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CRT filters are good now.
got anything with less scanlines? was never a fan of the pvm look
>PVM look
retard, my old ass consumer jvc tv i used growing up had scanlines
CRT royale is the best looking one imo
most CRT-Royale presets are slot mask instead of aperture grille/Trinitron and they look great
Just buy a CRT.
I never understood how to read the tiles there. Are those meant to be trees, huge shrooms or huge rafflesialike plants?
You've always been allowed to play with your toys any way you want. If someone tells you otherwise, you can rest assured they're miserably unhappy children who don't have good toys of their own.

No, I think I'll continue playing with my toys in a manner that suits me. I'm sorry if it causes you some kind of existential pain that I won't do what you say. Perhaps adjust your perspectives, if you think "there is only one right way to play with toys and people need to follow it" that probably isn't a healthy way to go through life.
i have some but i didn't buy them. that's a weird thing to do.
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Almost every shader lets you tone down scanlines, or even remove them. Most people always ignore that they're highly customizable.
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Why though
so he can form a circlejerk
Those bones in my jaw,
They don't have a flaw,
My shiny teeth and me
I prefer raw pixels
>but that's not how the developer inten-
don't care

At least you're not like one of those who say "I prefer the look of a real CRT but if that's not available, I prefer raw pixels over shaders" which makes no sense to me because they're polar opposites
>raw pixels on a modern screen
>raw pixels on a crt
The only difference is the way it looks.
>inb4 thats all that matters
shaderniggers will never understand
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>raw pixels on a crt
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>Here's a lettuce, it's raw
>Now I've eaten it
>It's still raw... in my stomach
Doesn't work that way, sweaty
>he likes to eat partly digested lettuce
this is your mind on shader autism
You guys will seriously get into speculative debates about the anthropological meaning of raw and cooked before you discuss retro video games.
>intentionally broadcasting your own schizophrenia

He (>>11105973)'s right though. If you weren't such a fragile, broken child obsessed with how other people play with their toys, you wouldn't be having such a bad time in this thread now.
>I want my game to look like shit
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Not OP, I like my game to look like this. I assume, from experience, that this bothers you for some reason? I think it's astonishing that I can cause someone I've never met physical pain just by existing.
They’re trees that look like dekus. There are a few that talk.
No arrangement of pixels can replicate a physical CRT, your CRT filters are just replicating what a photo of a CRT looks like. photo of thing != thing.
To me, this looks like shit.
They don't have to 100% replicate a physical CRT, they just have to replicate the effect a CRT has on pixel art and games enough to convey the artist's original intentions, and they do that.

Whether the exact glow of a CRT or whatever is matched to absolute perfection is of far smaller importance. In evoking a sense of nostalgia, maybe, for some, but in terms of experiencing the game, almost none.
rare good post
PS1 dithering is so awful, even on a CRT it still looks bad.
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Gotta say, it's lookin' good boys. I am very happy with my Guest Advanced NTSC.
intentionally making games blurry and dark because MUH NOSTALGIA does not make it a superior image, or the "definitive" look. I grew up on CRTs, the nostalgia hit is not worth sacrificing visual fidelity. you are intentionally making your games look worse and somehow proud of your retardation.
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They've been good for a long time now. Obviously, it's not going to look or feel right if you're pairing them with some shitty 1080p TN model TV with a bunch of input lag though. The best TVs and monitors aren't cheap, so giving someone $20 for their old 24" Toshiba CRT still makes way more sense for many people.
i have become shaderpilled
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Unless you had a big-ass TV, they weren't as pronounced on a dot mask or a slot mask TV.
It's one of the best shaders to use to blend dithering. The best thing about it is you don't have to keep all the usual composite artifacts that come along with NTSC shaders. You can tweak it to keep the good (total blending of dithering) with very little of the bad.
Is it true that CRT filters only truly look good at at least 4k resolution?
Composite filters were always better :)
It depends on the type of CRT you want to emulate. Ironically, the high-end CRTs (PVMs and such) are probably the easiest to emulate relatively well even at 1080p, since the phosphor patter is so simple to emulate. To emulate consumer sets with coarser slot mask patterns, you definitely want more resolution, at least 1440p. It's not just resolution that's needed, though. You also want high brightness output to offset the brightness loss from drawing the mask and the scanline gaps. HDR-capable displays are ideal for this.
Not him but that does indeed look like shit.
composite is better in general imo.
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They always look too dark in the brights. The midtones and darks look good in crt filters though.
I really like 'em too... crt-consumer.glslp is peak by the way, really great considering that it's so lightweight too... I can't recommend it enough.
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it often feels like you're trolling with these
I'm not, though I find the vaseline jokes funny, so keep 'em coming. I mean, the thing about shader settings is... you can do so much with them, and I don't think you can really get an universal look in a way that pleases everyone with its accuracy or overall feel, since CRTs themselves were unique, I simply tinker with the settings until I get a look I'm happy with, it's just subjective and personal. I don't really care much about accuracy, my CRTs from back in the day all died out, so all I have is a memory of them, as long as the shader is similar to my biased and likely wrong memory, it's fine.
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Couple of comparison photos, this is PC crt, not some 320x200 arcade screen.
>Left = LSD, Right = PC
There is one problem with this photo - not sure if it's original DOS Doom because of the way the nearest sprite looks too soft around the edges...
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Indeed. At the very least, it's not being played on a PC CRT - there is no line-doubling typical of VGA DOS games on PC. It looks to be outputting in 240p, or rather 200p.
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Yeah, this one is better reference actually.
I'm going to delete that one. Didn't realise this earlier.
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Too wide, you're not using the correct aspect ratio (bottom one in pic related
What is the best CRT shader for emulating on Steam Deck?

