you want now
>oh you want to play golf? get the hammer, fag
>didnt I already finish this reef? yes! 7 times in fact!
>hey, remember forsaken fortress? well heres 2 boss fights crammed into it, with no reason to do anything here besides climb a staircase
>congratulations, you filled out all your maps
>now pay a green retard to fill out more maps so you can go back to those same islands again
>should we make a piece of heart or bottle have an interesting puzzle behind acquiring them?
>nah, just throw em in a beedle boat and charge outlandish amounts of cash for them

WW had so many bafflingly stupid design choices, I dont know how aonuma kept his job
Absolutely, what I consider nuts is that in the remaster they actually negated the need to play the Wind Waker to sail, which was also cut down with the increased speed. It's like admitting the main gimmick the game revolves around is shit. It's bad, so do less of it, that's the feature of the remaster.
changing wind direction, triforce hunt and its art style (unmolested by bloom) is the core of wind waker. it's a sea exploration game, there's going to be some assembly required. the handlers for ww hd completely fucked it
it's open world with guardrails, it expects you to do a little exploring until the triforce shards before you'll benefit from completely scanning the game
damn. I adore this game and even I have nothing to say to this. Good points anon, now lets see Paul Allens Critiques of WW
Dilate, Cosmo
schizo post
>I'm explooring!!!!
Yeah man I just like this game because of the graphics and music, the gameplay is just mediocre at best. Making a good action-adventure game is hard though, harder than making a turn-based RPG if you ask me, so I don't want to go too hard on Aonuma and his team for that. I mean, Okami is considered a classic but I wouldn't say it's THAT much better than WW
Meant to reply to >>11111430 this anon actually
Look, I admit I don't know anything about Wind Waker and its remaster; but a modern remaster nullifying gameplay elements isn't a proof that the original game was shit, it's a proof that modern standards are.
what a retarded fucking idea, never post again
>I enjoyed the sailing and exploration so much that the "triforce hunt" was basically 90% done by the time the game told me to go do it.
Same. I never knew you could actually do it before the game even tells you to do it

100% makes it a non issue
That's just skirting the issue, you don't seem to grasp what is being laid out here. The game did this and that, for the remaster they said do less of this and that. People like that it makes you do less of this and that. It's proof that the game doing this and that was bad. What is this and that? Why it's the central gimmick the game revolves around.
It's a brilliant idea, it's Zelda at its core. A game revolving around knowledge, knowing these things is empowering. The problem with the series for a long time was too much narrative, and not enough player control and empowerment.
A pirate treasure hunting sailing adventure game, however Wind Waker locked the player into a set course and exposition dumped all over you. The solution is simple, so simple it goes over your head.
>it's Zelda at its core
Zelda is not like that though, Metroid is
>Congratulations, you found the sword!
>Now we'll send you to a dungeon where you'll immediately lose it in favor or a forced stealth segment
>You found Hyrule's Castle. Now, fight 40 enemies in a large room to emphasize how hilariously easy this game is between friendly fire and their lack of damage
>You found a submarine. There are 3 moblins inside. Have 20 rupees.
>see that shiny circle in the water? There's nothing interesting there.
>let's stop the player from looping around the world. Can't risk them finding interesting routes.
>our glorified loading screen is boring and takes too long? Let's add a shark enemy to make the process even slower
>Want to fill out the map? Well, we COULD have added a minimap that fills out as you explore but let's force the player to talk to fish 50 times to justify the severe inventory bloat
>You have found a purple jello stone. Find 4 more and you can make a potion to heal all that damage you will barely take
>Hiroshi worked really hard on that grappling hook animation. You WILL sit through it 100 times
>be gen 6 zoomer
>Gamecube was one of my first consoles
>Wind Waker was my first Zelda game and became one of my favourite games
>go in the internet
>everyone shitting on it
Being a gen 6 zoomer is suffering. I also loved and still love Super Mario Sunshine and Star Fox Adventures which are also the black sheep of their respective franchises.
>modern standards are shit because you get to sail a boat
Sailing is so fucking dull. If this type of boring ass gimmick was in anything but Zelda, it'd have been rightfully ripped apart. I remember playing Sonic games getting blasted for unfun gimmick crap. This getting high scores along with Twilight Princess with those sleep inducing wolf sections made me realize not all games are held to the same standards.
The rupee limit in this game fucking sucks
>You have found a purple jello stone. Find 4 more and you can make a potion to heal all that damage you will barely take
or you make grandma some soup and you now never have to worry about damage ever again

Fucking HATED always having to watch the grappling hook animation
Thoughts on Twilight Princess?
Actually would have saved the game, set it up as an adventure for the shards spread across the endless ocean, dragonballize it with a competing faction pursuing them. There just made windwaker absolute kinoludo saving it from itself.
>You found a submarine. There are 3 moblins inside
Submarines were a disgrace. Literally copy paste one room monster closets
>the handlers for ww hd completely fucked it
This. The swift sail was just entirely un-fun. By reducing the act of movement to just "PUSH BUTTON GO FAST" it ruins the entire experience and gives you no reason to ever stop and explore anything or actually think about anything. Ironically, the swift sail felt slower to me than regular sailing because the swift sail was so braindead and unrewarding it made me wish I could just warp to any island. But I never felt that way once while playing the original and being forced to manage wind direction.
It was like something out of a Bethesda game. The same copy pasted interior from Tetra's ship but with randomly generated crates.
For me, it was finding the ghost ship and discovering that it's also just another fucking submarine interior.