Prefer something I can use with reshade.
You can download retroarch shaders for reshade here
Here's my own setup if you want to quickly test out something
Usually shaders are such a personal thing it's advisable to construct your own thing.
Images like this where you can see how it all worked are so neat.
Not bad, so this is already a solved issue.
Most crt filter users have never seen a real crt.
Real CRT is so much better its not even funny. CRT filters just darken the image and modern monitors dont have the brightness and glow of a CRT
>TV CRT Filter
>It is another triniton faggotry
No thanks, give me a CRT Shader that perfectly emulates PC CRT Monitors with shadowmask
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They’ve been for some time now

Try out any of the low tvl Cyberlab Megatron presets
The ’’Near-Field’’ presets are more suitable if you’re sitting close to a monitor, while the regular ones are good from TV Viewing Distance

You can also try out the Koko AIO shader or Retro Crisis’ presets for Guest Advanced

Some of these shaders may require HDR
>i must spew shit i dont understand to look cool

i am looking for that too, staging CRT shaders sucks for it and X never cared to update their shader package off libretro
I know the amiga one exists from https://blog.johnnovak.net/2022/04/15/achieving-period-correct-graphics-in-personal-computer-emulators-part-1-the-amiga/ preset
>come back after a day and, sure enough, some utter broken retards are shitting blood because "You're not playing with your toys right!"

Could you answer the question, what went so wrong in your lives that you obsess over this and fume on 4chan about it?
They were, actually. I had a 20 inch mitsubishi made in 1987, and I could see scanlines on it as clear as day, even on composite.

But the simple truth is that even on PVMs, scanlines aren't that pronounced. Most of the photos you see online are taken from like 6 inches away, and most digital camera lenses will punch up the darkness to avoid the picture being blown out, which, obviously, enhances scanlines. When played from a sensible distance of even 4-6 feet away, you really don't notice them much unless you're playing 8 bit games with lots of solid colors.
PC CRT Monitors are a lot finer pitch
You would need 16K or even higher to emulate them
It’s also kinda retarded since modern monitors are better at high resolution
Turn off that memeglow
This is misleading
This game in was designed with a particular dot pitch in mind
It doesn’t even look that way on most CRTs
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uh oh
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The thing is, even if you use hqx in some 90's dos games due to ol stock 320x200 res, some will look terrible and surprisingly shoving a shadowmask like shader on top of it fixes this issue because all of the jarring problems that upscaler had will be covered by the CRT shader.

the only game i saw this work was Privateer with subs on

Almost All PC Monitors were Shadowmask, even SGI 1080 monsters were shadowmask
The mask type itself is irrelevant
If you modify a maskless CRT projector to have pitch that coarse it will display that particular game the same exact way

Like I said, that particular game was designed with a particular pitch in mind

To add to this btw
Observe the thumbnail here >>11107158
At that small size you cannot tell the 2 apart(apart from brightness differences) which suggests that with an extremely high pixel density(maybe pixels as small as atoms) in the future the game would look the same as the thumbnail just in a bigger screen
I unironically do not understand you dude
With a resolution that low you should just apply TV shaders

When you mentioned PC CRT Monitors I thought you were talking about high res later ones like early 2000s Samsungs Syncmasters and stuff like that

Reminder btw that a lot of people played these 320x200 line-doubled on VGA monitors back in the day which is just disgusting
Still doesnt have the overscan pillarboxing.
Based, easily the best shader available.
>they hated him for he spoke the truth
Based purist king
No they're not.
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I like it.
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Never used a CRT filter.
None of them.
Never will.
"Omg you're missing out"
You're missing out on owning a BVM-D32E1WE
Keep your filters.
>ends up in a Romanian jail
now what
Why not both? In fact, I imagine most retro gamers with crts do both anyways, because owning every console is really stupid and a waste of money.
I hate every single filter that warps the picture to emulate the appearance of a tube monitor. you people that like this shit are mentally ill. it's like the autistic manchild that goes outta their way to acquire old vhs copies of broadcast tv to relive the experience, right down to the commercials.
Got a 25 inch curved slot mask TV the other day and the gaps between scanlines are very visible.
They look different than PVM scanline gaps, but the notion that visible gaps = PVM is retarded.
People who say that out themselves as never having a CRT, having only a tiny-ass CRT, or being totally undiscerning about what display they are using.
>25 inch
That's a big fancy TV though. I used to play on a tiny old 70s TV, while my parents were using the newer one. Scanlines were visible if you pushed your face against the screen, but then you'd also see vertical lines from the red green blue stripes.
They probably still use CRTs in Eastern European prisons.
Misleading? It's a real photo of a real PC CRT monitor.
I still find it very curious I just can't go out and buy a cheap new Samsung/whatever beige crt monitor if I want to...
I mean come on.
are there ways to fine tune a shader in real time like dragging sliders on a photoshop tool? a lot of shaders come close to what i want but need a little adjusting.
what i want to do is take a shader that looks pretty close to my actual CRT tv and put the same or similar image on them side by side, and adjust the shader's properties till it matches or is very close.
but the only thing i know how to do is randomly change values in the shader in a text editor, load something in it and see the effect, then repeat the process, which is an extremely tedious time consuming pain in the ass
Reshade allows you to do this.
based thanks anon
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If you're doing Retroarch for whatever reason, NTSC or the TVOut presets can also get you a scanline-less effect.
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Here is a collection of shader presets for reshade
Could be useful.
Go back to /v/ ffs
Fucking cancer poisoning this board
This is like watching those VHS with promo material instead of actually playing the video game on a CRT
something tells me that's where you belong junior
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>playing PC games using a CRT TV Shader
About that from guest himself
Nothing wrong with that
It’s much superior to playing line-doubled 320x200 on a VGA Monitor like many people did back in the 90s
DOOM looks a million times better at native 200p rather than disgusting line-doubled 400p
They look rather bad
>I've always been able to play with my toys the way I want
Is that why you ended up an entitled pseud?
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20" is pretty big by the standards of the era. That would have been a main living room TV in the early 90s for a middle class family. Those big ass console TVs were like 25" back in the day. What was typically advertised as "big screen" televisions back then were typically rear projection TVs.
>being too young to remember CRT monitors
Get out.
>PC CRTs looked like TV CRTs via composite with NTSC artifacts
No, (You) get out.
I was poor living in a row townhouse complex where half of the renters had government assistance and my family had a 36" Sony Trinitron, which wasn't that expensive. Yes, in today's dollars with inflation maybe but wages haven't really gone up in absolute number so it wasn't that expensive.
Ahh, just like the developers intended...
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I was actually playing around with this yesterday when I noticed the same post.
Guest's advice is not valid, it doesn't look that good with his shader alone.
If you want to make a good PC VGA shader, you'll need to combine few separate things together. I'm using 1080p monitor so that's one thing but for me, this is an okay compromise.

Of course the reference image has different color temp and light bleed also because it's a photo.
I can’t be fucked to haul my old consoles up from the basement and plug them into the crt in the back room anymore so I’ve just bought several of my favorite games for switch and ps5. The scanline filters they use now are so much better than they were the last time I was using emulators, you basically can’t see the scan lines and they pretty much look like the real deal to me.
If you didn't blow your games up on the big screen, I don't know what to tell you other than you missed out.
i tried it yesterday, but i think if scaling dosbox to normal6x may do the trick
Reminder that you can tweak CRT-Guest-Advanced-NTSC to blend dithering on Genesis and other consoles that heavily relied upon it without shitting up the image.