There's a lot to love about Wind Waker but there's just no escaping how painfully unfinished that shit was.
>People like that it makes you do less of this and that.
Game reviewers aren't people. They also aren't game designers and their contributions to WWHD were training wheels and hacks rather than additions that could've plausibly been there to begin with. It's just a Gamespot romhack.
>Game reviewers aren't people.
What is with you and retarded shit. I've not seen one person on the internet not appreciate the fact they cut down on a lot of the stuff in this game. They like that they dont have to change the wind direction. They like that the boat sails faster. They like that there's less triforce chart deciphering. They like that the game was shit and was made less shit, but it's a shitty game. It's no coincidence that avid defenders of the game cite the artstyle as being a big part of what they like, it's no coincidence that the one thing they're very critical of about the remaster is the changes to that artstyle. If you like Wind Waker, chances are you like the wrong things, Nintendo made a bad game, you liked it, their main feature of remaster was make it less bad. Bad game.
the bloom looks like shit bad game
This is my favorite game of all time. It's just so engaging and beautiful, with a meaningful story and music that will forever be remembered as one of gaming's best OSTs (particularly Dragon Roost Island). The remake really did it justice.
What’s engaging about paying an NPC to be able to continue the game?
While I understand that some people could find it monotonous, I really never had a problem with the Triforce hunt either. Sailing around and completing the sea chart was fun in and of itself.
That's just one part, it was so forgettable I didn't remember it at all. I remember the sailing, which was so fun. And the dungeons. And of course, the graphics.
You don’t remember the entire endgame of the game?
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>I hate having to watch the animations
>I hate having to search for triforce
>I hate having to use the wind waker
>the sailing speed is too slow
The only one I'll stand by is the grapple hook animation. That doesn't need to be a cutscene.
nobody said searching for the triforce was bad
whats bad is you have to pay an NPC to do it, and they made it expensive on purpose so you couldnt get them all done at once and had to keep refilling your wallet.

That and you've already visited those places by this point

>I hate having to use the wind waker
2-3 times per room in the earth and wind temples, yes. Its objectively shit. The dominion rod in TP is 100x better because of this
Padding isn't okay when Zelda does it.
Game is easy as fuck even for Zelda standards the world is empty and the artstyle is cringe to play as an adult looks worse than Anime games
Recently replayed on my Odin 2. Was comfy to just leisurely cruise looking for treasure
>the artstyle is cringe to play as an adult
I feel so sorry for you.
wind waker weirdos don't get to complain about twilight princess' opening anymore or anything in oot if criticizing wind waker's obvious padding makes you le ipad baby. how would removing any of those things be in any way a bad thing?
i like the artstyle but still prefer oot/mm's and ww link's baby screeches get annoying fast in comparison to any other link voice
paying tingle and farming rupees to pay tingle again ain't fun no matter how much you ignore it
i don't hate the railroading in of itself in wind waker, both previous 3D zeldas also forced you in one direction early on. it would've worked better to have more shit like giant squids and typhoons blocking your path, requiring certain equipment/magic to get rid of. the king of red lions just forcibly turning your ass around is such lazy, dick-in-your-face game design especially with what they already had to work with to accomplish the same thing.
WW HD was made for people that don't like WW and never understood what made it so good.
The remake has bad lighting and physics
>what made it so good
Being a watered down retread of Ocarina of Time?
You're a fellow ADHD-haver, aren't you?
You're giving it too much credit, if it were a watered down retread of OoT it would still be enjoyable to actually play
Has anyone tried a randomizer for this? Seems like the kind of game which could really work well with it.
It definitely improves it, but it also shows just how much stuff was thrown together or half baked
>noobs in this thread whining about sails
these stupid faggots can't even superswim and they think they're qualified to talk about the game
>you have to use a retarded glitch to skip half the game and ignore the central mechanic to make the game good
>never played Zelda 1
You must be 18 to post here
Wind Waker is my favorite game in the Breath and Tears of the Wild Kingdom series. I really like how there aren't fucking shrines everywhere, there aren't gay people, the art style isn't diarhea, the dungeons are designed, the compendium is a figurine gallery, the soundtrack exists, and Zelda is actually fucking hot.
you have to pay a literal faggot SO MUCH MONEY
>there aren't gay people, the art style isn't diarhea, the dungeons are designed,
It's opposite day I see

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