Here it is with all default parameters. The waterfall is blended, but of course, you get artifacts out the ass and very muted colors.
And here's the same shader with some tweaks. Image is overall sharper, all artifacts are gone, colors are vibrant again, and you still get the waterfall completely blended.
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I had one of those vga to composite boxes in the late 90s similar to pic. It could only do 640x480 and text was still unreadable, so it was pretty much unusable for most purposes.
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>guest-advanced updated
>breaks modifications to force 240p
>similar settings now force native input res (160p for GBA)
Anyone got any ideas? They let you force 224p, but not 240p.
picrel is before and after the update
tell him he fucked up
Do the downsampling settings do anything?
top looks better
Nah, they just blur the input along the X or Y axis.
Blows my mind there's no way to force 240p. Why prioritize 224p?
What are the relevant options here?
>Is that why you ended up an entitled pseud?
What is this post even supposed to mean? "Pseud" is a completely meaningless throwaway buzzword, but "entitled"? I think you might have some deep seated issues my dude.

Maybe if you just tried... not getting irrationally upset over how other people play with their toys? I dunno man, maybe it'd fix some problems in your life. Worth a try
I'm utterly confused by that shader.
What I have noticed is the fact that if you alter the resolution at the bottom and try out different choices it affects the scanlines and shadowmasks - so if an exact resolution won't bring desirable results try to tweak at least the vertical resolution.
The only resolution option you get is "Internal Resolution Y", which depending on the setting forces:
>0.00 native resolution
>0.50 224p
>1.00 native resolution
>1.50 - 6.00 fractions of the native resolution
So it's got you covered if you need to play the game at 32p, but 240p is just too arbitrarily specific..
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I think it'd be good to post the results of tests I've made a couple of months back, in regards to CRT shaders and how demanding they are to run, I turned off both audio/video synchronizations and turned on the FPS count to see which ones reduced it the most, for both the default CRT folder in the .glslp folder (GL) and .slang folder (Vulkan), I might do more tests in the future if I get more time and if there's demand for some...

1/2 (.glslp/GL)
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Here's the exact same test, with the exact same procedure, but using the .slang shaders with the Vulkan video driver. Also, one thing that I might have to point out is that I'm using a 10 year old laptop for all of these tests, though I still think it works when it comes to comparing shaders in a relative manner in regards to how much of a toll they take on the hardware that's running them.

2/2 (.slang/Vulkan)
I tried adding a luminescence effect similar to the one in CRT-Hyllian-Glow to crt-lottes by adding all the passes besides hyllian glow itself to lottes multipass but it ended up showing an unintended black circular effect thing. Not sure what went wrong. I just want the curvature and grid scanlines of lottes but with luminescence
People who want validation for liking weird shit like you are so annoying. No one is mad about your preferred pixels pal, you're projecting your own autism or have an insane persecution complex
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total guest/lottes/royale death
Guest Advanced for Reshade has explicit resolution controls at the way bottom of the settings.
Anyways, it is confusing to navigate between versions and emulators and their specific implementations of various shaders.
Yeah, Guest Advanced NTSC is my main shader due to all the parameters. You can really make it look exactly how you want
why not GBA-specific shaders wtf
i don't like lcd grids
>there are dumbshits that actually think 120p CRT makes things look better and will refuse to play old games in 1080p or better but also won't just buy some old CRT from a dilapidated pawn shop so they install programs to make their crisp graphics games look worse

You sometimes forget that not everyone on here is PRETENDING to be an autistic retard.
CRT whine is painful to zoomers who didn't grow up with it
>make up a scenario to get mad at
>get mad at it
You good, champ?
>No one is mad about your preferred pixels pal,
No, I assure you, people are *desperately* seething mad. Nothing more idiotic than pretending other wise. Yourself included, since you seem to upset that you're being called on it for once.

>y-you're projecting
No, I'm calling a spade a spade. You bring your garbage to every shader thread, you try to shit it up and derail it, you deserve to be called out. It's you who are obsessed with people who "aren't playing the game right", not the other way around.
of time >:(



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